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1、(完整word)托福-形近词托福形近词Basement 地下室Abasement 自卑Affirm 断言,肯定Confirm 证实-Seeing the two of them together confirmed our suspicions 证实了我的怀疑-Can you confirm that you will be able to attend? 你能确定参加会议吗?、This latest tragedy merely confirms my view that the law must tightened 这场悲剧正好应证了我的看法,法律必须更加严厉.Stationary 固定的

2、Stationery 文具-Stationary troops驻军、Stationary engine 固定的、He hit a stationary car停着的车Conversation 对话Conservation (对自然的)保护,节约-Conservation groups are protesting against the plan to build a road through the forest 保护自然组织反对兴建穿越森林修建道路的计划、The conservation of energy 节约能源-No new building is permitted in the

3、conservation areas 自然保护区、The conservation of the environment 环境保护Deport 驱逐出境Depot 仓库-A number of illegal immigrants have been deported 非法移民被驱逐出境、They used to deport people for minor crimes 驱逐出境 Horror恐惧(horror of horrors更糟糕的是) Honor 荣耀,名誉-They watched in horror as the building collapsed 大惊失色I stood

4、up to speak and- horror of horrors- realized I had left my notes behind 更糟的是,我忘了带讲稿Tenor 男高音Terror 恐惧-Pavarotti is a famous Italian tenor 帕瓦罗蒂是著名意大利男高音He screamed in terror as the rats came towards him 吓得尖叫起来Beak 鸟喙Bleak 没有希望的A bleak future for the next generation 下一代前途暗淡、The bleak Arctic landscape

5、荒凉的北极景观、Prospects for the industry are extremely bleak 这个行业的前途暗淡Grand 伟大的,重要的Gland 腺Grand staircase 主楼、She thinks shes very grand because she drives a Porsche 开保时捷就很了不起Grand occasion 盛大的场面 Angle 角度Angel 天使 Beer 啤酒Bear 熊,忍受Bare 裸露的,起码的-They had taken the painting down, so the walls were all bare 墙上空无

6、一物、You wont pass your exams if you just do the bare minimum 做最起码的努力I dont take much luggage when I travel, just the bare essentials 只是些必备品 Grate 磨碎,炉栅,摩擦Great 伟大的,非常-Grated carrot 胡萝卜末、The steel of the helmet grated against the door 钢盔蹭门发出刺耳的摩擦声 Span (时间或空间的)跨度Spin 旋转-The whole span of history 历史的全过

7、程、Young children have a short attention span 不能长时间集中注意力-Mary spun round when she heard someone call her name 急转身、She put a lot of spin on the ball 她发的球转的厉害 Dread 担心,恐惧Tread 踩踏-She dreaded having to tell him what had happened 害怕 Im dreading the exams 担心、He lived in dread of the same thing happening t

8、o him one day 他惶惶不可终日,担心同样事情发生在自己身上 -Dont tread on the grass 不要践踏草坪、Dont tread in puddles 别踩到水坑里、She trod on my foot and didnt even say sorry! 踩到我的脚 Band 乐队,带子Bond 联接物,枷锁-The band have announced that they are going to split up 这支乐队宣布要散伙She rolled up the papers and put an elastic band round them 她把文件

9、卷起来然后用皮筋扎好She wore a red pullover with a green band across the middle 红色套头毛衣,中间有一条绿色横纹A strong spiritual bond exists between them 紧密结合 The bond that links us 连接我们的纽带Trying to forge bonds between the different communities 建立不同社区之间的关系 Pound 磅,镑Pond 池塘 Bound 弹跳,边界,必然Bounce 反弹-Beyond the bounds of possi

10、bility 不可能发生、He is bound to come back 肯定、With a couple of bounds, he had crossed the room 三两步蹦到了房间的另一头-The stone bounced off the wall and hit her on the head 反弹、A small boy came down the street, bouncing a ball 拍皮球 Ethics 伦理道德,规矩Ethnic 民族的-The study was approved by the medical ethics committee 医学道德委

11、员会、There should be a code of business ethics which indicates how clients are to be served 一套业务准则、Press ethics 新闻界的规矩-Ethnic minorities 少数民族、Ethnic food 民族食品、Ethnic prejudice 种族偏见 Aggregate 合计Segregate 分离Congregate 聚合-5000 dollars in the aggregate 合计五千-The two groups of football fans were segregated

12、to avoid trouble 被分开、Racial segregate 种族隔离-We need a hall where many people can congregate。 一个能聚集很多人的大厅 、On summer evenings, we congregate in the park 我们都聚在公园里 Afflict 遭受Inflict 使遭受痛苦 Conflict 战争,冲突-He had been afflicted with a serious illness since childhood 从小受重病折磨 A plague of locusts afflicted th

13、e land 蝗灾侵犯 Affiliate 附属 Our local club is affiliated to the national association 附属于 An affiliated middle school 附属中学 -Mary inflicted her children on her mother for the weekend. 周末玛丽硬把孩子们交给母亲照料。Inflict severe punishments on criminals 对罪犯予以严惩 -This is a serious dispute, and could lead to armed confl

14、ict。 这是一场严重的争执, 有可能导致武装斗争。It is not surprising that such a view has led to very considerable conflict. 分歧 Vacation 度假,假期Vocation 行业,职业-Peter has finally found his vocation in life 找到了理想的职业 He is desperate to pursue his vocation as an artist 不顾一切投入艺术事业 Contemn 蔑视Condemn 谴责Crafty men contemn studies,

15、simple men admire them, and wise men use them取巧者蔑视学问,无知者羡慕学问,明智者运用学习 -A government spokesman condemned the bombing as a cowardly act of terrorism一名发言人谴责此次爆炸事件是恐怖主义的懦夫行动 He was roundly condemned for his mistake 受到严厉指责 Terrorism 恐怖主义Tourism 旅游-An act of terrorism 恐怖活动-The countrys economy relies heavi

16、ly on tourism 严重依赖旅游业 Torpid 懒洋洋的Trepid 恐惧的 Deputy 代表,副手Dispute 争吵,质疑The deputy head of a school 副校长、The mayor was ill, so his deputy conducted the ceremony 副市长主持会议-There was some dispute between John and his boss about whose fault it was 争论、The player disputed the referees decision 质疑、There is cons

17、iderable dispute over the definition 这种定义存在很大争议 Sign 征兆,标志 ,签字Sigh 叹气-Could you sign here, please? 请在这里签名The patient was showing some signs of improvement 好转迹象 What does that sign say? 牌子上面写着什么? Nimble 灵活的Nibble 啃,咬-Nimble movements 灵活的动作-The bread had been nibbled by mice 被老鼠啃过了 Tract 大片土地,(宗教)传单,.

18、道Track 小径,足迹,跟踪-A tract of land 大片土地、A religious tract 宗教传单、Respiratory tract呼吸道/Digestive tract消化道/Urinary tract尿道-Follow the dirt track through the wood 顺着土路穿过森林 The hunter followed the tracks of a deer 顺着鹿的足迹、The train stopped because there was a tree across the track 路轨上有一颗横卧的树、To track enemy pl

19、anes on a radar screen 跟踪敌机 Tack 方法,大头钉Tact 机敏-If people wont listen well have to try a different tack 我们就得试试别的方法-She handled the situation with great tact and diplomacy 机敏 The situation called for considerable tact 灵活He showed tact in dealing with their embarrassment 处理得体 Tactic 策略Tacit 缄默的,默许的-We

20、must decide what our tactics are going to be at the next meeting 采取什么样的策略、Some players see injuring their opponent as a legitimate tactic 有些运动员把伤害对手看成是正当的战术A tacit spectator 缄默的旁观者收藏指正、Tacit agreement默契、Have a tacit understanding 心照不宣 Burrow 洞穴,挖洞Furrow 皱纹,沟槽-There animals burrow for food 挖洞找食物She b

21、urrowed in her handbag for her keys 翻找钥匙 Worms that burrow through dead wood 钻穿枯木的虫子 -I could tell from the deep furrows in his forehead that he was disturbed by the news从她额头深深的皱纹上,我可以看出她听了这个消息非常不安。A furrow or groove formed by running water由流水形成的槽或小沟Gloom 忧郁,惨淡Gleam 闪光Glean 收集-The news brought deep

22、gloom to the village 全村一片愁云惨淡、The general economic gloom 全球经济惨淡The news filled me with gloom 使我感到很忧郁、Rumors of his ill health cast gloom over the celebrations 他身体状况不佳的消息使庆祝活动蒙上了一层阴影-A gleam of sunlight 一缕阳光、Not a gleam of hope 没有一丝希望、Fear gleamed in his eyes 他眼里闪现恐惧I saw a gleam of amusement in his

23、eyes 他眼里闪过一丝喜悦、A faint gleam of light from the doorway 从门口投进一束微光 -These figures have been gleaned from a number of studies 从大量研究中收集来的 Portion 部分Potion 饮剂-What portion of your salary goes on tax? 你的薪金中有多少上税?、We must both accept a portion of the blame 我们必须负部分责任、Could we have two extra portions of chip

24、s, please? 多要两份薯条-Aphrodisiac potion 春药、Sleeping potion 安眠药 Vogue 流行的Vague 模糊,不具体的A vogue work 流行的字眼、Come into vogue 开始流行 Flare 使向外逐渐变宽,使闪耀Glare 怒视-Flared trousers 喇叭裤、The fire flared up as I added more wood 火焰更旺了、Violence flared up in several cities 突然发生暴力事件、The dispute could flare up into a major

25、crisis 激化成为一场重大危机 Fracture 骨折Fraction 分数,小部分She fell and fractured her ankle 脚腕子摔骨折了A water pipe fractured and flooded the bathroom 水管断裂 -For a fraction of a second I thought the car was going to crash 我有一刹那以为要撞车了、1/2 and 1/4 are fractions 小数A mere fraction of available wind energy is currently util

26、ized 目前只用了可用风能的一小部分 Attentive 留心的,关注的Tentative 试探性的,犹豫的-The hotel staff were very attentive to our needs 酒店职员对我们的需求考虑的很周到、An attentive audience 聚精会神的-A tentative attempt 犹豫的尝试、Tentative plan 试验性的计划Gorge 峡谷,大吃大喝Forge 伪造 -Forge banknote 伪造假钞 Brew 沏,酿Crew 全体成员,船员Drew draw 的过去式Dew 露水-Brew a pot of tea 沏

27、一壶茶、Leave it to brew for a few minutes 泡几分钟、Theres trouble brewing 要出乱子了 Implement 工具,设备 (farm implements 农具)Complement 补充物,组成的数量Compliment 赞美,祝贺-Ice cream is the perfect complement to this dessert 冰激凌与这种甜点搭配最佳、Without a full complement of players, the team will not be able to take part in the match

28、 没有完整的阵容、The colors of the furniture and the carpet complement each other 十分配对、Weve taken our full complement of trainees this year 我们今年招收的实习生已满员 Proliferate 繁殖,数量增加Pilferage 偷窃 Conclude 总结Preclude 阻止,妨碍Exclude 排除-Lack of time precludes any further discussion 由于没有时间,无法进一步讨论了、Dose this agreement prec

29、lude changes later on? 这份合约是否列明以后不可修改?The price excludes all extras such as drinks or excursions 价钱不包括饮料和游览等一切额外费用、Jack was excluded from the game for cheating 因作弊不得参加考试Raven 黑亮的Haven 避难所Heaven 天堂-Raven tresses 黑亮的长发-The lake is a haven for water birds 栖息场所、The aim is to create a safe haven for the

30、thousands of refugees 目的是为成千的难民建立一个安全的避难所、The wood is a haven for wildlife这片树林是野生动物的安乐窝 Bold 大胆的,(字)黑体的Bald 秃顶的,秃头的 Dessert 甜点Desert 沙漠 Brag 吹牛Drat 见鬼!Drag 拖拽-She is always bragging to her friends about how smart she is 吹牛 Shore 海岸Chore 家务 Task 工作,任务Bask 晒太阳(bask in the glory 享受赞许)-Your first task w

31、ill be to type these letters 你的第一个工作便是把这些信打出来、Soldiers tasked to provide medical support 派去提供医疗援助的士兵、Translating the letter was no easy task 翻译这封信并不容易 Basking in the sun 晒太阳、The teem was still basking in the glory of winning the cup 沐浴在赢得比赛的荣耀中 Vanish 消失不见Varnish 油漆,油Tarnish 使金属失去光泽,玷污Garnish 装饰-Nai

32、l varnish 指甲油、The table needed two coats of varnish 需要两层油漆、Apply the varnish evenly over the whole surface 均匀的涂上清漆The mirror had tarnished quite badly 这面镜子没光泽了、Their severely tarnished reputation 严重受损的名誉 -Garnish the soup with a little parsley before serving 在汤里再加点欧芹、They garnish the room with moder

33、n painting。以现代画装饰房间 Flash 闪耀,闪现Flush 脸红,冲洗-Flashlight 手电筒、The neon sign above the door flashed on and off all night 整晚闪个不停、That lorry driver is flashing his lights at us 正向我们打灯、Thoughts kept flashing through my mind and I couldnt sleep 闪现、The detective flashed his card and went straight in 侦探把证件一亮就径

34、直走进去了-The river flushed the meadow 河水淹没了草地Susan flushed and could not hide her embarrassment 苏珊脸红了、Please remember to flush the toilet 别忘了冲洗马桶 Flesh 肉Fresh 新鲜的,精神好的-Even when its so hot, she looks as fresh as a daisy, how does she do it? 精神好 Slide 滑,幻灯片Glide 滑行-She fell over and slid along the ice 跌

35、倒后在冰上滑 The doors slide open automatically 门会自动滑开I slid out of the room when nobody was looking 趁人没看见我留了出去、The company slid into debt and eventually closed 渐渐背上了债务-The dancers glided across the floor 在地板上滑行而过 Crayon 蜡笔Canopy 顶蓬Canyon 峡谷-The highest branches in the rainforest form a dense canopy 雨林中最高

36、的树枝形成一层密密的天蓬A parachute canopy 降落伞形成的罩蓬 Blink 眨眼Brink 边缘-Just when the band were on the brink of becoming famous, they split up 乐队就快要出名的时候解散了、Scientists are on the brink of making a major new discovery 即将取得重大发现The pulled the company back from the brink 他把公司从悬崖边上拉了回来、On the brink of bankruptcy 破产边缘Nu

37、rture 哺育,培养Nature 大自然,性情This is a talent which should be nurtured 这样的天才值得培养 Slap 掴,拍打Snap 突然断掉(snap at 严厉指责)Slag 炉渣Snag 意外的困难-Slapped the money on the table 把钱拍到桌子上She slapped him across the face 掴了一记耳光People slapped him on the back and congratulated him on winning 拍背表示祝贺-The top has snapped off my

38、pen 笔尖断掉了The branch snapped 树枝断掉了Why do you always snap at me? 你怎么总是指责我? His offer is very generous- are you sure there isnt a snag? 不会有意外困难吧?、Weve his a technical snag: the printer isnt compatible with my PC 我们遇到了技术难题Limp 瘸着走,柔软的Limb 四肢,树枝-The goalkeeper limped off the field with a twisted ankle 瘸着

39、走出了赛场、You should put those flowers in water before they go limp 蔫了、The accident had left him with a slight limp 车祸使他有点坡 Sullen 赌气的Pollen花粉A sullen face 怒容、A sullen sky 阴沉的天气 Exalt 提升,使高贵Extol 赞美-An exalted style 高雅的格调、Be exalted to the position of 被提升任。的职位 Obsession 着迷Session (从事某种活动的)一段时间,开会Section

40、 部分,纵切面-Dont let this interest of yours become an obsession 不要为你的这一兴趣着迷、I dont understand televisions current obsession with cookery programs 我不懂为什么电视里有这么多烹饪节目 -Poke session 打扑克时间、Recording session 录音时间、The whole tape was recorded in one session 整卷录音带都是在一节时间内录完的、A followup session was held after the

41、 initial meeting 初次会议之后又开了一次后续会议、The court is in session 法庭正在开庭-The library has an excellent reference section 参考书非常丰富 The financial section of a newspaper 财经版、The illustration shows a section through a leaf 叶子的横切面 Languid 无精打采 (languish 憔悴, 潦倒)Anguish 痛苦His languid manner annoys me when theres work

42、 to be done 他那懒散的态度叫我恼火-The loss of a pet can cause some people real anguish 使人们很痛苦、She suffered the anguish of watching his son go to prison 她痛苦的看着儿子进监狱 Bidding 标价,投标Abiding 持久的-Our bidding is reasonable。我们的出价是合理的、Bidding for construction projects工程招标投标、Bidding sheet标价单-Abiding faith 不变的信念、Im tired of your abiding complaints。我讨厌你没完没了的抱怨。 Deserve 值得Preserve 保养,防腐Theyve managed to preserve most of the wall paintings in the caves 保存、To preserve peace 维护和平、Preserve food 保藏 Despite 尽管Despise 憎恨,蔑视-Despite having very little money, they enjoy

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