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1、1求职信模板Dear , I write this letter to apply for the position that you advertised in of.(信息来源) Not only do I have the qualifications for this job, but I also have the right personality for .(表明自己可以胜任某一职位) For one thing, .(胜任的理由一) For another, .(胜任的理由二) Should you grant me a personal interview, I would

2、be most grateful. Please contact me at any time at .(提供个人联系方式) Thank you for considering my application, and Im looking forward to meeting you.(结束语,表达感谢和期望)Yours sincerely,_2邀请信模板Dear , Im writing to invite you to .(发出邀请) There are some points you may want to know about . (活动主题) During , we will hav

3、e lots of activities you are interested in .(活动的具体内容) First, .(活动介绍一) Second, .(活动介绍二) I believe that you will be very interested in. For one thing/First, . For another/Second, .(受邀人参加的理由) Since the will begin , is it possible ? I really hope you can come/Im looking forward to .(提出希望)Yours,_3慰问信和建议信

4、模板Dear , I am sorry to hear that .(就某事表示遗憾) You have asked me for my advice with regard to and I will try to make some useful recommendations.(承上启下) First of all, . Whats more, . Last but not least, .(提出建议并给出理由) I hope you will find these proposals practical. I am looking forward to hearing from you

5、 soon.(结尾句,希望上述建议能有所帮助)Yours sincerely,_4感谢信模板Dear , Thank you very much for/Thanks a lot for/Many thanks for /Im writing to you about my gratitude for /Im very grateful to you for .(开门见山地交代感谢原因) But for/Without your help, .(从反面衬托对方的作用)/Its very kind of you to .(从正面说明对方的作用) I hope to have the opport

6、unity to express my gratitude to you/repay your kindness. I will feel very honored and pleased if .(提出回报对方的方式) Would you please let me know?(希望对方给予回应) Thank you again for what you have done.(再次表达感谢)Yours sincerely,_5道歉信模板Dear , Im so sorry to tell you that . Now, I am writing you this letter to show

7、 my deep regret.(就某事道歉) I do hope you can understand me and excuse me for _.(希望得到谅解) I will be very grateful if you are kind to listen to my explanation. The reason for my delay/absence was/is that . Therefore, .(解释原因) I wonder if _.(询问对方能够接受补救方案)Sincerely yours,_6建议信模板Dear , I am very to know that

8、.(写信的原因) Im looking forward to .(表示期待) Im afraid that .(表述提出建议的原因) Id like to suggest that .First ; then .(提出建议) I believe this kind of arrangement will .(建议的作用) Moreover, if , it is necessary for you to .(补充建议) Wish .(祝愿)Yours sincerely,_7咨询信模板Dear , I am .(自我介绍) I am writing to see if it is possib

9、le for you to provide me with information regarding .(要询问的内容) First of all, what are ? Secondly, when will ? Thirdly, is ?(要咨询的问题罗列) I would also like to inquire . Could you be so kind to send me some relevent booklets on the above-mentioned aspects?(附加问题) Thank you for your kindness, and your promp

10、t attention to this letter will be highly appreciated.(表示感谢)Yours sincerely,_8电子邮件模板Dear , I am extremely pleased to hear from you. And I would like to write a letter to tell you that .(寒暄句加主题句) (扩展句一) (扩展句二) (扩展句三) I will greatly appreciate a response from your earliest convenience./I am looking fo

11、rward to your reply at your earliest convenience.(结束主体段落) Best regards.(结束语)Sincerely yours,_9演讲稿模板Boys and girls/Ladies and gentlemen, Its a great honor for me to stand here and give my speech.(表示荣幸) My name is .(自我介绍) The topic of my speech is .(提出演讲主题) To begin with, many people suggest that .(话题

12、或现象列举) Secondly, . Thirdly, . What I want to stress is that .(重申主题) For one thing, . For another, . Besides, .(原因或重要性列举) In a word, .(总结) Thank you for your listening, /Thank you.10口头通知模板Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make.(称呼语及开场白). (正文部分,说明具体通知事项

13、)All the teachers and students are required to attend it. Please take your notebooks and make notes./Please listen carefully and well have a discussion in groups. Make sure youll come on time and dont be late.(说明通知对象和注意事项) Please come and join in it./ Everybody is welcome to attend it./ I hope youll have a nice time here.(重申希望大家参加之情) Thats all. Thank you.(结束语)

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