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1、译林8B Unit 3 单元反馈训练Name _ Class _ Marks _一听力测试(20分)I.听句子,选择相应的答句。( )1.A. Its very useful. B. I use it as often as possible. C. I usually use it to search for information.( )2.A. When he was in Shanghai. B. Since he began to teach us three years ago. C. In 2003.( )3.A. With the mouse. B.With the hard

2、disk. C. With the programmes.( )4.A. He has been to Changsha twice. B. He has gone to Yunnan. C. He has visited Kunming.( )5.A. Im sorry to hear that.B. Congratulations!C. Thats very nice of you.II.根据你所听到的对话回答问题,( )6. When will the two speakers meet?A. At 4:30 p.m. B. At 4:45 p.m. C.At 5:15 p.m.( )7

3、. What did John do last night?A.He did his homework. B.He did some reading C. He chatted with his friends on the Internet.( )8.How does the boy like computer games?A. He doesnt like them at allB. He dislikes playing games with his friends.C. He likes playing computer games.( )9.What does Simon want

4、to get?A. Some water and food.B.Some clothes.C.Some medicine.( )10. Where will Linda go on Saturday?A. To the party. B.To the art exhibition.C.To the museum. 听一段对话,回答11-12题。( )11. How much is the jacket? A.24 dollars B. 76 dollars C. 100 dollars( )12. What jacket did the man buy?A.A blue jacket. B.

5、A brown jacket. C. A black jacket.。听第一段短文,回答13-15题。根据短文内容,完成信息记录表。PlaceAlmost every school in_13_ has a sports team.ActivitiesPlay against different schools after_.MembershipChoose new memebers at the beginning of each team.Members must be good at the game and _( )13. A. China B. Australia C. Americ

6、a( )14.A. Christmas B. the final term examination C. summer holidays( )15. A. the lesson B. music C. computer 根据你所听到短文回答16-20题,( )16.What can good education bring the students in the future?A. HealthB. SuccessC. Comfort( )17.How much homework does a middle school have in Singapore?A. A lotB. SomeC.

7、Very little( )18.What is Not mentioned in the school programs outside school hours?A.Having sports. B. Dancing. C. Eating in a restaurant. ( )19.According to the passage, what do most students in Singapore like?A. Hollywood blockbusters. B.Writing to their friends. C.Talking to their friends.( )20.

8、How is the middle school students life in Singapore?A .It is easy. B. Its hard but interesting.C.Its boring.二单项选择(15分)( )21. The story of Tom Sawyer_ in Missouri, America, in the 19th century.A. had happened B. was happening C. has happened D. happened( )22.Whats the weather like this summer here?-T

9、here_ very little rain.A. has B. has been C. are D. have been( )23. -_ the boy still _? -No, he_ playing computer games. A. Hasplayed computer games; has stopped B. Isplaying computer games; stoppedC. Didplay computer games; stopped D. Isplaying computer games; has stopped ( )24. Last week I _ by a

10、Clothes shop and saw Miss Wang_ on a new coat.A. passed, has tried B. passed, trying C. has passed, has tried D. has passed; trying, ( )25. Kouyu100 can help us improve English and have fun_.A. sometimes B. on time C. at the same time D. in time( )26. China is bigger than_ in Asia. A. any country B.

11、 any countries C. any other country D. any other countries( )27. Would you mind _ the door? _,please do it now. A. to open, OKB. opening, Certainly not C. opening, Of courseD. to open, Good idea( )28. Do you mind me parking my car here? -_. Look at the sign. It says, “No parking.”A. It doesnt matter

12、B. Certainly notC. Never mind D. Better not( )29. -There is _ much noise in the classroom that I cant hear you clearly.-Yes, the classroom is often filled _ noise without teachers.Aso; with B. so; of Csuch; with Dsuch;of( )30.-_ do you eat biscuits?-Every time when I come back from school.A. How lon

13、g B. How much C. How oftenD. How soon( )31. Im not sure if she_ here. If she_, Ill be very happy.A. will come; will comeB. comes; will come C. will come; comesD. comes; comes( )32. Hangzhou is famous _ producing silk in China.A. from B. at C. in D. for ( )33.You have a nice iphone 5s.-Thank you. I _

14、 it since it came out.A .had B. bought C. have had D. have bought( )34. Its almost three years_ we met last.A. when B. before C. until D. since( )35-My Dad bought me a new camera, but I dont know_.-Let me show you. A .what to use Bwhich one to use C. how to use it Dwhen to use it三完形填空(10分)Mr. and Mr

15、s. Green were very worried about their son, Leo. He seemed to be dumb(哑的)_36_he was normal in every other way. Mr. and Mrs. Green tried everything to get him to_37_, but with no success.When Leo was six years old, the best doctors in the town_38_ him carefully, but could find nothing wrong. And he s

16、eemed to be smart. It was just that he_39_spoke.“There might be something wrong with his_40_, and he doesnt know hes able to speak,” One doctor said.But he can read and write.” said Mr. Green. “Weve written him notes, telling him that he can speak.”“ Its certainly very_41_,” another doctor said. “Pe

17、rhaps hell be able to speak some day.”_42_ passed. Leo went to university. But he did not speak a_43_word.Then one day Leo was having a meal with his parents. Without any warning, he looked up from his_44_and said. Pass me the salt. please.”Mr. and Mrs. Green were excited. “You spoke! You spoke! the

18、y cried. Why have you_45_so long to speak?”“I didnt have anything to say,” he said. “Until now everything was perfect. But you forget to put salt in these potatoes.”( )36. A. becauseB. whenC. thoughD. before( )37. A. speakB. walkC. playD. laugh( )38. A. taught.B. foundC. examinedD. asked( )39. A. ne

19、verB. OftenC. usuallyD. always( )40. A. backB. hairC. faceD. mind( )41. A. unfairB. strangeC. noisyD. quiet( )42. A. HoursB. WeeksC. MonthsD. years( )43. A. goodB. rightC. singleD. new( )44. A. chairB. mealC. handsD. books( )45. A. sleptB. walksC. servedD. waited四阅读理解(20分)(A)London EyeLondon Eye is

20、135 meters high and has become one of the worlds tallest observation wheels(观景摩天轮). It has 32 capsules(密闭舱) and carries about 10, 000 visitors every day. You can travel in complete safely. And you can see up to 40 kilometers away in all directions from each capsule.Because of the way the capsules ar

21、e hung, it provides a full 360-degree panorama(全景) when you are at the top of wheel.Buckingham PalaceBuckingham Palace is Queen Elizabeth s official residence (寝宫). The State Room(国事厅) in it have been opened to the public for the Summer Opening since 1993. At first, the Summer Opening was considered

22、 a way to raise money for repairing Buckingham Palace, but it became so popular that the Queen has continued to let visitor enjoy it every summer. The Queen is not at Buckingham Palace when it is open to the publicshe goes to one of her country residence.If you are visiting at a different time of th

23、e year, go to see the Changing of the Guard(换岗仪式).The British MuseumThe British Museum was opened to the public in 1753 and it continues to be free sincc then. More than 7 million objects arc kept in the British Museum, and it would probably take a week to see everything! Dont think the British Muse

24、um is full of works of art from old England. In fact, it is full of the treasures the soldiers brought back from faraway places. Those treasures include some collections which are the largest and best-known in the world.( )46. The incorrect dcscription of London Eye is that _.A. it is one of the wor

25、lds tallest observation wheelsB. you can see up to 40 kilometers away in all directions from each capsuleC. it has 32 capsules and carries around 1,000 visitors every dayD. you can enjoy a full 360-degree panorama when you are at the top of the wheel( )47. The aim of opening Buckingham Palace to the

26、 public every summer is to _.A. raise money for building a new palaceB. let visitors see the Changing of the GuardC. lei visitors enjoy the Queens country residenceD. raise money for repairing it and let visitors enjoy it( )48. From the passage, we know that _.A. the British Museum is opened for fre

27、e only in summerB. the British Museum has more than 70 million objectsC some of the treasures were brought to England by foreign visitors D. you may need 7 days to enjoy everything in the British Museum(B)My Year Abroad This month in Travelers Corner there are three teenagers experiences in year-abr

28、oad programmes.Mariko Okada TokyoMy year abroad in the United States was a fantastic experience. Im not a shy person, and I was very comfortable speaking to everyone. So I got lots of speaking practice. I also learned lots of interesting things about American culture. When I got home, my friends all

29、 said that I had improved so much! I hope to go back again in the future.Carla Fonseca Rio de JaneiroI spent last year studying English in London. Im from a small town, and London is a very big city. Sometimes I felt it was too big. There were so many people to talk to, but I always felt bad about m

30、y English. I missed my family, and I really missed my two cats. My roommate was always using our telephone, so I hardly had the chance for a nice long talk with my parents. I think it was a good experience for me, but Im glad to be home!Alvin Chen Hong KongStudying in New Zealand was a fun experienc

31、e for me, but it was also lots of hard work! I had English classes six hours a day, five days a weekwith lots of homework. I also kept a diary of my experience. I like to write, and I wrote two or three pages in my diary every day. On Saturdays, my homestay family took me to lots of interesting plac

32、es and showed me so many wonderful things about the culture. Im really glad I went!( )49. All the three teenagers went abroad .A. to study EnglishB. to visit friendsC. to have a holidayD. to find a job( )50. Who didnt really enjoy the stay in a foreign country very much?A. Mariko.B. Carla.C. Alvin.D

33、. None of them.( )51. Travelers Corner is most probably .A. a sports club newsletterB. a science documentaryC. a travel magazineD. a news website(C)Uses of ComputersIt is well-known that computers are becoming more and more popular. They are playing an important role in our daily lives. Computers ar

34、e very useful in almost every field. The first use of computers is to edit films. Imagine you have a great deal of document files to do. What program will you use? The answer could be “Word”, the famous word processor of Microsoft. If youd like to design a chart, you can use “Excel”. And “Outlook” c

35、an be one of the most useful tools for you to send and receive e-mails.Another use of computers is to search for information on the Internet. Searching for information online is very convenient(方便). If we have computers connected to the Internet, we can get much useful information online. Theres qui

36、te a lot of information on the Internet. Is alsovery easyjust type in what you are looking for and click the “search” icon. The search result will soon be listed on the screen. Today, computers and the Internet are necessary for most of us.Further more, we can use computers as designing tools. We ca

37、n also write some calculation programs to solve math problems. Computers have better performance in these fileds because of their high speed and accuracy.On the other hand, computers may produce negative effects. We should use computers in the right way and make computers good assistants of human be

38、ings. ( )52. When you are surfing online, . A. you will find that the computer is a good assistant B. you will get an e-mailC. you can solve every problem D. you must use “outlook”( )53. If you want to find some information on the Internet, you must . A. use Excel B. type in your name C. double left

39、 click the “search” icon D. connect your computer with the Internet( )54. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Its better to use “Excel” to send an e-mail.B. You can search the Internet at any time if you have a computer.C. We can use computers to solve some math problems. D. You can get any informati

40、on you want on the Internet.( )55. Why does the writer say computers are very useful? A. Because they are accurate. B. Because they play an important role in our lives.C. Because they never produce negative effects. D. Because they have high speed.五词汇(15分)(A) 根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词。56. Its very important

41、 for office staff to learn word _ (文字处理)。57. I change the channel with the remote _ (遥控器)。58.-What kind of TV _(节目)do you like best?Sports news.59. Dont stare at the computer _(屏幕) for too long.60. I found lots of riddles and jokes on _ (网站).61. I heard a _ (世界著名的)scientist will give us a talk this

42、Friday afternoon.62. -Have you ever been to _(非洲)?No, never.63 Can you tell me about the largest _ (岛屿) in China?64. You can see _ (more than two but not very many) chickens in front of the house.65.Whats at the _ (底部) of the goldfish tank?(B)根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空。66. The room was in total_ (dark) when t

43、he candle went out.67 I think you can win the prize by_(practice) hard.68. Everyone in my family enjoys watching plays and _(music). 69. Our toys sell well in the _ (Europe) market.70. They felt so tired after three_(day) long walk.六.根据所给提示完成下列句子(20分)71. You can type in the words _ _. (用键盘)72. I _ _ _ a w

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