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1、(完整word)湖北英语完成句子-状语从句湖北省完成句子专题练习 状语从句【附答案】1. She fell asleep _(读书时)。(read)2. Ill ring you up_(我一到加拿大)。(soon)3. Do it _(趁你还未忘记)。(forget)4. _(他一看见)the bear, he climb the tree.(immediately)5. _(我一听说)the accident, I came to the scene。(moment)6. Hardly had I sat down_(电话就响了)。(ring)7. _(你一旦开始),you must go

2、 on.(begin)8. No sooner had we got the destination_(天开始下雨).(rain)9. _(每次旅游)by ship, he got sick。(travel)10. _(我第一次看到她时), she looked shy.(time)11. _(下次你来)Beijing, I will meet you at the airport.(time)12. I has been five years_(自从他们结婚以来)。(get)13. The castle stood_(两条公路交接的地方)。(meet)14. I will take you_

3、(你想去的任何地方)。(like)15. _(在没有雨的地方),farming is difficult。(where)16. Better leave things_(在你能找到它的地方).(find)17. Roses need special care_(以便它们能过冬)。(live)18. _(我们为了能看到)the sunrise, we set off for the peak early。(order)19. She is working hard_(唯恐落后)。(fear)20. Take an umbrella with you_(以防下雨).(case)21. The bo

4、ok is written in such simple English_(我们能容易地理解它).(understand)22. There were so few students present_(会议不得不延误).(put)23. You must tell the truth_(既然你知道事实)。(know)24. _(考虑到他没有努力学习),he did well in the exam。(consider)25. At 60, your brain possesses _(大约四倍多的信息)as it did at age 20。(as)26. For a true hero th

5、e heart is_(比。重要得多)the sword.(far)27. She took the medicine_(依医生吩咐的)。(tell)28. The old computer operates_(仿佛它是)new。(be)29. She speaks_(好像她知道)everything in the world。(know)30. _(如果不下雨)tomorrow, we will hold the sports meeting as planned。(rain)31. We will finish the work in time_(除非意外的事发生).(happen)32.

6、 _(只要你不灰心),you will find a way out.(long)33. You may use the computer_(只要你小心地操作它).(condition)34. Air exists everywhere_(尽管我们看不见它).(although)35. _(她虽然累),she stayed up to do her lessons.(though)36. _(即使我们能节约)much energy, we can only delay the energy crisis。(save)37. _(他虽然贫穷), he was honest。(as)38. _(虽

7、然他是个孩子), he knows what is the right thing to do.(as)39. _(尽管他努力工作), he didnt get well paid.(as)40. _(虽然我愿意)help you, I dont have much time available.(while, willing)41. _(无论天气是否允许),we will hold the opening ceremony on time。(permit)42. You must do the work well, _(不管你喜不喜欢)。(like)43. Everyone should o

8、bserve these rules_(不管他是谁).(be)44. My mother always waited for me,_(不管我什么时候回家).(get)45. _(不管你选择哪一个),I will get it to you.46. He insisted on buying the car_(不管它花多少钱)。(cost)47. She was determined to be singer_(无论她遇到什么困难).(meet)48. _(无论他躲到哪里), we will find him out。(hide)49. _(无论这任务多难), do your best。 (t

9、ask)50. If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, _(无论困难多大).(great)51. _(虽然我很想来)。 I cant.(as)52. _(就我所知), the accident happened as a result of drunk driving.(far)53. _(就我所能记得的), she used to live in Beijing。(far)54. _(就我而言), you can do what you like. (far)55. _(依我看), you have don

10、e everything wrong。 (far)56. Jane burst out crying_(她一进来).(instant)57. _,there is a will。(有志者,事竟成)。(will)58. Read the passage carefully and make a mark_(在你有问题的地方)。(have)答案1. while/when(she was)reading (a book)2. as soon as I get to Canada3. before you forget4. immediately he saw5. The moment I heard

11、 of6. when the telephone rang7. Once you begin8. than it began to rain/raining9. Whenever he travelled或every time/each time he travelled10. The first time I saw her11. Next time you come to12. since the got married13. where the two roads met14. wherever/anywhere you (would) like to go15. Where there

12、 is no rain16. where you can find them again17. so that they can live through winter18. In order that we could see19. for fear of falling behind/for fear that she might fall behind20. in case of rain/in case it rains/in case it should rain21. that we can understand it easily22. that the meeting had

13、to be put off23. now that/since you know the fact24. considering (that) he didnt study hard25. about four times as much information26. far more information than27. as the doctor had told28. as if/as though it were29. as if/as though she knew30. If it doesnt rain31. unless something unexpected happen

14、s32. As/so long as you dont lose heart33. on condition that you operate it carefully34. although we cant see it35. Though she was tired/tired though she was36. Even if we can save37. Poor as he was38. Child as he is39. hard as he worked40. while I am willing to41. Whether the weather permits (or not

15、)42. whether you like it or not43. whoever who is或no matter who he is44. Whenever/No matter when I got home45. Whichever/No matter which you choose46. However much/No matter how much (money)it cost47. whatever difficulties/no matter what difficulties she met48. Wherever/No matter where she hides49.

16、However hard/difficult/No matter how difficult the task is50. No matter how/However great it is51. Much as I like to come52. As/So far as we know53. As/So far as I can remember54. As/So far as I am concerned55. As/So far as I can see56. the instant she came in57. where there is a will58. where you have (any question(s)

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