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1、GPS方法在宗地测绘的应用(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!)GPS方法在宗地测绘的应用Paper prepared for:ACSM/ASPRS CONVENTIONCharlotte, North CarolinaFebruary 27 - March 2, 1995摘要本文阐述了一种包括地籍测绘和成图的GPS方法。它考虑到阿尔巴尼亚的现实和具体需求,同时也和其他相关的发展中国家地籍和土地登记制度(CLRS)形成相关联。该方法被阐述了规划和准备,现场程序,数据处理。后半部总结了该领域在阿尔巴尼亚进行的实地测试,以检验和完善此方法。该方法利用一个新的“亚米”接收器“(开拓者XL

2、)在差分模式下提供精确到一米左右的精度。1 背景阿尔巴尼亚是巴尔干小国,位于希腊(南),前南斯拉夫共和国(北部和东部),和亚得里亚海(西部)之间。它拥有约28,000平方公里的面积,这和比利时的大小相当,或相当于美国马里兰州。在国内生产总值(GDP)和其他福利指标方面,阿尔巴尼亚是欧洲最穷的国家。该国人均年收入约3.3万美元(世界银行1992)同该地区的许多国家一样,阿尔巴尼亚最近就从计划经济转变为以市场为原则的经济体制。这种转变的一个基本组成部分就是土地使用权的私有化和便利的土地市场。在共产主义时期的农业用地大部分属于国营农场和合作社组织,阿尔巴尼亚这片土地自1991年以来,已被重新分配到各

3、个家庭。据估计分配方案将涉及约250万块宗地和房屋拆迁(Jazoj等1994)。大多数农村土地被分配到各个家庭。阿尔巴尼亚面对的挑战是在开始销售,继承和其他形式的土地贸易之前完成地籍簿和土地登记地籍系统(CLRS)的转换。由于需要测绘个别地块以确定宗地所登记的包含权利人以及他们的权利的性质的空间尺寸的法律文件,分的地块大小(平均约0.3公顷),以及持有土地的零散,使得在紧迫的时间限制的情况下设计和实施都显得非常困难,本文介绍了一种对工程进行设计的方法,将提供一个快速和负担得起的手段测绘宗地、单体建筑(在城市地区)。并将使测绘土地和个别大厦(市区)快速和负责任地进行。2 测量和绘图在阿尔巴尼亚

4、在阿尔巴尼亚的测量和绘图主要是三个政府机构的责任。土地研究所(卷曲度)负责在农村地区的调查和测绘。地图通常是1:5000的比例尺,然而他们不产生其他尺度的地图(如1:2500)。大部分城市测绘涉及地质和大地测量企业(专家组)。城市测绘最重要的比例尺尺度是1:500和1:200。军事地形学研究所(MTI公司)负责全国地图系列(1:50 000)。和许多其他欠发达的国家中不同,在很多情况下阿尔巴尼亚拥有稠密的的大地测量控制点网络(约4公里的密度),该网络明确划定了高三脚架信号的密集网络。临时使用的gps(微星1992)试验证实,该网络具有很高的精确度。阿尔巴尼亚是幸运的,拥有许多毕业于达拉纳市理工


6、尤其是在大比例尺(1:500 - 1:10,000)地图,为在一个土地管理信息系统上建立一个有效的地籍系统提供了宝贵的基础。除了这个地图信息,LRI有很好的组织和参考档案的调查记录,一套控制致密化处理(三角)方法和,其他的视距导线调查方法。 也许是最具挑战性的是阿尔巴尼亚局的现实情况,破碎的非常微小的土地碎片。在许多情况下,村民被分配到一至四块的土地(法律允许多达七块宗地)。这些个别的宗地可能相距几公里,涉及农用地以及含有橄榄树(定义在树木的数量方面)的牧场土地。从测绘的角度来看,CLRS必须在这种呈现出复杂分化的环境中,找出符合成本效益的解决方案。3 全球定位系统方法的说明在阿尔巴尼亚测试和

7、实施利用GPS的方法被称为“差分伪距定位”技术。这种技术需要至少两台GPS接收机。参照或基地接收机占据一个已知的大地测量控制点,远程或流动站的接收机是用来测量宗地碎部。参考接收器收集到的数据被用来计算更正(X,Y,Z)伪距测量。这些差分改正直接被应用到遥控接收器的后处理过程中。这些修正的幅度是常见的两个单位,提供参考的接收机和遥控装置之间的距离并不太大。该技术能够在宗地角落达到亚米精度。作为流动站接收机和参考接收机的单频Trimble 4000 SE仪器使用Trimble探路专业XL方法进行测试。 该技术具有以下优点:(1) 实现相对简单(2) 强大的观测技术,因此需要最少的培训,只需要一个基

8、站支持便可多个流动站(可以在一个相对较低的成本下显 著增加生产力)(3) 流动站单位之间不需要协调(因此现场工作人员可以彼此独立运作 (4)占用时间很短(30秒)该方法的概括性描述方面是下面划线四类:计划和准备、现场程序、后期处理,大地的考虑。4 分部计划和准备4.1 卫星覆盖全面规划和组织的GPS方法是必不可少的一部分。因此,调查之前,必须评估在特定时间上感兴趣的区域的卫星覆盖。最近星历数据也是必需的,它描述了最新卫星星座轨道参数。通过利用GPS接收机,对至少一颗卫星进行大约15分钟的星历数据收集。这将确保获得完整的导航信息。收集到的数据被下载到个人计算机(PC)。被任务规划软件(例如快速的

9、TRIMBLE计划)用于生成的卫星能见度图表和数量的报告。该图描绘“的PDOP能快速评估是否有足够的卫星覆盖,同时为确定”卫星的数量“提供一个方便的手段,即至少4颗卫星,PDOP值低。PDOP值是一个卫星星座的几何强度的指标。4.2 建立一个数据字典数据字典的定义是有关数据的结构和使用信息的目录。它是用来组织和指导数据收集过程。每个字典包含列表的功能,每个功能的属性列表,以及每个属性的值列表。例如宗地比例尺,被视为测量的一个单一方面。如“日期和时间的属性也包括在内。在市区的测量需要更详细的字典(包括功能,如“电线杆”,“建设园地”,“道路,混凝土掩体”,“篱笆角落”等)。一旦数据字典被创建,它

10、将被上传到数据采集器上一方便在该领域的后续使用。4.3 相应的接收器配置开拓者XLGPS接收器是唯一可能在特定的操作条件(如记录时间间隔,截止高度角,PDOP,SNR(信噪比)实现亚米级精度的仪器。记录间隔指定位置接收器内存储的规律。可以收集到的数据量受到接收器的内部存储器容量大小的限制。5秒的时间间隔为生成的数据之间提供了平衡,在每个点上流动站需要占用时间,海拔初始值应设置为10,以排除卫星过于接近地平线,因为大气的影响可能会导致信号衰减。PDOP掩码误差值调整到8 目的是确保数据收集时只有一个良好的卫星星座的存在。信噪比确保一定强度的测量信号被接受到。信噪比应避免低于4,这是因为低信号强度

11、会影响定位精度。4.4 流动站接收机配置应以同样的方式配置流动站接收机作为基准站接收机,但也有以下例外。要求微分修正过程的要求是追踪卫星基站的一个子集。截止高度角(150)的PDOP掩码(6),信噪比掩码(6)的值设置比流动站接收机更严格。5 勘测领域Procedurea)在效率和生产力得到最大限度的发挥的条件下,详细的勘测是实地考察的重要部分。这适用于所有的测量技术,在GPS测量上更是如此。勘测的第一步是找出适合的现有的大地测量控制点。同时选定的控制点应是可使用的,最好是车辆可到达的,应该有一个开放的视野。其次,必须实地踏勘需要测量的区域,以便在测量过程绘制地籍草图级草图。这些程序利用这些方

12、法优化测量过程,并以一个严密的方式进行组织。5.1 设置相应的接收器基准站接收机可以是一个持续运营的中央基站,或架设在调查区域附近的控制点上。天线高度,连同其他有关资料(如站名,日期,时间,天气条件),必须进行测量和记录。要小心谨慎,确保基站是收集数据在罗孚接收器,因为只有同时基地和罗孚接收器之间的数据可能随之差异修正。测量过程要细心,以确保基站和任何流动站接收机收集数据之前不会有较大误差,因为基准站和流动站接收机之间的同步数据可能在随后产生差分改正。理想的基地接收机应设立在中央基站和调查区域(或在第二个集中式基站)附近的一个控制点上。这为测量工作提供了一种有价值的检查,也可作为因没电而终止工

13、作的接受机的一个备份。架设第二个基准站接收机被认为过于昂贵的,因此重要的是采用其他检查GPS结果方法。(例如对大型地图上显示的一些测量功能检查)5.2 数据收集与流动站接收机流动站接收机(探路者PRO XL)可以放在一个背包内,天线安装在一个范围极,由操作员进行数据采集。这样非常适合地籍测量所需的流动性。然后可以在村领导/长辈的带领下进行每块宗地角落的测定,进行每个点的GPS数据采集(30秒),和一个领域草图的注释。5.3 区域草图现场草图是数据收集的一个重要组成部分,构成宝贵的边界证据。由于具有GPS测量点的位置,在后处理阶段,连接这些点,划定边界线,在地籍图上显示。因此,最重要的是在该区域

14、做好记录,,最好由没有参与这项数据收集过程的一方进行。草图应该尽可能清楚地描绘出地名,地标描述,确定的一条边界线作为分界线,宗地的编号、及其他相关领域的信息。在进行的试验(见下一章节)这往往被证明是最具挑战性的一部分,现场调查。允许最好在数据收集过程中不涉及党的可靠的一代,地籍图。应尽可能清楚地描绘草图点名称,碑的描述,在现场,任何包裹的识别号码,以及其他相关领域的特点决定的边界线。实地考察(见下一节)往往被证明是在进行的测试中最具挑战性的部分。6 后处理每天工作结束后,应将数据下载到PC,并在进行任何处理之前存档在一个可移动的软盘里。这确保了所有原始数据的副本,目的是出于安全原因,维护。差校

15、纠正过程可分为以下步骤:(1) 指定和准备的基础数据文件(S)(2) 输入基站参考坐标(3) 指定和准备流动站数据文件(S)(4) 差分改正数据(5) 变换结果,以当地为基准。可以使用PFINDER软件的功能执行这些步骤。接收器收集和存储的所有数据都与WGS 84参考椭球相关。这些数据应该在WGS84坐标系内进行一次处理并转换为当地的基准,一旦处理已经完成(详情请参阅节大地注意事项)。基站应将WGS 84椭球的参考坐标输入,这可能是要获得这些坐标转从本地数据到WGS 84转化的位置。转换应格外小心,因为任何错误的基础参考位置将在宗地的坐标有类似幅度的反应。 包含有差分改正流动站位置并在数据采集

16、器编译的数据属性必须转换为符合绘图软件的格式。一般来说,AutoCAD或一个比较流行的GIS(如ArcInfo级别)将被用来存储和管理地籍数据库存储。PFINDER可以将数据导出到不同的制图和地理信息系统软件包。7 地图制作地籍图是以提供土地登记和地籍为目的明确说明,显示在一个司法管辖区的所有宗地。地籍图在法律上描述为所有已登记的宗地。地籍图或地籍重叠也代表了一种多用途的LIS / GIS的属性层,因此,必须是能够与其他层的信息集成,如自然资源,基础设施和社会经济的主题。 计算机辅助绘图软件(AutoCAD版本11),在阿尔巴尼亚进行地籍图的生产测试期间的使用。应该指出的是,产生的可靠的数据表

17、明,在数据收集过程对编制全面草图的高度依赖。8 在阿尔巴尼亚大地测量的思考GPS技术在阿尔巴尼亚的使用提出了一些重要的大地测量问题。正如之前提到的,所有的GPS数据相关的定义都涉及到了1984年世界大地测量系统(WGS 84)。该系统是一个以地球中心为原点,地球固定的3维坐标系统,作为整个地球的椭球它能最好的吻合地球表面。当地的大地基准点是根据Krassowsky椭球。因此,阿尔巴尼亚的基准是本地的最佳拟合椭球。正因为如此当地椭球和全球地心参照系统之间的关系是不容易确定,使得这些坐标系统之间难以实现精确的转换。最后的位置可能已经被转化为阿尔巴尼亚本地使用的坐标系统中。这种转换方法还需要参考站的

18、的WGS 84系统坐标。9 结论在佛罗里达大学进行的试验表明,甚至当基准站和流动站之间的基线距离为135公里时米级精度也是可以实现的。这意味着,大多数地籍测绘,没有必要投资于昂贵和费时的控制网致密化工程。与传统的测量和测绘方式相比,GPS方法具有显着优势,不管是在办公室和外地生产相比较。此外,它不依靠现有的地图,并提供数字格式,可以很容易地转换为电脑绘图系统或地理信息系统中的数据。由于缺乏埋石和临时性质的个人界址,建议在较大区域内的小宗地测量上继续使用继续传统的方法。最后,应重新强调的关键是它的速度和不确定性能否满足阿尔巴尼亚和其他许多发展中国家的测量和测绘标准。基于在阿尔巴尼亚获得显著成果的

19、基础上,我们觉得,本文中所描述的gps方法提供了一个可行的和极具吸引力的替代目前正在使用的其他方法的方案。致谢 这项工作转包于通过从土地权属中心土地市场开发项目。它是由美国威斯康星大学(LTC)的美国国际开发署资助的。作者感谢长期工作的人员(尤其是大卫斯坦菲尔德和邓丽君巴里),美国国际开发署,以及ICC在阿尔巴尼亚的支持。参考文献1 Barnes, G., D. Moyer, B. Chaplin, M. Sartori, R. Shrestha and E. DesRoche (1994). The Design and Comparative Evaluation of a GPS Met

20、hodology for Cadastral Surveying and Mapping in Albania. Final Report prepared for the Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 87p.2 MSI (1992). Geodetic Overview for Land Registration and Mapping in Albania. Report prepared for the Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison

21、by Measurement Science Inc.3 Jazoj, A., S. Lamani and L. Lira (1994). Surveying and Mapping Strategy for Supporting Emerging Land Market. Paper presented at GIS/LIS 94, Budapest, Hungary, 13 - 17 June, 1994, 20p.4 Sjoberg, O. (1991). Social Structure in Albanian Discourse. Draft manuscript prepared

22、for publication in Handbook on South Eastern Europe (Ed. K. Grothusen). Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 26p.5World Bank (1992). An Agricultural Strategy for Albania. Report prepared by a Joint Team from The World Bank and The European Community, 265 p.A GPS METHODOLOGY FOR SURVEYING AND MAPPING C

23、ADASTRAL PARCELSGrenville Barnes, Michael SartoriUniversity of Florida (Gainesville)Bruce Chaplin Measurement Science, Inc (Denver)ABSTRACTThis paper describes a GPS methodology for cadastral surveying and mapping at the parcel level.It was designed to take into account the particular demands and re

24、alities of Albania, but it also has relevance to other developing countries which are in the process of developing a cadastre and land registration system (CLRS).The methodology is described in terms of office planning and preparation, field procedures, post-processing, and geodetic considerations.T

25、he latter part of the paper summarizes the field tests that were undertaken in Albania in order to test and refine the methodology.The methodology makes use of a new sub-meter receiver (Pathfinder PRO XL) which is used in a differential mode to provide accuracies to around one meter. 1 BACKGROUNDAlb

26、ania is a small Balkan country located between Greece (to the south), the ex-republic of Yugoslavia (to the north and east), and the Adriatic Sea (to the west). It is approximately 28,000 square kilometers in area, which is equivalent to the size of Belgium or the state of Maryland in the US. In ter

27、ms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and other welfare indicators, Albania is the poorest country in Europe. The population of the country is around 3.3 million (World Bank 1992). Like many countries in the region, Albania has recently moved from a centralized, command economy to one based on market p

28、rinciples. A fundamental part of this transformation involves the privatization of land rights and the facilitation of a land market.During the communist era most of the agricultural land was organized into state farms and cooperatives and since 1991 Albania has been redistributing this land to indi

29、vidual families. It is estimated that the distribution program will involve some 2.5 million land parcels and housing units (Jazoj et al 1994).The majority of the land in rural areas has already been allocated to individual families. The challenge facing Albania is to put in place a cadastre and lan

30、d registration system (CLRS) before land starts changing hands through sales, inheritances and other transactions.This means surveying and mapping individual parcels and registering a legal document which identifies the spatial dimensions of the parcel, right holders and the nature of their rights.T

31、he minute size of the land parcels (average of about 0.3 hectares), as well as the fragmented nature of land holdings, makes it extremely difficult to design and implement a CLRS within the tight time constraints.This paper describes a project which was undertaken to design a methodology that would

32、provide a rapid and affordable means of surveying and mapping land parcels and individual buildings (in urban areas).2 SURVEYING AND MAPPING IN ALBANIASurveying and mapping in Albania is primarily the responsibility of three government agencies.The Land Research Institute (LRI) is responsible for su

33、rveying and mapping in rural areas.The mapping is generally at a scale of 1:5000, although they do produce maps at other scales (e.g. 1:2500).The Geology and Geodesy Enterprise (GGE) deals with most of the urban surveying and mapping.Most of this mapping is done at scales of 1:500 and 1:200.The Mili

34、tary Topographic Institute (MTI) is responsible for the national map series (1:50 000 and smaller).Unlike many other less developed countries, Albania has a dense network of geodetic control points (approximately 4 Km density) which in many instances are clearly demarcated by means of tall tripod si

35、gnals. Provisional tests using GPS (MSI 1992) confirm that this network has been surveyed to a high degree of accuracy.Albania is fortunate to have a relatively high number (estimated at around 300) of well educated surveyors who have graduated from the 5-year surveying program at the Polytechnic Un

36、iversity of Tirana.The curriculum includes a strong mathematical and measurement science foundation in the first three years.The latter two years are more general than most surveying programs and deal with such diverse topics as Ecology, Urban Planning, Mining Technology, and Hydrotechnic Constructi

37、on.The surveying program graduates approximately 20 students per year and has apparently maintained this level for the past 20 years.A large majority of these graduates are currently unemployed or are involved in some other line of work.There are also a number of survey technicians who have speciali

38、zed in surveying at the Middle School level (equivalent to high school in the US).The number of people with these qualifications is estimated at 500.The pool of expertise in the area of surveying and mapping appears to be adequate to support the development of a CLRS.However, given the dramatic chan

39、ges in land law and the introduction of a legal cadastre, additional training and education will be required to update the skills and expertise of both the university- and middle school-trained surveyors.The substantial set of maps that currently exist in Albania, especially at larger scales (1:500

40、- 1:10,000), provides a valuable base of land information on which to build an effective cadastre.In addition to this map information,LRI has a well organized and referenced archive of survey records, one set dealing with control densification (triangulation) and the other with tacheometric surveys.

41、Perhaps the most challenging aspect of the Albanian situation is the minute size and fragmentation of land holdings.In many instances villagers have been allocated between one to four parcels of land (up to seven parcels are allowed by law).These individual parcels may be several kilometers apart an

42、d involve agricultural land as well as pasture and land containing olive trees (defined in terms of the number of trees).From a surveying and mapping perspective this fragmentation presents a complex environment in which to identify cost-effective solutions for the creation of CLRS.3 DESCRIPTION OF

43、GPS METHODOLOGYThe GPS methodology tested and implemented in Albania utilized the technique known as Differential Pseudo_Range Positioning.A minimum of two GPS receivers are required for this technique.The reference or base receiver occupies a known geodetic control monument and the remote or rover

44、receiver is used to occupy parcel corners.The data collected at the reference receiver are used to compute corrections (X, Y, Z) to the pseudo_range measurements.These differential corrections are then applied directly to the remote receiver during post_processing.The magnitudes of these corrections

45、 are common to both units, provided that the distance between the reference receiver and remote unit is not too great,The technique is capable of yielding sub_meter accuracy positions for the parcel corners.The methodology was tested using a Trimble Pathfinder PRO XL as a rover receiver and a single

46、 frequency Trimble 4000 SE as the reference receiver.The technique has the following advantages:Implementation is relatively simpleObservational technique is robust, therefore requiring minimal trainingOnly one base station is required to support multiple rover units (productivity can then be signif

47、icantly increased at a relatively low cost) No coordination is required between rover units (field crews can thereforeoperate independently of each other)Occupation times are short (30 seconds)A general description of the methodology is outlined below in terms of the following four categories:office

48、 planning and preparation, field procedures, post_processing, and geodetic considerations.4 Office Planning and Preparation4.1 Satellite CoverageComprehensive planning and organization is an essential part of the GPS methodology.Therefore, prior to the survey, the satellite coverage must be evaluated in the area of interest for the given time period.Recent ephemeris data are required, which describe the most up-to-date computed orbital parameters of the satellite constellation.

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