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1、温州市2014年初中毕业生学业考试英语模拟试卷(二)温馨提示:1. 全卷满分为95分,考试时间90分钟。试卷共7页,有6大题,61小题。 2. 本卷答案必须写在答卷纸的相应位置上,写在试卷上无效。卷 笔试部分(95分)二、单项选择(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)( )16. Li Na began to play _ tennis at the age of six.A. a B. anC. theD./( )17.- Lily, there is a schoolbag near the window. Is it _? -Yes, it is. Thank you! A. hers

2、 B. yoursC. theirsD. his ( )18. -Have you heard of Kunming terrorist attack? -Yes, it happened _ March 1st, 2014. A. on B. forC. at D. as( )19. Look at the flowers!They are in different . Red, yellow, pinkA. prices B. sizes C. colors D. names( )20. -Loud music makes me_. Would you mind turning it do

3、wn? - No, not at all. A. tense B. excited C. relaxing D. happy( )21. - What will the weather be like tomorrow? - It _ be rainy, cloudy or sunny. Who knows? A. must B. might C. shall D. should ( )22. -Look at the sign. You are not allowed to smoke here.-Sorry, Ill _the cigarette right now.A. put offB

4、. put upC. put outD. put on( )23. - You were out when I dropped by your house.-Oh, I_ for a friend from England at the airport. A. was waiting B. had waited C. am waiting D. have waited( )24. -Im hungry now. Could you please tell me _? -Sure. Follow me, please. A. where theres a good place to have f

5、un B. the way to the post office C. where I can get a dictionary D. where theres a good place to eat ( )25. -Congratulations! You have won the first prize in the photo competition. - _ A. Thank you! B. Good idea! C. Of course. D. Have a good time!三、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分) Whenever we hear about “th

6、e homeless”, most of us think of the Developing World. But in fact, the truth is that homelessness is everywhere. For example, how many of us would expect to see people living on the streets of a wealthy, developed country like Germany?Kurt Muller and his _26_ Rita have spent eleven years making mea

7、ls for the homeless of Berlin, Germanys capital. _27_ first began to do that in a hot summer when most Germans were away and enjoyed themselves on holiday. Kurt and his wife stayed at _28_, made sandwiches and some delicious food by themselves, set up a table in the street and gave the _29_ to the h

8、omeless. The Mullers soon realized that food wasnt _30_. Most of the homeless people are lonely, they have no friends or relatives. “_31_ these people also need is warmth and caring,” says Rita. The Mullers gave their phone number to the street people _32_ thinking and told them to phone anytime. Ri

9、ta made sure there was _33_ at home to answer the phone and their home was _34_ open to anyone who couldnt face another night on the street. The couple were soon _35_ all their time and money, so Kurt visited food and clothing companies to _36_ donations. Today, over thirty companies donate food and

10、 other goods and volunteers _37_ to give them away to the homeless. The public also give clothes and money and a backpack producer donates new backpacks. Kurt and Rita put their love to good use by helping homeless people in Berlin, they didnt receive any payment for their hard work. “ We feel like

11、_38_,” says Rita, “and parents shouldnt expect money for helping their children. The love _39_ we get on the streets is our salary.” _40_ Rita says she often gets tired, she feels good about helping other people. They will go on with their work because they like the feeling of having made a differen

12、ce in the world.( )26. A. friendB. wifeC. sisterD. mother( )27. A. TheyB. HeC. SheD. We ( )28. A. schoolB. hospitalC. homeD. factory( )29. A. foodB. moneyC. booksD. clothes ( )30. A. enoughB. necessary C. helpfulD. expensive ( )31. A. HowB. WhyC. WhenD. What( )32. A. withoutB. withC. beforeD. for( )

13、33. A. nobodyB. anybodyC. somebodyD. everybody( )34. A. neverB. alwaysC. sometimesD. hardly( )35. A. spendingB. losingC. savingD. lending( )36. A. pay forB. ask for C. wait forD. fight for ( )37. A. letB. makeC. helpD. get( )38. A. teachersB. parentsC. brothersD. doctors( )39. A. whoB. whomC. whereD

14、. that( )40. A. AndB. ThoughC. ButD. So 四、阅读理解(本题有15小题,每小题2分,共30分) ABBC News on TV, radio and online often brings you stories from across the world. Today we can hear “Life in China”. Have you got a story about life in China today? If you do, please put your stories here.Wu Peng, Anhui I am a 14-yea

15、r-old boy from a poor village in Anhui Province. Like many other left-behind children in China, I live with my grandparents now. My parents went to work in Shanghai several years ago. They call me twice a month to ask about my study. I really miss my parents and I hope I can go to school in Shanghai

16、. I think every child needs parents love and care.Cindy, ShenzhenI like traveling and I have traveled a lot around China. During the trip, I often find that a number of Chinese often break the rules in public. For example, when I traveled in HongKong this year, I saw a kid eating noodles on the unde

17、rground, which was against the rules. However, the kids mother didnt think he did wrong. Can you believe it? Lets improve our public manners. Mike, Shanghai These days, were asked to “clear our plates” when having our meals and say no to wasting. Some of us used to order more than what we could eat.

18、 That was a big waste of food. Now we need to finish the food we order. We should also stop wasting in some other ways. For example, we should turn off the lights when we leave the classroom. ( )41. Who does Wu Peng live with? A. His parents.B. His grandparents.C. His uncle. D. His teacher.( )42. Wh

19、o thought it was not right to eat on the underground? A. Cindy.B. Mike.C. Wu Peng.D. May.( )43. What is Mike asked to do? A. Order the food. B. Call his parents. C. Order noodles. D. Clear the plates. B The bee is one of mans oldest insect friends. You can find them on grasslands, forests and mounta

20、ins. They give us honey and help with the fertilization* of plants. Most bees are brown, hairy and 8 to 22 millimeters long. Bees are a large family. There are over 25,000 types of bees, such as honey bees, ground bees, digger bees, sweat bees and so on. Among all of them, honey bees are the most co

21、mmon. Honey bees always live in groups called hives*. Each hive has a queen, drones* and workers. Like a human society, each bee in a hive knows its own job. The queen is the largest bee. She doesnt go out to work but lays eggs. Sometimes a queen can lay 3,000 eggs in a day. Drones do not collect fo

22、od from flowers. They are the queens husbands. When theres not much food, drones are often kicked out of the hive. Workers are the smallest and busiest bees. A colony can have 50,000 to 60,000 workers. They collect food for the queen and babies. They guard* the hive and help to keep it cool by fanni

23、ng their wings. A worker only live for 28 to 35 days. To collect a pound of honey (about half a kilogram), a bee may have to fly a long way. Sometimes it is about twice around the world. Bees have to visit more than 10,000 flowers to make a pound of honey.( )44. How many kinds of bee have been found

24、? A. 3,000. B. 10,000C. 25,000. D. 50,000.( )45. _are the most common. A. Honey bees B. Ground bees C. Digger bees D. Sweat bees( )46. The queen is the _bee. A. largest B. strongestC. busiest D. smallest( )47. According to the passage, we know that workers _.A. lay lots of eggs in a day B. collect f

25、ood for themselves C. live for more than two months D. can use their wings to keep the hive coolC I was 45 years old when I decided to learn how to surf. My friends say that life is hard enough. But I guess I like to make things difficult on myself, because I do that all the time, every day and on p

26、urpose. Thats because I want to challenge myself. When I started out in the entertainment* business, I made a list of people who I thought would be good to me. Not people who could give me a job or a deal, but people who could teach me something, challenge my ideas about myself and the world. So I s

27、tarted calling up experts* in all kinds of fields. Some of them were world-famous. Of course, I didnt know any of these people and none of them knew me. When I called these people up to ask them for a meeting, they werent always friendly. And even when they agreed to give me some of their time, the

28、results werent always what one might describe as pleasant. Take, for example, Edward Teller, a famous scientist. It took me a year of begging* to get him to agree to meet with me. And then what happened? He laughed at me. But that was okay. I was hoping to learn something from him and I did. Over th

29、e last 30 years, Ive produced more than 50 movies. Im successful and, in my business, pretty well-known. So why do I ask myself to do this kind of thing? The answer is simple: Make myself better by challenging people and situations this is the best way that I know to keep growing. Just like a biolog

30、ist I once met said: “ If youre not growing, youre dying.” So maybe Im not the best surfer in America, but thats okay. The discomfort, the physical and mental* challenge that I get from this all the things that too many of us spend our time and energy trying to avoid* they are just the things that k

31、eep me in the game.( )48. What did the auther decide to learn when he was 45? A. How to surf.B. How to make a movie. C. How to be a good scientist.D. How to be a good businessman.( ) 49. Why did the author keep calling for a meeting with some people?A. They were willing to give him a job or some hel

32、p.B. They might keep him challenging himself and growing.C. They were all people willing to help those in need.D. He wanted to make friends with them.( ) 50. When the author finally met with Edward Teller, _.A. he was ready to be laughed at by himB. he learnt nothing from the famous personC. he foun

33、d that it was a mistake to have the meetingD. he learned something from the unpleasant experience( ) 51. What do you think of the author?A. He is kind to others.B. He is talented in all fields.C. He regards the problems as challenges.D. He is afraid to make mistakes.D I love you might be one of the

34、most important sentences in the English language. It shows the closeness among family members and friends. In Mandarin, I love you translates as “我爱你”, but the way its used in China might be a little different, and Chinese are wondering why. The Global Times reports that two online videos showing ch

35、ildren telling their parents I love you have been widely spread* in China. The first, filmed by an Anhui TV station, shows a number of college students telling their parents they love them. The answers are mixed. Are you drunk? asked one parent. In another similar video, a father even said I am goin

36、g to a meeting, so cut the crap.Even the positive* attitudes make it clear that the words are expressed rarely: I am so happy you called to say that. It is the happiest thing that happened to me in 2014, one parent answered.However, Chinese families hardly use those words. The parents answers show t

37、hat many Chinese are not good at expressing positive feelings, Xia Xueluan, a Sociologist from Peking University, told the Global Times. They are used to educating children with negative* language. This isnt the first time that China has done some soul-searching about familial love last year China D

38、aily asked a lot of people if they said I love you to their parents, lovers, and children. I have never said I love you to my family, and I dont think I will in the future, one 56-year-old told the paper, Saying it aloud is embarrassing for me. Still, that doesnt mean that love cant be expressed. In

39、 another article, China Daily spoke to Zhao Mengmeng, a 31-year-old woman who said she had never told her father she loved him face-to-face. Sometimes actions speak louder than words, however Zhao gave her father, a photo album featuring photographs of them together on every one of her birthdays in

40、June 2012. The pictures were popular online, being forwarded hundreds of thousands of times on Weibo. Her father was very excited when he heard about it.( ) 52. What does the underlined word Mandarin probably mean? A. French.B. Japanese.C. English.D. Chinese.( )53. What can we learn from Paragraph T

41、hree? A. Parents in China are too busy.B. Children in China love their parents. C. Most Chinese dont know how to express their feelings. D. Children in China should often say “I love you” to their parents.( )54. Why did Zhao give her father a photo album instead of saying I love you? A. The album is

42、 more expensive.B. His father likes the album better. C. She thinks actions speak louder than words. D. She hates saying I love you to her father.( )55. Whats the best title for the passage? A. I Love YouB. A Photo Album C. Two Online VideosD. Family members卷五、词汇运用(本题有15小题, 每小题1分,共15分)A. 用方框中所给单词的适当

43、形式填空。每词限用一次。easy cheer farm who taste56. Do you know _ book is this? 57. Jim had a good time on the _ last weekend.58. He was so clever that he worked out the math problem _.59. Different people have different _. 60. My best friend always _ me up.B. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示, 写出空白处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Zhang Liang is

44、 61._(高的) and handsome and he is also good at making food. He has been famous as “Chinas Good Dad” 62._(在之后) appearing on one of the years hottest shows, Where Are We Going, Dad?, on Hunan TV.On the show, the 63._(五) dads went on 72-hour trips with their children every 64._(星期). Although Zhang is th

45、e 65._(最年轻的) of them, he and his son Tiantian have stood out as the most popular pair on the show since 66._(十月) . He is not 67._(严格的) with his child. He is 68._(耐心的) with his son, Zhang has a different way from the other fathers by treating Tiantian 69._(几乎)like a friend. Zhang says he puts himself in his sons shoes whe

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