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1、小学六年级英语上册期末试卷学校: 姓名: 班级: 得分:题目一二三四五六七分数一根据图片句意及首字母的提示,填入句中所缺的单词。(每小题2分,共20分)1.I like fast food very much.I want that h_ . Its nice.2.I had some v for lunch today.3.My uncle has a d . Shes only five month old.4.B are interesting insects.They are busy most of the time.5.We live on the the E .We should

2、 love and protect it.二 翻译词组。10分1.出生 2.少量的 3.在过去 4.睡着 5植树 三 根据句意选择恰当的的词填入句中。10分 Capital cute thousand police healthy1. Kitty was a baby. She was about six month old. 2. Petter and Joe often play sports. They are strong and .3. Now there are only about ten blue whales in the world.4. Beijing is the of

3、 China.四 连词成句, 注意标点符号与大小写。20分 1. We/see/a/shall/go/weekend/film/this/and/? 2. Cars/I/a lot of/I/ saw/interesting/. 3. should/animals/killing/stop/we/. 4. We/trees/from/wood/get/. 5. efriends/some/countries/in/different/I/have/. 五选择填空,把正确答案的序号写在括号中。20分( )1. The fish is swiming .A.slow B. Slowly C.slo

4、wer D.slowest( ) 2. A makes sick people better.A. nurse B. Pilot C. Postman D. Doctor ( ) 3.We a Car Museum yesterday.A. visit B. Visited C. visits D.will visit ( ) 4.John:What did you have for breakfast this morning ? Peter:I some rice and vegetables. A.has B. Have C.had D.eat ( ) 5.There a park in

5、 the past.A. is B. Are C.was D.were 六 选择正确的答句,序号写在括号中。10分( )1.How long will you do your homework ? ( )2.How many classrooms are there? ( )3.What did you have for breakfast?( )4.What did you see at the museum?( )5.how will you travel to Beijing?A. By planeB. I had some bread and milk.C. About one hourD. By planeE. There are 12.七 根据Family Tree介绍你自己的家庭。字数不少于50字。10分

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