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高中英语人教版必修二 unit3 Computers.pdf

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1、A handbag?A toy?What English words do you know abou t compu ters?,keyboard mouseI am very old now.I was born in China.Many people used me for calculating iinthe past,but now lam a bit lonely because they dont like me now.JDo g u know wh。I am?fTTTTTTTWIg 旧面 SIBI HniUnn Miff”I am very small.Ican be us

2、eorcalculating.In China,a lot of studentsuse me when solving mathematical problemSeDo you know who 1 am?calculator74 I963,.0_*j for calculating.Be I can also be used for watching D sending e-mail and communicatingthrough the Internet.However,I am not a PC,because Im small enough for youto take me wi

3、th you.Do you know who I am?notebook computer/laptoplaptopPDAte out all the words you know about computers.I-RDBDTRELEASING WORLDWIDE 2004rM and C2OD4 Vqk and!不Qd onttif35.All fig hts iiurvod.Pig party of Fox.r onry.Sain dunHcnlson nr other tran3tor or this matonni slricilv pronihifcdSkimming:Go ove

4、r the story to find out;support your idea.It is a computer.I was built as an Analytical Machine by Charles Babbage.”My real father was Alan Turing I was able to share my knowledge with others through the World Wide Web.TimelineTSffating machine 乂.1822:The Analytical Machine was made by Charles Babba

5、ge.1936The computer grew rapidly both in size_and in brainpower.1940s:The computer had grown as large as a room196。号 The first family of computers was connected toeach othen1970s:Computers were used in offices and homes.Now:Cmnpnfars rnrmert people 011 ever the world together;Paragraph 1Paragraph 2P

6、aragraph 3Topic sentenceOver time I have These changes only been changed became Possib,e as/.my memoryquite a lot improvedIKSupporting detailsCalculating machine Analytical machine Universal machinePC elaptopTbbesTransistorsChipsNetworkWorld wide webeCommunicationsFinanceTradeRobotsMobile phonesMedi

7、cal operationsSpace rocketsProviding a life of high qualityuter was built as alyticahiachineas programmed by an operators/a5ke/s cg r;yputer a(n)lacmne t_was written by Alang/(g raw mpidly.IFrorti the 1640s to the 19/0sThe computer was made smaller;and its5.memorybecame better.The computer could mem

8、orize al the thingsDuring that time,the first PC and the first6,lapto p were made.Computerwere connected by a s,networkThroug h the network,people could9.Sh-F苞 knowledg e and information.putersask 5 QUESTION-ANSWER COMPETITIONWhat is PC?Speak the name on the wholes-It means:personal compu ter.2.What

9、 is ST?Information Technology.3.What is PDA?Personal digital assistant.4.What is IE 1EW?World wide web.5,科学技术Science and technology.6.人工智能Artificial intelligence.7.笔记本电脑Notebook computer.8.Who was the computers5 real father?Alan Turing.DiscussionWhat are the advantag es and disadvantag es of the com

10、puters?In my opinionjean l*se thecomputer joWe can use the computer tomai muoiffi:口幽娥簸:糊酷狎音乐周杰伦-兰亭序Bai制百度Watch movies1 kids0周杰伦兰亭序 2宇桐址-感动天如怎样学好数学?listen to music空间hdo123 I更多search for.C Fetion2008阿牛老师GEfeLouie查找好友.V nr EE(o/4)communicate with.另I 班长 学习ri J Y莪的好友CO/8)do shoppingWe can use the compuer

11、s to.1.use a computer for school work2.play games on the computer3.send emails to friends4.download music and films5.g o shopping on line6.use QQ to make municate with others%8 use the Internet to search for information9.surf the web for funIO.read news both at home and abroad,read books and magazin

12、esleSome students may get too addicted 溺于)to it.2.Some students waste too much time in playing computer games.3.Some students spend too much time in chatting with others and may be cheated(欺骗)bysomeone on line.4.As a result,they have little time to study5.It is bad for our eyes and health to spend l

13、ong time in front of computers.Internet How usefill computers are!(Do our school work Play computer games I Send emailsSee moviesChat with friendsGet useful information Shopping on line Listen to music6 您 99ESB 9口Computers have great powen They make our lives more colorful and more convenient.BUTDon

14、91 just use computers for fun.Dont spend too much time in playing computer games or chatting()online.We should team more computer skills which are very useful in our future work.The computer began as a calculating machine in 1642,then in 1822,it was built as aftyalytical Machine by Charles Babbage.A

15、t the year of 1936,Alan Turing a b。describe how computers could be madeto work,and build a“universal machine to solve mathematical probg皿此 the development of information technoloavben were connected to each other by a networks As the years had g one by omputem were broug ht into peop|es omes.Now com

16、puters have becomethe most important t0!S to connect people au over the world tog ether.Consolidatiom jRetelling1642182219361940s1960s1970s nowbegan.calculating built.an analytical machine.Charles Babbage Alan Turing.wrote.made.As large asgave.connected by.share.with.become very important in.connect.all over the world.Read the passag e fluently.Do Ex on period 2.Retell the passag e

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