1、 盐城师范学院毕业论文开题报告题 目: 探析皖都餐饮公司的服务营销策略 姓 名: 徐美玉 二级学院: 黄海学院 专 业: 市场营销 班 级: 1121 学 号: 11417320 指导教师: 林小兰 职称: 讲师 2014年10 月 5 日一、 研究的目的、意义与应用前景等:研究目的 : 在江都烧烤市场上,皖都餐饮公司作为多年的“领头羊”,在诸多方面一直都有着显而易见的优势。然而,随着现今饮食经济产业在江都市的快速发展,作为传统餐饮美食店的皖都餐饮公司,不仅要面临来自同行竞争者的压力,还要接受未来发展趋势的挑战。因此,作为服务行业的皖都餐饮公司,在当前情况下,必须通过自省来找出存在的不足。同时
3、来的挑战。如何通过对服务营销策略的运用,吸引更多的消费者,牢牢抓住消费群体,具有非常现实的意义。通过对服务企业的深入研究,认真分析营销策略,针对7p组合,为企业提供建设性意见的同时,也为我们的服务营销理论知识提供多方面的案例参考。二、研究的内容和拟解决的主要问题:研究的内容:本文通过对江都皖都餐饮公司服务营销策略的分析,找出其存在的不足之处并提出应对策略。 拟解决的主要问题:(1)论文写作的资料收集和整理,文献综述的完成,如国内行业现状、扬州市烧烤行业现状;(2)皖都餐饮公司的服务营销策略运用情况;(3)如何找出皖都餐饮公司服务营销的不足之处;(4)如何才能得出针对性较强的创新性策略。三、研究
4、思路、方法和当前收集的文献: 研究思路(选题角度):(1)绪论,主要表明写作本文的背景、意义以及研究方法等;(2)通过文献综述,了解国内外服务营销学的研究现状;(3)介绍皖都餐饮公司的综合概况;(4)指出皖都餐饮公司服务营销策略的的不足之处并提出相关应对策略;(5)通过以上步骤得出总结,并对皖都餐饮公司的未来寄予厚望。 研究方法:(1)、通过上网、期刊等多种查阅途径搜集与论文相关的文献资料;(2)、对搜集来的资料进行汇总整理,并完成文献综述;(3)、在皖都餐饮公司进行实际工作期间掌握一手资料,了解实际行情;(4)、结合服务营销理论知识,尤其是对7P组合的运用,深入分析皖都餐饮公司。当前收集的文
7、出版社.1999.16SVargo.RLusch,.ServiceDominantLogic:ContinuingtheEvolutionJournaloftheAcademyofMarketingScience.2008.36(1):110.17CGronroos.“AdoptingaServiceLogicforMarketing.”MarketingTheory.2006.6(3):317333.18Gronroos.Christian.Strategic Management and Marketing in the Service Sector.Helsingfors:Swedish
8、 School of Economics and Business Administration.1982.(2):97.19GyaneshwarSinghKushwaha.ShivRatanAgrawal.An Indian customer surrounding 7Ps of service marketingM.Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.2015(22):8595.20Zeithaml.VBitner.MJand Gremler.Services marketing.(6th.ed).New York:McGraw-Hill/
9、Irwin.201221Lovelock.CHand Wirtz.Services Marketing:People.Technology.Strategy.(7th.ed).New Jersey:Prentice Hall.201022Slater.Stanley FOlson.Eric MHult.Tomas M.Worried about Strategy implementation?Dont overlook marketings roleJ.Business Horizons.2010(53):469-479四、 特色或创新之处:本文通过对当前市场行业环境的分析,指出皖都餐饮公司所
10、面临的情况;其次,通过对皖都餐饮公司服务营销策略的实际运用情况进行分析,在理论知识的基础上,针对服务营销策略相关内容分析,找出其在管理过程中的不足之处;最后,结合当下行业发展趋势,提出创新性的策略,为皖都餐饮公司的长远发展考虑。五、研究计划及预期进展:1、确定主题:2014年11月12月2、查阅资料、综述论题:2015年1月2月3、撰写提纲:2015年2月3月4、修订提纲、完成论文初稿:2015年3月2014年4月5、修改定稿:2015年4月5月初 6、论文答辩:2015年5月中旬2. 外文资料翻译译文服务营销 “服务营销”是一种通过关注顾客,进而提供服务,最终实现有利的交换的营销手段。实施服
11、务营销首先必须明确服务对象,即“谁是顾客”。像饮料行业的顾客分为两个层次:分销商和消费者。对于企业来说,应该把所有分销商和消费者看作上帝,提供优质的服务。通过服务,提高顾客满意度和建立顾客忠诚。服务营销的一般特点: (1)供求分散性 服务营销活动中,服务产品的供求具有分散性。不仅供方覆盖了第三产业的各个部门和行业,企业提供的服务也广泛分散,而且需供方更是涉及各种各类企业、社会团体。 (2)营销方式单一性 有形产品的营销方式有经销、代理和直销多种营销方式。有形产品在市场可以多次转手,经批发、零售多个环节才使产品到达消费者手中。服务营销则由于生产与消费的统一性,决定其只能采取直销方式,中间商的介入
12、是不可能的,储存待售也不可能。 (3)营销对象复杂多变 服务市场的购买者是多元的、广泛的、复杂的。购买服务的消费者的购买动机和目的各异,某一服务产品的购买者可能牵涉社会各界各业各种不同类型的家庭和不同身份的个人,即使购买同一服务产品有的用于生活消费,有的却用于生产消费,如信息咨询、邮电通讯等。 (4)服务消费者需求弹性大根据马斯洛需求层次原理,人们的基本物质需求是一种原发性需求,这类需求人们易产生共性,而人们对精神文化消费的需求属继发性需求,需求者会因各自所处的社会环境和各自具备的条件不同而形成较大的需求弹性。同时对服务的需求与对有形产品的需求在一定组织及总金额支出中相互牵制,也是形成需求弹性
13、大的原因之一。 (5)服务人员的技术、技能、技艺要求高服务者的技术、技能、技艺直接关系着服务质量。消费者对各种服务产品的质量要求也就是对服务人员的技术、技能、技艺的要求。服务者的服务质量不可能有唯一的、统一的衡量标准,而只能有相对的标准和凭购买者的感觉体会。 服务营销的原则: “顾客关注”的九项原则1、获得一个新顾客比留住一个已有的顾客花费更大。企业在拓展市场、扩大市场份额的时候,往往会把更多精力放在发展新顾客上,但发展新的顾客和保留已有的顾客相比花费将更大。此外,根据国外调查资料显示,新顾客的期望值普遍高于老顾客。这使发展新顾客的成功率大受影响。2、除非你能很快弥补损失,否则失去的顾客将永远
16、客配合进行一项合作时,必须站在顾客的角度,设身处地考虑。如果自己觉得不合理,就绝对不要轻易尝试。你的强迫永远和顾客的抵触在一起。9、如果你不去照顾你的顾客,那么别人就会去照顾。市场竞争是激烈的,竞争对手对彼此的顾客都时刻关注。企业必须对自己的顾客定期沟通了解,解决顾客提出的问题。忽视你的顾客等于拱手将顾客送给竞争对手。 服务营销的管理为了有效地利用服务营销实现企业竞争的目的,企业应针对自己固有的特点注重服务市场的细分、服务差异化、有形化、标准化等问题的研究,以制定和实施科学的服务营销战略,保证企业竞争目标的实现。 1服务市场细分 任何一种服务市场都有为数众多、分布广泛的服务需求者,由于影响人们
17、需求的因素是多种多样的,服务需求具有明显的个性化和多样化特征。任何一个企业,无论其能力多大,都无法全面满足不同市场服务需求,都不可能对所有的服务购买者提供有效的服务。因此,每个企业在实施其服务营销战略时都需要把其服务市场或对象进行细分,在市场细分的基础上选定自己服务的目标市场,有针对性地开展营销组合策略,才能取得良好的营销效益。 2服务的差异化 服务差异化是服务企业面对较强的竞争对手而在服务内容、服务渠道和服务形象等方面采取有别于竞争对手而又突出自己特征,以战胜竞争对手,在服务市场立住脚跟的一种做法。可从以下三个方面着手: 调查、了解和分清服务市场上现有的服务种类、竞争对手的劣势和自己的优势,
18、有针对性、创造性地开发服务项目,满足目标顾客的需要。 采取有别于他人的传递手段,迅速而有效地把企业的服务运送给服务接受者。 注意运用象征物或特殊的符号、名称或标志来树立企业的独特形象。 3服务的有形化 服务有形化是指企业借助服务过程中的各种有形要素,把看不见摸不着的服务产品尽可能地实体化、有形化,让消费者感知到服务产品的存在、提高享用服务产品的利益过程。服务有形化包括三个方面的内容: 服务产品有形化。即通过服务设施等硬件技术,保证服务行业的前后一致和服务质量的始终如一;通过能显示服务的某种证据,增强消费者对服务的感知能力。 服务环境的有形化。服务环境是企业提供服务和消费者享受服务的具体场所和气
19、氛,它虽不构成服务产品的核心内容,但它能给企业带来先入为主的效应,是服务产品存在的不可缺少的条件。 服务提供者的“有形化”。服务提供者是指直接与消费者接触的企业员工,其所具备的服务素质和性格、言行以及与消费者接触的方式、方法、态度等如何,会直接影响到服务营销的实现,为了保证服务营销的有效性,企业应对员工进行服务标准化的培训,让他们了解企业所提供的服务内容和要求,掌握进行服务的必备技术和技巧,以保证他们所提供的服务与企业的服务目标相一致。 4服务的标准化 由于服务产品不仅是靠服务人员,还要借助一定的技术设施和技术条件,因此这为企业服务质量管理和服务的标准化生产提供了条件,企业可以把这部分技术性的
20、常规工作标准化,可以从以下五点来考虑: 从方便消费者出发,改进设计质量,使服务程序合理化。 制定要求消费者遵守的内容合理、语言文明的规章制度,以诱导、规范消费者接受服务的行为,使之与企业服务生产的规范相吻合。 改善服务设施,美化服务环境,使消费者在等待期间过得充实舒服,如设置座椅,放置书报杂志,张贴有关材料等,为消费者等待和接受服务提供良好条件。 使用价格杠杆,明码实价地标明不同档次、不同质量的服务水平,满足不同层次的消费者的需求规范服务提供者的言行举止,营造宾至如归的服务环境和气氛,使服务生产和消费能够在轻松、愉快的环境中完成。盐城师范学院毕业论文(设计)外文资料翻译学 院: 黄海学院 专业
21、班级: 1121 学生姓名: 徐美玉 学 号: 11417320 指导教师: 林小兰 外文出处: Christian Gronroos. From scientific management to service management. International Journal of Service Management,1994,5(1)5-20 附 件:1.外文原文; 2. 外文资料翻译译文 指导教师评语:该英文资料选择合理,与毕业设计论文相关度。专业术语、词汇翻译的准确度较高,体现了较强的专业英语应用水平。翻译工作认真细致,严格按照规定,翻译材料能与原文保持一致,能正确表达出原文意思。
22、翻译材料语句通顺,符合中文的表达习惯。签名: 林小兰 2014年 10 月 15日1外文原文Service marketing Service marketing is a closely through the customer, and then provides a service, achieve beneficial exchange marketing. To implement service marketing must first clear the service object. Who is the customer. Like the drinks industry c
23、ustomers are divided into two levels: Distributors and consumers. For the enterprise. Should take all the distributors and consumers as God, to provide quality services.To improve customer satisfaction and customer loyalty though the service. The general characteristics of the service marketing:(1)
24、supply and demand dispersionService marketing activities, services of supply and demand of the product with dispersion. Not only the cover of various departments and the industry to the tertiary industry, enterprise services are widely dispersed, but the need for supplier is involved in various type
25、s of enterprises, social groups.(2) a single marketingTangible products marketing distribution, agents and direct sales to a variety of marketing methods. Service marketing is due to the production and consumption of unity, decide its can take direct way, the middlemans involvement is impossible, im
26、possible also stored for sale.(3) marketing objects are complexService market buyers is multiple, extensive, complex. Buying service consumer purchasing motivation and different purposes, A service purchasers of products may be involved in the community all the various types of family and individual
27、 identity, even to buy the same product or service for life, while others used in the production of consumption, such as information, such as communication of post and telecommunications.(4) the service consumer demand elasticityAccording to Maslow hierarchy of needs theory, peoples basic material n
28、eeds is a primary demand, this demand is easy to produce common people, but the people to the spiritual and cultural consumption demand is secondary to demand, the demand for the social environment and each having the condition caused greater elasticity of demand. At the same time, the demand for se
29、rvices and to tangible products demand in certain organization and the total amount of spending in the mutual and diversionary, is one of the causes of formation of elasticity of demand.(5) service personnel, technology skills, high art requirementService technical, skills, skills directly related w
30、ith the quality of service. Of a variety of consumer service product quality requirements is the service personnel on the technology, skills, technical requirements. Service services quality may not be the only, unified standards, but only a relatively standard and with the purchasers sensory experi
31、ence.Service marketing principles: customer focus nine principles1, get a new customer than to keep an existing customer to spend more. Companies to expand their markets, expand the market share of the time, tend to put more energy on the development of new customers, but the development of new cust
32、omers and retain existing customers will cost more than. In addition, according to the survey data show, new customer expectations is generally higher than the old customer. This make the development of new customer success rate greatly affected.2, unless you can compensate for the loss of soon, or
33、lose customers will lose forever. Each enterprise to their customer base that division, customers and enjoy the different customer policy. But the business must clearly recognize a little, that each customer is God to us, no matter what they are doing for the company is large or small, we should avo
34、id customer discrimination policy.3, dissatisfied customers than satisfied customers have more friends. Competitors may use customer dissatisfaction, gradually eroded their loyalty, and in your customer base expanding adverse effects. This is why unhappy customers than satisfied customers have more
35、friends.4, open communication channels, welcomed the complaints. There are complaints have to work on improving the power, the timely processing of complaints can improve the customer satisfaction customer loyalty, to avoid falling. Open communication channels, for enterprises to collect all the fee
36、dback information, facilitates the marketing work.5, the customer is not always right, but how to tell them that they are wrong will produce different results. The customer is not always right. The customer is always right is left to the customer, not the enterprise. Enterprises must be found and cl
37、ear understanding of customer and the position of different reasons, to inform and guide them. Of course, this requires some marketing art and technique, different methods will produce different results.6, the customer has full power of choice. No matter what industry and what products, even the mon
38、opoly, we cannot neglect the consumer choice. Market demand is the embodiment of customer demand, is the source of.7, you must listen to the views of customers to understand their needs. Customer service can not be blind, have targeted. The enterprise must listen to the views of customers, understan
39、d their needs, and on this basis for customer service, so as to achieve twice the result with half the effort, to improve customer loyalty.8, if you do not believe, how can you hope your customers would like to believe? Enterprises to customers recommend new products or requirements of customers wit
40、h a cooperation, customers must stand in the perspective, place oneself in others position to consider. If you think it is reasonable, do not try. Your force forever and customer conflict together.9, if you do not take care of your customers, then people will take care of. The market competition is
41、fierce, competition to each others customers are always concerned about the. The enterprise must own the customer regular communication and understanding, to solve customer problems. Ignore your customer to customer to competitors relinquished.Service marketing managementIn order to effectively use
42、the service marketing for enterprise purposes, enterprises should according to their own inherent characteristics of service-oriented market segmentation, service differentiation, materiality is changed, standardization and so on, to formulate and implement the scientific marketing strategy, ensure
43、to achieve the goal of enterprise competition.1,service marketing segmentationAny kind of service market, a large number of widely distributed service demand, due to the influence of demand factors are diverse, service demand has obvious personalized and diversified characteristics. Any company, reg
44、ardless of its ability to much, cannot fully satisfy different market demands for service, it is not possible for all buyers to provide effective services for the service. Therefore, every enterprise in the implementation of the service marketing strategy when they need to its service market or obje
45、ct segmentation, based on market subdivision selected their own services to target markets, conduct targeted marketing combination strategy, in order to obtain good marketing effectiveness.2,service differentiationDifferentiated service is a service business in the face of strong competition in the
46、service content, service channels and service image and adopt different from competitors and highlight their own characteristics, to defeat the competitor, in the service market stand the heel of a practice. From the following three aspects:Product of service tangibility. Through the service facilities such as hardware technology, assurance services consistent service quality and service through be consistent from beginning to end; can show some evidence of service to consumers, enhances the pe