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1、Reporter:QIN LEIReporter:QIN LEIZHOU CHAOZHOU CHAOREGNO:2102-021-00REGNO:2102-021-0061612102-021-00402102-021-0040SupervisorSupervisor :MSC.ZHOU HONGMSC.ZHOU HONGForeground Subsystem -QIN LEIBackground Subsystem -ZHOU CHAOThe Division of tasks-Background SubsystemBackground SubsystemReporter:ZHOU CH

2、AOReporter:ZHOU CHAOR RegNo:2102-021-0040egNo:2102-021-00401.Project scenario2.Hardware And Software requirement3.Program design4.DataBase design5.Limitations of the system6.Future development plansContentsProject ScenarioOnline shopping is said to be a part of electronic commerce.It aims at the rea

3、lization of flow of material,fund and information.Actually,it is electrification and networking in the process of trade.Recently,online shopping has become a popular trend.It provides a real possibility that one could buy whatever he/she wants.Thats why it is increasingly accepted and identified by

4、more consumers.Online Book Sales is the production of the growth on the Internet and electronic commerce.SanLian bookstore in Huai An city has been using the traditional bookstore business mode for a long time.However,with prevalence of Internet and electronic commerce,an increasing number of people

5、 is more willing to buy favorite book just at home.As a medium sized book-selling company,SanLian bookstore is eager to develop a Online Bookstore management system so as to win a competitive status in the book publishing industry.Under such background,SanLian bookstore online bookstore based on WEB

6、 platform in Huan An city emerges as the times requireHardware And Software requirementHardware requirement Software requirementWindows XP/Vista/Windows 7Microsoft SQL Server 2005IIS 6.0Visio Studio 2008Program designThe Functional Hierarchy Diagram of the Background SubsystemFlow Chat For SystemDFD

7、 of SubsystemProgram designDFD of System User ManagementDFD of Book ManagementProgram designDFD of Order ManagementDataBase designE-R Diagram-Foreground SubsystemForeground SubsystemReporter:QIN LEIReporter:QIN LEIR RegNo:2102-021-0061egNo:2102-021-00611.Project scenario2.Hardware And Software requi

8、rement3.Program design4.DataBase design5.Limitations of the system6.Future development plansContentsProject ScenarioOnline shopping is said to be a part of electronic commerce.It aims at the realization of flow of material,fund and information.Actually,it is electrification and networking in the pro

9、cess of trade.Recently,online shopping has become a popular trend.It provides a real possibility that one could buy whatever he/she wants.Thats why it is increasingly accepted and identified by more consumers.Online Book Sales is the production of the growth on the Internet and electronic commerce.S

10、anLian bookstore in Huai An city has been using the traditional bookstore business mode for a long time.However,with prevalence of Internet and electronic commerce,an increasing number of people is more willing to buy favorite book just at home.As a medium sized book-selling company,Sdxjoint is eage

11、r to develop a Online Bookstore management system so as to win a competitive status in the book publishing industry.Under such background,Sdxjoint online bookstore based on WEB platform in Huan An city emerges as the times requireHardware And Software requirementHardware requirement Software require

12、mentWindows XP/Vista/Windows 7Microsoft SQL Server 2005IIS 6.0Visio Studio 2008Program designThe Functional Hierarchy Diagram of the Foreground SubsystemFlow Chat For SystemDFD of SubsystemProgram designDFD of User ManagementDFD of View BookProgram designDFD of ShoppingDataBase designE-R DiagramLimi

13、tations of the systemThe system appearance is not beautiful.The order statistic function of subsystem is not enough prefect.The payment function of subsystem is not enough prefect.The User Message function of subsystem is not enough prefect.Some Constraint of data is not enough prefect.Future development plansConsummate payment function of systemConsummate user message function of systemConsummate order statistic function of system Use painting tools to Beautification the interfaceConsummate constraint of data

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