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1、【句子含义】真题及解析1. The sentence that expresses OFFER is (2011)A. Ill get some drinks. Whatll you have?B. Does she need to book a ticket now?C. May I know your name?D. Can you return the book next week?答案:A。B、D项是对一个不确定的信息进行询问;C项是以情态动词may委婉地提出想要获知对方的名字;B、C、D三项都是希望对方给出回复。表示给予的只有A。2. Which of the following s

2、entences expresses WILLINGNESS? (2012)A. By now she will be eating dinner.B. I shall never do that again.C. My brother will help you with the luggage.D. You shall get a promotion.答案:C。选项A“现在她应该在吃晚饭”,表示推测;选项B“我再也不会那么做了”,表示决心;D选项“你一定会得到提升”,表示一种承诺;C选项“我哥哥会帮你拿行李”,表示意愿。3. Which of the following best expl

3、ains the meaning of “Shall we buy the tickets first”? (2012)A. He said that we were going to buy the tickets first.B. He requested that we buy the tickets first.C. He suggested that we buy the tickets first.D. He advised us to buy the tickets first.答案:C。shall在问句中表示征求对方意见,主要用于第一、三人称,有“好吗?要不要?”等意思,表达了

4、说话者的建议,故选C。D项中的advise与suggest含义相近,但是语气更强,一般是就自己专长或非常了解的事物给出意见。4. When Linda heard the good news she tried to sound casual,but her excitement was obvious. The underlined part means _. (2012)A. uncaring B. disinterested C. without plan D. without warning答案:B。选项A指“心不在焉的,不注意的”;选项B指“不感兴趣的,漠不关心的”;选项C指“没有计

5、划的”;选项D指“没有任何警告的”。A项与B项比较相近,但uncaring侧重没有注意到、没有用心。5. Most Chinese people went to work by bike within living _. (2012)A. mind B. knowledge C. memory D. scope答案:C。living memory意为“鲜活的记忆”,其他三项与living不能搭配或与句子逻辑不符。6. Which of the following is NOT an imperative sentence?(2013)A. Let me drive you home, shal

6、l I?B. You will mind your own business!C. Come and have dinner with us.D. I wish you could stay behind.答案:D。选项A和C是以let和come开头的祈使句,故排除;选项B“You will mind your own business!”表示一种警告、命令的语气,属于加强语气的祈使句。7. At last nights party Larry said something that I thought was beyond me. The underlined part means _.(2

7、013)A. I was unable to do.B. I couldnt understand.C. I was unable to stop.D. I couldnt tolerate.答案:B。be beyond somebody是指“be too difficult for someone to understand”.8. What does “He wisely refused to spend his money” mean? (2008)A. It was wise of him to refuse to spend his money.B. He refused to sp

8、end his money in a wise manner.C. He was short of money and didnt want to buy anything.D. He refused, in a wise manner, to spend his money.答案:A。这句话的意思是他拒绝花钱的这个行为是明智的。9. The following are all correct responses to “Who told the news to the teacher?” EXCEPT (2008)A. Jim did this B. Jim did so C. Jim di

9、d that D. Jim did.答案:A。D项是Jim did it的省略形式,此外还可用代词so,它可以用来指代上文刚刚提到的内容,而this和that在指代前文提到的内容时有一定区别,this指时间或空间上离说话者位置较近的人或物,以及 说话者自己介入的场合,而that是指时间或空间上离说话者位置较远的人、物和场合。10. The man preparing the documents is the firms lawyer has all the following possible meanings EXCEPT_. (2009)A. the man who has prepare

10、d the documents.B. the man who has been preparing the documents.C. the man who is preparing the documents.D. the man who will prepare the documents.答案:D。用在名词后面的现在分词作后置定语修饰名词,可以表示正在进行的动作,也可表示一般的动作或已经结束的动作。但现在分词作后置定语不能表示将来的动作。模拟题,答案,及解析 Simulation Exercises with Keys1. Which of the following sentences

11、 is incorrect?a. He is a Chinese tall intelligent young officer.b. There are a few new major urban highways.c. She is wearing a pretty pink woolen sweater.d. He stands on a beautiful little white stone bridge.答案a. 同名词关系越密切的形容词离名词越近,顺序为:冠词,指示代词,不定代词,物主代词;序数词,基数词;一般性描绘形容词;大小,长短,形状,年龄,新旧;颜色;国籍,出处;材料;用途

12、,类别;被修饰的名词或动名词。 “美小圆旧黄,中国木书房。”2. All of the following italicized parts are appositive clauses Excepta. The fact that he had not said anything surprised everybody.b. He got the news from Mary that the sports meeting was put off.c. The fact that you are talking about has nothing to do with it.d. The q

13、uestion that who should do the work requires consideration.答案d. 同位语和定语从句的区别,要一眼识别。3. Which of the following sentences indicates “probability”?a. The stadium can be emptied in four minutes.b. I can speak a little French as well as Japanese.c. She cant have slept through all that noise.d. You can take

14、 the car, if you want.答案c. 情态动词can的诸多用法。Canttoo: 再也不为过4. Which of the following words can NOT be used to complete “The jobs _ done”?a. almost b. nearly c. actually d. lately答案: d. lately一般和完成时连用。5. Which of the following sentence is incorrect?a. His family is well known in this country.b. The public

15、 were not allowed to hear the trial.c. Poultry are expensive at this time of year.d. Physics include mechanics, heat, light, etc.答案d. 学科economics/politics/statistics,游戏 billiards,疾病measles, mumps, diabetes的名称,谓语用单数。Measles is an infectious illness.6. “She is no less optimistic than her elder sister.

16、” The sentence means thata. She is not as optimistic as her elder sister.b. She is more optimistic than her elder sister.c. She is as optimistic as her elder sister.d. She is no more optimistic than her elder sister.答案c. No less than = just asas7. Which of the following sentences is a command?a. Goo

17、d old Mike! b. Try that again.c. Have a good night! C. Beg your forgiveness.答案b. Imperative sentence.8. All of the following sentences have an appositive excepta. My wife herself has begun her own business.b. This word, dyeing, is often misspelled.c. Her book Color and Design was published last week

18、.d. Health, and not money, is what I want.答案:d.9. Which of the following sentences is Incorrect?a. He paid twice the price for it.b. Both the boys were late for school.c. I offered him double the amount.d. Youve only heard the half story.答案d. half(前位限定词) the(中位限定词) story.10. Which of the following s

19、entence is Incorrect?a. The English teacher came in, book in hand.b. There wasnt a single Tom in this village.c. The girl practices the violin every day.d. Lets go and watch them play the chess.答案d. 球类或棋类运动前不用定冠词,乐器前要加the。再复习下不定冠词,冠词,零冠词的用法。A项: Book in hand, 为独立主格结构。11. Which of the following is inc

20、orrect?a. He spend all his time reading.b. Half the students are here.c. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.d. He ask many his friends for money.答案d. many(后位) his(中位) friends顺序不对; 正确的用法:many friends or many of his friends。同时凭语感也可以做出该题。前位,中位,后位限定词的用法: 前位(all, both, half; 倍数;分数;what a(n), such

21、 a(n)等);中位(冠词,指示代词, 人称代词,名词属格,不定代词,what, which, whose等等);后位形容词(基数词,序数词,next, last, other, another, many, much, a few, a little, fewer, several, plenty of, a lot of, a great/large/good number/deal/amount of等)。12. In “I saw a thief stealing something”, the italicized part isa. a predicate b. an attrib

22、ute c. a complement d. an adverbial答案c. 13. Which of the following prepositional phrases is used as attributive?a. Just make yourself at home. B. He arrived after me. c. Hand me the book on the desk. D. My busiest time is from 9 to 10.答案: c.14. Which of the following sentences can NOT be used as a r

23、esponse to “I think this food is delicious”?a. So do we. B. We do too. C. So we do. D. We think so too.答案:C. So we do: 我们确实如此。15. All the following sentences have a passive meaning excepta. We must be prepared for the worst. b. b. How did the window get broken. c. A note was passed up to the speaker

24、. d. I wont have my house turned into a hotel.答案a. be prepared/ready for: 准备好,prepared 为形容词。熟悉主动形式表被动含义的常见情况:wash, write, sell, lock, shut, clean, wear等动词的主动语态常表被动;want, deserve, need, worth, require等动词后的动名词也可主动表被动。16. Which of the following cannot be used to complete “_ the teachers came”?A. Often.

25、 B. Nearly. C. Eventually. D. Almost答案a. 凭语感,我认为只有c, eventually, 能和句子 “_ the teachers came”一块使用。17. Which of the following sentences in Incorrect?a. I bought the book for which you asked.b. Who that you had ever seen is stronger than him?c. The man and the horse which fell into the river were drowne

26、d.d. This is the place which we visited last year.答案:c. 先行词同时含有人和物时,关系代词用that. 定语从句的关系代词,什么时候用which, 什么时候用that,三类从句那一讲有,再仔细看看。18. In the sentence “He did everything possible to help us”, the italicized word is used to modifya. the subject b. the predicate c. the object d. the infinitive phrase答案c. 形

27、容词修饰不定代词everything, something, somebody, nobody等,要后置。19. Which of the following sentences is Incorrect?a. Every 100 households have 93 television sets.b. More than one person is involved in this case.c. A woman with two children has come.d. Many a lady are talking under the tree.答案d. Many a lady 虽表示

28、复数概念,谓语仍用单数。C: 当主语后跟有including, with, together with, along with, like, in addition to, as well as, rather than, as much as, more than, no less than, but, except, accompanied by等连接的短语时,谓语动词与前面的主语一致。20. Which of the following sentences is incorrect?a. What delightful weather we are having!b. How empty

29、 and pedantic a thinker he is!c. What shame to deceive the girl!d. How sunny the weather is! 答案c. 感叹句What a shame to deceive the girl! Shame抽象名词,用作特定含义时可用不定冠词修饰。21. Which of the following sentences expresses Offer?a. Why dont you give him some apples?b. Can you check the account book again for me?c.

30、 Welcome. What can I do for you?d. Is Mary going to Australia next week?答案c. Can I help you? What can I do for you? Have you been helped? 都是商店问候顾客用语。22. Which of the following sentences is Incorrect?a. Both his daughters have been married.b. Both of sons will go abroad for further study.c. I have go

31、t blisters on both the feet.d. Both of them gave me a present for Christmas.答案b. both的用法。Both sons或both of the sons.23. Which of the following sentences is Incorrect?a. They have all read the book.b. These all rooms are luxurious.c. The visitors are all from China.d. All the people stare at him.答案b.

32、 考查all的用法。All, both, half都是前位限定词,these, those, this , that是中位限定词。All these rooms,all of these rooms都可以。24. In “What do you think will be discussed in the meeting next week?”, the italicized word is _ of the sentence.a. the subject b. the complement c. an object d. an attribute答案a. do you think是插入语,w

33、hat作主语。25. Which of the following sentences is Incorrect?a. You, I and he will be sent to Japan.b. Neither you nor I can be held responsible.c. We, you, and they are teachers.d. Both you and they work for me.答案a. 单数人称代词并列作主语:二,三,一, I放最后;复数人称代词作主语,一,二,三。同时根据西方文化习惯,应把I, me放最后。26. “No fuel other than p

34、etroleum will be fit for this purpose.” The sentence means that a. Neither petroleum nor any other fuels will be fit for this purpose.b. Other fuels will be fitter for this purpose than petroleum.c. Petroleum will be fitter for this purpose than other fuels.d. Only petroleum will be fit for this pur

35、pose.答案d. 除了石油,没有其他燃料,意为只有“石油”。27. Which of the following sentences is Incorrect?a. It was John that wore his best suit last night.b. It was the light music that I am listening.c. It was the president himself who spoke to me.d. It is white that weve painted the kitchen.答案b,少了介词to: listening to. 强调句型

36、,除了谓语都可以强调。28. Which of the following sentences indicates a subjunctive mood?a. Not until nine oclock yesterday evening did we finish the work.b. I had been at the bus stop for 20 minutes when the bus finally came.c. Without your timely arrival, she would have been drowned.d. If my mother has time,

37、she will take me to the museum.答案c. 有些介词可以表示虚拟语气,without, but for, in the absence of , were it not for, but that等。29. Which of the following sentences is Incorrect?a. The strike may last another three days.b. Im going camping with other two little boys.c. She has got five more electric fans.d. You m

38、ust both come over some evening.答案b. other, two都是后位限定词,可以叠用,但是得按two other boys的顺序。30. Which of the following italicized parts indicates Reason?a. He succeeded by hard work. b. He talked his wife into buying a car.c. They went out for a walk. d. He lives over the mountain.答案a. 介词词组是否表原因,可用because of,

39、 due to等来替代一下,如可以替代,则是表原因。31. In the sentence “”His ambition to become an astronaut deserves our support”, the italicized part is used asa. an attributive b. an appositive c. a complement d. an adverbial答案a, 不定式作后置定语。32. All the following sentences are conditional sentences Excepta. If running a lit

40、tle faster, he will take the first place.b. Given another chance, Ill make full use of it.c. Should you see him, please give him my regards.d. So sudden was the attack that we had no time to escape.答案d. sothat引导结果状语从句,so放句首,倒装。以So, such, to such a degree, to such an extent, to such extremes, to such

41、 a point开头的句子,要部分倒装。33. Which of the following words can NOT be used to complete “He was laughing and she _ crying”?a. was b. stopped c. / d. never答案d. never一般与现在完成时,或作频率副词与一般现在时连用。34. Which of the following sentences is correct?a. What do you say that the population of Beijing is?b. How many people

42、 do you think to stay here?c. Who do you guess is singing?d. What do you tell that is?答案c. 考查插入语。Do you tell不用作插入语。特殊疑问句中有插入语如do you say/think/guess/expect/suppose/believe/imagine/hope/suggest时,特殊疑问句要用陈述语序。去掉插入语后,如句子结构完整,语序合理,句子就正确。35. Which of the following infinitives functions as an adverbial?a.

43、Her chief desire is to educate her child well.b. He woke up to find everybody gone.c. I have nothing to say on this question.d. He asked me to talk about English study.答案b. 结果状语, 相当于only to find everybody gone.36. In the sentence “this beautiful village remains unknown to the rest of the world”, the

44、 italicized word isa. an object b. an attribute c. a predicative d. a complement答案c. remain为系动词,此类系动词有be, become, get, look, grow, turn, appear, seem等。37. The prepositional phrase in “A chair is a piece of furniture for sitting on” indicates a. cause b. result c. direction d. purpose答案d. 38. All the

45、 following sentences contain a transferred negation structure (否定转移结构) excepta. It doesnt sound as if he knew what had happened.b. I dont believe both of them are innocent.c. The engine didnt stop because the fuel was used up.d. It doesnt look like it is going to rain.答案b. 当主句谓语动词think, believe, sup

46、pose, consider, expect等为否定形式时,实际上否定的是从句的谓语动词。但是如宾语从句中有all, every, many, both等表示全体意义的词或副词时,不发生转移。39. Which of the following sentences is Incorrect?a. Fire and water do not agree.b. Each minute and each second are valuable.c. Bread and butter is nutritious food for patients.d. The scholar and poet is dead.答案b. and连接的两个主语之前有each, every, no, many a(n)时,谓语动词只能用单数。40. All the following sentences indicate a passive mea

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