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1、1I have a big brother. _name is Paul. A. His B. Her C. He D. Your2- Are Sandy and Kate_ good friends? - Yes,they arePlease look after _Ayour; their Byour; themCyours; theirs Dyou;them3 -Excuse me. Is this your ruler? -No, its not _. Its Lucys.A. hers B. his C. mine D. yours4“ Is this your schoolbag?

2、 ” “ No, it isnt. Its_.”A. he B. she C. his D. her5- Is that girl Ann? - No,_ isnt._ name is Mary.A. it; Her B. he; HerC. she; His D. she; Her6Miss Li is _ English teacher. She likes_ very much.A. our, we B. our, usC. us, our D. us, us7. -Excuse me, is this Lucys book ? - No, it is _. _is over there

3、 .Amine; Hers Bmy; HerCmy; Hers Dmine; Her8Miss Fang is _ English teacher. _is a good teacher.A. our, Her B. my, HeC. a, She D. an, She9Dont worry. My brother has many vegetables. You can have some of_.A. mine B. yours C. his D. Hers10This is my dictionary and that is_ .A. she B. her C. hers D. they

4、11_ is an English boy._ name is Frank.A. His , His B. He , HeC. He, His D. She , Her12Whats her name? -_ name is Mary.A. His B. Her C. My D. Your13This is my little sister. _ name is Jenny, we all like(喜欢)_.A. She; she B. Her; herC. She; her D. Her; she14 You can go to the library with _ and _ siste

5、r. A. his; his B. him; hisC. him ;he D. he; his 15- Is this your book? - No, it isnt_ .It belongs to_ .A. my, he B. mine, him C. me, his D. my, him16Mrs. He teaches _ Maths. We are all interested in _ lessons.A. our, she B. our, herC. us, she D. us, her17 - Excuse me, is he Jack? - No, _ name is Mik

6、e.A. her B. his C. my D. your18-Is this your brother? Whats_ name?-Jim Green.A. she B. her C. your D. his19Is that _ruler? No, its not her ruler. Its_.A. her ; mine B. her ; myC. your ; mine D. your; hers20This isnt _ eraser. _ is in the pencil box.A. yours, Mine B. her, HerC. his, His D. mine, Hers21This is Kates box and _is here.A. my B. her C. your D. his22_is an English girl. _name is Kate.AShe; She BShe; HerCHer; She DHer; Her

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