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1、(完整版)unit3How do you get to school导学案单元纲要 Unit 3 How do you get to school?一 单元分析 本单元的教学围绕“谈论如何去上学这个话题展开教学。 Section A 是使学生能够说出各种交通工具,正确使用表达交通方式的表达熟练谈论不同交通方式去上学,所花费的时间及对距离的讨论.Section B主要对出行交通方式更加深入的探讨,呈现了换乘的概念,这些内容都是与学生日常生活相联系的,所以应紧密联系学生实际,采用多种方式,引导学生用英语进行交际,这对于提高学生的综合能力很有帮助。同时,通过学习谈论交通工具,为今后学习合理选用交通工

2、具打下基础.二 单元目标1、词汇: subway ,take the subway, train, minute, kilometer, ride a bike, sixty, seventy, far, every day, drive, car, think of, cross, many, village, between, afraid, dream, come true2、句型: How do you get to school?How does heshe get to school? How long does it take to get to school?How far i

3、s it from your home to school? It takes me twenty minutes to get from home to school?三 课时安排Section A 2课时Section B 2课时Selfcheck 1课时Unit 3 How do you get to school?主备人:郑志彦 审核人:七年级英语备课组 时间:Section A 1a2d (第1课时)【学习目标】:1.学习单词和短语subway train forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred by minute take f

4、ar by bus how long how far 2句型: how + 助动词+主语+ go to + 地点? how long does it take - how far is it fromto3、能听懂谈话中涉及的交通方式和表示时间,路程的数字;用重点句型询问并谈论乘坐交通工具的方式,路程和所花费时间。【学习重点】:掌握并运用多种表达乘坐交通工具的方式。【学习难点】:能熟练运用how, how long, how far 引导的特殊疑问句询问出行方式,花费时间和两地之间的距离.【学习过程】:一、 自主学习,整体感知学习任务一: 认读并书写本课单词 1.短语:到达学校_ 步行_乘地铁

5、_骑自行车_乘公共汽车_乘火车_ 2。完成1a 将单词与图片匹配.学习任务二: 学会谈论学生的乘车方式. 1。 听录音完成1b . 2。 让学生理解并复述听力内容. 并编新对话。 (1c) 3。 听录音.在单词旁写正确的数字。(2a) 学习任务三: 通过学习,学生可以完成2b。 1. 补全方框。 2. 两人一组,交流答案。二、合作交流,文本探究1、尽可能多的写出你所知道的交通工具或交通方式 如:_总结:表示“乘坐交通工具”有以下几种方法“takethe/a交通工具名称(地点名词)”意为“乘去某地.如例_1. “动词walk, ride, drive, fly等to地点名词,意为“步行/骑自行车

6、/开车/坐飞机去某地”。如例_2. “by交通工具名词”意为“乘。如例_3. “on/ in限定词交通工具名词(单数前用a, an, the修饰)”,用以表达具体的交通方式。如例_2点拨提升:How does Bob get to school?He takes the train。how 为疑问副词,意为如何,怎么,以何种方式,本句用以询问交通方式,其回答方式有两种,一种是直接用方式状语来回答,即by+交通工具,或in+限定词+交通工具;另一种用动词来回答,如walk步行,take+限定词+交通工具,乘某种交通工具,ride a bike,骑自行车,drive a car开车等。除此之外,h

7、ow还可以用以询问程度或方法等。How can learn English well?-How du you like the book?-Its very interesting。三、课内检测,巩固提高一、单项选择( ) 1. -_ did you go there? By boat。A。 When B。 Where C。 How D. Who( ) 2. -_ is it from your home to the school?-About twenty minutes walk.A. How far B. How long C.When D. Where( ) 3。 It takes

8、_ time to the work。A。 too many B. too much C。 a few D. quite little( ) 4。 How does he go to Hong Kong? _。A。 Take train B。 By train C. By the train D。 By trains( ) 5. Our holiday is coming. Two _ students in our school will go hiking.A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of( ) 6. _ water d

9、o you want? A little。A. How many B。 How big C。 How long D. How much( ) 7. My uncle usually _ a bus to go to work。A。 take B. by C. on D. takes ( ) 8. It takes me twenty minutes _ my homeworkA. to do B. do C. doing D. in doing( ) 9。 How about going there _ our bikes?A. in B. on C. at D. by( ) 10。 How

10、does Kens mother _ home?A. get B. get to C. getting D. gets四、延伸拓展,迁移升华词汇(根据句意首字母提示完成单词,或用所给单词的适当形式填空)1。Do you r your bike to school every day?2. There are 60 m_ in an hour.3。 My home isnt far from here, its about two k_.4.Thirtyfive and forty-five is e .5。 It took them ten minutes _ ( walk ) to the

11、hotel yesterday.作业设计A: B: C:【学习反思】Unit 3 How do you get to school?主备人:郑志彦 审核人:七年级英语备课组 时间:Section A 2e3c (第2课时)【学习目标】:1。学习单词和短语kilometer,shower,quick,bicycle,early,mile ,how far, how long,taketo2句型:-How long does it take to get to school? -It takes about 15minutes。 -Does Jane walk to school? -No, sh

12、e doesnt. She goes by bike.【学习重点】:巩固how对交通方式的提问和how long对时间段的提问,并学习how far对距离和路程的提问。【学习过程】:一、 自主学习,整体感知学习任务一: 认读并书写本课时单词 1.个人看音标自读单词,教师矫正读音。2。小组内互相检查读单词情况预习感知:想想译译 1、每天 _ 2、大约10公里_ 3、起床_ 4、乘公共汽车_5how far _ 6 从家到学校_ 7、开车 _ 8、get to school _学习任务二: 分角色练习对话。1. 两人一组分角色读对话。2. 听录音,跟读对话,矫正读音。学习任务三:练习grammar

13、 focus的句子1. 自读grammar focus的句子2. 组内矫正读音。二、合作交流,文本探究 1、It takes about 25 minutes to walk and 10 minutes by bus . It takes sb some time to do sth 的意思是花费某人多少时间做某事,注意to do 如;It took me an hour _(write ) the letter .如果我们提问时间宾语时,就用_引导的句型。如:It takes me 15 minutes to get to school 。提问划线部分 _ _ does it take y

14、ou to get to school ?2、How far is it from your home to school ?意思是_ How far 用来询问距离,答语要用表示距离的词语。It 代指的是距离 Its 500 meters from my home to school .提问 _ _ _ _from your home to school ?三课内检测,巩固提高单项选择 1。 -How does he go to Hong Kong ? _ 。 A. Take the plane B。 By the plane C。 By the air D。 By air 2。 -_do y

15、ou live from your school ? About 10 minutes walk. A。 How many B。 How long C。 How soon D. How far 3. I usually get to school _ . A。 ride the bike B。 on bike C. on the bike D。 by the bike 4. _ does it take her to get to school ? A. How many time B .How long C .How far D .How much 5. How far is it _ yo

16、ur home to school ? A 。at B。 of C .with D。 from四延伸拓展,迁移升华根据提示完成句子。 1。 I _(起床) at 6:30 every day . 2. Lucy_( 乘地铁) to work 。 3.-How far is it from your home to school ? Its around _(五分钟) 。 4。 How do you get to school ? I get to school _ (步行) 。 5。 Its _(大约15公里) . 6. There are _(好几百) students in our sch

17、ool 。 7. Lucy is ill 。Her father _(带她去医院) 。二、补全对话. A: _ does she get to school ? B: She takes the subway to school 。 A: _ is it from her home to school ? B: Its 12 miles . A: _does it take her to get from home to school ? B :It takes 15 minutes .【作业与练习】A: B: C: 【学习反思】Unit 3 How do you get to school?

18、主备人:郑志彦 审核人:七年级英语备课组 时间:Section B 1a1e (第3课时)【学习目标】:1、识记下列单词:stop, station, think of 2、熟练运用短语: think of 3、巩固how, how long, how far的问句及其回答。 【学习重点】:巩固how, how long, how far的问句及其回答。 【学习过程】:一、自主学习,整体感知想想译译 1. 起床_ 2、地铁站 _ 3、think of _ 4.take the subway_ 5。six thirty _ 6、bus stop/station _7。It takes sb so

19、me time to do sth._ 8How does he get to school?_ 9.How far is it from his home to school? _10.It is about 10 kilometers from school._二、合作交流,文本探究)完成1a,将单词与图片匹配。2)与同伴谈论一下你上学所使用的交通类型。3)听听力完成1c,1d与同伴交流How does she/he get to school?三课内检测,巩固提高根据首字母完成句子。 1. They are waiting for you at the bus s_ 。 2.Beijin

20、g is f_ from London . 3。 It takes her around t_(35) minutes 。 4。 My home is 5 kilometers a_ from school . 5。I went to bed at a_ 10:00 last night . 6。I r_ my bike to the zoo . 7.At the s_ station ,he met Nina 。 四延伸拓展,迁移升华一.句型转换:1。 How can I get to the post office ?(同义句) _ is the post office ? 2.Huosh

21、an is far from Luan 。 (用50 kilometers替换far) _ 。 3. I want to know。How can I get to the hospital?(合并为一句) _ . 【作业与练习】A: 完成金榜行动P21第三题B: 完成金榜行动P21第三题C: 完成金榜行动P21第二题【课后反思】Unit 3 How do you get to school?主备人:郑志彦 审核人:七年级英语备课组 时间:Section B 2a3b(第4课时)【学习目标】:1)会读会写下列单词:north, part, depend, river, boat, must,

22、more, than, means, car 2)熟练运用下列短语:depend on,on the school bus, be different from 3)培养学生用英语表达如何到达某地。【学习重点】:熟练运用下列短语:depend on,on the school bus, be different from【学习过程】:一、自主学习,整体感知1。on the school bus_2.depend on_3。_在世界的其它地方4.be different from_ 5._许多,若干6。a small number of_7。the most popular means of t

23、ransportation_8.a lot more fun_9。around the world _10。North America_11.大多数学生 _ 12.by boat _ 13。a small number of students 一小部分的学生二、合作交流,文本探究1、In China ,it depends on where you are._depend on 意思是_如:孩子依靠他们的父母。Children_their parents .2、That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus .must be 意思是_在这里表示推测,

24、只用于肯定句,否定句用cant 如:It must be delicious .变成否定句为 It _ delicious . more 是much 的_,修饰不可数名词 fun。 a lot 修饰more,表示程度.3、In North America ,not all students take the bus to school. _。这是一个_,一般来说,not 用于代词all ,many ,much , every , both 等词的前面,均属于部分否定.如:Not all of us are good at dancing。 _。并不是每个男孩都喜欢踢足球._ 4、a numbe

25、r of 若干,一些 “a number of + 可数名词的复数” 作主语时,谓语动词用_形式。number前可用 large, small修饰。 A large number of boys like playing basketball。_。5 、The number of + 可数名词复数 (的数量) 作主语,谓语动词用_形式。6、in places where there are rivers and lakes 在有河流和湖泊的地方 where there are rivers and lakes作_修饰places.7、North China_ 8. the north of C

26、hina_三、课内检测,巩固提高根据首字母提示完成句子。 1. Canada is on the n_ of the USA。 2。 Its not safe to swim in the r_。 3。 In Venice(威尼斯) , students usually go to school by b_. 4。 The ruler c_ be my brothers because he doesnt like the color. 5。 Good health d_ on good food. 6。 How far do you live f_ school? 7。 A s_ numbe

27、r of students get to school in their parents car。四、拓展延伸,迁移升华单项选择 1。 That Tshirt with Yao Mings picture on it _ belong to (属于) David . He admires him a lot。 -Not, it _ be his。 He hates black color。 A. cant, cant B。 may, neednt C. must, mustnt D. must , cant 2. In America, most students go to school _

28、 the school bus。 A。 by B。 in C. on D。 for 3. A number of students _ on the playground。 A。 are B。 is C。 have D。 has 4。 They _ the bike to get to school. A。 take B。 get C。 ride D。 make 5. If they live near the river, they can go somewhere _ 。 A. by train B。 by taxi C. by boat D。 by bus 6. How are they

29、 going to the countryside tomorrow, _ bike or _ foot? A。 by, by B. on, on C。 by, on D。 on, by 7。 You shouldnt _ your parents all the time。 A。 depend B。 depend on C. depends D. depends on 8. -What time did you _ there last night? -At about eight. A。 get to B. got to C。 get D. got 9。 In Japan, the mos

30、t popular way of _ to school is by train. A。 get B. gets C. getting D。 to get 10. Dont worry _ me。 Im OK。 A. about B。 with C。 for D. of【作业】A: 完成金榜行动P22第三题B: 完成金榜行动P22第三题C: 完成金榜行动P22第二题【学习反思】_ _ Unit 3 How do you get to school?主备人:郑志彦 审核人:七年级英语备课组 时间:Section B 1a1e (第3课时)【学习目标】:Talk about how to get

31、to school。 1. How do you get to school? 2. How far is it from your home to school?Its three miles。 3。 -How long does it take you to get from home to school?-It takes 25 minutes。【学习重点】 Talk about how to get to school。 1. How do you get to school? 2. -How far is it from your home to school?Its three m

32、iles. 3. How long does it take you to get from home to school?It takes 25 minutes.【学习过程】:一、 自主学习,整体感知1.翻译下列短语,并熟练掌握1)到达_ 2)乘地铁_3)乘火车_ 4)乘小汽车_5)步行去- 6)骑自行车_7)多远 _ 8)多久_ 9)多久一次_ 10)动身去-_二、合作交流,文本探究Make Conversitions:1. How do you get to school? 2. How far is it from your home to school?Its three miles

33、。 3。 How long does it take you to get from home to school?It takes 25 minutes.三、课内检测,巩固提高1。 He always r _his bike to the subway station。2。The bus ride usually t_ about 40 minutes,。3。When it r_, I often take a taxi home.4。Every morning he l_ for school at around half past six。5。In China ,are bikes an

34、d buses the most popular means of t_?6。In our school ,a small n_ of students take the subway。7.All living things d_ on the sun for their growth.(生长)8Taking a boat to go to school must be a lot more f_ than taking a bus.9. Dont w_ about your mother . Let me look after her。10.This picture is d_ from t

35、hat one。二选择填空1。The number of the students _ 2500 this year.A. is B. was C. are D. were。2.When did the match start ?_。A. Half an hour。 B. Half an hour ago C。 Half an hour later D。 In half an hour。3. _ takes her about twenty minutes _.A。 That , get to B。 It , get toC. This , to get D. It, to get4。How

36、long did it _ him to get there?A. get B。 bring C. take D。 carry5。_ from your school does he live ?A。 How long B。 How much C。 How far D. How many四、拓展延伸,迁移升华 一)按要求改写句子:1. He goes to school on foot every day.(改为同意句)He _ _ school every day.2。My aunt wants to go there by plane .(划线提问)_ _ your aunt _ to g

37、o there.3。It takes us about twenty minutes to get to school on foot. .(划线提问)_ _ _ it _ us to get to school on foot?4。Jane often flies to Japan. (改为同义句) Jane often goes to Japan _ _.5.My uncle lives ten miles from his factory. 。(划线提问)_ _ _ your uncle _from his factory? 书面表达:自行车在北京很受欢迎,骑车上学和上班都很方便.但是现

38、在越来越多的人,使得.而骑自行车既可以,又可以。你更喜欢哪种交通工具?为什么?根据中文提示和下面的英文提示写一篇短文,要求意思连贯.1. bicycles, still popular, Beijing2.it is easy, go to school , to go to work, bike3。now, people, buy cars, it , make , air dirty4.bicycles , can help , stay healthy, save energy(能源)5。 Ibecause作业布置:A完成书面表达B完成句型转换C会被背本节短语【作业与练习】A: 完成金榜行动P23第三题B: 完成金榜行动P23第三题C: 完成金榜行动P23第二题【课后反思】_ _

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