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1、个人收集整理 勿做商业用途浅谈光机电一体化技术的应用On the application of electromechanical integration technology 文/刘林灵 Lin Ling Liu摘要:人们生活在高度现代化的今天光机电一体化技术得到迅猛发展,在民用工业和军事领域得到广泛地应用,光机电技术在现代化水利建设中也得到了充分的应用。据美国高级军事专家调查, 以光机电一体化技术为支撑的高技术武器系统, 在美国关键军事技术计划中的比例约占91 , 在常规武器系统中约占50%【1】.光机电一体化技术的特征是在机电一体化概念的基础上强调了光、光电子、激光和光纤通讯等技术的作用

2、,属于2l世纪应用领域更为宽阔的机电一体化技术。Abstract: People living in highly modernized. Electromechanical integration technology has been rapid development in the civilian industry and military fields are widely applied, light mechanical and electrical construction technology in modern water has also been fully appli

3、ed。 According to senior U.S。 military experts investigated to electromechanical integration technology to support hightech weapons systems, critical military technology programs in the United States in the proportion of about 91% of conventional weapons systems account for about 50 of the 【1】 Charac

4、teristics of electromechanical integration technology is based on the concept mechatron emphasized light, photonics, laser and optical communication and the role of technology。本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途关键词:光机电一体化技术 特征 组成 应用。Key words: optomechatronics technology feature composition applicati

5、on一 光机电一体化技术的基本概念Electromechanical integration technology, a basic concept光机电一体化技术是指将光学、 机械学、 电子学、 信息处理和控制及专用软件等当代各种新技术进行综合集成的一种群体技术。光机电一体化系统主要有五个组成部分: 动力、 机构、 执行器、 计算机和传感器, 组成一个功能完善的柔性自动化系统, 其中计算机、 传感器和计算机软件是光机电一体化技术的重要组成要素.Electromechanical integration technology refers to the optical, mechanical,

6、 electronics, information processing and control and special software such as contemporary comprehensive integration of new technologies as a group technology. Mechatronics system mainly has five components: power, institutions, actuators, computers and sensors to form a fully functional flexible au

7、tomation systems, computers, sensors and computer software are electromechanical integration of important elements of technology本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途个人收集整理,勿做商业用途光机电一体化系统具有结构简单、 功能多、 效率高、 精度高、 能耗低的特点, 与传统的机械产品比较, 光机电一体化产品至少有以下 个优点。Mechatronics system is simple, multi-function, high efficiency, high prec

8、ision and low power consumption, compared with the traditional mechanical products, optical electromechanical integration products at least the following two advantages。1 原有的机构产品中增加信息处理装置及相应软件, 来替代原有产品的部分机械控制机构, 不仅提高了自动化程度, 而且能大大提高产品质量, 降低生产成本, 提高经济效益.An increase in the existing body products, infor

9、mation processing apparatus and corresponding software to replace the original mechanical control products, body part, not only to improve the degree of automation, and can greatly improve product quality, reduce production costs and improve economic efficiency。2 以光机电一体化技术为主的新型产品, 与原机械产品相比, 不仅结构简单,

10、而且功能增加, 精度提高.2 to electromechanical integration technologybased new products, compared with the original machinery is not only simple in structure, and function to increase the precision improved。3 将光电子技术、 传感器技术、 控制技术与机械技术各自的优势结合起来, 形成综合化优势, 可开发出具有多种功能、 智能化的高新技术产品【2】.3 photonics technology, sensor t

11、echnology, control technology and mechanical technology combine the advantages of their own, form a comprehensive advantages, can be developed with a variety of functions, intelligent hightech products 【2】。二 光机电一体化的技术特征和技术组成Second, the technical characteristics of electromechanical integration and t

12、echnical components 1 光机电一体化的技术特征 1, the technical characteristics of electromechanical integration(1)最佳化。随着电子技术的发展,为实现某一功能或某一控制规律的方案大大增多。在产品设计时,可以机械技术和电子技术有机地结合起来,实现系统整体的最佳化.(1) optimization. With the development of electronic technology for the realization of a particular function or program of a

13、control law greatly increased。 In product design, mechanical technology and electronic technology can be organically combined to achieve overall system optimization.(2)智能化。机电一体化产品可以按照预定的动作顺序或被控制的数学模型,有序地协调各相关机构的动作,达到最佳控制的目的。其控制系统大多具备自动控制、自动诊断、自动信息处理、自动修正检测等功能。(2) intelligent。 Mechatronic products ca

14、n follow a predetermined sequence of movement or control of the mathematical model, ordered relevant agencies to coordinate action to achieve the best control. Most of the control system with automatic control, automatic diagnostics, automatic information processing, automatically correct detection。

15、(3)柔性化.机电一体化产品往往只需通过软件改变指令,即可达到改变传动机构的运动规律。(3) flexible。 Mechatronic products are often only a software change orders, change can be achieved by movement of the transmission mechanism。2 光机电一体化的技术组成2 composed of electromechanical integration technology(1)机械技术.机械技术是光机电一体化的基础,把其他高新技术与机电一体化技术相结合,实现结构、材料

16、、性能上的变更,从而满足减小质量和体积、提高精度和刚性、改善功能和性能的要求。(1) Mechanical Technology。 Machinery technology is the basis of electromechanical integration, the other high-tech technology combined with the mechanical and electrical integration, implementation structure, materials, performance changes, to meet the reduced

17、mass and volume and improve the precision and rigidity, improved functionality and performance requirements.(2)计算机与信息处理技术。计算机是实现信息处理的工具。在机电一体化系统中,计算机与信息处理部分控制着整个系统的运行,直接影响到系统工作的效率和质量。(2) computer and information processing technology. The computer is a tool to achieve information processing。 In mech

18、atronics systems, computer and information processing part of the control of the whole system, directly affects the work efficiency and quality of the system Volume。(3)系统技术。系统技术是从全面的角度和系统的目标出发,组织应用各种相关技术将总体分解成相互联系的若干个功能单元,找出可以实现的技术方案。(3) system technology. System technology from the perspective of a

19、 comprehensive and systematic objective, application of relevant technology to organize the whole down into a number of interconnected functional units to identify technical solutions can be achieved.(4)自动控制技术。自动控制技术的内容广泛,包括高精度定位、自适应、自诊断、校正、补偿、再现、检索等控制.(4) automatic control technology. A wide range

20、of automatic control technology, including high-precision positioning, adaptive, selfdiagnostic, calibration, compensation, representation, retrieval control.(5)传感与检测技术。传感与检测是系统的感受器官,是将被测量信号变换成系统可以识别的,具有确定对应关系的有用信号.(5) sensing and detection technology. Sensing and detection system receptor, the sign

21、al being measured is transformed into the system can identify, with established correspondence between the useful signal.(6)伺服传动技术。伺服传动是由计算机通过接口与电动、气动、液压等类型的传动装置相连接,用以实现各种运动的技术。(6) servo drive technology。 Servo drive is the computer through the interface and electric, pneumatic, hydraulic and other

22、types of transmission devices connected to the technology used to achieve a variety of sports.(7)光电转换技术。光电转换过程的原理是光子将能量传递给电子使其运动从而形成电流【3】。(7) photoelectric conversion technology。 The principle of photoelectric conversion process is the photon energy transfer to the electrons and causes the movement

23、to form the current 【3】。三 光机电一体化技术的运用Sanko use of Mechatronics 光机电一体化技术的运用主要包括在设计和加工制造中的运用. The use of electromechanical integration technology includes the design and manufacturing of application.1 设计中的运用1 the Design of1.1 信息处理技术1。1 Information Processing(1) 计算机 进行大量的数据采集和处理;数字式或图像式生动明确的显示结果;对误差进行修

24、正和补偿;利用计算机的高速运算和存储能力, 提高系统的分析、 实时反应速度;对图像信息进行自动处理和自动识别;通过网络进行协同工作和信息共享;以计算机作为上位机、 可编程控制器作为下位机可使系统具有层次结构,接口合理, 便于维护。(1) Computer a lot of data acquisition and processing; digital or graphic display of vivid and clear results; on the error correction and compensation; highspeed computing and the use o

25、f computer storage capacity, improve system analysis, real-time response speed; automatic processing of image information and the automatic identification; work through the network and information sharing; to the computer as a host computer, programmable logic controller system as the nextbit machin

26、e can have a hierarchical structure, the interface is reasonable, easy to maintain.本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途(2) 软件 人工智能 (包含各种遗传算法、 神经网络数据处理方法、 专家系统及决策支持系统) ,可优化数据处理, 提高运行速度, 并可提高决策能力和正确率; 网络技术, 可共享资源 (包括数据、 硬件和信息) 和协同工作; 仿真技术, 可评估运行效果以辅助决策; 良好、 简便的人机交互界面.(2) Software Artificial Intelligence

27、 (including a variety of genetic algorithm, neural network data processing methods, expert systems and decision support systems), data processing can be optimized to improve the speed and improve the decision-making ability and accuracy; network technology, can share resources (including data, hardw

28、are and information) and collaborative work; simulation technology, to assess the operating results to assist decisionmaking; good, simple manmachine interface。本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络1.2 激光技术1.2 Laser Technology(1) 高单色性, 利用激光高单色性作精密测量时, 可极大地提高测量精度和量程。(2) 高方向性, 因具有很远距离传输光能和传输万方数据、控制指令的能力, 从而

29、可以进行远距离激光通信, 激光测距, 激光雷达, 激光导航以及遥控。(3) 高亮度性, 大功率激光器的发光亮度比太阳光亮度高几千亿倍.利用激光的高亮度特性, 中等亮度激光束在焦点附近可产生几千到几万度的高温, 可使照射点物体熔化或汽化, 对各种各样材料和产品进行特种加工。(4) 相干性极好, 由于激光束频率单一、 相位相同、 方向又相同, 故其光线叠加幅度稳定, 在时间和空间上周期一定。因此适用于激光通信、 全息照相、激光印刷以及光学计算机的研制。而在实际运用中也会通过一些激光技术改变激光辐射的特性, 应用范围更广。(1) high monochromatic, monochrome lase

30、r for high precision measurement, it can greatly improve the measurement accuracy and range. (2) high directivity, due to have a very long distance transmission of energy and transport Articles, the ability to control commands, which can be long-range laser communication, laser ranging, laser radar,

31、 laser navigation and remote control. (3) of high brightness, high power lasers and high brightness light brighter than the sun hundreds of billions of times。 High-brightness characteristics of the laser, a brightness of the laser beam near the focus can produce a few thousand to tens of thousands o

32、f degrees Celsius, can melt or vaporize the object light points,A variety of materials and products for special processing。 (4) excellent coherence, due to a single frequency laser beam, the same phase, direction and the same, so the range of stable lights together in time and space on the cycle。 Th

33、us for laser communications, holography, laser printing and the development of optical computers. In the practical application of laser technology will change through a number of characteristics of laser radiation, a wider range of applications.本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途个人收集整理,勿做商业用途 1.3 传感检测技术1.3 Sensor Tec

34、hniques (1) 激光干涉测长, 其特点是可测长度范围大、测量耗时短、 精度高。可应用于精密丝杠、 机床、 零件、 数控设备的测量和校验, 坐标精密定位、 光学平面检测和地震预测。(2) 激光测速, 利用多普勒效应, 可以进而确定运动物体的速度。其优点是测速准确; 非接触测量;空间分辨率高, 因而可测量速度分布和速度梯度; 可在二维或三维空间内测量, 因而可测量物体运动的方向。(3) 激光准直, 能够测量平直度、 平面度、 平行度、 垂直度, 也可以做三维空间的基准测量。(4) 激光测距, 其探测距离远, 测距精度高, 抗干扰性强, 体积小, 重量轻, 但受天气影响大。(5) 光纤探测器

35、, 在目标很小, 间隔受限或危险的环境中, 最常选用的是光纤探测器。(6) 运用微光机电一体化技术研制出了多种微型传感器件和系统。 (1) laser interferometer length measurement, which is characterized by the length range can be measured, measurement time is very short, high precision。 Can be used in precision screw, machine tools, spare parts, CNC equipment, measur

36、ement and calibration, precise positioning coordinates, optical flat testing and earthquake prediction. (2) laser guns, the use of the Doppler effect, can then determine the speed of moving objects. The advantage is speed and accurate; non-contact measurement; high spatial resolution, which measures

37、 the velocity and velocity gradient; can be measured in twodimensional or threedimensional space, which measure the direction of the movement of objects. (3) laser alignment,本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络Can measure straightness, flatness, parallelism, perpendicularity, threedimensional space can

38、be the benchmark measurement。 (4), laser ranging, the detection distance, range and high precision, strong antiinterference, small size, light weight, but affected by the weather great. (5) optical fiber probe, the target is small, the interval limited or dangerous environment, the most commonly use

39、d is the optical detector。 (6) the use of MOEMS integration technology developed a variety of microsensors and systems.本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途个人收集整理,勿做商业用途 2 制造中的运用 2 the use of manufacturing (1) 激光加工技术金属表面的激光强化; 激光焊接; 激光切割; 激光清洗技术。其他还有激光打孔、 刻槽、 标记、 光化学沉积等加工技术。(2) 先进制造技术激光快速成型是利用计算机将复杂的三维物体转化为二维层, 然后利用 “积

40、分” 的思想, 将热塑性塑料粉末或胶粘衬底片材纸张烧结, 由点、 线构造零件的面 (层) , 然后逐层成型。激光快速成型技术可使新产品及早投放市场, 极大地提高了汽车生产企业对市场的适应能力和产品的竞争能力【4】。(1) metal surface laser processing technology of laser hardening; laser welding; laser cutting; laser cleaning techniques. Others include laser drilling, groove, mark, photochemical deposition

41、processing technology。 (2) rapid prototyping of advanced manufacturing technology is the use of computers to complex three-dimensional objects into two-dimensional layer, then use the ”integral” thinking, the thermoplastic adhesive powder or sintered substrate sheet of paper, from the point, line co

42、nstruction parts the surface (layer), and then layer by layer formation. Laser rapid prototyping technology allows new products to market as early as possible,本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途Greatly improve the car manufacturers on the market adaptability and competitiveness of products【4】。四、结语IV

43、Conclusion综上所述光机电一体化的出现不是孤立的它是许多科学技术发展的结晶,是社会生产力发展到一定阶段然要求.当然,与光机电一体化相关的技术还有很多,并且随着科学技术的发展,各种技术相互融合的趋势将越来越明显,光机电一体化技术的广阔应用前景也将越来越光明To sum up。 The emergence of electromechanical integration is not isolated it is the crystallization of many scientific and technological development is to a certain stag

44、e of development of social productive forces contingent requirements. Of course, light mechanical and electrical integration with related technologies there are many, and with the development of science and technology, the trend of mutual integration of various technologies will become increasingly

45、apparent, electromechanical integration technology will be increasingly broad application prospects bright 。文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途浅谈光机电一体化技术的应用On the application of electromechanical integration technology作者简介:刘林灵 贵州人 1988年出生 2009年考入贵州大学电气工程学院About the author: Liu Lin Linggui Californian b

46、orn in 1988 in Guizhou in 2009 was admitted to the University College of Electrical Engineering参考文献References【1】 刘志, 朱文坚 光机电一体化技术期刊论文 -现代制造工程2001【1】 Liu, Zhu Wenjian electromechanical integration technology Papers - Modern Manufacturing Engineering 2001【2】 张延波 光机电一体化技术的现状和发展趋势期刊论文 -化学工程与装备2009(1)【2】

47、 Zhang Yanbo electromechanical integration technology status and development trend Papers Chemical Engineering and Equipment 2009 (1)【3】 张莉娟, 王建 浅谈光机电一体化技术的应用期刊论文 职业2009(30)【3】li-juan zhang wang jian Of electromechanical integration technology Papers - Professional 2009 (30)【4】 冯 华 综述光机电一体化技术的运用期刊论文 煤矿机械2005(11)【4】 Feng Hua review the use of electromechanical integration technology Papers Coal Mine Machinery 2005 (11) 科目:光机电一体技术导论学院:电气工程学院专业:电 气信息 类班级:电 工 092作者:刘 林 灵学号: 0908040115

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