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1、.Im Papa Bear.Im Mama Bear.Im Baby Bear.Papa BearPapa Bear,big and strong.Mama BearMama Bear,kind and dear.Baby BearBaby Bear,sweet and small.These,the family,one and all.These,the family,one and all.There is a big house in the forest.A bear family lives in the house.They are Papa Bear,Mama Bear and

2、 Baby Bear.Its a sunny day.The three bears go out for a walk.Its sunny.Lets go out.Ok,lets go.Look!Who is coming?Oh,its Lucy.Lucy is a little girl.She is hungry,thirsty and tired.She sees the house and goes inside.There is a big table and three chairs in the house.Lucy sits on the chair.Those two ch

3、airs are too tall.This one is just right.There are three bottles of milk,three bowls of soup and some bread on the table.Im thirsty.I want some milk.I want the biggest bottle of milk.Im hungry.I want some bread and soup.Lucy tastes the soup.I dont like the soup.Its cold.After eating and drinking,Luc

4、y feels tired.She sees three beds in the room.Im tired.I want to sleep.Those two beds are hard.I like the green bed.Its soft.Oh,my milk!The three bears come back.Oh,my bread and my soup!Look at my chair!.Lucy wakes up.She sees the three bears.Look!A little girl is sleeping on my bed.Im sorry.Thats a

5、ll right.There is a big table and three chairs in the house.Lucy sits on the chair.Those two chairs are too tall.This one is just right.Im hungry.I want _.Im hungry.I want _.Im thirsty.I want _.Im thirsty.I want _.There are three bottles of milk,three bowls of soup and some bread on the table.Im thi

6、rsty.I want some milk.I want the biggest bottle of milk.Im hungry.I want some bread and soup.Lucy tastes the soup.I dont like the soup.Its cold.After eating and drinking,Lucy feels tired.She sees three beds in the room.Im tired.I want to sleep.Those two beds are hard.I like the green bed.Its soft.Oh

7、,my milk!The three bears come back.Oh,my bread and my soup!Look at my chair!.Look!A little girl is sleeping on my bed.Wake up,Lucy!Wake up!Wake up!.Lucy wakes up.She sees the three bears.Im sorry.Thats all right.1._2._3._2.4._5._6._3.7._8._9._4.10._ebacjdhgif.Three bears live in a _ in the forest.It

8、s a _ day.The three bears _ _ for a walk.Lucy is a little girl.She is _,_ and _.She sees the house and goes inside.There is a big table and three chairs in the house.There are three bottles of _,three bowls of _ and some _ on the table.Lucy sits on the small chair.She drinks the biggest bottle of mi

9、lk.She tastes the soup.Its cold.She doesnt like it.After that,she is tired.She sleeps on a green bed.Its _.The three bears come back.Lucy _ _.She feels sorry.housesunnygoouthungry thirstytiredmilksoupbreadsoftwakesup.house,forest,sunny,go out for a walkthirsty,the biggest bottle of milk,hungry,soup,

10、breadtired,sleep,softwake up,sorry1.2.3.4.There is a big house in the forest.A bear family lives in the house.They are Papa Bear,Mama Bear and Baby Bear.Its a sunny day.The three bears go out for a walk.Its sunny.Lets go out.Ok,lets go.Look!Who is coming?Oh,its Lucy.Lucy is a little girl.She is hung

11、ry,thirsty and tired.She sees the house and goes inside.There is a big table and three chairs in the house.Lucy sits on the chair.Those two chairs are too tall.This one is just right.There are three bottles of milk,three bowls of soup and some bread on the table.Im thirsty.I want some milk.I want th

12、e biggest bottle of milk.Im hungry.I want some bread and soup.Lucy tastes the soup.I dont like the soup.Its cold.After eating and drinking,Lucy feels tired.She sees three beds in the room.Im tired.I want to sleep.Those two beds are hard.I like the green bed.Its soft.Oh,my milk!The three bears come back.Oh,my bread and my soup!Look at my chair!.Lucy wakes up.She sees the three bears.Look!A little girl is sleeping on my bed.Im sorry.Thats all right.

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