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1、(完整版)2015年中考英语复习复合句练习2015年中考英语复习二轮专项练习复合句练习一、单项选择1- The Dragon Boat races are so exciting, but our boat is still behind。 Dont worry. I am sure _ our team will win!A。 if B。 /C。 whether D。 of2 Why not listen to BBC news to improve your listening skills?Its difficult for me follow.A. too; to B. so; tha

2、tC. such; that D. so; too3 - Yesterday there were many people in the park I almost lost my way. It was the May Day holiday. Lots of people wanted to have fun there。A。 quite; that B。 so; thatC. enough; that D. very; that4 This lesson was so boring _ some students began to sleep in class.A。 that B. an

3、d C. when D。 how5 Why not listen to BBC news to improve your listening skills? Its _ difficult for me _ follow.A。 too; toB。 so; thatC. such; thatD。 so; too6-The doctor told me not to eat too much, but I found it difficult.The doctor is right. _ you eat, _ you will be。A。 The less, the healthierB。 The

4、 less; the more healthilyC。 The more; the healthierD. The more; the more healthily7It seems _ you like to work with children.Yes, they are so lovely。A。thatB。whatC.toD。as8 I want to know if the idea _ she has thought up works out fine.A。 who B。 where C. that D。 how9You speak _ fast _ we cant follow y

5、ou.I will speak slowly.A.so; that B. such; thatC。 such a; thatD. too; to10Are you sure the news _ you received from the Internet is true?A。 thatB. whereC。 whatD。 how11Could you tell me _?Sorry, I dont know.A. how can I get to the Water Sports Center B. when will Mr. Black come backC. why is Tom late

6、 for classD. where Mr。 Green has gone12These days the long TV play is popular my mother often keep watching it for two hours without a rest a day 。A。 so, that B。 too , toC. very , that D. such , that13I dont know 。A、what does he doB、whats the matter with herC、what he says just now14 There are always

7、 _interesting stories in the series that _ many people watch them。A.so, so B. such, suchC. such, soD. so, such15SichuanfoodishotterthanShanghainesefood。Thats_.A。whatIlikeitB.whatdoIlikeitC.whyIlikeitD.whydoIlikeit16Im going to buy a new car. Any advice, John?Well, it depends on _. If money isnt a pr

8、oblem, you can buy a BMW。A。 when you will buy one B。 where you are driving C。 what color do you like D. how much you can afford 17Do you know _? -Im not sure. Maybe an artist.A. what the man with long hair isB。 what is the man with long hairC。 who the man with long hair isD。 who is the man with long

9、 hair18I dislike shopping online, I prefer to actually see and touch what Im buying before I pay for it, especially for clothes and shoes。-Thats right。_.A。 Seeing is believing B. Clothes do not make the manC。 The first step is always the hardest D. You are never too old to learn19-Who can tell me_?

10、-Every 15 minutes。A。 when the bus will arrive. B. how often the bus arrivesC。 how long has the bus been away D. when will the bus arrive20 I wonder when they _ for Beijing. I will go to the train station to see them off when they _。A .leave, will leave B. will leave, leave C。 will go, leave D. go, l

11、eave21.-What will you do if it _ tomorrow?I will stay at home and watch the match on TV。A、rain B、rainsC、will rainD、is raining22I didnt see Tom yesterday. Do you know ?A、what happened with himB、where he has beenC、why didnt he come23Do you know if he will come tomorrow?No,but if he ,Ill call you to ha

12、ve a meal together.A.will come B.wont come C。comes D。doesnt come24Many countries are setting up nation parks animals and plants can be protected.A。 when B。which C。where25 The second book _I want to read is Business the Speed of Thought.A. which B。 that C. what D。 as七、补充句子(题型注释)根据所给提示,完成下列句子.(共5小题;每小

13、题2分,计10分)26我认为你需要多注意你的习惯。I think you_ your habits27我期盼我女儿得高分。I_ get high marks28他提高他的嗓音以引起我的注意He_ he could get my attention29在那儿她与一个叫皮埃尔、居里的法国人结了婚。She_ Pierre Curie there30她是一个善良的人,从不轻视穷人。She is a kind person _the poor复合句练习参考答案1B【解析】试题分析:if是否,如果; whether是否;of关于,的。句意:龙舟比赛是如此令人兴奋,但是我们的船还在后面。不用担心,我相信我们

14、队会赢.结合语境可知本句宾语从句中不缺少句子成分,故选B。考点:考查宾语从句2A【解析】试题分析:句意: 为什么不听英国广播公司新闻来提高你的听力呢?它对我来说太难了,跟不上。tooto do, 太而不能,是固定句式.据句意,故选A.考点:考查固定句式。3B【解析】试题分析:句意: 昨天在公园里有如此多的人以至于我几乎迷路。昨天五一劳动节,许多人在那娱乐。考查sothat如此以至于。故选B.考点:考查连词。4A【解析】试题分析:句意:这堂课如此的无聊,以至于学生们开始在课上睡觉。此题考查的是sothat如此,以至于故选A。考点:考查连词。5A【解析】试题分析:句意为:-为什么不收听BBC广播电

15、台的新闻来提高你的听力技巧呢?-这对我来说太难跟得上了.too- to-、 so- that-、such-that-都表示因为某种原因造成某种结果,“太-而不能-”、“如此-以致-”之意,但是用法不同。too+形容词或副词+to+动词不定式,so+形容词或副词+that从句,such+名词+ that从句。根据语境可知应选A。考点:考查句型结构。6A【解析】试题分析:句意:医生叫我不要吃太多,但我发现这很困难。医生是对的。你少吃点儿,你就会健康点儿。The + 比较级, the + 比较级,是一个固定句型,表示“越,越”,所以选A.考点:考查固定句型。7A【解析】试题分析:句意:似乎你喜欢和孩

16、子们一起工作.是的,他们是如此的可爱。It seems that 是一个固定句型,表示“似乎”。所以选A。考点:考查固定句型。8C【解析】试题分析:句意:我想知道是否他想起的那个主意产生的效果好。_ she has thought up做idea的定语从句,因为先行词是物,故连接词用that或which。故选C。考点:考查定语从句的用法.9A【解析】试题分析:句意:-你讲得是如此的快以至于我们不能跟上.-我将要讲得慢些.分析:so +形容词 that+ 从句,如此以至于(核心词是形容词);such+a/an+形容词+名词+that+从句,如此以至于(核心词是名词); too+形容词+to do

17、 sth,表示太而不能。分析原文,核心词是fast快地,副词修饰动词speak。因此第一项符合。故选A考点:考查固定短语的用法。10A【解析】试题分析:句意:你确定你从网上收到的消息是真的吗?根据题干分析此空是考查定语从句的关系词,句中先行词是news,同时在句中作表语,所以关系词用that,故选A。考点:考查定语从句的用法11D【解析】试题分析:句意:你能告诉我格林先生去哪了?很抱歉,我不知道.不管什么类型的宾语从句,总是用陈述语序,即:从句的连接词后是主语、谓语、宾语的语序,从句的时态要与主句的时态保持一致,结合句意,故选D考点:考查宾语从句。12A【解析】试题分析:句意:这些天这部长电视

18、剧太受欢迎以至于我妈妈经常一天不休息持续看两个小时.根据句意及题干分析此题是考查“如此以致于”,第二空后是从句,所以用that引导;第一空后是形容词,因此用so,所以此题选A.考点:考查固定搭配13B【解析】试题分析:句意:我不知道他怎么了。宾语从句的结构:主语+谓语+连接词+从句。从句在句中作宾语.从句要用陈述句的语序。因为AC为疑问句语序,B为陈述句语序,故选B。考点:考查宾语从句的用法。14C【解析】试题分析:句意:在这一系列的书中总有这么有趣的故事,以致于很多人都看他们.so 如此,修饰形容词;such如此,修饰名词。第一个空是句型such 形容词+名词复数 that,如此以致于;第二

19、个空应该用so来修饰many,表示数量多.故选C。考点:考查副词。15C【解析】试题分析:英语表语从句中一般为陈述语序。句意:四川菜比上海菜更辣。那是我为什么喜欢它的原因.故选C。考点:考查表语从句16D【解析】试题分析:句意:我打算买一辆新车.有啥建议,约翰?嗯,这取决于你能支付多少钱.如果钱不是问题,你可以买宝马。在宾语从句中只能使用陈述句语序,不能使用疑问句语序.结合If money isnt a problem, you can buy a BMW。可知该选D。考点:考查宾语从句。17A【解析】试题分析:根据回答,我不确定,可能是个艺术家。由此可知上句在问职业,根据宾语从句的结构:主语

20、+谓语+连接词+从句。从句在句中作宾语。从句要用陈述句的语序.如果主句是一般现在时,从句根据需要选择时态,如果主句是过去时态,从句要用相应的过去时态。但是从句是客观真理,一般用一般现在时态。BD语序错误,C不符合回答,故选A.考点:考查宾语从句的用法.18A【解析】试题分析:句意:我不喜欢网上购物,我更喜欢在我付款前看到摸到我要买的东西,尤其是衣服和鞋。- 你说的对。眼见为实.根据句意及对比选项,故选A。考点:考查固定句式的用法.19B【解析】试题分析:句意:谁能告诉我汽车多久到一次?-每隔15分钟。宾语从句要用陈述语序且时态要和主句保持一致.根据句意,故选B。考点:考查宾语从句的用法20B【

21、解析】试题分析:句意:我想知道他们将何时去北京,我将去火车站接他们当他们到了.本题是双重复合句,第一层关系是when 引导的宾语从句,用将来时态,第二层是我很引导的时间状语从句,主语用将来时,从句用一般现在时。根据句意,故选B。考点:考查从句的用法21B【解析】试题分析:句意:如果明天下雨你将要做什么?我呆在家里通过电视看比赛.在if引导的条件状语从句中,如果两个动作都没有发生,为了区别动作的前后关系,先发生的用一般现在时态,后发生的用一般将来时态,即主将从现。根据句意,故选B。考点:考查条件状语从句的用法.22B【解析】试题分析:句意:昨天我没看到汤姆,你知道他在哪吗?不管什么类型的宾语从句

22、,总是用陈述语序,即:从句的连接词后是主语、谓语、宾语的语序,从句的时态要与主句的时态保持一致。结合句意,故选B考点:考查宾语从句的用法23C【解析】考察状语从句时态的用法.句意:你知道他明天是否会来吗?我也不知道。如果他来了的话,我会打电话叫你一起吃饭的。If引导的时间状语从句,遵循主将从现的原则,即主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在表示将来时。故选C。24C【解析】试题分析:句意:许多国家正在建立能够保护动植物的国家公园。根据题干分析此题考查的是定语从句,句中先行词是nation parks,在定语从句中作地点状语,所以关系词选where,故选C。考点:考查定语从句的用法25B【解析】试题分

23、析:句意:我想读的第二本书是关于商业思想的速度.在定语从句中先行词是指物且前有序数词修饰,关系词用that,根据句意,故选B。考点:考查连词的用法26need to pay more attention to27expect my daughter to28raised his voice so that29married a Frenchmen called30who/that never looks down on/upon【解析】试题分析:26need to do sth意为“需要做某事”,pay attention to sth意为“注意某事”;故答案为need to pay more

24、 attention to27expect sb to do sth意为“期盼某人做某事;故答案为expect my daughter to28raise ones voice意为“提高声音;so that引导的是一个结果状语从句;故答案为raised his voice so that29marry sb意为“与某人结婚,嫁给某人”,called Pierre Curie there为过去分词短语作后置定语;故答案为married a Frenchmen called30本句为that或who引导的一个定语从句,look down upon意为“轻视,看不起;故答案为who/that never looks down on/upon考点:完成句子.8

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