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1、英语精品课程设计英语精品课程设计(新新 视视 野野 英英 语语 教教 程程)英语精品课程设计英语精品课程设计.Unit 7.Unit 7Leading In And Exploring The TopicLeading In And Exploring The TopicSection A:Get Rich Quick,Marry in MaySection A:Get Rich Quick,Marry in MaySection B:Here Comes the Bride!Section B:Here Comes the Bride!Section C:Practical Writing:

2、Section C:Practical Writing:Writing Personal Letters(2)Writing Personal Letters(2).Topic:Lucky Number and Lucky DayWhat do you say about the following?“14”is a(n)_ number.“13”is a(n)_ number.“7”is a(n)_ number.“8”is a(n)_ number.black cats are _.opening an umbrella indoors brings _ luck.its _ to wal

3、k under a ladder.one _ be careful which side of bed they get up on.What do people believe in superstitions?I think they want toqprotectthemselvesqexpressgoodwishesqmakemoremoneyqenjoygoodhealthqkeepthetraditionMy classmate thinks they want toqprotectthemselvesqexpressgoodwishesqmakemoremoneyqenjoygo

4、odhealthqkeepthetradition.Section A Section A Get Rich Quick,Marry in May!.Background InformationPre-reading QuestionsDetailed StudySummaryExercisesSection A:Get Rich Quick,Marry in May!Section A:Get Rich Quick,Marry in May!.Background Information Weddings are happy events in every culture.And weddi

5、ng traditions vary greatly from country to country.Please compare the similarities and differences between traditional Chinese wedding and American wedding.Bridal sedan chairWedding car.VeilRed veil.Ritual kneelingIn the church.Performing ritual kneeling to each other Exchanging vowsand rings.Pre-re

6、ading Questions1.Why is Kerry sticking stamps and addressing envelopes?2.What day is may 18th considered to be in China?3.For what purpose are many wedding traditions in western cultures designed?She will be sending out invitations for her June wedding.May 18th is considered to bi the most popular d

7、ay to get married in China.They are designed to protect the couple from bad luck.4.How did Chinese couples know the proper date for them to get married in the past?5.According to the author,who should be saying,“I will get rich”?In the past,Chinese couples consulted a special book to find lucky and

8、unlucky days for getting married.Hairdressers,and owners of flower stores,restaurants and car services are the ones who should be saying,“I will get rich.”.Text A:Get Rich Quick,Marry in May!(Para1)InMadison,Wisconsin,Kerryisstickingstampsandaddressingenvelopes.Soon,sheandherfuturehusbandwillbesendi








16、periodoftime同时e.g.Janewaswritingaletter,and meanwhile,PatwaswatchingTV.简在写信,而同时帕特在看电视。Evewascuttingthegrass;meanwhile,Adamwasplantingroses.夏娃在剪草,亚当在种玫瑰。Words and Phrases2.emotionaladj.havingfeelingsthatarestrongoreasilymadeactive情绪激动的;易动感情的e.g.Shewasveryemotional;shecriedwhenherhusbandleftforanother


18、thspecialknowledge,etc.)forinformation,advice,etc.查阅(书籍等);(向专业人员)咨询e.g.consultthedictionary查辞典Iconsulted Georgeaboutbuyingacar.我向乔治请教购买小汽车的事。.5.economicadj.connectedwithtrade,industry,andthemanagementofmoney;ofeconomics经济(上)的;经济学的e.g.economiccircles经济界Asiaisinabadeconomicstate.亚洲经济状况不佳。6.receptionn.

19、Calargeformalparty(正式而大规模的)欢迎会;招待会e.g.aweddingreception一个婚宴Theyheldareceptiontowelcomehim.他们举行了招待会欢迎他。.7.on the other sideonapart,place,ordivisionaccordingtoarealorimaginarycenterorcentralline另一边;彼岸e.g.Americaison the other sideoftheAtlantic.美国在大西洋的彼岸。theareaon the other sideoftherailroadtracks铁轨另一边

20、的地区8.check off checkbymarking(e.g.namesoritemsinalist)ashavingbeendealtwith清点;清查e.g.Pleasecheck offtheseparcelsbeforetheyaremailed.这些包裹邮出之前请清查一下。Theyoungladyischecking off thefiles.这个年轻女子正在清点文件。.9.protect fromkeepsafe,especiallybyguardingorcovering保护免受;免遭e.g.protectsomebodyfromdanger保护某人免遭危险Heraised

21、hisarmtoprotecthisface fromtheblow.他伸出手臂护住脸部免受拳击。11.scare awaycausetogoordosomethingbyfrightening吓走;吓跑e.g.Thechildrenwerescared awaybythemansugliness.孩子们被这人的丑陋长相吓跑了。Ifyoumakeanoiseyoullscare awaytheanimals.你要是弄出声就会把动物吓跑的。.1.GetRichQuick,MarryinMay!Meaning:Ifyouwanttobecomerichquickly,youshouldgetmar

22、riedinMay.Pleasenoticewhentwoimperativesentencesarecoordinate,thefirstsentencecanfunctionasanadverbialclauseofcondition.e.g.Makemoremoney,buythewatch.赚更多的钱,就买这块表。Saveyourtime,takeataxi.要省时间,就搭辆计程车。Difficult Sentences2.Theyreadthetraditionalpoem,Somethingold,somethingnew,somethingborrowed,andsomethin




26、yaofa”,whichmeans“Iwillgetrich”.AsitiscalledinChina=asMay18thispronouncedinChinesesoundcloseto:seemalmostthesamewhenheard听上去差不多eg.Theboymadeasoundthatsoundedclosetothebarkingofadog.男孩发出了一声听上去像狗叫的声音。Thesetwowordssoundclosetoeachother.这两个词听上去几乎一样。.SummaryWedding is a special event in every cultureMany

27、 wedding traditions in western cultures were designed to protect the couple from bad luckIn China,thousands of couples choose May 18th for their wedding day.ExercisesFill in the blanks with the proper words and expressions given below,changing the form of necessary.check offgather aroundscarehide fr

28、omconsult Do you always _ an English-Chinese dictionary when you come across new words in your reading.The sudden lighting _ me so much that I dropped the cup.I have a habit of _ the things on my shopping list when shopping.The Spring Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday,with family members _ t

29、o celebrate it.The umbrella is to _ you _ sunshine.consultscaredchecking offgathering aroundhidefrom.Translate the following into English1.根据一个古老的习俗,新娘应该戴婚礼面纱。(according to)According to an old custom,the bride should wear a wedding veil.2.“4”这个数字在中文里听上去与“死”很接近。(sound close to)“4”is a number that sou

30、nds close to the word“death”in Chinese.3.在欢迎会上,学生代表上台发了言。(reception)At the welcome reception,a student made a speech.4.买衬衣之前,最好试穿一下。(try on)Youd better try it on before you buy a shirt.Translate the following into Chinese.1.There are a lot of rituals and superstitions at weddings.婚礼上有许多礼仪和迷信。2.Femal

31、e friends and relatives gather around,preparing the bride for the ceremony.女性亲戚朋友聚在一起,给新娘作婚礼的准备。3.This is considered a good economic sign for any couples getting married on this day.人们认为这对任何在这天结婚的夫妻来说都是个预示富足的祥兆。4.She is trying on the dress that she is planning to wear later at the wedding reception.

32、她正在试穿礼服,准备晚些时候在婚庆宴席上穿。.Section BSection BHere Comes the Bride!.Section B:Here Comes the Bride!Background InformationPre-reading QuestionsDetailed StudySummaryExercises.Weddings in the United States Before a couple is married,they become engaged.And then invitations are sent to their friends and rela

33、tives.The wedding itself usually lasts between 20 and 40 minutes.The wedding party enters the church while the wedding march is played.The bride carrying a bouquet enters last with her father who will“give her away”.The groom enters the church from a side door.When the wedding party is gathered by t

34、he altar,the bride and groom exchange vows.It is traditional to use the words“To have and to hold from this day forward,for better,for worse,for richer,for poorer,in sickness and in health,to love and to cherish,till death do us part”.Following the vows,the couple exchange rings.Wearing the wedding

35、ring on the fourth finger of the left hand is an old custom.After the ceremony there is often a party,called a reception,which gives the wedding guests an opportunity to congratulate the newlyweds.The car in which the couple leaves the church is decorated with balloons.Streamers and shaving cream.Th

36、e word“Just Married”are painted on the trunk or back window.The bride and groom run to the car under a shower of rice thrown by the wedding guests.When the couple drives away from the church,friends often chase them in cars,honking and drawing attention to them.And then the couple go on their honeym

37、oon.Pre-reading Questions1.What should brides wear or carry when they marry in most American wedding?2.What does“sth.blue”symbolize?3.To whom does the groom throw the garter traditionally on the United State?Sth,old,sth.new,sth.borrowed,sth.blue.Faithfulness and loyalty.To the unmarried men.Text B:H

38、ere Comes the Bride!(Para1)Althoughweddingsvarygreatlyfromcountrytocountry,theyarehappyeventsineveryculture.InmostAmericanweddings,thebridewearsatraditionalstyleofdress.Thereisalsoanoldsayingthattellswomenwhattheyshouldwearorcarrywhentheymarry:(Para2)Somethingold,somethingnew,somethingborrowed,somet









47、走。6.date back tohavelastedorexistedsince回溯至年代;始于e.g.Thischurchdatesbackto1173.这所教堂是1173年建的。Thecustomdatesbacktothetimewhenmenworeswords.1.HereComestheBride!Meaning:Thebrideiscoming!Notethatthewordorderinthesentenceisinverted.Theword“here”isusedinthesentencetodrawattentiontosomethingorsomeone.Studyth



50、bedressedthemostbeautifullyandbethemostimportantwomanattheweddingparty.Noticethattheverbbeisinthesubjunctivemoodbecauseofthewordtraditional,withshouldbeingomitted.FlowersGarterBest-dressed brideConnection with the brides family and the pastFriends and family will help the bride when she needs themGo

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