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1、2012-2013-1四年级上册期中试题听力部分(40分)一、听辨单词,将听到的单词字母编号写在左边的括号里。每题读两遍。(每小题1分,共10分)( )1A. classmateB. computer ( )2A. cleanB. Chinese ( )3A. fanB. fat ( )4A. fortyB. fifty ( )5A. herB. his ( )6A. thinB. teacher ( )7A. likeB. look ( )8A. onB. only ( )9A. sheB. shes ( )10A. wallB. ball二、下列图画标上正确的序号。(10分) ( ) (

2、) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、情景反应。仔细听,找出与录音内容相匹配的答句。(10分)( )1A. Its near the door.B. Its on the desk. ( )2A. Good.B. Thank you.( )3A. Hes my father.B. Shes my mother.( )4A. Here you are.B. Yes, it is.( )5A. My names LiLy.B. I am a student.四、 根据你所听到的录音内容,将下列每组中符合录音内容的图片下面的字母画一圆圈圈住。(10分) 1. 2. A B A B3. 4. A B A B

3、五、 听一听,写一写。根据录音中提到的数字或提出的问题,将答案用阿拉伯数字填在下面相应的括号里(10分)1、( ) 2、( ) 3、( ) 4、( ) 5、( )笔试部分(50分)一、选出一个与其它三个不属于同一类的单词,并将序号填入题前的括号里。(10分)( )1. A. thirty B. fifty C. four D. too( )2. A. math B. English C. book D. Chinese( )3. A. blue B. ruler C. green D. purple( )4. A. tall B. sports C. strong D. quiet( )5.

4、A. notebook B. floor C. wall D. door( )6. A. apple B. big C. pear D. orange( )7. A. cake B. car C. bike D. plane( )8. A. crayon B. sharpener C. pen D. picture( )9. A. cat B. peach C. rabbit D. duck ( )10. A. friend B. father C. brother D. grandpa二、根据图画所给的情景,选择与图画相符的描述,将编号写在图下的括号里。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) (

5、 ) ( ) A. There is a fan, a computer, a teachers desk and some desks in my new classroom.B. Put your book on your head.C. She is my classmate. She likes music.D. She has long hair and big ears. She is lovely.E. I can see three books, two pencils and a ruler over there.三、选择填空,将答案的字母编号写在括号里。(每小题1分,共10

6、分)( )1. - Lets clean the windows. - _. A. All right. B. Thank you. ( )2. Look! This _ my storybook. A. is B. are ( )3. I have _ English book. A. a B. an ( )4. Are _ on the table? A. my B. they ( )5. Is it in the box? A. Yes, it is. B. No, they arent.( )6. He _ science. A. likes B. like ( )7. - Whats

7、 in your schoolbag? - _. A. Some books and a pencil-case. B. A phone and a sofa.( ) 8、How many _can you see? A. English book B. English books ( )9. She _big eyes and small ears. A. is B. has ( ) 10. _clean the board. A. Lets me B. Let me C. Let us me四、从右栏中选出左栏问句正确的答句,将序号填入题前的括号里。(10分) ( )1. Whats yo

8、ur name? A. Hes John.( )2. How old are you? B. His name is Mike.( )3. How many friends do you have? C. 2 pencils and 5 books.( )4. Whats in your schoolbag? D. I have 4.( )5. What color is your pen? E. Sure, here you are.( )6. What s his name? F. Im nine.( )7. May I have a look? G. Im fine.( )8.Bye H

9、. See you.( )9. Whos he? I. My name is Zhang Peng.( )10. How are you? J. Black.五、阅读理解。(10分)Hello! I have a friend. She is tall and thin. She has big eyes and a small red mouth. She has long black hair. She is very beautiful. She is a good student. She likes music, science and sports. She likes beef,

10、 fish and rice for lunch. Who is she? Guess! Thats right! She is Susan.根据上下文的意思,判断下列句子是否正确,正确的在题前的括号里打“”,不正确的打“”。( ) 1.My friend is Susan.( ) 2.She is short and thin.( ) 3.She likes music ,science and sports.( ) 4. She likes beef , milk and rice for lunch.( ) 5. Susan has small eyes and a big mouth.

11、听力及答案听力材料一、听辨单词,将听到的单词字母编号写在左边的括号里。每题读两遍。(每小题1分,共10分)puter2Chinese3fat4forty5his6teacher7like8on9shes10wall 二、下列图画标上正确的序号。1.Turn on the light 2.play computer games 3.paint 4.English book 5.put your pencil-case on the chair三、情景反应。仔细听,找出与录音内容相匹配的答句。(10分)1. Where is my seat?2. Here you are. 3. Whos thi

12、s man?4. Is this a watermelon?5. Whats your name?四、根据你所听到的录音内容,将下列每组中符合录音内容的图片下面的字母画一圆圈圈住。(10分)1、look.This is my study.2 Lingling has a small nose and a big mouth.3 This is my chair.4 Let me clean the window.五、听一听,写一写。根据录音中提到的数字或提出的问题,将答案用阿拉伯数字填在下面相应的括号里(10分)1 fifteen 2 thirty 3 fifty 4 twenty-two 5

13、 forty目 录第一章 总论11.1项目提要11.2结论与建议31.3 编制依据4第二章 项目建设背景与必要性52.1项目背景52.2 项目建设必要性7第三章 市场与需求预测83.1 优质粮食供求形势分析83.2 本区域市场需求预测83.3 服务功能103.4 市场竞争力和市场风险预测与对策10第四章 项目承担单位情况124.1 基本情况124.2 主要业务范围和业务能力124.3 人员构成124.4 主要技术成果获奖情况及转化能力134.5 现有基础和技术条件154.6 资产与财务状况164.7 项目技术协作单位情况16第五章 建设规模与产品方案175.1建设规模确定的原则和依据175.2

14、建设规模及服务种类18第六章 项目选址与建设条件196.1 项目选址原则与要求196.2 项目建设用地情况196.3项目用地位置206.4自然与资源条件206.5水资源优势216.6 社会经济条件226.7 粮田基本情况226.8项目实施的有利条件266.9 对环境的影响26第七章 工艺技术方案和设备选型277.1 工艺技术方案277.2 设备选型29第八章 项目建设方案与建设内容328.1 项目建设方案328.2 项目建设内容与规模34第九章 环境保护与安全生产369.1 环境保护369.2 安全生产36第十章 组织管理与实施进度3810.1 项目组织管理3810.2 项目实施各阶段的管理方案3910.3 工程招投标方案3910.4 项目建成后的运行管理与机制4010.5 运行经费解决方案4110.6 实施进度41第十一章 投资估算与资金来源4411.1 投资估算4411.2资金来源45第十二章 效益分析4612.1 经济效益4612.2 社会效益4712.3 生态效益47第十三章 结论与建议4813.1 综合评价4813.2 结论意见4813.3 问题与建议489

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