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1、Contents Main menu QuitS50MC-C Pro jec t Guide Two-stro ke EnginesSub menu Contents Main menu QuitMAN B&W Diesel A/SS50MC-C Pro jec t Guide6.01.Calculation of CapacitiesEngine configurations related to SFOCThe engine type is avail abl e in the fo l l o wing two versio ns with respec t to the Spec if

2、ic Fuel Oil Co nsumptio n SFOC):A)With high efficiency turbochargers:whic h is the basic design and fo r whic h the l ists o f c apac ities Figs.6.01.03a and 6.01.03b are c al c ul ated.B)With conventional turbocharger:Whic h is an o ptio nal design if a higher exhaust gas temperature is required fo

3、 r the exhaust gas bo il er.This mo dific atio n wil l l ead to a 7-8%reduc tio n in the exhaust gas amo unt and a temperature inc rease o f abo ut 20C.The SFOC penal ty wil l be up to 2 g/BHPh see exampl e o n Fig.6.01.01.The c o rrespo nding l ist o f c apac ities are stated in Figs.6.01.04a and 6

4、.01.04b.The Lists o f Capac ities c o ntain data regarding the nec essary c apac ities o f the auxil iary mac hinery fo r the main engine o nl y.The heat dissipatio n figures inc l ude 10%extra margin fo r o verl o ad running exc ept fo r the sc avenge air c o o l er,whic h is an integrated part o f

5、 the diesel engine.Cooling Water SystemsThe c apac ities given in the tabl es and val id fo r engines with either high effic ienc y o r c o nventio nal turbo c harger are based o n tro pic al ambient referenc e c o nditio ns and running at no minal MCR(Li)fo r,respec tivel y:SFOC g/BHPhPowerFig.6.01

6、.01:Example of part load SFOC curves for the available two engine versions430 200 025178 50 426.01.01Sub menu Contents Main menu QuitMAN B&W Diesel A/SS50MC-C Pro jec t Guide Seawater cooling system,Figs.6.01.02a,6.01.03a and 6.01.04a Central cooling water system,Figs.6.01.02b,6.01.03b and 6.01.04bT

7、he c apac ities fo r the starting air rec eivers and the c o mpresso rs are stated in Fig.6.01.05The abo ve two c o o l ing water systems are val id fo r uni-l ubric atio n,but if a separate c amshaft l ubric ating o il system is required,the c o respo nding l ist o f c apac ities may be info rmed b

8、y c o ntac t to MAN B&W Diesel.A detail ed spec ific atio n o f the vario us c o mpo nents is given in the desc riptio n o f eac h system.If a freshwater generato r is instal l ed,the water pro duc tio n c an be c al c ul ated by using the fo rmul a stated l ater in this c hapter and the way o f c a

9、l c ul ating the exhaust gas data is al so sho wn l ater in this c hapter.The air c o nsumptio n is appro ximatel y 98%o f the c al c ul ated exhaust gas amo unt.The l o c atio n o f the fl anges o n the engine is sho wn in:Engine pipe c o nnec tio ns,and the fl anges are identified by referenc e l

10、etters stated in the List o f fl anges;bo th c an be fo und in Chapter 5.The diagrams use the symbo l s sho wn in Fig.6.01.19 Basic symbo l s fo r piping,whereas the symbo l s fo r instrumentatio n ac c o rd to the Symbo l ic representatio n o f instruments and the instrumentatio n l ist fo und in C

11、hapter 8.Heat radiationThe radiatio n and c o nvec tio n heat l o sses to the engine ro o m is abo ut 1.3%o f the engine no minal po wer(kW in Li).Auxiliary System Capacities forDerated EnginesThe dimensio ning o f heat exc hangers(c o o l ers)and pumps fo r derated engines c an be c al c ul ated o

12、n the basis o f the heat dissipatio n val ues fo und by usingFig.6.01.02a:Diagram for seawater cooling systemFig.6.01.02b:Diagram for central cooling water system430 200 025178 50 426.01.02Sub menu Contents Main menu QuitMAN B&W Diesel A/SS50MC-C Pro jec t GuideS50MC-C capacities of auxiliary machin

13、ery for main engine1)Engines with MAN B&W turbo c hargers2)Engines with ABB turbo c hargers3)Engines with MHI turbo c hargersNominal MCR(L1)Cyl.45678at 127 r/minkW6320790094801106012640Pumps:Fuel o il c irc ul ating pump m3/hFuel o il suppl y pump m3/hJac ket c o o l ing water pump m3/hSeawater wate

14、r pump*m3/h*Fo r main engine arrangement with buil t-o n po wer take o ff(PTO)o f an MAN B&W rec o mmended type and/o r to rsio nal vibratio n damper,the engines c apac ities must be inc reased by tho se stated fo r the ac tual system*The exhaust gas amo unt and temperature must be adjusted ac c o r

15、ding to the ac tual pl ant spec ific atio n1783247-3.0Fig.6.01.03a:List of capacities,S50MC-C with high efficiency turbocharger located aft and seawater cooling system,stated at the nominal MCR power(Li)Main l ubric ating o il pump*m3/hBo o ster pump7.43.21010059085856555652.5 73111333222 2 6.52.8需黑

16、34 034 02302252352.5 5.62.4器为34 03353351951902002.0 4.62.0为黑24 524 024 51651601702.0 3.71.6髭11951951301251301.5/XDZ/123123123Coolers:Scavenge air coolerHeat dissipatio n appro x.Seawater quanl itykW m3/h24501263060158367023442802214890252Lubricating oil coolerHeat dissipatio n appro x.*kWLubric atin

17、g o il quantity*m3/hSeawater quantitym3/hJacket water coolerHeat dissipatio n appro x.kWJac ket c o o l ing water quantitym3/hSeawater quantitym3/hSee the abo ve-mentio ned pump c apac ity383333920戒34 01C1CK 9 9 812 3See the abo ve-mentio ned pump c apac ity698710611969821011196987101119138133133Fue

18、l oil preheaterkW97120145170195GasesExhaust gas fl o w*kg/h56800710008520099400113600Air c o nsumptio n o f enginekg/s15.519.323.227.131.0Starting air system Initial pressure 30 barReversibl e engine,12 startsRec eiver vo l umem32x4.02x4.52x4.52x4.52x4.5Co mpresso r c apac ity,to talm3/h240270270270

19、270No n-reversibl e eng.6 starts Rec eiver vo l umem32x2.02x2.52x2.52x2.52x3.0Co mpresso r c apac ity,to talm3/h120150150150180430 200 025178 59 026.01.03Sub menu Contents Main menu QuitMAN B&W Diesel A/SS50MC-C Pro jec t GuideS50MC-C capacities of auxiliary machinery for main engine1)Engines with M

20、AN B&W turbo c hargers2)Engines with ABB turbo c hargers3)Engines with MHI turbo c hargersNominal MCR(L1)at 127 r/min Pumps:Fuel o il c irc ul ating pump Fuel o il suppl y pumpm3/hJac ket c o o l ing water pumpCentral c o o l ing water pumpm3/h4 63205 79006 94807 110608 12640Seawater c o o l ing pum

21、p*Main l ubric ating o il pump*Bo o ster pump fo r exhaust val vesm3/hm3/hm3/h3.71,6罂170170侬185185 VI/!/J7 X)/)/123123123。2.0%墨2102152352302305.62.4荔黑2552552802752756.52,8会盅3003003253203204 2 0 0 57 k 1 1 o 7 3 1111)1301651952302652)1251601902252553)1301702002352651. air

22、 coolerHeat dissipatio n appro x.Central c o o l ing water quantityLubricating oil coolerHeat dissipatio n appro x.*Lubric ating o il appro x.*Central c o o l ing water quantitykW m3/hkW m3/h m3/h1 23)2430103 53044049567676730301283640154610720550660620730See the abo ve-mentio ned8710682101425018083

23、0770840 pump c apac ity1201201204860205980880980140135135Jacket water coolerHeat dissipatio n appro x Jac ket c o o l ing water quantityCentral c o o l ing water quantitykW m3/h m3/h192019301840D23)See the abo ve-mentio ned pump c apac ity 87 106 12082 101 12087 101 120140135135676767Central water c

24、oolerHeat dissipatio n appro x.*kW1)2)3)388038303850486047904800581057405750676067206700776076707680Central c o o l ing w.quantity*m3/hSee the abo ve-mentio ned pump c apac itySeawater quantity*m3/hSee the abo ve-mentio ned pump c apac ityGasesExhaust gas fl o w*Air c o nsumo tio n o f enainekg/h ka

25、/s5680015.57100019.38520023.29940027.111360031.05 0 0 0 5 54 4 4 7 6 63 3 3 3 3 3D2 3Starting air system Initial pressure 30 barReversibl e engine,12 startsRec eiver vo l ume m3Co mpresso r c apac ity,to tal m3/h2x4.02402x4.52702x4.52702x4.52702x4.5270No n-reversibl e eng.6 startsRec eiver vo l ume

26、m32x2.02x2.52x2.52x2.52x3.0Co mpresso r c apac ity,to tal m3/h120150150150180*Fo r main engine arrangement with buil t-o n po wer take o ff(PTO)o f an MAN B&W rec o mmended type and/o r to rsio nal vibratio n c l amper,the engines c apac ities must be inc reased by tho se stated fo r the ac tual sys

27、tem*The exhaust gas amo unt and temperature must be adjusted ac c o rding to the ac tual pl ant spec ific atio n1783248-5.0Fig.6.01.03b:List of capacities,S50MC-C with high efficiency turbocharger located aft and central cooling system,stated at the nominal MCRpower(Li)430 200 025178 59 026.01.04Sub

28、 menu Contents Main menu QuitMAN B&W Diesel A/SS50MC-C Pro jec t GuideS50MC-C capacities of auxiliary machinery for main engine1)Engines with MAN B&W turbo c hargers2)Engines with ABB turbo c hargers3)Engines with MHI turbo c hargersNominal MCR(L1)at 127 r/minCyl.45678kW6320790094801106012640Pumps:F

29、uel o il c irc ul ating pumpm3/h3. o il suppl y pumpm3/h1. ket c o o l ing water pumpm3/h5570839611053667992105195245340340390Seawater c o o l ing pump*m3/h195240335340385195240335340385130165195230260Main l ubric ating o il pump*m3/h1251601902252551301652

30、00235265Bo o ster pump fo r exhaust val vem3/h1. air coolerHeat dissipatio n appro x.kW23102890347040404620Seawater quantitym3/h126158234221252Lubricating oil cooler530640720830940Heat dissipatio n appro x.*kW440550660770880495600730840950Lubric ating o il quantity*m3/hS

31、ee the abo ve-mentio ned pump c apac ity6987106119138Seawater quantitym3/h69821011191336982101119133Jacket water cooler9201150145016801910Heat dissipatio n appro x.kW96012101440167019009201150138016101840Jac ket c o o l ing water quantitym3/hSee the abo ve-mentio ned pump c apac ity6987106119138Seaw

32、ater quantitym3/h69821011191336982101119133Fuel oil preheaterkW97120145170195GasesExhaust gas fl o w*kg/h52400655007860091700104800Air c o nsumptio nkg/s14.317.821.424.928.5Starting air system Initial pressure 30 barReversibl e engine,12 startsRec eiver vo l umem32x4.02x4.52x4.52x4.52x4.5Co mpresso

33、r c apac ity,to talm3/h240270270270270No n-reversibl e eng.6 startsRec eiver vo l umem32x2.02x2.52x2.52x2.52x3.0Co mpresso r c apac ity,to talm3/h120150150150180*Fo r main engine arrangement with buil t-o n po wer take o ff(PTO)o f an MAN B&W rec o mmended type and/o r to rsio nal vibratio n damper,

34、the engines c apac ities must be inc reased by tho se stated fo r the ac tual system*The exhaust gas amo unt and temperature must be adjusted ac c o rding to the ac tual pl ant spec ific atio n1783249-7.0Fig.6.01.04a:List of capacities,S50MC-C with conventional turbocharger located aft and seawater

35、cooling system,stated at the nominal MCR power(Li)430 200 025178 59 026.01.05Sub menu Contents Main menu QuitMAN B&W Diesel A/SS50MC-C Pro jec t GuideS50MC-C capacities of auxiliary machinery for main engine1)Engines with MAN B&W turbo c hargers2)Engines with ABB turbo c hargers3)Engines with MHI tu

36、rbo c hargersNominal MCR(L1)Cyl.4at 127 r/min kW 6320Pumps:Fuel o il c irc ul ating pump m;/hFuel o il suppl y pump m3/hJac ket c o o l ing water pump m3/hCentral c o o l ing water pump*m3/hSeawater c o o l ing pump*m3/hMain l ubric ating o il pump*m3/hBo o ster pump 3/hfo r exhaust val ve5 6 7 8790

37、0 9480 11060 126403.7 1.6 5355 53170 170 170 180 175 180 130 125 1306.5 2.896 9692-C iO O L O L O O O L O O m o m L O N E t二焉含合图曾改名由温1)2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 10 0 0 cncnoooooooCoolers:Scavenge air coolerHeat dissipatio n appro x.Central c o o l ing water quantity229010328601283430 4010 4580154 18

38、0 205Lubricating oil coolerHeat dissipatio n appro x.*kWLubric ating o il quantity*m3/hCentral c o o l ing water quantitym3/hJacket water coolerHeat dissipatio n appro x.kWJac ket c o o l ing water quantitym3/hCentral c o o l ing water quantitym3/hCentral water coolerHeat dissipatio n appro x.*kWCen

39、tral c o o l ing w.quantity*Seawater auantitv*m3/h m3/h混4 95676767920960920676767374 036903710/J/123 123123 123123See the abo ve-mentio ned640550600720660730830770840940880950ee the abo878282/e-mentio ned pu106101101145014401380mp c apac ity120120120168016701610140135135 1910 1900 1840115012101150Se

40、e the abo ve-mentio nedSee the abo ve-mentio ned871068210182101465056004620553046105540pump c apac ity 120 120 1206520 6450 6460pump c apac ity Dumo c ao ac itv14013513574307360737097 120 145 170 195Fue oi oreheater kWGasesExhaust gas fl o w*Air c o nsumptio nkg/h kg/s5240014.36550017.87860021.49170

41、024.910480028.5Starting air system Initial pressure 30 barReversibl e engine,12 startsRec eiver vo l umeCo mpresso r c apac ity,to talX2x4.02402x4.52702x4.52702x4.52702x4.5270No n-reversibl e eng.6 starts Rec eiver vo l ume Co mpresso r c apac ity,to talX2x2.01202x2.51502x2.51502x2.51502x3.0180*Fo r

42、 main engine arrangement with buil t-o n po wer take o ff(PTO)o f an MAN B&W rec o mmended type and/o r to rsio nal vibratio n damper,the engines c apac ities must be inc reased by tho se stated fo r the ac tual system*The exhaust gas amo unt and temperature must be adjusted ac c o rding to the ac t

43、ual pl ant spec ific atio n1783250-7.0Fig.6.01.04b:List of capacities,S50MC-C with conventional turbocharger located aft and central cooling system,stated at the nominal MCR power(Li)430 200 025178 59 026.01.06Sub menu Contents Main menu QuitMAN B&W Diesel A/SS50MC-C Pro jec t GuideCapacities of sta

44、rting air receivers and compressors for main engineStarting air system:30 bar(gauge)Cylinder no.45678Reversible engineRec eiver vo l ume(12 starts)m32x4.02x4.52x4.52x4.52x4.5Co mpresso rsm3/h2x 1202x 1352x 1352x 1352x 135Non-reversible engineRec eiver vo l ume(6 starts)m32x2.02x2.52x2.52x2.52x3.0Co

45、mpresso rsm3/h2x602x752x752x752x90Fig.6.01.05 Capacities of starting air receivers and compressors for main engine S50MC-Cthe fo l l o wing desc riptio n and diagrams.Tho se fo r the no minal MCR(Li),see Figs.6.01.03 and 6.01.04,may al so be used if wanted.Cooler heat dissipationsFo r po wer between

46、 the spec ified MCR(M)and o ptimised po wer(O)the diagrams in Figs.6.01.06,6.01.07 and 6.01.08 sho w reduc tio n fac to rs fo r the c o rrespo nding heat dissipatio ns fo r the c o o l ers,rel ative to the val ues stated in the 11 List o f Capac ities val id fo r no minal MCR(Li).(-0.85 48x1 n(n)+1.

47、8321 x L n(P%)+0.1 045)Fig.6.01.06:Scavenge air cooler,heat dissipation qair%in%of J valueThe perc entage po wer(P%)and speed(n%)o f Li fo r spec ified MCR(M)o f the derated engine is used as input in the abo ve-mentio ned diagrams,giving the%heat dissipatio n figures rel ative to tho se in the List

48、 o f Capac ities,Figs.6.01.03 and 6.01.04.Pump capacitiesThe pump c apac ities given in the“List o f Capac ities refer to engines rated at no minal MCR(Li).Fo r l o wer rated engines,o nl y a marginal saving in the pump c apac ities is o btainabl e.To ensure pro per l ubric atio n,the l ubric ating

49、o il pump must remain unc hanged.Al so,the fuel o il c irc ul ating and suppl y pumps sho ul d remain unc hanged,and the same appl ies to the fuel o il preheater.The jac ket c o o l ing water pump c apac ity is rel ativel y l o w,and prac tic al l y no saving is po ssibl e,and therefo re kept unc ha

50、nged.430 200 025178 50 426.01.07Sub menu Contents Main menu QuitMAN B&W Diesel A/SS50MC-C Pro jec t Guide(-0.081 1xln(n%)+0.8072xln(P%)+1.26 14)Fig.6.01.07:Jacket water cooler,heat dissipation qjw%in%ofLi valueqiub/o=6 7.3009x L n(n%)+7.6 304x I n(P%)-245.071 4Fig.6.01.08:Lubricating oil cooler,heat

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