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1、(完整版)Solidworks 2014 术语(中英文对照)英文词中文词英文解释中文解释absorbed吸收A feature, sketch, or annotation that is contained in another item (usually a feature) in the FeatureManager design tree。 Examples are the profile sketch and profile path in a basesweep, or a cosmetic thread annotation in a hole。包含在FeatureManager

2、设计树另一项目(通常是特征)中的特征、草图、或注解。例如,直孔中基体扫描或装饰螺蚊线注解中的轮廓草图和轮廓路径。align对齐Tools that assist in lining up annotations and dimensions (left, right, top, bottom, and so on). For aligning parts in an assembly, see mate.有助于排列注解和尺寸(左对齐、右对齐、上对齐、下对齐、等)的工具.有关在装配体中对齐零件,请参阅配合。alternate position view交替位置视图A drawing view i

3、n which one or more views are superimposed in phantom lines on the original view. Alternate position views are often used to show range of motion of an assembly。一个或多个视图以幻影线叠加于原有视图之上的工程视图。交替位置视图常用于显示装配体的运动范围.anchor point定位点(1) The end of a leader that attaches to the note, block, or other annotation.

4、 See attachment point。 (2) Sheet formats contain anchor points for a bill of materials, a hole table, a revision table, and a weldment cut list.(1) 附加到注释、块、或其它注解的引线端点。另请参阅附加点。(2) 图纸格式包含材料明细表、孔表、修订表、以及焊件切割清单的定位点。annotation注解A text note or a symbol that adds specific design intent to a part, assembly,

5、 or drawing. Specific types of annotations include note, hole callout, surface finish symbol, datum feature symbol, datum target, geometric tolerance symbol, weld symbol, balloon, and stacked balloon. Annotations that apply only to drawings include center mark, annotation centerline, area hatch, and

6、 block。给零件、装配体或工程图添加特定设计意图的文字摘要或符号.特定类型的注解包括注释、孔标注、表面粗糙度符号、基准特征符号、基准目标、形位公差符号、焊接符号、零件序号以及层叠零件序号。只应用于工程图的注解包括中心符号线、注解中心线、区域剖面线以及块.appearance callouts外观标注Callouts that display the colors and textures of the face, feature, body, and part under the entity selected and are a shortcut to editing colors an

7、d textures。在所选的项目下显示面、特征、实体和零件的颜色和纹理的标注,是一种编辑颜色和纹理的快捷方式area hatch区域剖面线A crosshatch pattern or fill applied to a selected face or to a closed sketch in a drawing。 See crosshatch。应用到一所选的面或工程图中一关闭的草图上的剖面线样式或填充。另请参阅剖面线。assembly装配体A document in which parts, features, and other assemblies (subassemblies)

8、are mated together. The parts and subassemblies exist in documents separate from the assembly. For example, in an assembly, a piston can be mated to other parts, such as a connecting rod or cylinder。 This new assembly can then be used as a subassembly in an assembly of an engine。 The extension for a

9、 SolidWorks assembly file name is 。SLDASM。 See subassembly, mate.零件、特征以及其它装配体(子装配体)在里面配合在一起的文档。零件和子装配体位于不同的文件内。例如,活塞是一个可在装配体内与其它零件,如连杆或室,相配合的零件。此活塞装配体然后可在发动机装配体中用作子装配体。SolidWorks 装配体文件名称的扩展名为 。SLDASM。另请参阅子装配体、配合。attachment point附加点The end of a leader that attaches to the model (to an edge, vertex, o

10、r face, for example) or to a drawing sheet。 See anchor point。依附到模型(如依附到边线、顶点、或面)或工程图纸的引线的端点。参阅定位点(anchorpoint)。axis基准轴A straight line that can be used to create model geometry, features, or patterns。 An axis can be made in a number of different ways, including using the intersection of two planes. S

11、ee temporary axis, reference geometry.可用来生成模型几何体、特征、或阵列的直线。轴可以无数方法制作,包括使用两个基准面的交叉处。另请参阅临时轴、参考几何体。balloon零件序号Labels parts in an assembly, typically including item numbers and quantity. In drawings, the item numbers are related to rows in a bill of materials (BOM). See stacked balloon。在装配体中标注零件,通常包括一项

12、目号和数量。在工程图中,项目号与材料明细表(BOM)中的行数关联。另请参阅成组的零件序号。base基体The first solid feature of a part.零件的第一个实体特征。baseline dimensions基准尺寸Sets of dimensions measured from the same edge or vertex in a drawing。 See ordinate dimensions.从工程图中的相同边线或顶点所测量的尺寸组.请参阅尺寸链。bend折弯A feature in a sheet metal part。 A bend generated fr

13、om a filleted corner, cylindrical face, or conical face is a round bend; a bend generated from sketched straight lines is a sharp bend。钣金零件中的特征.从圆角、圆柱面、或圆锥面生成的折弯为圆角折弯;从绘制的直线所生成的折弯为尖角折弯。bevel斜面See chamfer。请参阅倒角.bill of materials材料明细表A table inserted into a drawing to keep a record of the parts used i

14、n an assembly.插入到工程图内以记录在装配体中所使用的零件之表格.blend混合See fillet。请参阅圆角。block块A userdefined annotation that you can use in parts, assemblies, and drawings。 A block can contain text, sketch entities (except points), and area hatch, and it can be saved in a file for later use as, for example, a custom callout

15、or a company logo。用户仅对工程图所定义的注解.块可能包括文字、草图实体(除了点之外)、以及区域剖面线。块可以保存在一文件内供以后使用,如自定义标注或公司标志。BOM明细表See bill of materials。请参阅材料明细表。bottomup design自下而上设计An assembly modeling technique where you create parts and then insert them into an assembly。 See top-down design。一装配体造型技术,您生成零件,然后将之插入到装配体。另请参阅自上而下的设计。bou

16、nding box边界框An imaginary box created by SolidWorks that completely encloses a model, component, or drawing view.一想象由 SolidWorks 所生成的框,完全包揽模型、零部件、或工程视图。brokenout section断开的剖视图A drawing view that exposes inner details of a drawing view by removing material from a closed profile, usually a spline。通过将材料

17、从闭合的轮廓(通常为样条曲线)移除而展现工程视图的内部细节的工程图视图。cavity型腔See mold.请参阅模具center mark中心符号线A cross that marks the center of a circle or arc。标记圆或圆弧中心的十字centerline中心线A centerline marks, in phantom font, an axis of symmetry in a sketch or drawing。中心线以双点画线标记草图或工程图中的对称轴。chamfer倒角Bevels a selected edge or vertex. You can

18、apply chamfers to both sketches and features.斜切所选的边线或顶点.您可将倒角应用到草图和特征。child子特征A dependent feature related to a previously-built feature。 For example, a chamfer on the edge of a hole is a child of the parent hole。与先前建立的特征相关的从属特征。例如,孔边线上的倒角为父孔的子特征.click-click单击-单击As you sketch, if you click and then r

19、elease the pointer, you are in clickclick mode. Move the pointer and click again to define the next point in the sketch sequence.当您绘制草图时,如果您单击第一个点并释放指针,您则位于单击单击模式。移动指针并再次单击以定义草图顺序中的下一个点。clickdrag单击-拖动As you sketch, if you click and drag the pointer, you are in click-drag mode。 When you release the p

20、ointer, the sketch entity is complete.当您绘制草图时,如果您单击第一个点并拖动指针,您则位于单击-拖动模式。当您释放指针时,草图实体被完成。closed profile闭环轮廓Also called a closed contour, it is a sketch or sketch entity with no exposed endpoints; for example, a circle or polygon.也称为闭环轮廓线。为无显现端点的草图或草图实体。例如,圆或多边形。collapse解除爆炸The opposite of explode。 T

21、he collapse action returns an exploded assemblys parts to their normal positions.与爆炸相反.解除爆炸操作将爆炸的装配体零件返回到其正常位置。Collision Detection碰撞检查An assembly function that detects collisions between components when components move or rotate。 A collision occurs when an entity on one component coincides with any

22、entity on another component。为检测零部件移动或旋转时零部件之间碰撞的装配体功能。当一零部件上的实体与另一零部件上的任何实体相冲撞时,则发生碰撞.component零部件Any part or subassembly within an assembly装配体中的任何零件或子装配体。configuration配置A variation of a part or assembly within a single document. Variations can include different dimensions, features, and properties。

23、 For example, a single part such as a bolt can contain different configurations that vary the diameter and length。 See design table.单个文档内的零件或装配体的变量。变量可能包括不同的尺寸、特征和属性。例如,螺栓的一单一零件可能包含不同直径和长度的配置。请参阅系列零件设计表。ConfigurationManagerLocated on the left side of the SolidWorks window, it is a means to create, s

24、elect, and view the configurations of parts and assemblies.位于 SolidWorks 窗口左边,为生成、选择和查看零件和装配体配置的手段。constraint约束See relation.请参阅几何关系construction geometry构造几何体The characteristic of a sketch entity that the entity is used in creating other geometry but is not itself used in creating features。 See refer

25、ence geometry。草图实体的特征,意为实体用于生成其它几何体,但在生成特征中本身不被使用。请参阅参考几何体。continuity连续性Continuity defines the junction point between two curves or surfaces。 A higher continuity implies a less visible junction point。 G0, G1, and G2 continuity is independent of the parameterization of the curve or surface. C0, C1, a

26、nd C2 continuity is dependent on the parameterization of the curve or surface。 In general, C continuity is more stringent than G continuity。 For example, C2 continuity always implies G2 continuity, and C1 continuity always implies G1 continuity, but not vice versa.Curves or surfaces that meet are sa

27、id to have continuity of G0, or contact continuity. Curves or surfaces that are tangent have a continuity of G1, or tangent continuity. Curves or surfaces for which the rate of change of the radius of curvature is the same where they meet have a continuity of G2, also described as curvature continuo

28、us. You can use curvature continuous in creating face blend fillets. A loft with side tangency is an example of level G1.If the junction point of two curves or surfaces is G2 curvature continuous, continuity may not be C2 or even C1 because the curves or surfaces may be parameterized such that at eq

29、ual change of parameter near the junction, the parameterized point on one curve or surface may move more than the parameterized point on the other curve or surface. However, if the curves or surfaces that meet are parameterized such that the amount of movement for each point is the same, then the ju

30、nction continuity is both C1 and C2 as well as G1 and G2.连续以不同层次定义,曲线使用层次 C0、C1 等,而曲面和面则使用层次 G0、G1。相交的曲线可说成为具有 C0 连续性,或接触连续性。相切的曲线具有 C1 连续性,或相切连续性。曲率半径变化率与相交时相同的曲线具有 C2 连续性,也描述为曲率连续。您还可将曲率连续用于生成混合面圆角.带边相切的放样为 G1 层的好例子。coordinate system坐标系A system of planes used to assign Cartesian coordinates to fea

31、tures, parts, and assemblies。 Part and assembly documents contain default coordinate systems; other coordinate systems can be defined with reference geometry。 Coordinate systems can be used with measurement tools and for exporting documents to other file formats。为平面系统,用来给特征、零件、和装配体指定笛卡尔坐标。零件和装配体文件包含

32、默认坐标系;其它坐标系可以用参考几何体定义,用于测量工具以及将文件输出到其它文件格式。cosmetic thread装饰螺纹线An annotation that represents threads.代表螺纹线的注解.crosshatch剖面线A pattern (or fill) applied to drawing views such as section views and brokenout sections。应用到诸如剖面视图或断开的剖视图之类工程视图的图案(或填充)。curvature曲率Curvature is equal to the inverse of the radi

33、us of the curve. The curvature can be displayed in different colors according to the local radius (usually of a surface).曲率等于曲线半径的反量。曲率可以根据局部半径(通常是曲面的半径)以不同的颜色显示。cut切除A feature that removes material from a part by such actions as extrude, revolve, loft, sweep, thicken, cavity, and so on。通过拉伸、旋转、放样、扫

34、描、加厚、型腔等操作从零件上移除材料的特征.dangling悬空A dimension, relation, or drawing section view that is unresolved。 For example, if a piece of geometry is dimensioned, and that geometry is later deleted, the dimension becomes dangling.未求解的尺寸、几何关系、或工程图剖面视图。例如,如果一几何体标注了尺寸,而几何体以后被删除,则尺寸成为悬空。DefeatureWith the Defeature

35、tool, you can remove details from a part or assembly and save the results to a new file in which the details are replaced by dumb solids (that is, solids without feature definition or history)。 You can then share the new file without revealing all the design details of the model。degrees of freedom自由

36、度Geometry that is not defined by dimensions or relations is free to move。 In 2D sketches, there are three degrees of freedom: movement along the X and Y axes, and rotation about the Z axis (the axis normal to the sketch plane)。 In 3D sketches and in assemblies, there are six degrees of freedom: move

37、ment along the X, Y, and Z axes, and rotation about the X, Y, and Z axes。 See under defined。没有由尺寸或几何关系定义的几何体可自由移动。在 2D 草图中,有三种自由度:沿 X和 Y 轴移动,以及绕 Z 轴旋转(垂直于草图平面的轴)。在 3D 草图及装配体中,有六种自由度:沿 X、Y 和 Z 轴移动,及绕 X、Y 和 Z 轴旋转。请参阅欠定义.derived part派生零件A derived part is a new base, mirror, or component part created di

38、rectly from an existing part and linked to the original part such that changes to the original part are reflected in the derived part。派生零件是直接从现有零件生成并由外部参考引用连接到原始零件的新零件。对原始零件所作的更改将反映在派生的零件内。derived sketch派生的草图A copy of a sketch, in either the same part or the same assembly, that is connected to the o

39、riginal sketch。 Changes in the original sketch are reflected in the derived sketch.同一零件或同一装配体内的草图副本,此副本连接到原始草图。对原始草图所作的更改将反映在派生的草图内。Design ClipartUsing SolidWorks Search, Design Clipart searches specific folders, finds and dissects files, and extracts data that you can reuse in SolidWorks.DesignClip

40、art使用SolidWorks搜索搜索特定的文件夹,查找和分解文件,并提取SolidWorks中您可以重复使用的数据。Design Library设计库Located in the Task Pane, the Design Library provides a central location for reusable elements such as parts, assemblies, and so on.位于任务窗格,设计库为可重新使用的要素(如零件、装配体等)提供一中央位置。design table系列零件设计表An Excel spreadsheet that is used to

41、 create multiple configurations in a part or assembly document. See configuration.为Excel电子表格,用于在零件或装配体文件中生成多个配置。请参阅配置。detached drawing分离工程图A drawing format that allows opening and working in a drawing without loading the corresponding models into memory. The models are loaded on an as-needed basis.乃

42、工程图格式,可以允许打开并使用工程图而不必将相应模型装入内存。模型根据需要装入。detail view局部视图A portion of a larger view, usually at a larger scale than the original view.一大型视图的一部分,通常比原有视图比例要大。dimension line尺寸线A linear dimension line references the dimension text to extension lines indicating the entity being measured. An angular dimensi

43、on line references the dimension text directly to the measured object。线形尺寸线参考尺寸文字到尺寸延伸线,表明正被测量的实体。角度尺寸线直接参考尺寸文字到被测量的对象。DimXpertManagerLocated on the left side of the SolidWorks window, it is a means to manage dimensions and tolerances created using DimXpert for parts。此位于SolidWorks窗口的左侧,是管理使用零件的DimXp

44、ert所生成的尺寸和公差的工具。DimXpert for partsA set of tools that applies dimensions and tolerances to parts according to the requirements of the ASME Y.14。41-2003 standard.一组用于按照ASMEY14.412003标准的要求对零件应用尺寸和公差的工具.DisplayManagerThe DisplayManager lists the appearances, decals, lights, scene, and cameras applied t

45、o the current model. From the DisplayManager, you can view applied content, and add, edit, or delete items。 When PhotoView 360 is added in, the DisplayManager also provides access to PhotoView options。dock point停放点A point on an annotation, shown by a dashed red square, where you can attach a multijo

46、g leader。注解上的一个点,由带虚线的红方块显示,您可在此附加多转折引线。document文档A file containing a part, assembly, or drawing.包含零件、装配体、或工程图的文件draft拔模The degree of taper or angle of a face, usually applied to molds or castings。面锥剃或角度的度数,通常应用到模具或铸件。drawing工程图A 2D representation of a 3D part or assembly。 The extension for a SolidW

47、orks drawing file name is 。SLDDRW.3D零件或装配体的2D展现。SolidWorks工程图文件名称的扩展名为.SLDDRW。drawing sheet工程图图纸A page in a drawing document。工程图文档中的一页。driven dimension从动尺寸See reference dimension.请参阅参考尺寸。driving dimension驱动尺寸Also referred to as a model dimension, it sets the value for a sketch entity。 It can also co

48、ntrol distance, thickness, and feature parameters。也称为模型尺寸,为草图实体设定数值。它还可控制距离、厚度、及特征参数.Dynamic Clearance动态间隙An assembly function that detects the clearance between components when the components move or rotate. The clearance is the minimum distance between any entity on one component to any entity on another component.为检测零部件移

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