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1、新概念青少版1A Unit 13测验 出卷人:Stella Name:_听力部分(20分)一、 听单词,从A、B、C三个选项中找出划线部分发音不同的选项。(5分)( )1.A.table B.that C.bag ( )2.A.red B.dress C.camera ( )3.A.about B.know C.house ( )4.A.white B.silver C.bike ( )5.A.black B.umbrella C.banana 二、听录音,选出你听到的内容。(5分)( )1.A.green B.grey C.brown( )2.A.good B.foot C.look( )3

2、.A.what B.who C.whose( )4.A.Its a hat. B. Its a bag. C. Its a key.( )5.A.Whats this? B.Is it grey? C.Whose is it?三、根据听到的内容选择正确的答案。(10分)( )1.What colour is the bird? A.Green B. Blue C. Grey( )2.Whose is the dress?A.Marys B.Lilys C.Joans( )3.What colour is Jacks bag?A. Blue B.Brown C.Black( )4.What is

3、 it?A. B. C. ( )5.Whats that?A. B. C. 笔试部分(80分)一 选出不同的一项。(5)1( ) A. it B. he C.I D. is2( ) A. nice B. fine C. good D. bad3. ( ) A. key B. hat C.camera D. family4. ( ) A. bicycle B. horse C. train D. car5. ( ) A. nine B. eleven C. fourteen D. twelve二 选出发音不同的一项。(5)1( ) A. meet B. teacher C. key D. sil

4、ver2. ( ) A. bag B. red C. camera D. Karen3. ( ) A. four B. what C. daughter D. ball4. ( ) A. put B. book C. look D. ruler5. ( ) A. pen B. pencil C. hat D. dress三重新排列字母,组成单词,并写出中文意思。(10)1.m, t, e, e, _ 2. w, t,i, h, _ 3. h, w, o, _ 4.w,i, c, h, h, _ 5.s,l,v,r,e,i 6.r,e,n,e,g_7.o,g,n,y,u_ 8.b,y,c,i,l

5、,e_ 9.b,m,r,e,l,a,l,u_ 10.s,d,t,u,n,e,t_四.单项选择(10)( )1.What is your name ? A . My name is Lucy. B. How do you do? C.This is Lucy.( )2.What is it? A . It is red. B. It is a book. C. It is 6.( )3.Whose is this map? This is map. A .Pauls B. Paul C. Paul is( )4. that young man. A . Look on. B. Look at.

6、C. Look in.( )5. Who is that girl the red bicycle?A . in B. on C. at ( )6.Who is that woman the white umbrella? A . with B. on C. in( )7.What color is it? A.hat B.camera C.silver( )8.How do you do ? -_.A.Nice to meet you. B.Fine,thank you. C.How do you do?( )9.Is this a chair? -_,A.Yes,it isnt . B.N

7、o,it isnt. C.No,it is.( )10.Whose is that bicycle? -_.A.Its Paul. B.Its Lucys. C.It Karen.五 根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子。(15)1. Whose is this b_(书包)?2. Nice to m_(遇见)you.3. Its a g_(绿色)hat.4. This is my s _(姐妹)5. Whats t_ with? (那个)6. The doctors bicycle is b_(蓝色的),but Roberts is b_(黑色的)7. Whos that woman w_ (撑着)

8、the black umbrella?8. He is a s_(学生)9. What c_(颜色) is the bicycle?10. _(谁的) is the blue h_(帽子)?11.How _you_?(用于第一次见面向别人问好)12.Who is the girl _(在.上面) the horse?六 根据要求写句子。(20)1. This is her sister.(改为一般疑问句)2He is my cousin.(改为否定句)3. Whose is this camera?(把这个句子翻译成中文) 4Is this my coat? (肯定回答)5Is this my

9、 mobile? (否定回答)_6:Roberts bicycle is silver.(对划线部分提问) 7.The umbrella is Lucys. (对划线部分提问) 8.Who is that young man in the yellow car? (把这个句子翻译成中文) 9.Whats that? Its a dress. Whose is it? Its Lucys. (把这个句子翻译成中文) 七把A栏的问题和B栏的答案连线 (7.5)Column A Column B1. How do you do? A. It is Paul.2. Who is that boy? B

10、. It is Mikes.3. Whose is this desk? C. It is black.4.Whats that? D. How do you do? 5.What color is your new dress? E.Its a green bird. 八、情景反应。(7.5分)( ) 1.你第一次见到Mike,感到十分高兴,你应该这样说: _ A.How do you do? B. Nice to meet you C.Good afternoon( )2.想问你同学的书包是什么颜色的,你应该这样说: _ A. Whats your name B. What do you

11、do C.What colour is your bag( )3.你想知道那辆银色的自行车是谁的,你应该这样问: _ A. What colour is your bicycle B. who is the silver bicycle C.whose is the silver bicycle( )4.Annie 想知道那个拿着白伞的女人是谁,她应该这样问: _ A.Whos that woman with the white umbrella B. Whats the name is that woman with the white umbrella C. What does that woman with the white umbrella do( )5.听到Robert生病的消息,你应该这样说: _ A.Im happy B. Im sorry C.Oh,my god

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