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初中英语新目标七年级(下册)Unit 9 词汇专练+答案.docx

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1、一、根据首字母提示,完成下列单词的拼写。1.The actresses and a_ play very well in that film.2.My brother looks h_ in that black jacket.3.Its one of my favorite c_. I often go to the movies there.4.You neednt do the dishes now. You can do it l_.5.-Mom, can you go to the supermarket with me t_?-Sorry, dear. I have to work

2、 this evening.6.Mike is tall and t_ but Mark is short and fat.7.Many people dont see things the same way so they may think about the man d_.8.-Do you have to wear g_ every day, Becky?-Im afraid so, Eric. I cant see things very clearly.9.Jack always p_ things in order(整齐地) .10.-Your English teacher i

3、s short and heavy, right?-Well, you are d_ another teacher. Mine is tall.二、根据汉语提示写单词,完成句子。1.Jackie Chan has a big _ (鼻子).2.The dentist asked me to open my _ (嘴).3.Look at the girl. She has a _ (圆形的) face.4.After getting up, I wash my _ (脸) and brush my teeth.5.Please _(放) the books on the table.6.I

4、dont know the _(路线) to the nearest hospital. Can you help me?7.She often wears a T-shirt and _ (牛仔裤).8.Helen, _ (描述) how you did it.9.I will visit _ (每个) of you before I leave Beijing.10.You can find the clothing store at the _ (尽头) of the street.三、单项选择。1.Is your father _ actor?No.He is _ singer.A.a

5、;a B.an;an C.a;an D.an;a2.Do you know Mary?Yes.She is a nice girl but she is _ shy.A.lots of B.a little C.little D.a kind of3.Would you like to go to the movies with me?Id like to, _ I cant.I am very busy these days.A.so B.or C.and D.but4.May I speak to Mr.Miller?He is busy now.You can call him half

6、 an hour _ .A.later B.before C.after D.between5.What does your sister Emma look like?She is a beautiful girl and she has _ hair.A.long curly blonde B.blonde long curlyC.a long blonde curly D.a blonde long curly6.What does your school look like? Can you _ it to me?Sure.Our school is small but beautif

7、ul.A.read B.learn C.describe D.leave7.Who can answer the question?Susan _ know the answer,but Im not sure.A.can B.may C.may be D.must8.Can I put the photos of my lost pet cat _ newspapers?OK.The photos can help you find your cat.A.at B.to C.on D.in9.How about spending this afternoon in the _ ?Good i

8、dea.I just want to see the movie Ne Zha.A.restaurant B.cinema C.hospital D.shop10.Lucy looks very _ ,do you think so?Yes.She needs to eat more food.A.beautiful B.thin C.tall D.fat11. _ ,the police found the criminal with the help of the little boy.A.At the end B.In the endC.To the end D.By the end12

9、. _ ?Hes heavy and has short curly hair.A.What does Joe have B.What does Joe likeC.Whats Joe doing D.What does Joe look like13.The sweater is not right for me.Can you show me _ one?A.another B.otherC.the other D.others14.I remember _ him to close the window,but now the window is still open.A.telling

10、 B.to tell C.tell D.tells15.Is your brother tall or short? _ .He wants to be a basketball player.A.Yes,he is B.No,he isntC.He is thin D.He is really tall四、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. He usually behaves _ (different) from others.2. Can you come to my party tonight? Sure. See you _ (late).3. Yao Ming is _ (real) t

11、all. He is 2.26 meters tall.4. My favorite _ (act) is Zhang Ziyi.5. Liu Dehua and Zhou Huajian are both famous pop _ (sing).6. Miss Yang always wears _ (glass).7. Everyone has two _ (eye) and a mouth.8. Wang Hai _ (have) short straight hair.五、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。art,high,describe,person,actress1.

12、One of the _ comes from Beijing,China.2. How many _ are there in the library?3. Listen!Your mother _ your new math teacher to your dad.4. The _ of Mrs. Hands daughter is about 1.65 meters.5.My sister wants to be an _ like Qi Baishi.六、根据汉语意思完成英语句子。1别等我。我会在五分钟后到达电影院。Dont wait for me.I will get to the

13、_ five minutes _2那两个男演员都很英俊。The two _ are both _3你能描述一下那个人长什么样子吗?Can you _ _ that _ looks like?4最后,警察们抓住了真正的罪犯。_ _ _,the police caught the _ _5不要把脏衣服放在床上。Dont _ the _ clothes _ the bed.七、阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式Speaker 1: I love basketball. It is (1)_ very popular sport. Playing basketbal

14、l is good for (2)_ (we) health. We can grow(生长) tall and strong if (如果) we play basketball often, I can also make many new friends(3)_I play basketball.Speaker 2: I don t like basketball I think ping-pong is(4)_(interest). It makes me strong. I can play it at home or at school. I feel happy when pla

15、y it (5)_ my parents or classmates. I wish (6)_(be) a ping-pong player. So I always spend 3 hours (67)_(practice) it very much.Speaker 3: I dont like ball games. Singing is one of my favorite(8)_( thing). When I am tired(累的), it can(9)_ (easy) make me relaxed. I can sing many English songs. All my f

16、riends enjoy (8) _ (listen) to my songs.参考答案一、1.artist 2.handsome 3.cinemas 4.later 5.tonight 6.thin 7. differently 8.glasses 9.puts 10. describing二、1.nose2.mouth3.round4.face5.put6.way7.jeans8.describe9.each10.end 三、DBDAA CBDBB BDAAD四、1.differently 2.later 3.Really 4.actress 5.singers 6.glasses 7.eyes 8.has五、1. actresses 2. persons 3. is describing 4. height 5. artist六、1.cinema,later2.actors,handsome 3describe what,person4.In the end,real criminal 5put,dirty,on七、a; our; when; interesting; with; were; practicing; things; easily; listening

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