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1、(完整word)状语从句练习题1. What was the party like?-Wonderful. Its years _I enjoyed myself so much.A。 after B。 before C。 when D. since2。 Mother was worried because little Alice was ill, especially _Father was away in France。A. as B. that C。 during D。 if3. Why do you want a new job _you got such a good one al

2、ready?A. that B. where C. which D。 when4。 After the war, a new school building was put up _there had once been a theatre.A。 that B. where C. which D。 when5。 You will be late _you leave immediately。A。 unless B。 until C。 if D. or6. _, Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.A。 However late is

3、 he B. However he is lateC. However is he late D. However late he is7。 If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, _great it is。A. what B。 how C. however D. whatever8. We wont give up _we should fail ten times。A. even if B。 since C. whether D. until9. She doesnt speak _her friend,

4、 but her written work is excellent.A。 as well as B. so often as C。 so much as D。 as good as10。 Hell be happy _he may be。A. when B. if C。 because D. wherever11. The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she _.A. will arrive B. arrives C。 is arriving D。 is going to arrive12. Th

5、e volleyball match will be put off if it _.A。 will rain B. rains C。 rained D。 is raining13. Remember to send me a photo of your son next time you _to me。A. write B. will write C。 are writing D。 would write14。 If city noises _from increasing, people _shout to be heard even at thedinner table in 20 ye

6、ars from now.A。 are not kept; will have to B。 are not kept; have toC。 do not deep; will have to D. do not deep; have to15. I need one more stamp before my collection _.A. has completed B。 completes C。 has been completed D。 is completed16. As she _the newspaper, Granny _asleep.A。 read, was falling B。

7、 was reading, fellC。 was reading, was falling D。 read, fell17。 If it _for the snow, we _the mountain yesterday。A。 were not; could have climbed B. were not; could climbC。 had not been; could have climbed D。 had not been; could climb18. If he _, he _tat food.-Luckily he was sent to the hospital immedi

8、ately。A。 was warned; would not take B. had been warned; would not have takenC。 would be warned; had not taken D。 had driven; wouldnt have got19。 It is 50 years _the Peoples Republic of China was founded.A。 after B. before C。 when D. since20. _the sun rises, all the stars in the sky disappear。A。 The

9、moment B. Before C。 Till D. For21。 Not until I began to work _how much time I had wasted.A. didnt I realize B. did I realize C.I didnt realize D. I realized22。 Not until all the fish died in the river _how serious the pollution was。A。 did the villagers realize B。 the villagers realizedC。 the village

10、rs did realize D。 didnt the villagers realize23. Why do you drink so much coffee?Well, _it doesnt keep me awake in the nights, I see no harm in it。A. although B. if C. unless D. while24。 It was _it rained heavily that they didnt come.A. as B. because C。 for D. since25. Why not buy a cheaper one, _yo

11、u dont have enough money?A。 since B. because C。 for D。 though26. It is ten years _I left home.A. when B。 after C。 since D. as27. He speaks English _he speaks his mother tongue.A。 so good as B。 as good as C。 so well as D. as well as28。 Try _he might, he couldnt get out of difficulty.A。 when B. where

12、C。 till D。 as29. _I saw the computer, I showed great interest in it。A。 At first B。 For the first time C. Until D. The first time30. I dont think youll be able to understand this formula(公式) _you finish school.A. as if B。 only when C。 even D。 even when31. I often visited Tianan Men Square _I was stay

13、ing in Beijing.A. until B。 during C. while D. throughout32。 He always thinks Im wrong, _I may say.A。 no matter whatever B。 whatever C. what D。 that33。 _the rain has stopped, lets continue to work。A。 For B。 Now that C。 That D. Because34. _, I am sure that the boy is honest.A。 Whatever people say B. N

14、o matter people sayC。 What people say D。 It doesnt matter people say35。 I knew Mr. Green _I knew Mrs。 Green。A. long before B. before long C. long ago D。 after long36. They waited _it was dark before leaving, _they didnt want anyone to see them leave.A。 since; because B。 until; as C。 unless; for D。 s

15、o; because37。 _often you ring, no one will answer.A. How B. However C. Whom D。 Whenever38. I will never stop _they might like it.A。 no matter how B. how C. what D。 though39。 Father was _busy in working _he often forgot rest or meals.A。 very, that B. so, that C. such, as D。 enough, as40. We made a de

16、cision _there would be rain, we should stay at home.A. that B。 if C. that if D. whether41. I usually watch TV in the evening _I have to study for an examination.A. because B。 unless C. while D. the moment42. I had lived there for over thirty years _I wanted to return to my motherland again。A. until

17、B. after C. while D. when43. It was a long time _I went to sleep again。A。 when B。 while C。 before D。 until44。 He must be ill, _he looks so pale。A. since B. because C. as D。 for45. Ill take no steps _you arrive.A. and B. since C. until D。 while46。 You will catch cold _put on more clothes。A. if you B。

18、 if you will not C。 unless you D。 until you47。 _he woke _slept, this subject is always in his mind.A。 If; and B。 Both; and C。 Either; or D。 Whether; or48。 We had hardly got to the station _it began no rain.A. until B. since C。 while D. when49. They were surprised that a child should work out the pro

19、blem _they themselvescouldnt.A. once B. then C。 while D。 if50. My name is Robert, _most of my friends call me Bob for short。A. then B. instead C. however D. but答案:15 DADBA 610 DCAAD 1115 BBAAD 1620 BCBDA 2125 BAABA 26-30 CDDDD 3135 CBBAA 3640 BBABC 4142 BDCDC 46-50 CDDCD女人如春天的桃花.阳春三月,春暖花开时,婀娜多情的桃花会竞

20、相开放,如一片片红霞,与如纱的垂柳,形成了桃红柳绿的春日美景.而青春靓丽的美女,正恰如春光明媚中盛开的桃花,缤纷绚烂,激情四射,充满青春的活力,充满青春的幻想,充满青春美妙的情怀。青春岁月, 容光焕发的美女,爽朗的笑声,轻盈飘逸的秀发,眉飞色舞的眼神,热情奔放的性格,恰如妩媚鲜艳的桃花,装扮了温暖的春天,惊艳了春天的美丽。无论走到哪里,美女总会给人赏心悦目的感觉,总是一道靓丽的风景,使春天增添了无与伦比的靓丽,所以说女人如春天如霞的桃花!女人如夏日的荷花。“ 接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红。” 炎炎烈日下,荷花亭亭玉立,静谧地开放,粉绿相间,分外妩媚。“出污泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖 . 清白闲逸

21、,自由脱俗,清新淡雅,芬芳四溢的天然美丽。远离喧嚣的尘市,在一方水土里,独享一份圣洁高雅,恬静安然的舒适,柔情似水的缠绵婉约,恰如一个静享清欢的善良女子.“ 清水出芙蓉,天然去雕饰 .” 女人天生就是清纯、善良、静美、温柔如水的性格,拥有善良的心灵,宽容的心胸。每天只求安静地做好自己,不斤斤计较,不张扬,以一颗博爱之心,宽容身边的人和事。容忍于心,善存心间,用一颗感恩的心,温暖着身边的人和事,所以说女人如夏日清爽的荷花!女人如秋天的菊花。秋高气爽,硕果累累时,到处是丰收的喜悦景象.一场秋雨一场寒时,百花凋谢,万物凋零的时刻,菊花却在风吹雨打中毅然绽放,用顽强的生命力,笑对风雨。多姿多彩的菊花,

22、傲然开放,装点了秋日的荒凉.“ 采菊东篱下,悠然见南山.”怡然自得的享受啊!而如花的女人,一路走来,吃尽千辛万苦,历经曲曲折折,却毫不畏惧艰难。照顾老人,陪伴孩子,洗衣做饭,工作加班,任劳任怨。宁愿自己吃苦受累,从不抱怨。在平凡的岁月,书写着女人们的精彩与不平凡。即使韶华远逝,年青的容颜失去光彩,依然在为家人创造着温暖、快乐、幸福的家园,所以说女人如秋霜中绽放的菊花!女人如冬日的梅花。在白雪皑皑的冬季,天苍苍,野茫茫之时,大地一片衰败的景象。行走在路上,寒风凛冽,刮到脸上如刀般的疼痛,但是女人依然在路上坚强地面对、承受。这不正是无惧风雪 、坚韧不拔、顽强不屈的梅花的品格吗?“ 遥知不是雪,唯有暗香来 . 梅花以它的弱小娇艳的身躯,凌寒傲雪,装点着寂寞荒凉的冬日!在光阴的故事里,女人走过青春岁月,走过三十而立,走过四十不惑此刻,正逐渐走在繁华落幕的路上,肩负着生活无奈的痛苦,品尝着人间聚散离合的悲欢。无论条件多么的艰苦,女人们一如既往地在路上打拼、奋斗着,时刻承担着家庭和社会的责任,装扮着世界的美好和浪漫,正在骄傲地撑起自己的半边天。“ 梅花香自苦寒来 。” 所以说女人如冬日火红的寒梅!女人如花,四季都在竞相地绽放,闪烁着耀眼的光华;女人又非花,漂亮、善良、宽容、感恩,是始终如一的信念.女人如水,柔情似水,缠绵婉约;女人又非水,坚强、勇敢、优雅、浪漫,是一生的追求。

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