1、(完整版)关于智慧的英语谚语关于智慧的英语谚语 1、美貌和智慧很少结合在一起。Beauty and wisdom seldom go hand in hand.2、哪里有智慧,哪里就有成效。Where there is wisdom, there is effectiveness。3、过去的一切都是智慧的镜子.Everything in the past is a mirror of wisdom.4、不自作聪明便是最聪明.It is wisest not to be wise by oneself。5、富贵藏在才能里,不在财产中。Wealth lies in talent, not in p
2、roperty。6、认真太迟,着急太早。Its too late to be serious and too early to be anxious.7、诚实是智慧之书的第一章。Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom。8、智慧只能在真理中发现。Wisdom can only be found in truth。9、谨慎和自制是智慧的源泉.Caution and selfcontrol are the source of wisdom。10、决定问题,需要智慧,贯彻执行时则需要耐心。Deciding on a problem requ
3、ires wisdom and patience in its implementation.11、才能本身并无光泽,只有在运用中才发出光采。Ability itself has no luster, only in use can it shine。12、智慧要从幼年积累,骏马要从马驹子骑练。Wisdom should be accumulated from childhood, and horses should be trained from foals.13、爱情和智慧,二者不可兼得。Love and wisdom cannot be both.14、智慧唯一的自由.Wisdom is
4、 the only freedom.15、理想的书籍,是智慧的钥匙.Ideal books are the keys to wisdom。16、在好领导眼中,没有人不中用。In the eyes of good leaders, no one is useless.17、不惊动鸡,取其蛋。Do not disturb the chicken, take its eggs.18、个人的智慧只是有限的。Individual wisdom is limited。19、智慧能把重担子变轻。Wisdom lightens the burden.20、产生天才的土壤比天才还要难打.The soil of
5、genius is harder to beat than that of genius。21、有一盏指路明灯,就是智慧之灯。There is a beacon, the lamp of wisdom.22、能说会道不算贤者,能干会做才是贤者。Saying well is not a wise man, but doing well is a wise man.23、岩鼠在地上奔跑,也有十八种跑法.Rock rats run on the ground, and there are eighteen ways to run。24、人的智慧就是快乐的源泉。Human wisdom is the
6、source of happiness。25、没有智慧的头脑,就象没有蜡烛的灯笼。A mind without wisdom is like a lantern without a candle.26、大丈夫肚里能装箭和矛。Big husband can carry arrows and spears in his stomach。27、才气就是长期的坚持不懈。Talent is long-term perseverance.28、打破常规的道路指向智慧之宫。Breaking the conventional path leads to the Palace of Wisdom。29、白发并不
7、等于是智慧.White hair does not mean wisdom.30、才能是从工作的热情中成长起来的。Ability grows from enthusiasm for work.31、聪明在市场上买不到。Smart cant be bought in the market.32、智慧是命运的征服者.Wisdom is the conqueror of fate.33、智慧首先教人们辨别是非。Wisdom first teaches people to distinguish right from wrong.34、智慧是人的财富。Wisdom is mans wealth.35、
8、胡须多,顶个啥;智慧多,走遍天下也不怕。Whatever beard you have, you are not afraid to go all over the world with much wisdom。36、聪明不在年岁上,智慧藏在脑子里。Wisdom lies not in age, but in the mind。37、不会捕鱼的人,只会把河水弄浑。Those who cant fish will only muddy the river。38、才智是实验的女儿。Wisdom is the daughter of experiment。39、一个国家的才人,好比矿藏里的黄金。Ta
9、lent in a country is like gold in a mine.40、即是群兽之王狮子,也被兔子以智征服.Even the lion, king of beasts, was conquered by rabbits with wisdom。41、技艺是无价之宝,知识是智慧的明灯。Skill is a priceless treasure, and knowledge is the beacon of wisdom。42、简洁是智慧的灵魂,冗长是肤浅的藻饰。Simplicity is the soul of wisdom, while lengthening is the s
10、uperficial ornament.43、聪明里面有智慧,高山背后有高山。There is wisdom in wisdom, and behind mountains there are mountains.44、心灵要常常保持年轻,头脑要常常保持老练。The mind should always be young, and the mind should always be sophisticated.45、恒心架起通天路,勇气打开智慧门.Constancy builds the road to heaven, courage opens the door of wisdom。46、智慧在市场上买不到。Wisdom is not available in the market。47、智慧之子,使父亲欢乐。The son of wisdom makes his father happy.48、智慧是知识凝结的宝石;文化是智慧发出的光采。Wisdom is the jewel of knowledge; culture is the glory of wisdom。