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1、AbstractWith the rapid economic development and the speeding of reform and opening-up policy, China has established strong trade ties with other countries and has been in a prominent position in the world. As a result, the number of foreigners come to China for a tour is soaring which leads to the p

2、rosperity of tourism and many have settled down in China. Thus, its essential to set up public signs as a guide to the tourists and foreigner residents.Many previous studies have been carried out in regard to the methodology of translating public signs. Beginning with a new aspect, this research wil

3、l focus on the errors of Chinese to English translation of public signs and the relevant solutions. Examples of misusage of translating pubic signs will be presented in this thesis and the methods in regard to such misusage will also be well explained. Brief introduction to the characteristics of pu

4、blic signs, in the mean time, will also be stated.The thesis illustrates that there are various reasons causing improper translation of public signs including grammatical mistakes, misspelling and inappropriate wording, etc. .To deal with problems as such, I apply several translation skills like int

5、ercultural interpretation.From this thesis we should pay more attention to the importance and necessity of improving the efficiency of translation of public signs so as to offer a better guide to the foreign tourists and to perfect the translating methodology.Key words: public signs; characteristics

6、; mistakes;methods中文摘要随着改革开放的加快进程和经济的高速发展,中国与世界各国建立了友好的贸易关系,在世界占了重要的一席之地。也因为国家的强大,越来越多的国外旅客来到中国,给国内的旅游业带来了机会。因此,起向导作用的公示语十分重要。有关于公示语翻译的方法的研究数不胜数。本文将侧重研究在公示语翻译的过程中遇到的常见错误,以及对应的翻译策略。将对一些错误的公示语翻译例子进行分析,以及对其翻译需要注意的技巧进行阐述。同时对公示语的特点也会做简短的介绍。通过研究发现,语法错误,拼写错误以及措辞不当等都是造成错误翻译的原因之一。为了能更好的让公示语的翻译做到预想的效果,必须注意翻译的

7、技巧,如文化的差异等因素。同时,我们应该认识到公示语作为国外游客的指示标志,对其翻译效率的提高的重要性以及必然性给予重视。关键词:公示语的翻译;公示语的特点;公示语的翻译错误;公示语翻译的方法Chapter One Introduction1.1 IntroductionWith the rapid development of domestic economy, China has been connected with other countries in various fields. Therefore, public signs as a kind of presence of a

8、citys image have become a part of a propaganda of the nation as a whole. On the other hand, public signs are widely used in our daily life, which affect our lives in different aspects. Nevertheless, any mistakenly translated public signs can not only cause bad effects on the foreign tourists who res

9、ide in or visit China, but also destroy our reputation in the world.Studies on English translation of public signs in Chinese have been done both domestically and internationally, especially by the foreign researchers. In China, however, studies are in the early stage because of lacking comprehensiv

10、e system and norms. Until recently, Mr. L Hefa pointed out the functional characteristics of public signs, and stated the unique language style of public signs, claiming that prudent attempts to translate public signs outweigh fast translation before the translation is put into effect. Meanwhile, ot

11、her experts like Wang Yinquan, Wan Zhengfang and Jin Long has made significant contribution in this field.Only by serious and scrutinized study on the functions and cultural contents of public signs can contribute to speeding the process of synchronizing public signs with the world. 1.2 Aim and Obje

12、ctivesThe thesis attempts to discuss the mistakes in the course of translating Chinese public signs into English ones and to search for optimal solutions to such mistakes in order to reach better standard of translation.Also, it intends to remind the translators of the basic skills of translation an

13、d potential mistakes they may run into when they might not realize. Examples of mistranslating Chinese public signs into English will be presented in the following thesis and hopefully it will help.1.3 Organization of the ThesisThe thesis consists of six chapters. The first chapter is a general intr

14、oduction to the research. Chapter Two is about the literature review.Chapter Three describes the definition, characteristics and practical function of public signs. Chapter Four contains the mistakes in the translation of public signs. Chapter Five is about the translation skills of public signs reg

15、arding the mistakes above.The last chapter is the conclusion.Chapter Two Literature Review2.1 IntroductionIt has already been an undeniable fact that the public signs are now of vital importance for Chinas infrastructure construction since our country is striving to become more and more open to the

16、outside world. However, as we all can notice that the current status of the translation of public signs in China leaves us no reason to be optimistic. Numerous errors of translation had been spotted by professional and unprofessional practitioner both from China and overseas and it will inevitably c

17、ause the inconvenience for foreigners visiting China and most seriously leave an awful impression to foreign visitors, which may result in an unrecoverable damage to Chinas reputation.2.2 Current Status of the StudyIn recent years, the C-E translation of public signs has caught the attention of the

18、academic scene and the general public alike. In the year 2003, the first special dictionary in China on standardization of Chinese-English and English-Chinese sign translation edited by Yu Fuling was published. Following it, Lu Hefa and Shan Liping from Beijing International Studies University edite

19、d A Chinese-English Dictionary on Sings which was published by the Commercial Press in 2004, and the great circulation of the two dictionaries proved that we have made great progress in C-E sign translation towards a standard and systematic research.Whats more, in the summer in 2004 and in 2005, in

20、order to collect the first-hand material in sign translation, the members of “Chinese-English sign research and investigation group” made investigation into sign translation in British, France, Germany, Holland and other seven European countries. The member of the group have collected more than 3,00

21、0 authentic and valuable pictures and video recordings for the reference to C-E sign translation, which provide us with invaluable referential material for the domestic study of the translation of public signs.Most importantly, in September, 2005, China held the First Symposium on C-E Signs in a Glo

22、bal Context, which indicated that the quality of public sign translation has become a public concern. In January, 2006, on the symposium for the celebration of International Translation Day, Professor Dai Zongxian in Beijing International Studies University, a famous expert on the English translatio

23、n of signs, pointed out that the degree of civilization can be measured by the way languages are emplyed. Many essays on the translation of sings are also beginning to appear in translation magazines or periodicals, such as Chinese Translators Journal and Shanghai Journal of Translators for Science

24、and Technology.The study of C-E translation of public signs also to prevail among the general public. Many websites concerning the translation of public signs were set up on the Internet. People can log on them and participate in the public campaign of correcting mistranslated signs or search for th

25、e standard expression of signs and the latest development of the study so as to complement their own research in this regard. These websites may include www.e-sign.info (汉英公示语网站), the first sign website in China; (中国日报网站), which launched an activity called “Here We Go” (全国公共场所双语标示规范大行动) and (上海日报网站)

26、, which hosted a public campaign named “Sense and Simplicity” dedicated itself in the improvement of the C-E translation of public signs in Shanghai.Chapter Three Characteristics and function of public signs3.1 Definition of Public SignsPublicity language is a special type of language; it has been i

27、nvoLed in all aspects of living such as the road signs, shop signs, advertising language, warnings, propaganda and slogans and so on, which is in our lives everywhere like Caution, Wet Floor , Ticket Office ,CCTV and so forth. Different types of publicity language can set respective language standar

28、ds for people. Therefore, some scholars will define it as “public signs” (Zuo Ying 2004:79). It is also regarded as “what is a commonly found in public places, either with only a handful of words or simply easy solution icons and text intended to request or cause for some sort of attention.”(Yang Qu

29、anhong 2005:43) In Mr. L Hefangs opion,public signs are”open to the public, notices, instructions, indications, display and warning text and graphics information”.(Live Hefang 2005:22)3.2 Characteristics of Public SignsConcision is one of and the most prominent characteristics of public signs that a

30、re widely used in public facilities, public transport and tourist attraction etc. Due to the reason that certain audience in a limited period of time to learn and to understand a message objectively requires concision of public signs. We have seen signs as营业/Open “before a shops door instead of a re

31、latively long one”我们正在营业/We are now open. Such examples of concision are游人止步/Closed to Visitors,客房中心Housekeeping Center,出口/Exitetc.Sometimes public signs are accompanied by a simple icon to make it visualized.Public signs are also indicative, suggestive, restrictive and mandatory in terms of functio

32、n. Firstly, indicative one is mainly used when it serves as informative service, informing people what it is, examples are洗手间/Restroom,高速/Express Way,警察局/Police Station etc.Secondly, suggestive one intends to present a fact or a phenomenon without a sense of limitation or compulsion. Examples are “预

33、留/Reserved”,易爆物品/Explosive,油漆未干/Wet Paintetc.Thirdly, restrictive one is relatively more tactful but clearer, more direct tone of voice to the public upon request, containing restrictions like残疾人通道/Handicapped Only,“凭票入场/Ticket Only”,“慢速驶出/Slow Out”etc.Lastly, mandatory one is the most hard-line in

34、its tone, requiring the public must or Shall take such actions as禁止驶入/No Entry,“禁止超车/No Overtaking”,“靠右行驶/Keep Left”etc.Lastly, public signs can be defined either asstaticordynamic. It is not difficult to find that they are either static or dynamic after analyzing the wording and part of speech of p

35、ublic signs. Wording of public signs of instructions and notices is usually static such as“紧急出口/Emergency Exit”,“停车场/Park”,“出租车侯客处/Taxi Stand”etc.While dynamic one is often talking tough, containing requirements, restrictions on the meaning in order to arouse public attention. Examples of this kind

36、are禁止犬只入内/Dogs Not Allowed,“任点任吃/All you can eat”,“请当心脚下/Please Mind Your Step”etc.Chapter Four Errors of Translation and Analysis4.1 Lack of Basic Language Competency4.1.1 MisspellingThe most commonly encountered and often easily being neglected C-E translation mistake in public signs is definitely

37、 misspelling. Mistakes of this kind are indiscriminately scattered in all public places due to incompetency of the translators or carelessness and perfunctoriness of the sign painters, which may make foreign visitors and foreign residents reckon Chinese people as English illiterates. For example:“禁止

38、攀登/No clmbing”, “禁止吸烟/NO SMOKEING”, we can easily notice the misspelled words“clmbing”and“SMOKEING”. From the above examples, it is easy to reach a conclusion that the translator or sign painter misspelled the words. Though they may not provoke a misunderstanding of the signs meaning for such mistak

39、es, it is likely to cause a feeling of incompetency of English by the foreigners.Another example is a sign of Plum Hills in Nan Jing, “为您的人身安全燕雀湖禁止游泳违者后果自负”,and it is translated as “Or Your Satety,Do Nor Swim In The Purple Clouds Cake Nltors Shall Bear All Son Sequences Of Theia Actons”. On the boar

40、d, there are nineteen words, but eleven of them are wrong. They are not misspelled; rather, they do not exist.From what I have shown, it is safe to say that minor mistakes will not exist if the translators are responsible enough and such mistakes should have been eliminated.4.1.2 Improper Wording A

41、good choice of words is no doubt the preliminary condition of an accurate understanding of the target language. However, it is often the case that incompetent translators choose the wrong words, tumbling words with no sense, which easily causes misunderstanding or even is annoying.For examples, at t

42、he entrance of Forest Park in Mian Yang,the public sign of售票处is translated as“BOOING OFFICE”. One would be puzzled at sight of such a public sign. In English, the word “booing” means to show that you do not like a person, a performance, or an idea, etc., by shouting “boo”. According to the sign, it

43、means that this is a place for people to air their grievance. Actually, the translator might attempt to describe the boisterous situation when people gather to buy tickets. Unfortunately, for the foreigners, it does not make any sense.Another case is about “公共交通公司/Public Traffic Company”. Obviously,

44、 the word “traffic” here is not a proper choice, and the accurate word should be “transportation”. According to Collins Cobuid English Language Dictionary (Sinclair, 1987), traffic means “movement of cars and other vehicles on the roads, especially in towns and cities”, while transportation is “the

45、moving of goods or people from one place to another in a vehicle or vehicles”, so the proper translation should be “Public Transportation Company”.Such kind of mistakes are numerous: “小心碰头/Take care of your head/Attention Your Head”, “小心隙缝/Care the Gap”, “房地产博览会/tenement exposition”, “烟花工厂/prostitut

46、e factory”, “休闲食品/relaxed foods”, “肉松/meat pine”, “洗衣皂/Washes Clothese the Soap”, “不锈钢产品/stainless steel products”4.1.3 Grammatical Errors When one translating Chinese public signs into English ones, grammatical mistakes frequently occur such as misusage of part of speech and form of nouns, lack of

47、articles and inappropriate forms of verbs, etc.Grammatical rules are always the prerequisite of an acceptable translation. In order to translate properly, one should at least stick to the grammatical rules of the target language. And it is particularly true for the translation of public signs. Howev

48、er, mistakes of this kind are still obvious and can be seen every now and then in public places.Example 1: 南方候车室(South Waiting Hall)and北方候车室(North Waiting Hall)(Wang Yinquan,Chen Xinren,2004:81)This two signs are found in NanJing Train Station. From what they were written, they were set up to indicate that those passengers heading for either north or south direction should wait in these two particular halls. Nonetheless, when translated as “South Waiting Hall” and “North Waiting Hall”, they can only refer to the position of the halls, that is, they locate in the north

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