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1、学科English课时2年级 9年级课题Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? 2/5教学要求1. Key Vocabuscalator, furniture, exchange money, elevator.2. rain students listening ability.3. Train students communicative competence.教学重点难点1. Indirect questions.2. How to improve students listening ability.教法合作学习

2、法活动教学法情景教学法教学过程及教师活动学生活动设计意图Step I ionCheck homewok some pairs to act out their conversations according to the picture in la.Step II 2aThis activity provides listening practice using the target language.Read the inions and point to the list of directions. Tell students there is a blank line in front

3、 of each direction where they can write in a number from 1 to 4.They will hey four directions, so two blank lines will be left. You will hear one boy ask another boy how to find something in a shopping mall. The sentences in your book are in the wrong order. Number the directions from 1 to 4 to show

4、 the correct order.Point to thure. Get students to name the items in the picture such as escalator,Check the answers with the whole class.Step III 2bThis ay gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Point to the picture.AnswersThe lin from where the boy is s

5、tanding, over to the escalator, up the escalator to the second floor, to the left and past the bank. The line stops in front of the drug store between the furniture store and the bookstore.Look aticture and say .通过复习,使学 生对上节课所 学知识进行温 习。为听力做铺垫。Step IV 2cThis activovides guided oral practice using the

6、 target language.Ask a pair dents to read the sample conversation aloud to the class.Write the sample conversation on the blackboard.Read the insons aloud. Say. Make conversations using information about the places in the picture with your partners.As students move around the classroom checking the

7、progress of the pairs and offering help as needed.Step V Grammar FocusReview the grbox. Have students read the questions to the class. As the students are doing this, write the following three questions on the blackboard.Ask the st to look at the blackboard. Underline the words I can buy shampoo, th

8、e post office, and I can get a dictionary. Ask a student to name something that he or she is looking for, such as a new notebook. Then ask other students to try to use all three sentence starters to form questions.Step VI SummaryIn this class, we ve learned key vocabulary exchange money, the target

9、language Excuse me. Do you know where I can exchange money? Sure. There? s a bank on the second floor and the structures. Do you know where,? Could you tell me how to get to*? Can you please tell me where*?Listenandcheckthequestions they hear.write the letters in the blanksMake conversations using information fromActivities 2a and 2b with a partner.检测学生的听 力水平。本环节通过这 个活动,对本单 元的基本句型 进行机械操练, 使学生能够脱 口而出。对知识进行梳 理整理,便于记 忆。作业布置Ask the st to write three sentences with the starters of the structures.教学反思

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