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1、 Follow me to admire the beauty of the city.Shandong province,with another name“Lu”,is an important coastal province in East China.Located on the lower reaches of the Yellow River,it borders on the Bohai Sea and Yellow Seas,and overlooks the Korean Peninsula and the Japan Archipelago across a vast s

2、tretch of sea.The province has a total area of 156,000 square kilometers(about 60,235 square miles)and a total population of over 90 million.Jinan,the capital of Shandong Province,which is located south of Tai Mountain.Jinan is a prosperous and long-history city which is famous for springs.So she is

3、 also called”the city of springs”.Jinan has three major scenic spots of the city.They are the Baotu Spring,Daming Lake and Qianfo Mountain,Jinan has a combination of classic and modern.The city of Qingdao is in the east of Shandong Province.It is famous for the blue sea and beautiful beaches.It is a

4、 wonderful place for summer holidays.Tens of thousands of people from all parts of the country visit Qingdao every summer.They walk along the beach,go swimming or do some shopping.We can see fine view of the city.Qingdao is rich in seafood,including fish,prawns,shellfish and sea weed as well as local foods from other areas.虾 贝类海苔Dongying has the second largest oilfield in China.A century ago,the city was still largely intact;it only had the marsh and sea.But now it is a modern city.Here the Yellow River into the sea.

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