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1、(完整版)全部美国美国文学部分练习(全)美国文学部分大作业Exercises for Chapter One of American Literature(第一章)1. 选择题1. Which of the following statements is NOT a famous concept of Transcendentalism?ANature is ennoblingB The individual is divine and self-reliant。C Man is capable of knowing truth by intuitionD Man is corrupted i

2、n nature。2. Which of the following works began to make Irving internationally known?A The Sketch BookB A History of New York to the End of the Dutch Dynasty C Bracebridge HallD Tales of Traveler3。 Which of the following is NOT true concerning Irving?A He is the father of the American short stories.

3、B He is the American Goldsmith。C He is the first American writerD He is the first writer to declare the independence of American literature.4. The Scarlet Letter by Hawthorne is mainly concerned with _.:A the corruption of the society B the consequence of sin and guilt C the wrong doing of one gener

4、ation that lives in,, successive onesD overreaching intellect 5. Rip Van Winkle has taken from _。A Spanish storiesB A German LegendC English tales D Italian folktales6. ”But it would have been worth any statesmans money to have heard the profound discussions that sometimes took place, when by chance

5、 an old newspaper fell into their hands, from some passing traveler。 ” What is the rhetorical device used in this sentence? A Hyperbole.B Metaphor. C Irony。D Paradox。7. Which of the following statements about Emerson is NOT true? A He was generally known as an essayist。B He was the chief spokesman o

6、f Transcendentalism。 C He practiced the theory by living a simple life。 D For him, nature is symbolic。8。 For Emerson, nature could symbolize the following except _。A God B Spirit C Oversoul D the whole universe9。 What is Hawthornes attitude toward Puritanism? Al Negative。 B Affirmative. C Indifferen

7、t.D Mixed。10. One typical feature of Irvings writing is _.A always preachingB his best classic style C short and difficult to D symbolic11. I celebrate myself, and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume,For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. ” Who could have written these li

8、nes?A Edgar Allen Poe。 B Walt Whitman。C Ralph Waldo Emerson。 D Henry David Thoreau。12. Which of the following is NOT true with Transcendentalism? A It inherited much from American Puritanism and European realism.B It focused on the intuitive knowledge.C Nature is its unofficial manifesto。D It is rel

9、ated in some way with the German idealism.13。 What kind of narrative point of view is adopted in Moby Dick? A The first person。B The second person。C The third person limited。 D The third person omniscient。 14。 Which of the following has influenced Melvilles: EXCEPT _。A Shakespearean tragic vision B

10、Emersonian Transcendentalism C Hawthornes black vision of life D Irvings writing15。 Which of the following writers is NOT optimistic about human nature?A Ralph Waldo Emerson。 B Nathaniel HawthorneC Walt Whitman。 D Henry David Thoreau16。 Which of the following cannot poetry?A Elegant and gentle。B Sim

11、ple and open.C Unconventional。D Colloquial。17. When Emerson states in the introduction to his Nature:”Our age is retrospective. ” Which of the following is closest to its understanding?A We are conservative.B We see this world through our ancestors eyes. C We usually look back upon the good old days

12、。 D We write a lot of books about the past.18. Which of the following novels does not represent the theme return to nature?A Mark Twains Adventures of Huckleberry Finn。 B Thoreaus Walden 。C Coopers Leather-Stocking Tales。 D Melvilles Moby Dick .19。 Which of the following is NOT a typical feature of

13、the American Romantic writings?A Expression of the artists imaginations, emotions, impressions, or beliefs.B Emphasis on rules of order, reason, logic, restrained emotion, good taste and decorum.C Love for the remote, supernatural, mysterious, exotic and illogical quality of things.D To see nature a

14、s a source of mental cleanness and spiritual understanding.20. The statement that a mans journey to the dark forest and his encounter with the devil are symbolic of mans life journey from innocence to knowledge, from good to evil may well sum up one of the major themes of _.A Irvings ”The Legend of

15、Sleepy HollowB Edgar Allen Poes The Fall of the House of Usher” C Hawthornes ”Young Goodman BrownD O. Henrys The Cop and the Anthem21. Here is a short passage from a story: He recognized on the sign, however, the ruby face of King George, under which he had smoked so many a peaceful pipe, and undern

16、eath was painted in large characters, GENERAL WASHINGTON. ” The story must be _.A Coopers Leather-stocking Tales”B Hawthornes ”Young Goodman Brown” C Irvings ”Rip Van WinkleD Hemingways Indian Camp”22. ”The universe is composed of Nature and the soul 。 。 present everywhere. This is the voice of the

17、book _ which pushed American Romanticism into a new phase of New England Transcendentalism. A Walden by ThoreauB The Scarlet Letter by HawthorneC Moby Dick by Melville D Nature by Emerson23。 In Whitmans giant work, Leaves of Grass, and, above all, _。are all that concerned him。 A individualism B divi

18、ne loveC sympathy D the power of blackness24。 Which of the following is NOT a typical feature of Hawthorn Young Goodman Brown?A Allegory.B Ambiguity.C Interior monologue.D Symbolism。25. In Irvings ”Rip Van Winkle all the drastic changes lapsed 20 years displeased Rip EXCEPT that _.A he has got his n

19、eck out of the yoke of matrimonyB the country has finally got its independence from the yoke of the British colonial ruleC there comes now the scramble for powers between parties。D past glories and a tranquil life of the small village are gone. B. 阅读理解题 (Reading comprehension)1. ”In like manner, nat

20、ure is already, in its forms and describing its own design。 Let us interrogate apparition, that shines so peacefully around us. Let to what end is nature?Questions :A. Identify the work and the author。 B。 What is ”the great apparition”? C。 What is the writing style?2.。. Had Goodman Brown fallen asle

21、ep in the forest, and only dreamed a wild dream of witch-meeting?Be it so, if you will. But, alas! It was a dream of evil omen for young Goodman Brown。 A stern, a sad, a darkly meditative, a distrustful, if not a desperate man, did he become; from the night of that fearful dream。 Questions:A。 Identi

22、ty the work and the author.B. What is the general idea of this passage?C。 Did the author tell for sure whether it was only a dream or not?3。 I loafe and invite my soul,I learn and loafe at my ease observing a spear of summer grass. Questions:A. Identify the poem and the poet。B. What is the meaning o

23、f the phrase a spear of summer grass ?C。 What is the implied meaning of the two lines?4。 ”Now small fowls flew screaming over the yet yawning gulf; a sullen white surf beat against its steep sides; then all collapsed, and the great shroud of the sea rolled on as it rolled 5, 000 years ago.Questions:

24、A。 Identify the work and the author.B. What is the basic tone of this passage?C. What is the meaning of the underlined part?5。 God knows, 。 Im not myselfIm somebody else-。 。 。 Im changed, and I cant tell whats my name, or who I am。 Questions:A。 Identify the work and the author。B。 The speaker says he

25、 is changed。 Do you think changed, or the social environment changed?C。 What idea does the quoted sentence express?6. Standing on the bare ground, -my head bathed by the blitl air and uplifted into infinite space, all mean egotism vanishI become a transparent eyeball. I am nothing。 I see all. Tl cur

26、rents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am pa or particle of God。 Questions:A. Identify the work and the author。B。 What does the word ”blithe” mean here? C。 What idea does the quoted passage express?C。 回答题(Questions and answers)1。 Nature is a philosophic work, in which Emerson gives an

27、explicit discussion on his idea of the Oversoul。 What is your understanding of Emersonian Oversoul ” and its relationship with ”a transparent eyeball”?2. One of the most distinctive features of Hawthornes writing is his art of ambiguity. Exemplify it with his story, Young Goodman Brown.3. Like Hawth

28、orne, Melville is fond of symbolism in his writings. The white whale, MobyDick, is the most important symbol in the novel. What symbolic meaning does Moby Dick stand for?4。 Whitman is one of the most important figures in American poetic history。 He has carried on a sort of experiment on the form of

29、poetry by choosing free verse as his medium of expression。 What are the characteristics of Whitmans free verse?5。 Literary critics have seen Rip Van Winkle as a symbol of several aspects of America。 What are the aspects that the story and its hero symbolize?D. 论述题 (Topic discussion)1 。 Melvilles Mob

30、y Dickis more than a great whale story that reflects the American whale industry in 19th century; it is capable of multiple interpretations. Discuss the themes you can find in the fiction.2. In his whole life, Hawthorne is preoccupied with sin and evil in man; and in almost every novel he wrote, Haw

31、thorne discussed sin and evil. Then what makes Hawthorne obsessed with all this sin and evil?Exercises for Chapter One of American Literature(第二章)A多项选择(Multiple choice questions)1: Who is generally considered to be the one “with but a deformed conscience in Mark Twains works ?A Tom Sawyer。 B Huckleb

32、erry Finn.C Hank Morgan。 D Widow Douglas2. Which of the following is Twains language?A Vernacular。B Colloquial.C Elegant。D Humorous.3. Which of the following writers is famous for his ”international theme?A Henry James。 B William James。C Mark Twain。D Theodore Dreise4。 Winterbourne is used as a narra

33、tor of the events in Henry James _.A Daisy MillerB The AmericanC The Turn of the ScrewD The Wing of the Dove5。Which of the following statements about Emily Dickinson is true?A Since she scarcely goes out of her house, she pays little attention to the outside world.B She prefers to explore the inner

34、life of herself rather that the social one.C She is strongly influenced by Calvinism and has a firm: belief in after-life。D She is not interested in love because she herself never gets married.6. Which of the following does NOT belong to Theodore Dreisers Trilogy of Desire?A The Financier。B The Amer

35、icanC The Titan. D The Stoic。7。 Which of the following is a correct match between the writer and his work?, .A Mark Twain: The FinancierB Theodore Dreiser: Daisy MillerC Henry James; The Turn of the Screw D Emily Dickinson: The Wing of the Dove8. ” Her Message is committed/To hands I can not see- Th

36、e above two lines are taken from _。A Whitmans: Song of Myself”B Dickinsons This is my letter to the World C Pounds: A Pact”D Frosts: ”The Road Not Taken9。 Theodore Dreiser gives his novel the title of ”An American Tragedy mostly because_.A he tries to give an ironical meaning to the story。 B he atte

37、mpts-,to reproduce an authentic trial fictionallyC it is the typical thing that can happen to an American in the pursuit of richesD he is surprised that such tragedy should happen in America。 10。Isabel, the heroine in The Portrait of a Lady, returns to her unhappy home in Rome at the end of the nove

38、l because_.A she is still naive and immatureB she wants to be responsible to her husbandC she wants to be responsible to her own choice D she has nowhere else to go11.。 Which of the following statements is NOT true?A Mark Twain became doubtful about the idea of development and skeptical of the goodn

39、ess of human nature in his later years.B Henry James; who never: criticizes his fellowmen, is the spokesman for the wealthy and leisured class in America。 C From Emily Dickinsons poetry, one can hardly find any traces of political movement in the society of her time. D To Theodore Dreiser, communism

40、 is a likely means improving the social organization of man。,:12. During the period after the Civil War, the American society entered in what Mark Twain, referred to as _.A the Golden AgeB the Puritan AgeC the Gilded AgeD the Modern Age13。 Local colorism is a unique variation, of American literary r

41、ealism, the representatives of which does NOT include _。A Sarah Orne JewettB Bret HarteC Hamlin GarlandD Stephen Crane,14。 I was letting on to give up sin, but away. inside of me; I was holding on to the biggest one of all. The sentence, which taken from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, is writte

42、n: in a(n) _ tone。A ironic, B regretfulC sincere D delightful15。 Henry James idea of realism differs from that of the realist writers because his emphasis is on mans_.A language B inner worldC surroundingsD real actions16。 As a naturalist writer, Theodore Dreiser was greatly influenced by _。A Mark T

43、wainB Charles DarwinC Henry JamesDI Ralph Wa1do Emerson 17。 However, innocence, the keynote of Daisy Millers character, turns out to be an admiring but a dangerous quality and her _ of social taboos in the Old World finally brings her to a disaster in the clash between two different cultures。A admir

44、ation B sympathy,C disgusting D defiance18. Which of the following statements about Emily Dickinsons verse is true?A It exposes the evils of the society. B It paves the way for the following generation of free verse poets;。C It shares the same poetic conventions with Walt Whitman. D It exhibits a se

45、nsitiveness to the symbolic implications of her experience of love, death, and immortality.19。 Compared with the writings of Mark Twains, Henry Jamess fiction is noted for their _。 A frontier vernacularB rich colloquialismC refined elegant languageD vulgarly descriptive words 20。 By the end of Sister Carrie, Dreiser writes

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