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高中英语 module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits课件 牛津版选修10.pdf

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1、值日生表刘美辰刘栾博ealthy foounk foodJunk foodealthy fooealthy fooJunk foodealthy foothe English proveybs and translate into Chinese:ou are what you eat.人电其食(饮食习惯思实地反映个人性格与 生活环境)2.Healthy mind in a healthy body.健全的精神,寓于健全的体格。3.Early to bed,early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise.早早起床早早鹿,健康聪明又富贵.4.

2、An apple a day keeps the doctor away.I天I单果,医生远离我。/9Do you know more proverbs about health3re proverbs:irst wealth is health.健康是人生第一财富。2.A close mouth catches no flies.病从0人。3.After dinner sit a while;after supper walk a mile 饭后百步走,延年又益寿.4.Exercise in winter makes a man healthier 冬天动一动,少闹一场病.5.Prevent

3、ion is better than cure.预防触于治疗。lasft readingListen to Zhou Kai(1)and answer the questions.6vhy is Zhou Kais mother anxious?He is going out to play football in the rain without a j acket on2.What does she think will happen?She thinks he will get a bad cold.3.What does she ask him to do?She asks him t

4、o at least wear aj acket.Learning to learnVery often the theme or purpose of an article comes in the first paragraph,usually as the first or last sentence.Pay attention to these topic sentences in order to understand the main idea of the passage.isten to Zhou Kai(2)and summarize the main idea of eac

5、h paragraph.Para 1、A am crazy about football.Para 2、/Mhou Kai has a good diet.Para 3/am quite healthy.赢Carefill reading 一Quiz for your knowledge!J Quick response rules:1 There are all together 12 letters on the screen,10 of them contain some exercises,but there are 2 lucky letters,that is to say if

6、you can choose the lucky letters,you can get 10 points without any questions 2 After the teacher says“begin”,the student who gets up earliest will get the chance to choose letter3 One question is right you can get 10points,one wrong,you will reduce 10.愿1.A week ago,Zhou Kaicaught a coldbe injured hi

7、s arm.2.Two years ago,Zhou Kai whileplaying football.a hurt his leg hurt his arm.Kais familyavoid eating too much fat or sugarbe eat a lot of vegetables,fruit and meat2.Zhou Kaia sometimes gets colds and flu seldom gets colds or fluthe text 7 and fill in the blanks.Hckie day,when my mother saw me he

8、ading ftllwards the front door without a j acket on,she eyed me anxiously and asked me to put on my jacket I had to do as I was told.My mother always makes sure we eat healthily.We eat fresh fruit,vegetables and fish instead of fat,sugar or sweets.So I never have to diet I very rarely get colds,alth

9、ough I had a bad cold and a bit of fever last week.But thats because I was so stupid that I played football in the rain.7,彗,&ead the text 2 and fill in the blanks.3hou Kai,a senior school student,is c razy about TOotball.Hes c aptain of the class team and a member of the Senior High team.Hes h ealth

10、y,That is because his mother always makes sure they eat very healthily.They live near the sea and they have f ish about four times a week.Fresh fruit and green vegetables are very important in their d jet His family doesnt eat too much fat and s Ugar,so he doesnt have sweet teeth,But last week,Zhou

11、Kai caught a cold.Thats because he was stupid e nough to play football in the rain.He r arely catches a cold.And he lakesa lot of exercise and is very fit.symptomSU小prescriptionflu,尸Find the words in the passSU小anxiousdietcaptain我想我不感冒是因为我做了大量的运动,而且很健康.所以从我所说的你会看到,我是一个普通 的人.我得确保我有一个良好的饮食习惯,而且 正如我所说的

12、,这并不是个问题,因为我妈 妈把我们照顾的很好.我妈妈一直都确保我们吃得都很健康,并 且新鲜的水果和蔬菜是我们饮食当中非 常重要的一部分.我不太重,所以我从来不必去节食或是 做其他类似的事情.我很健康.我很少感冒,尽管上周我感冒的 很厉害,还有点发烧,这对我来说是不常见flu get/catch a cold health rare toothache healthy wealthy anxious captain fever pain rmal sweets proverb lifestyle awful questionnairehich of them are connected wit

13、h illness?flu get/catch a cold toothache unhealthy fever pain2.Which word is connected with food?sweets3.Which word means usual or ordinary?normal4.Which word means worried about something that may happen?anxious _ _Names for disease冒感性病症嗽痛炎行脏烧 癌咳牙肺流心发cancer cough toothache pneumoniafluHeart disease

14、 feverAQ00:oAQ00:oiscussion 1Choose the sentences that are true for you,and tell me something about yourself,and you can add something more.1 Iisometimes get colds and flu A eat at least three portions of fruit and,份etables a day.3.1 eat fish once a week or more.4.1 take at least two hours exercise

15、a week.5.1 dont eat much fat,for example,fatty meat.6.1 eat a lot of sweet things,for example,chocolate.7.1 rarely get toothache.8.Im quite fit.,q f DiscussionHow should wekeep healthy?Take more exerciseonclusion 1:Conclusion 2:Have a healthy dietConclusion 3:Eat less junk food Write a short passage about how to keep fit.人n Byerbye!国目*怪品我只监扁倒一小卡片CopynghtJimmy S PA Co,Lid 同色jimmytpasmEating fresh fruit and vegetables;Do not eat too much fat and sugar;Brushing teeth every day;Doing exercise regularly;Enough sleep;Do not stay up late;Washing hands before mealsDo not drink too much and smoke.

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