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1、2016秋季学期六年级英语期末测试卷姓名 考号: 班级 得分 抄写,请你认真地将下列句子抄写在四线三格上(15分) The children are playing in the park. Its the Mid-Autumn Festival. Peopl get together and eat mooncakes on this day.二、选择,从三个选项中选出一个最佳答案完成下题。(20分)( )1. Katie always _ early every day. A. gets up B. get up C.getting to( )2. Lets meet at the par

2、k_9:00 a.m. A. in B. on C. at( )3. What _ you do during the holidays. A. do B.does C.did( )4.Lets _ the zoo. A. go to B. to go C. going to( )5. It will_sunny and cool tomorrow. A. is B. be C. are( )6. We _ to the park last week. A. go B. went C. going to ( )7.Katie often _.her home before dinner. A.

3、 does B. do C. did( )8.I enjoy_the moon. A. look B. Looking at C. Look at( )9.I dont feel_.A. good B. great C. well.( )10. Id like_ orange juice.A. a bottle of B. A piece of C. a bar of 三、从B栏中找出A栏句子的正确答语,将其序号填在题前的括号里。(15分)A栏 B栏( )1.What can I do ? A. We can email each other.( ) 2.What can we do on t

4、he computer? B. My name is Linda.( ) 3.Whats your name? C. It will rain tomorrow.( ) 4.Whats the weather like tomorrow in Dejiang? D.Im twelve.( ) 5.How old are you? E. I can make tea for them.四、选出不同种类的单词(20分)( )1 A. .learn B. Speak C. Holiday( )2 A. .weekday B. always C. often(_ )3. A. seed B. tast

5、e C. bean( )4. Aforecast B. heavy C. sunny( )5 A.peanut B. Candy C. bottle五、阅读理解。根据短文内容判断,对的写“T”,错的写“F”(每小题2分,共30分) Anne is my good friend. She always gets up early in the morning. On weekdays, she always gets up at 6:30. She always washes her face at 6:35. Then she makes her bed at 6:45. Her family

6、 usually has breakfast at 7:00. Anne has a sister, Sally. She often late. She often has breakfast at 7:15. Anne and her sister usually go to school at 7:30.( )1. Anne always washes her face at 6:30.( )2. Anne usually gets up at six oclock.( )3. Annes family usually has breakfast at 7:00.( )4. Sally always has breakfast on time.( )5. Anne and her sister usually go to school at 7:30.2

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