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1、高中状语从句练习一、 单项选择题(1分100=100分)1. There were_many people there_I wasnt able to pick her out.Asuch;that Bvery;thatCsuch;who Dso;that2. Only _ as an interpreter _ how important it was to learn English well.A. when did I work; I realized B. when did I work; did I realizeC. when I worked; did I realize D.

2、when I worked; I realized3. _ any change about the date,please tell me immediately.AWill there be BShould there be CThere will be DThere should be4. _ you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge.A. However a serious problem B. What a serious problemC. However serious a problem

3、 D. What serious a problem5. Although its raining, _ are still working in the field.A. they B. but they C. and they D. so they6. This is a very interesting book.Ill buy it,_.Ano matter how it may costBhow may it costChow much may it costDhowever much it may cost7. It is so wet there _ the trees are

4、extremely tall, some measuring over 90 meters.A. what B. which C. that D. why 8. We didnt go home _ we finished the work.A. since B. until C. because D. though9. _, mother will wait for him to have dinner together.A.However is he late B.However he is late C.However late is he D.However late he is10.

5、 How do you think I should receive the reporter?_ you feel about him, try to be politeAHow B.What CWhatever DHowever11. Ive already told you that Im going to buy a new iPad, _.A. how much does it cost B. however much it costsC. no matter how it costs D. however does it cost much12. Forests are being

6、 cut and burned at _a speed _they will disappear from the earth in the near future.Asuch;as Bso;that C such;that Dso;as 13. _, youll never be able to persuade him.A. However hard may you try B. However hard you may tryC. However you may try hard D. Try hard however you may14. This is a very interest

7、ing book.Ill buy it,_.Ano matter how it may costBhow may it costChow much may it costDhowever much it may cost15. _, a small advertisement held my attention, which read “Easy job. Good wages. No experience necessary.” A. Looking through the newspaper B. While I was looking through the newspaper C. T

8、o look through the newspaper D. I was looking through the newspaper 16. _, I will stand by her side and face up to it together.A. However a serious mistake she may make B. However she may make a mistakeC. Whatever a serious mistake she may make D. Whatever serious a mistake she may make17. However _

9、, its worth it and Ill get it .A. the watch costs B. much the watch costsC. the watch will cost D. much does the watch cost18. _, I have to put the storybook away to concentrate on my lessonsAHowever amusing it is BHowever it is amusingCNo matter how its amusing DNo matter how amusing is it19. _the

10、poem a second time,the meaning will become clearer to you.AYour reading BWhile readingCIf reading DWhen you read20. She was _ tired _ she could not move an inch.A. so, that B. such, that C. very, that D. so, as21. _,the idea of having to work under a woman defeated him.A. Wanting the job very much B

11、. Although wanting the job badlyC. Though he wanted the job very much D. He wanted the job badly22. After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced _ tractors in 1988 as the year before.A. as twice many B. as many twice C. twice as many D. twice many as23. He started early _he could get

12、 there before nineA. in order thatB. because C. so as to D. in order to24. _, as long as Im with nature, I dont care.A. However tough the journey is B. Whatever tough the journey is C. However the journey is tough D. Whatever the journey is tough25. _ unemployment and crime are high,it can be assume

13、d that the latter is due to the former.ABefore BWhere CUnless DUntil 26. Ill stay here _ everyone else comes back.A. even if B. as though C. because D. until27. There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, _a sudden loud noise. A. being there B. should there be C. there was D.

14、 there having been 28. _ Hard you may try, you cant possibly persuade Tom to give up smoking,for he is so addicted to it.AWhateverBHowever CWhichever DWhenever29. _ much advice I gave her, she did what she wanted to do.A. However B. Whatever C. How D. No matter30. Dont send text message while _ .A.

15、you crossed the road B. crossing the roadC. cross the road D. you crossing the road31. _, as long as Im with nature, I dont care.A. However tough the journey is B. Whatever tough the journey is C. However the journey is tough D. Whatever the journey is tough32. _Yao Ming has retired from the NBA, th

16、e pleasure we have got by watching him play basketball at home and abroad will last long AAlthough BIf C.Since DOnce 33. After the war, a new school building was put up _ there had once been a theatre.A. that B. where C. which D. when34. During the reconstruction of the city, many modern tall buildi

17、ngs went up _ old shabby houses were torn down.A. which B. in what C. in which D. where35. It just isnt fair_I was working as a waiter last month,my friends were lying on the beach.36. This is a very interesting book Ill buy it, _ Ahow much may it cost Bno matter how it may costChowever much it may

18、cost Dwhatever may it cost37. _, I always feel I want a few more days.A. However long is a vacation B. However long a vacation is C. However is a vacation long D. However a vacation is long38. _ you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge.A. Whatever serious a problem B. Howev

19、er serious a problem C. However a serious problem D. No matter how a serious problem39. _, you will get used to the life here and have your understanding of life.A. As time going by B. With time passing out C. As time goes by D. With time goes by 40. _that they lost the game, tears came down Kates f

20、ace. A. On hearing the news B. When heard the newsC. The moment she heard the news D. While hearing the news41. My grandfather still plays tennis now and then, _ hes in his nineties.A. as long as B. as if C. even though D. in case42. _, tears came down. A. Hearing the bad news B. Heard the bad newsC

21、. when to hear the bad news D. When he heard the bad news43. They will never succeed, _ hard they try.A. because B. however C. when D. since44. The books are written in _ easy English _ beginners can understand it without difficulty.A. so; that B. such; that D. so; as D. such; as45. Tom was late for

22、 his train, and he asked one of the conductors _.A. when was the next train. B. when the next train was.C. when is the next train. D. when the next train.46. _, tears came to her eyes. A. Reading the letter B. While reading the letterC. As she was reading the letter D. To read the letter 47. _, youl

23、l never be able to persuade him. A. No matter how good advice you give B. However good advice do you giveC. No matter what good you give advice D. Whatever good advice you give48. No matter how , it is not necessarily lifeless.A. dry a desert may be B. a desert may be dryC. may a desert be dry D. dr

24、y may a desert be49. _, youll never be able to persuade him.A. However hard may you try B. Try however hard you mayC. However hard you may try D. Try hard however you may50. _ we got to the station, the train had left already.A. If B. Unless C. Since D. When51. The child was _ immediately after supp

25、er.A. enough tired to go to bed B. too tired to go to bedC. so tired that he went to bed D. very tired, he went to bed52. _, the car stopped all at once.A. Seeing a boy lying on the ground B. On seeing a boy sitting on the roadC. The driver saw a boy standing on the road D. The minute the driver saw

26、 a boy seated on the road53. _ I catch a cold, I have pain in my back.A. Every time B. Though C. Even D. Where54. _ hard she tries, she can hardly avoid making mistakes in her homework.A. Much B. However C. As D. Although55. _, I have to put it away and focus my attention on study this week.A. Howev

27、er the story is amusing B. No matter amusing the story isC. However amusing the story is D. No matter how the story is amusing56. _ to school this morning, I met a friend of mine.A. I was walking B. While I walking C. While I was walking D Walked57. Muchhe states he has a good taste of his own, he c

28、ant avoid being influenced by advertisement. A. while B. although C. as D. when58. She took an umbrella with her this morning _ she would be caught in the rain. A. so that B. in order that C. in case D. now that59. Why hasnt he come?_ on time, we would have to put off the trip.A. If he doesnt come B

29、. If he will not come C. If he didnt come D. If he wouldnt come60. We will work _ we are needed.A. whenever B. because C. since D. wherever61. _ that they lost the game, tears came down her face.AOn hearing the news BWhen heard the newsCWhile hearing the news DThe moment Kate heard the news62. _, he

30、 tried his best to solve it.A. However difficult the problem was B. Whatever difficult the problem wasC. However difficult was the problem D. No matter how difficult was the problem 63. _ the garden, my finger was seriously hurt by a rose stalk. A. To water B. Having watered C. While watering D. Whi

31、le I was watering 64. _, could you please group buy 2 tickets for me?A. If you are convenient B. If is convenient to youC. If its convenient to you D. If you are possible65. _ at the top of the Oriental Tower, people below will look very small.A. To stand B. Standing C. If you stand D. Stand 66. He

32、smiled politely _ Mary apologized for her drunken friends.Aas Bif Cunless Dthough 67. -Who should be responsible for the accident? -The boss, not the workers. They just carried out the order _.A. as told B. as are told C. as telling D. as they told68. _, youll never be able to persuade him.AHowever

33、hard may you try BTry however hard you mayCHowever hard you may try DTry hard however you may 69. _, I have to put it away and focus my attention on study this week. A. However the story is amusingB. No matter amusing the story isC. However amusing the story is D. No matter how the story is amusing7

34、0. He was made to practice the piano _ much _, at times, he thought about giving up.A. so; that B. such; that C. so a; that D. such a; that71. A good idea occurred to Mr. Bark _ to his invention recently.A. while applying B. while applied C. while he was applying himself D. while applying himself72.

35、 A brilliant idea occurred to him, _ to his research in the lab.A. while devoting B. while devoting himself C. while he was devoted D. while devoted73. _ David goes, he is welcome.A. Whichever B. However C. Wherever D. Whatever74. _you may have , you should gather your courage to face the challenge

36、.A. However serious a problem B. Whatever serious a problemC. However a serious problem D. No matter how a serious 75. _ any change about the date,please tell me immediately.AWill there be BShould there be CThere will be DThere should be76. His idea was such a good one _ we all agreed to use it.A. a

37、s B. that C. so D. but77. When you have finished the book, be sure to place itit used to be.A.which B.where C.that D.how78. She is _ hardworking a girl _ she has made great progress in all subjects this term. A. such; that B. so; that C. such; as D. so; as 79. It was _ that she couldnt finish it by

38、herself.A. so difficult a work B. such a difficult work C. so difficult work D. such difficult work80. I didn t manage to do it _ you had explained how.A. until B. unless C. when D. before81. _, her hands shook constantly and violently.AKnowing her son killed in the accident BWhen she knew her son w

39、as killed in the accidentCKnown her son killed in the accident DShe knew her son killed in the accident82. _ you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge.A. However a serious problem B. What serious problemC. However serious a problem D. What serious a problem83. _, he cannot s

40、olve the word puzzle.A. Hard although he tried B. He tried hard althoughC. However hard he tried D. As he tried hard84. Whats the matter _ they still havent answered the telegram?A. when B. that C. though D. however85. _ that they had lost the game, tears ran down Kates face.A. On hearing the news B. When heard the newsC. The moment she heard the news D. While hearing the news86. I was about to leave my house _ the phone rang.A. while

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