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高二英语上册 语法非谓语动词.pdf

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1、用法1111=1动名词不定式The Gerund劭名词的特点:抽象习惯性His hobby is painting.o习惯Pm proud of being a Chinese.抽象doing主动、进行令人.的The swimming boy is Tom.(主动、进行)the room facing south(主动)The film is disappointing.(令人.的)I have a radio made in China.被动)Look at the broken glass.(被动、完成)The excited people shouted and cheered.(感到.

2、的)I have a lot of work to do.(将来)I like dancing,but I dont like to dance today.(某一次具体的动作)To learn English well,you must practise more.(目的)主语L若句子的主语和表语都为非 谓语动词,其形式要求一致c2.1t is(no)good/use doing sth.Teaching is learning.数也是学。It is no use doing that.那样做是没用的。His job is teaching Chinese.The news is excit

3、ing.All of us are disappointed.What you should do is to look after the baby.分类无主谓y普令人的感到的作定语drinking water=the water for drinkingreading room=the room for readingthe sleeping babyleaves the cuprunning water exciting newsdisappointin2|l|(disappointed 1the work to dothe boy standing thereThe window br

4、oken by Tom the clothes to wash tomorrowCD分析下列句子He is the right person to do it.主调He has a lot of workto doIts the best way to learn English.说明内容不定式作定语的基本条件不定式与它所修饰的名词在逻 辑上必须具备以下条件之一:1.主谓关系2.动(介)宾关系3.说明所修饰词的内容品抽象名盆序建I have no chair to sit on.I have a lot of clothesrto wash.Ito be washed.the food to

5、live 011the bus to come here on the pen to write with the room to live in the knife to cut withthe person to write aboutsee watch look at hear listen to feel noticemake let have+sb.doing don(sb.beseen watched looked at heard listened to felt noticed+to domade letadvise allow ask 火beg cause expectenc

6、ourage forceget hate iiryite 8b0 dorder wishwant warn remindpromise permitpersuade request.Jthink consider find believe suppose know understan takesb.to bemake oneself done _I cant make myself understood because of my broken English.A liar cant make himself believed.find+O.+doing/doneHe found a wall

7、et lying onthe ground.I found the city changed a lot.7取决于谓语动词_,作宾语advise.admiLavoid.consider/delayenj oy5excuse5finish5 deny5allow5escape5 forgive,imagine9mind9keep9miss9practise5prevent5resist5risk5suggest understand9 appreciate5cant help put off,give up动名词常可用于下列词组后feel like5 devote to.be busy,need

8、There is no use,!)1 harm doinghurry JThere is/are/I/we havedifficulty trouble problem fun pleasure a good time a hard time(in)doing只能接不定式作宾语的动词hope,wish,promise,refuse,arrange,decide,fail,manage,offer,prepare,pretend,hate,prefer,ask,choose,expect 注意下列动词begin start+continueto do doinglike love hate p

9、refer learnto dodoing+remember forget regretto do doingmean stop go onto do doingbe used to do|e/get used to doing used to do注意下列结构作其他状语 .Jdoing 与主语为 主动关系的状语主语强Hiring the bad news,th米 couldnt help crying.When they heard thebad newsGiven more attention,th古 trees could have grownbetter.and they weresi

10、nging laughingTo serve the people well,I study hard.r/bto serve the people well判断下列电子正误:1.To learn English well,a lot of practice must be done.2.Seeing from the hill,the city is more beautiful.3.Heating,water will boil.4.Getting there,the door was found opened.判断句子正误并改正:1,Being ill,his classmate sen

11、t him to hospital.2.To get there in time,he told me to get up early.3,Broken by Jim,I cant use the cup.将下列 状语从句 改为 非谓 语 短语作状语:1.Because she was moved by 4 the hero,she decided to study harder.Moved by the hero.2.When he found the door/locked,he went home.Finding the door locked,He started early in o

12、rder that he could get there on time.to get there on将下列 非谓 语短语改写 为 状语从句1.Not knowing her address,I cant write to her.2.Entering the room,I saw a strange sight3,Scolded by the teacher,he was very sad.4.Not knowing where to go,he asked a policeman.5.Hearing her friend was badly hurt,she burst into tea

13、rs.6.Knowing his team had won,he became happy at once.It isimportant to learn English.It is importantfor us to learn English.逻辑主语+It iswas _右瞑j.+向/to吧Its kind of you to say so.Its strange foryou to do thatStudying English is important(Our studying English逻辑主语Li Leis Studying English 1J逻辑主语用两个复合结构翻译句

14、子:1.李明的迟到使得老师很生气(2.我现在离开你介意吗?3.他对我打电话会很吃惊的。4.你在这河鸟游泳是很危险的o Answer1.Li Mings being late made his teacher very angry.2.Do you mind my leaving now?3.He will be surprised at my calling.4.1fs dangerous for you to swim in the river.英语基本 时态构 成一览表一般式do将来时be doing shall/will do完成时 have done完成进行时have been doi

15、ng动名词的时态和语态一般式doing被动being done主动完成式having donehaving been doneThank you for having helped me so much.He is praised for having devoted his life for his country.Before being used,the machine must be checked.fl_对比下列句子He insisted on being sent to hospital.ipHe insisted on sending her to hospital.注意下面句式

16、S.+be worthdoingS.+be worthyof+n.to be doneof being done不定式的时态和语态一般式to doto be done完成式 to have doneto have been done进行式to be doing无He pretended to be working hard when his boss passed himHe seems to be eating somethingIm sorry 后to have kept you waiting.Pay special attention to:hoped promised wanted

17、wished expected plannedto have doneJ表示过去没有实现的期待和He wanted to have met you at the airport,but he didnt get there in time.We planned to have done good deeds for the poor people last monthshould、ought to needmay might could would7(not)have done(过去)本来 结果与事实相反You should have finished your homework.We nee

18、dnt have worried about him.You shouldnt have been there.mustcant can may might couldHe mustbe n/adj./.be doing have donebe ill.be waiting for us.have seen her.Nobody opened the door.She might(may)have left.The road is all wet.It must have rained last night.I saw him just now.He cant have gone to Sha

19、nghai.现在分词的时态和语态being done一般式doing完成式having donehaving been done现在分词的时延和语意:Having been to the Great Wall many times.He didnt go there yesterday.分词 的动作发生在谓语动词的动作之前FNot having received his fathers letter,he decided to make a call to him.为 没收到 他父亲的 来信,他决定给他打个电话。Not having been finished,the book cant be

20、 returned at presentThe building being built is our new library.is a good of exercise for both the young and the old.A.The walk B.WalkingC.To walk Dr Walk2.When and where to build the new power stationAJs not decidedB.are not decidedC.has not decidedD.have not decided3.1s_necessary to changetrains a

21、t Beijing?A.this B.thatC.it D.he4.Our father often told us in the past that is believing.A.To seeB.Seeing cTSeeD.To be seen5.She pretended_theletter I wrote the day before yesterday.生 not to receiveB.not receiving C.not to hear from D.having not received6.1 cant imagine thatwith such a famous author

22、.A.workB.to workC.to be workingD.working7.She reached the top of the hill and stopped on arock by the side of the path.A.to have restedB.resting Ce to restD.rest8.People couldnt help the funny villager.A.laugh atB.to laught atCe laughing atD.laughing on9.1 cant help the housebecause Im busy making a

23、 cake.Ajo cleanB.cleaningC.cleanedD.being cleanedlO.Do you consider_anygood attempting many scientific experiments?A.thereBAtCthisD.thatILPm thirsty.Would you please give me somethingA.drunk B so as not to C.in order to not D.not so as to23.They have had a long and bitter struggle theirliving condit

24、ions.A.to improvingB.for improving Ce to improve D.improve24.To master a foreign languageA.a lot of practice is neededB.it needs a lot of practiceC.practice is in need ofD.one needs a lot of practice25.The secretary worked late into the night,a long speech for the presidentA.to prepareB.preparingC?p

25、reparedD.was preparing26.more attention,the work would have been done better.Aj GivenB.To giveC.GivingD.Having given27.a reply,he decided to write a sixth letter.A.Not receivingB.Not to receiveC.Not having receivedD.Having not received28.Charles Babbage is generally considered the first computer.A.t

26、o inventB.inventing C to have invented D.having invented29.The squirrel was lucky that it just missed_A.catchingB.to be caughtCbeing caughtD.to catch3O.Little Jim should love to the theatre this evening.A.to be takenB.to takeC.being takenD.taking31.What do you think of the book?Oh,excellent Ifs wort

27、h _a second time.A.to readB.to be readC.readingD.being read32.The library needs _ but itll have to wait until Sunday.A.cleaning B.be cleaned C.cleanD.being cleanedMore Exerciseslie lied lied lying撒谎lie vi lay lain lying 躺下;位于lay vt laid laid laying 放置;下蛋、产卵The book is lying on the desk.The book is laid on the desk.the booklying on the desk laid on the deskwith+复合宾语结枸:adj.adv.with+nJ pron.+p.inf.、prep.ph.

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