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1、The American Heritage in Decision of Foreign PolicyThe United States government of the late nineteenth century were certainly interested with increasing the international status of their country.American administrations had the intention of equalling and eventually surpassing the great powers of the

2、 time,Great Britain,France,Germany,Russia,and Japan.The American quest for empire caused or at least highlighted the tension between internationalism and isolation in foreign policy decision making.IsolationismThe American MissionThe Moral Explanations for International InterventionsIsolationism:Nat


4、reofPres.WoodrowWilsonsinternationalism,liberaloppositiontowarasaninstrumentofpolicy,andtherigoursoftheGreatDepressionwereamongthereasonsforAmericansreluctancetoconcernthemselveswiththegrowthoffascisminEurope.The traditional power politics theory denied multilateralism and pushed the unilateralism o

5、f foreign policy.Power politics theory is the mainstream for western countries to handle with international affairs,so is American.In period of total isolationism in the 19th century,the United States emphasized power on international affairs,just denied in alliance with European powers.Theodore Roo

6、sevelts big stick policy at the beginning of 20 century and establishing a big white fleet are power politics masterpieces,which means isolationism need powers supports while power politics theory,isolationism principle and unilateralism foreign policy supplement each other.“the strong do what they

7、have the power to do and the weak accept what they have to accept.”Main target of American foreign policy is to maintain American values and democracy system.Therefore,the United States should strictly define their own national interests.TheAmericanMissionOrigin:Talentmission“originatedfromAnglo-Sax



10、viors.Theythinkittheirmissiontosavetheworld.ChosenPeople“、ACityuponaHill、ThePromisedLand“arethecoreofthismission.NationalismandLiberalismBut ideas of a manifest destiny for America transcending the continent and stretching out to the whole world were taking over the Republican Party.Democratic ruleu

11、nder the leadership of the United States to realize worldwide democracy is the premise condition of perpetual peace.the national self-determination rule:any nation has rights to determine our own form of government.Liberalism combines the American Exceptionalism in political culture with Manifest De

12、stiny,thus engendering idealism or Wilson socialism foreign theory.Nationalism exist in all countries,its general meaning is loyal to their country,love their own countries,proud of their country.In addition,American nationalism have senses of superiority such as exception of American,America first.

13、The Moral Explanations for International InterventionsHumanitarian assistance and humanitarian interventionWilson socialist put forward moral rule-Morality should be the start of all foreign policy.Ethics and values of freedom and democracy play an important role in international politics.He advocat

14、es that from point of view of people-oriented,Americans should abide moral rule in foreign policy.Talent Mission and American Exceptionalism led to American involve in intervening in other countries.The United States intervened in military for the purpose of humanitarian,new conservatives called this act as an international nurse.The United States had to even use force to change the regime of these countries and after that they undertake the reconstruction of state.

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