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1、探讨新型建材行业形势分析与展望 作者: 日期:2 个人收集整理 勿做商业用途探讨新型建材行业形势分析与展望一、行业发展状况分析One, industry development condition analysis新型建筑材料是在传统建筑材料基础上产生的新一代建筑材料,主要包括新型墙体材料、保温隔热材料、防水密封材料和装饰装修材料。我国新型建材工业是伴随着改革开放的不断深入而发展起来的,从1979年到1998年是我国新型建材发展的重要历史时期.经过20年的发展,我国新型建材工业基本完成了从无到有、从小到大的发展过程,在全国范围内形成了一个新兴的行业,成为建材工业中重要产品门类和新的经济增长点。

2、经济建设的迅速发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,给新型建材的发展提供了良好的机遇和广阔的市场。预计1999年新型建材产值占建材工业总产值的比重将接近20。目前,全国新型建材企业星罗棋布,在市场需求的带动下,已经形成了全国范围的机关报型建材流通网;大部分国外产品我国已能生产,三星级宾馆所需的新型建筑材料国内已能自给;不同档次、不同花色品种装饰装修材料的发展,为改善我国城乡人民居住条件、改变城市面貌提供了材料保证。我国已经形成了新型建材科研、设计、教育、生产、施工、流通的专业队伍。New building materials is based on the traditional building m

3、aterials produced by a new generation of building materials, mainly includes the new wall materials, insulation materials, sealing materials and decoration materials. New building materials industry in China is developed along with the deepening of the reform and opening up and, from 1979 to 1998 is

4、 an important historical period of the development of new building materials. After 20 years of development, basic completed a new building materials industry in China from scratch, from small to large, the development of the throughout the country formed a new industry, become the important product

5、s in building materials industry and new economic growth point。 The rapid development of economic construction and peoples living level unceasing enhancement, provides a good opportunity to the development of new building materials and the broad market. Is expected in 1999, new building materials pr

6、oduction proportion will be close to 20% of the total output value of building materials industry. Dotted, at present, the new building materials enterprises in market demand, has formed a nationwide organ type building materials distribution network; Most of the foreign products in China has been a

7、ble to produce, new building materials needed for the three-star hotel in domestic has achieved selfsufficient; Different class, different breed of design and color decoration decoration materials development, to improve Chinas urban and rural peoples living conditions, change the cities provides ma

8、terial guarantee。 Our country has already formed the new building materials research, design, education, production, construction, circulation of the professional team。本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络1、新型墙体材料发展状况1, new wall materials development我国新型墙体材料发展较快,1987年新型墙体材料产量为184。5亿块标准砖,到1997年增长到1849。88亿

9、块标准砖,增长了10倍,新型墙体材料在墙体材料总量中的比例由4.58上升到25。2%。By the rapid development of new wall materials in China, in 1987 the new wall materials production for 18。45 billion pieces of standard brick, in 1997 increased to 184。988 billion pieces of standard brick, has increased by 10 times, new wall materials in wa

10、ll material ratio of total from 4.58% to 25.2%。新型墙体材料品种较多,主要包括砖、块、板,如粘土空心砖、掺废料的粘土砖、非粘土砖、建筑砌块、加气混凝土、轻质板材、复合板材等,但数量较小,在决的墙体材料中据点地比便仍然偏小。只有促使各种新型体材料因地制宜快速发展,才能改变墙体材料不合理的产品结构,达到节能、保护耕地、利用工业废渣、促进建筑技术的目的.There are kinds of new wall materials, mainly including brick, block, slab, such as clay hollow bricks

11、, mixed waste clay brick, clay brick, building blocks, aerated concrete, light board, composite plate, etc, but the quantity is small, in the wall materials of stronghold to smaller than it. Only prompted new material rapid development adjust measures to local conditions, can change wall materials a

12、nd reasonable product structure, achieve saving energy, protecting the cultivated land, using industrial waste residue, and promote the purpose of building technology。本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络经过近20年来自我研制开发的第进国外生产技术和设备,我国的墙体材料工业已经开始走上多品种发展的道路,初步形成了以块板为主的墙材体系,如混凝土空心砌块、纸面石膏板、纤维水泥夹心板等,但代表墙体材料现代水平


14、工作,结合各地实际情况,出台了多项墙改政策,有力地促进了新型墙体材料的发展。Self after nearly 20 years research and development of the first foreign production technology and equipment, the wall material industry in China has already started on the path of many varieties development, initially formed mainly on board system of wall mater

15、ials such as concrete hollow block, gypsum board, fiber cement sandwich panels, etc., but on behalf of the modern level of various light wall material plate, composite plate proportion is very small, less than the 1% of the total wall materials, compared with the developed industrial countries, rela

16、tively backward 40 to 50 years。 Mainly displays in: the product is low, small scale, backward technology and equipment, supporting ability is poor。 New wall materials is one of the main reasons for slow development of solid clay brick limit insufficient, lack of specific measures to protect land res

17、ources, making clay bricks at the expense of the destroyed land cost is extremely low, makes any kind of new type wall materials cannot compete on price。 New tax system was implemented in 1994, a 6 valueadded tax on clay brick production enterprise only, and a lot of new wall materials, especially t

18、he lightweight plank will pay 17 of the value-added tax, contributed to the development of new wall materials。 Aimed at this situation, the national three game (ministry of construction, ministry of agriculture, ministry of land and resources and national building wall materials innovation actively

19、guide wall materials innovation vigorously around the office, in combination with the practical situation of around, introduced a number of walls to change policy, vigorously promote the development of new wall materials。个人收集整理,勿做商业用途文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络2、保温隔热材料2, heat preservation and heat insulation ma


21、600万立方米(约含45万吨),其它材料6万吨.我国保温材料与工业发达国家相比主要差距是:保温隔热材料在国外的最大用户是建筑业,约占产量的80.而在我国建筑业市场尚未完全打开,其应用仅占产量的10%。生产工艺整体水平和管理水平需进一步提高,产品质量不够稳定。科研投入不足,应用技术研究和产品开发滞后,特别是保温材料在建筑中的应用技术研究与开发多年来进展缓慢,严重地影响了保温材料工业的健康发展。加强新型保温隔热材料和其他新型建材制品设计施工应用方面的工作,是发展新型建村工业的当务之急本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途个人收集整理,勿做商业用途1980 years ago, the heat pre

22、servation material development is very slow in China, one of the few insulation material factory can only produce a small amount of expanded perlite, expanded vermiculite, ultrafine slag cotton, glass cotton, microporous calcium silicate products, no matter from the aspects of product varieties, spe

23、cifications and quality cant meet the needs of national construction, compared with foreign advanced level, at least 30 years behind The Times, for example, before 1980, only three slag cotton factory in China, the annual peace capacity less than ten thousand tons, only peace single loose cotton var

24、ieties, calcium silicate insulation and only 3 companies, with annual capacity of 8000 cubic meters or so。 Since Chinas reform and opening up, Chinas heat preservation and heat insulation material had great progress, has developed into a relatively complete variety, begun to take shape in the insula

25、tion system of production and technology. Features of national production of about 800000 tons in 1996, of which about 200000 tons of cotton, glass cotton 40000 tons, about 50000 beans plastic foam, expanded perlite, about 6 million cubic meters (about 450000 tons), other materials 60000 tons。 Heat

26、preservation material in China compared with industrial developed countries gap is mainly: (1) thermal insulation materials in foreign countries is the largest user of construction industry, which accounts for about 80% of production。 And market in the construction of our country has not yet fully o

27、pen, its applications account for only 10 of production. (2) the overall level of the production process and to further improve the management level, product quality is not stable。 (3) inadequate research, applied technology research and product development lags behind, especially the heat preservat

28、ion material in construction, the application of technology research and development for many years, progress has been slow, seriously affect the healthy development of the heat preservation material industry。 Strengthen the new thermal insulation materials and other new building materials products

29、applied to the design and construction aspects of the work, is the development of new type JianCun industry priority文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途从以上情况可以看出,我国保温材料工业经过30多年的努力,特别是经过近20年的高速发展,不少产品从无到有,从单一到多样化,质量从低到高,已形成取膨胀珍珠岩、矿物棉、玻璃棉、泡沫塑料、耐火纤维、硅酸钙绝热制品等为主的品种比较齐全的产业,技术、生产装备水平也有了较大提高有些产品已达到90年代国际先进水平。但由

30、于我国保温材材料工业赳不晚,总体技术和装备水平较低,在建筑领域的应用技术有待完善,在很大程度上影响了保温材料的推广应用.近年来,保温材料工业重复建设现象严重,全国各地蜂涌而上,几年间上百条生产线投产,而在应用领域的开发上却投入不多,造成了目前投资效益低,供过大于求的局面。As can be seen from the above circumstance, heat preservation material industry in China after 30 years of efforts, especially after nearly 20 years of rapid develo

31、pment, many products from scratch, from single to diversity, from low to high quality, has formed take the expanded perlite, mineral cotton, glass cotton, foam, refractory fibre, calcium silicate insulation products relatively complete variety of industry, technology, production equipment level have

32、 greater increase some products has reached international advanced level in the 90 s. But because Jiu material heat preservation material industry in China is not late, the overall technology and equipment level is low, needs to improve application technology in the field of construction, to a large

33、 extent affected the application of thermal insulation material. Insulation materials industry in recent years, redundant construction is serious, a swarm of all over the country, over the years hundreds of production line put into production, while in the field of application on the development of

34、investment is not much, cause of the current investment efficiency is low, demand a greater than supply。个人收集整理,勿做商业用途本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途3、防水密封材料3, waterproof sealing material防水材料是建筑业及其它有关行业所需要的重要功能材料,是建筑材料工业的一个重要组成部分.随着我国国民经济的快速发展,不仅工业建筑与民用建筑对防材料提出了多品种高质量的要求,在桥梁、隧道、国防军工、农业水利和交通运输等行业和领域中也都需要高质量的防水密封材料。

35、Waterproof material in construction and other related industries need important functional materials, is one of the building materials industry is an important part。 With the rapid development of Chinas national economy, industrial buildings and civil buildings not only to prevent material put forwa

36、rd many kinds of high quality requirements, in Bridges, tunnels, national defense, agriculture, water conservancy and transportation and other fields of industry and also need high quality waterproof sealing material。文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途改革开放以来,我国建筑防水材料获得较快的发展。防水材料已摆脱了纸胎油毡一统下的落后局面,目前拥有包括沥

37、青油毡(含改性沥青油毡)、合成高分子防水卷材、建筑防水涂料、密封材料、堵漏和刚性防水材料等五大类产品。1995年新型防水卷材产量4200万平方米,约占防水卷材产量的5。我国防水材料基本上形成了品种门类齐全,产品规格、档次配套,工艺装备开发已初具规模的防水材料工业体系,国外有的品种我们基本上都有。Since the reform and opening, our country building waterproof materials achieve rapid development. Waterproof material is out of paper linoleum unify th

38、e backward situation, now owns, including asphalt linoleum (including modified asphalt linoleum), synthetic polymer waterproof coiled material, building waterproof coating, sealing material, and the rigid waterproof materials and other five products. 1995 new waterproofing materials production area

39、of 42 million square meters, accounting for about 5 of waterproofing materials production。 Basically formed a variety of waterproof materials in category is complete, the product specification, grade, technology and equipment development has begun to take shape waterproof material industry system, s

40、ome abroad we have most varieties。本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途目前我国防水材料与国外先进国家相比存在以下主要问题:一是产品结构不合理,目前新型防水密封材料的生产量和使用量都很小,纸胎油毡仍占防水卷材的95;二是产品质量普遍偏低,假昌产品充斥市场;三是设计施工应用技术有待提高建筑渗漏还相当严重。防水材料工业亟待调整结构、规范市场。Waterproof material at present in our country compared with foreign advanced countries there are t

41、he following main problems: one is the product structure is unreasonable, the new type waterproof sealing material production and use are small and paper linoleum still account for 95% of waterproofing materials; The second is the product quality is generally low, false prosperous products flooding

42、the market; 3 it is applied to the design and construction technology to improve the building leakage is quite serious. Waterproof material industry to adjust structure and standardize the market。文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络4、装饰装修材料4, decoration decoration materials建筑装饰装修材料品种门类繁多,更新换代十分迅速,与人民生活水平提

43、高和居住条件改善密切相关,是极具发展潜力的建筑材料品种之一。它的品种、质量和配套水平的高低决定着建筑物装饰档次的高低,对美化城乡建筑、改善人民居住和工作环境有着十分重要的意义。Building decoration materials breed various, update very quickly, and improve peoples living standard and living conditions improve closely related, is one of the most development potential varieties of building

44、materials. Its varieties, quality and level of the discretion of the discretion determines the building decoration class, to beautify the urban and rural construction and improvement of peoples living and working environment has very important significance.我国建筑装饰装修材料的发展,虽然起步较晚,但起点较高,主要生产能力量是80年代以后引进


46、能务弱,不能适应市场需求;产品结构不合理,中、低档产品比例大,高档材料比重低,不能满足高档建筑装饰装修的需求。Building decoration decoration materials development in our country, although started late, but the high starting point, the main production can force is after 80 s based on the introduction of foreign advanced technology and equipment。 The desi

47、gns and varieties has reached more than 4000, has basically formed certain scale, product category is complete industrial system。 Decoration material in China in 1995 the annual output is about 40 billion yuan. From 1991 to 1995 years of decoration materials in increasing rate 30% left the main road

48、. In 1996, main products is: wallpaper, wall cloth of 210 million square meters, plastic floor area of 36 million square meters, building coating 650000 tons, 90000 tons of plastic pipe, plastic Windows and doors nearly 10 million square meters, chemical fibber carpet 4.5 million square meters。 Basic help to from already the threestar hotel decoration production, four or five star hotel decoration is 30 to 30 can be selfsufficient. Main problems are: small scale of production enterprises, product quality is not stable, old style color, low grade,

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