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1、 新概念英语入门级B(UNIT6-8)测试题 (2013、4、6) 姓名_ 得分_一、 找出下列单词中不同类的一个。(10分)( )1. A. duck B. horse C. donkey D. puppet( ) 2. A.lamb B. farm C. duck D. bird( ) 3.A.bull B.blue C.cow D. goat( ) 4.A.cherry B.strawberry C.grape D. jeans( )5.A.glass B. knife C. fork D. sandwich( )6.A.bamboo B. peach C. banana D. oran

2、ge ( )7.A. dish B.knife C.box D.sausage( )8.A.tomato B.horse C. sheep D.chicken ( )9.A.dress B.skirt C.jacket D.food( )10.A.donkeys B.socks C. shoes D. trousers二、 把下列单词改成复数形式。(10分)1. chicken _ 2. sheep _ 3. box _ 4. cherry _ 5. dish _ 6. tomato_ 7. knife_ 8.glass _ 9. fork _ 10. dress_三、 连词成句。(10分)1

3、. my, uncles this, farm, is _ 2. cows, are, those ? _ .3. little, these, are , horses _ .4. are, whose, coats, they? _ .5. a , lot , of , what, socks! _ .四、 选择最合适的答案。(20分)1. Those _ ducks. A.are B. is C. isnt2. This _ my grandfathers farm. A. Is B. are C. arent3. Are those cows? _A. Yes, it is. B. N

4、o, it isnt. C. Yes, they are.4. Are these bulls? _ A. Yes, they are. B. No, it isnt C. Yes, it is. 5. What are these? _A. It is a box. B. No, they arent. C. They are glasses.6. What are those? _ A. Yes, they are. B. They are peaches. C. It is a potato.7. How old is Pop? _ A. Hes nine. B. Yes, he is.

5、 C. He is a boy.8. _ is the food? Its in the blue dish. .A. What B. Where C. Who9. _ that boy? Its Sam.A. Whos B. Whose C. What10. Look! _ are sandwiches. A. This B. Those C. That五、 选词填空。 (20分)1. cake 2.favourite 3. sandwiches 4. Whos 5.food 6. birthday 7.What 8.strawberries 9. nice 10. whats _ that

6、 behind the table? Its Jed. Its his _. Hes nine. The _ on the table is for Jed and his friends. _ are those in the blue dish? Theyre _, cherries and peaches!Wow! What _ food! Look at the _ ! And those are sausages! Sausages are Jeds _ food! And _ that in front of Jed? Its his birthday _ . Happy birthday, Jed!六、 写出下列句子的意思:(10分)1. Look at the birds! _2. Those arent sheep._ .3. Theyre bulls! _ .4. Theyre knives and forks. _ .5. They are Mums skirts. _ . 七、 看图片写单词:(20分) 1._ 2 _ 3 _ 4. _ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9. _ 10._

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