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1、人教版七年级英语下册选择题精选单项选择。( )1、Can you play guitar? A、a B、an C、the( )2、Peter come to school early. A、wants B、wants to C. want( )3. My brother can the music club with me.A. Join B. join in C. take part in ( )4. My grandfather often me some interesting .A. Talk B. says C. tells( )5. Sandy can sing very well

2、 , she can dance .A. So B. but C. because( )6. My brother often plays games me at home . A . at B. for C. with ( ) 7.many people join that music club . A .like B. want C. like ( ) 8.-what can she do ? -she can Chinese .A. Say B .talk C. speak ( ) 9. What are you talking ?A. about B. with C. to ( )10

3、.I want to join the soccer club July .A.at B. in C. on ( ) 11. My father is always busy his car at home .A. wash B. to wash C. washing ( ) 12. We can with old people .A. have friends B. make friends C. talk friends ( ) 13. If you want to find me. me 622-6033.A. calling ; on B. tell; at C. phone ;at

4、( )14. Our school usually begins Speaker 1 st.A. in B. on C. at ( )15. Who are you talking A. with B. on C. for ( )16.Many studies want the music festival A. join B. joining C. to join( )17. I need some help my tennis .A. for B. at C. with ( )18. Billy is talking to his mother the phone .A. at B. on

5、 C. for ( )19. What is your brother ?A. do B. does C. doing ( )20. Those girl the music now .A. are listening B. is listening C. are listening to ( )21. My father likes TV very much .A. reading B. looking C. watching ( )22. Who usually washes the at home .A. dish B. dishing C. dishes ( )23. This TV

6、show is interesting .A. kind of B. a kind of C .all kind of ( )24.-Would you like to go shopping with me . - A. Id love. B. I dont like it. C. Id love to. ( )25. My grandmother is going to join us lunch today .A. with B. to C. for ( )26. Its 6 oclock . The Green family dinner .A. is eat B. are eatin

7、g C. are eat ( )27. This story sounds .A. well B. good C. nicely ( )28. Can you ?A. play basketball B. playing basketball C. play the basketball ( )29. Who is he ?A. waiting B. wait for C. waiting for( )30. I often go in the afternoon .A. swim B. swimming C. swiming ( )31. -What time do you read new

8、spaper . - .8 oclock the morning .A. At; in B. In ;in C. At ;on ( )32. He wishes this music club .A. join B. to join C .to join in ( )33. Who is this story ?A. about B. with C. in ( )34. My father likes of my family .A. take photos B. taking picture C. take picture ( )35. Mary likes her host family

9、.A. many B. much C. a lot ( )36. -I will go to London tomorrow . -That great .A. sounds B. listens C. hears ( )37. Billy has many and he likes very much .A. pictures B. picture; it C. picture; them ( )38. My mother usually books in the everything ,but this everything she the dishes.A. reads B. is re

10、ading ;is washing C. read ;is washing ( )39. -How many do you have now? -Only 26. A. tooths B. tooth C.teeth ( )40. My brother is dressed a blue shirt today . A. in B. with C. for ( )41.-What time do you go to bed every everything . - A. At nine B. Very early C.Very late ( )42. Dont be late school a

11、gain ,or Ill tell your mother . A. for B. with C. at ( )43. - do you get up . -At seven in the morning . A. How B. What C. What time ( )44. I often have breakfast at eight ,and that, I go to work at nine. A. before B. after C. for ( )45. Lets together . A. go home B. go to home C. goes ( )46. They u

12、sually at nine . A. eat a dinner B. have dinner C. has dinner ( )47. My sister does her homework six nine the everything . A. at ;to B. from ;to C. from; and ( )48. He goes to bed the everything . A. at B. in C. with ( )49.Sue east for lunch . A.fruits and vegetable B.fruit and vegetable C. .fruit a

13、nd vegetables( )50. My mother always breakfast for me ever day . A. make B. makes C. to make ( )51. My father wants either me my sister to go shopping with him . A. and B. but C. or ( )52.- do you come to China ? -Because I want to learn Chinese . A. What B. Why C. in ( )53. Welcome you our school!

14、A. to B. for C. in ( )54. There is elephant walking in front of a tree . A. a B. an C. the ( )55. Lets after school . A. to play the violin B. play the violin C. to play violin ( )56. Tom is very . He is always late for school . A. cute B. lazy C. clever ( )57.Lily Australia and she is our class . A

15、. form B. is form C. come form. ( )58.Can dogs walk two legs . A. in B. at C. on ( )59. This shirt is ugly. I dont want to wear it . A. not B. kind of C. a kind of ( )60. My parents a dog and my grandmother a cat . A. has ;have B. has ;has C. have;has( )61. - ? -Lions. A. Where are the animals B. Ho

16、w old are the animals C. What animals do you like ( )62. Where do these tigers come ? A. from B. in C. into ( )63.Why not home earlier ? A. come B. coming C. comes ( )64. Does he know he is great danger . A. in B. at C. with ( )65. The ivory is one of the elephants . A. symbol B. symbols C. a symbol

17、 ( )66. My birthday is March 3rd. A. at B. in C. on ( )67. They get lost , they cant find the way home . A. so B. why C. but ( )68.He often forget an umbilical .So when it rains, he is wet . A. bring B. to bring C. brining ( )69.-Why do you like English ? -its interesting . A. For B. But C. Because

18、( ) 70 .Do you often play cats and dogs ? A. with B. for C. to ( )71. - do you get to school . -On foot . A. Why B. How C. Where ( )72. My English teacher always _to school earl every day . A. get B. go C. gets ( )73. Its a nice day today .How about _in the supermarket ? A. shopping B. shop C. to sh

19、op ( )74. My mother usually visits my grandparents _subway . A. on B. by C. in ( )75. Many people like to _the bus to go to work nowadays . A. ride B. drive C. take ( )76. _Does it take you to get work ? A. How long B. How much C. How soon ( )77. Its five minutes walk _my home to school . A. between

20、 B. from C. go ( )78. My uncle lives five kilometers _my home . A. to B. near C. from ( )79. Some people are waiting for the bus _the bus stop . A. in B. at C. with ( )80. -_do you think of your new school . -Its great . A. How B. Why C. What ( )81.-How do you _? -By subway . A. get school B. get to

21、 school C. get home ( )82.It _me ten minutes to do my homework . A. takes B. costs C. spends ( )83. I am just _boy . A. a ten-years-old B. a eleven-year-old C. a five-year-old ( )84.Tom _is really my dream to study English well . A. likes B. like C. is like ( )85.Travelling by train is never _,becau

22、se you can talk to people . A. interesting B. boring C. fun ( )86.-does you father get to work ? -He usually drives to work . A. When B. How C. What ( )87. How long _it _you to clean this bike? A. do ;spend B. does; use C. does ;take ( )88.What do you parents _your friends ? A. think of B. think abo

23、ut C. think with ( )89._eat in the classroom . A. Not B. No C. Dont ( )90.Please come to school _. A. in the B. on time C. late ( )91.We cant talk _. A. in class B. Im sad C. at the class ( )92.-You are late for school again . -_. A. Sorry B. Im sad C. Think you ( )93. Dont _music when the teacher i

24、s talking . A. hear B. listen C. listen to ( )94.There is a hat for you .can you _? A. wear B. put it on C. put on it ( )95.She _wear a uniform at work . A. has B. has to C. have to ( )96.I like football and I _like basketball . A. too B. very C. also ( )97.Please _your room at once . A. clean B. cl

25、eans C. cleaning ( )98.We sometime watch TV _school nights .A. at B. on C. in( )99. I often practice _English with my teaches . A. Speaker B. speaks C. speaking ( )100.-I dont like football . -I dont like it,_. A. also B. too C. either ( )101.You dont have to buy a new book .There are _in your room.

26、 A. too much B. too few C. too many ( )102.-He watches TV on school night . -Me _.A. too B. also C. either ( )103._noisy !This is the library . A. Not be B. Please C. Dont be ( )104.-_is the weather _today ?-Its cloudy .A. How ;like B. What; like C. What;不填( )105.-_is Mum _the bread ? -in the kitche

27、n .A. Where; cutting B. Where ; cut C. What; cutting ( )106.-_do you parents get to work ? -_.A. Why ;By bicycle B. How; On feet C. How ;On foot ( )107. -Can you _? -Yes, I can . A. play the basketball B. play guitar C. play chess ( )108.Kate often _her homework in the afternoon .A. do B. is doing C

28、. does ( )109._is the weather _today ? A. How; like B. What; like C. What ; 不填( )110.-Could you take a message for Linda ? -_. A. Thanks a lot B. Sure; no problem C. Youre welcome ( )111.Who _the vegetables for Lind ? - _. A. cuts B. is cutting C. cut ( )112.Lily likes _a dress .She is _a new dress

29、in her bedroom at the moment .A. wearing; putting on B. putting on; wears B. wearing ;wears ( )113.We are _vacation for the next ten days . A. in B. on C. at ( )114.Its windy tomorrow ,_? A. doesnt it B. is it C. isnt ( )115.-What are you buys _? -Im busy _Photos. A. with; taking B. 不填;taking C. wit

30、h ;to take ( )116.-What can you do ? -I can _well .A. play violin B. play soccer C. play drums( )117.-_does he get dressed ? -At half past six in the morning . A. What B. What time C. How long ( )118.Going _is good _us. A. skate ;for B. skating; with C. skating ;for ( )119.Who _playing the piano. -m

31、y sister A .is B .does C .has ( )120.- _does Tina like pandas. -Because she thinks they are lovely. A .How B .What C .Why.( )121.-_ is she getting to work now? - on foot. A .How far B .How long C .How ( )122.It _three minutes to brush her teeth every morning A .take B .take she C .is taking ( )123.I

32、so there a bank near the book shop ? - _ A .Yes ,there is B .Nof ,there C .Yes ,it is ( )124.The hospital is just _ Bridge Street A .on B .to C .at ( )126.The take-away food shop is just _ the cinema A .in the front of B. in front of C. between ( )127.There _ a cinema and a library behind the police station.A. are B. is C. be( )128.Is there a bank _ the restaurant and the post office ?A. next B. between C. across( )129 .The school is far _ the hospital .A. 不填 B. C. from ( )130.There is teachers desk _ the cl

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