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1、1. In considering the echo principle which of following do not assist in a preliminary understanding of radar detection_A. The echo will become weak after being blasted. B. the chance of detecting an echo depends on the loudness and duration of the secondary blast. C. Short blasts are required if ec

2、hoes from close targets are kept receivable. D. A sufficiently long interval between blasts is required to permit the reception of return echo.2. LRIT is designed to collect and _ vessel position information received from IMO member states ships. A. eliminate B. coordinate C. assemble D. disseminate

3、3. When the transmissions of a radio station have broken down,switched off or suspended,it is _A.Unfunctional B.Break down C.Off power D.Off air4. Admiralty Tide Tables are published in _ volumes annually. A. 3 B.4 C.6 D.125. cloud form_ A. as a mass of warm humid air mass rises into the atmosphere

4、and cools ,condensing moisture into small droplets. B. as winds blow across bodies of water, the sun causes the moisture to be absorbed and move upward forming clouds. C. dry air compresses moisture from the atmosphere into clouds. D. when the relative humidity of the atmosphere is low.6. The docume

5、nts used to describe and implement the SMS may be referred to as the _ A. International Safety Management B. Safety Management CertificateC.SMS D. Safety Management Manual课本原句7. In order to pay out or slack a mooring line which is under strain,you should _. A.stopper the line B.surge the line C.slui

6、ce the line D.slip the line8. Permanent magnetism is found in _A. hard iron B. soft iron C. vertical iron only D. horizontal iron only 9. The “Mode” selector switch on the autopilot steering stand is used to select any of the following with the EXCEPTION of _.A. automatic pilot steering B. hand-elec

7、tric steeringC. non-follow-up steering D. rudder adjustment10. Admiralty standard nautical charts are ideal for the following usages except for_A. fix positions B. avoid dangers C. plot courses D. prediction tides11. A warm air mass is characterized by _.A.Stability B.instability C.gusty winds D.goo

8、d visibility12. At temperate latitudes cyclonic and anticyclonic pressure system generate more _ weather patterns. A.variable B. steady C. slow D. temporary13. Compass error is equal to the _A.deviation minus variation B. variation plus compass courseC. combined variation and deviation D. difference

9、 between true and magnetic heading14. Full details of chart updating methods can be found in _ A.NP100 B. NP350 C.NP294 课本原句 D.NP7215. Hurricane may move in any direction. However, it is rare and generally of short duration when a hurricane in the northern Hemisphere moves toward the _. A. west or n

10、orthwest B. northeast C. southeast D. north16. If you need the information for Radio Weather Services, you may check the Admiralty List of Radio Signals_. A. volume 2 B. volume3 C. volume5 D. volume617. In Admiralty Sailing Directions, heights of objects refer to the height of the structure above th

11、e_ A. mean sea level B. Mean high water C. Mean higher high water D. ground 18. Radar beacons are transmitters designed to produce a(n)_ on the screens of ships radar sets. A. incorrect image B. distinctive image C. pictorial image D. pictographic image19. Spontaneous combustion can result from_ A.

12、an unprotected drop-light bulb B. careless disposal or storage of material C.smoking in bed D.worn electrical wire power tools.20. The Safety Management Certificate should be issued to a ship by_. A. the entity B. the owner of the ship C. the Administration or organization recognized by the Administ

13、rationD. the organization or person such as the Manager, or the Bare boat Charterer21. The sailing Directions contain information on _. A.required navigation lights B. lifesaving reporting procedures C. casualty reporting procedures D. currents in various locations22. If you need the information for

14、 weather routing, you may check _. A. Admiralty Tide Tables B. Ocean Passage for the world C. Admiralty List of Radio Signals D. Admiralty Sailing Directions23. When a curren flows in the opposite direction to the waves, the wave_ A. length is increased B. height is increased C. velocity increase D.

15、 length is unchanged 24. The firemans outfit consists of_.A. Safety lamp, protective clothing, rigid helmet, breathing apparatusB. Emergency escape breathing device, fire damper, extinguishersC. Firefighting equipment, portable extinguishers, fire dampersD. Fire hoses, ire nozzles, fire hydrants, fi

16、re pumps25. The information stored in the VDR concerning position, movement, physical status, command and control of a vessel is _. A. recyclable B. returnable C. recoverable D. retrievable 26. The most significant consequence for the vessel resulting from liquefaction is _. A. cargo loss B. cargo s

17、hift C. cargo distribution D. cargo reduction 27. The overtaken as well as the overtaking vessel are _ obligated to act to avoid collision in restricted visibility. A. distinctly B. separately C. equally D. similarly28. Which statement is true concerning combustible gas indicator? A. one sample of a

18、ir is adequate to test a tank B. the do not work properly where there is a lack of oxygen C. the will detect a lack of oxygen D. they are calibrated to read the percentage chance of explosion.29. Which type of precipitation is a product of the violent convection found in thunderstorm? A. snow B. fre

19、ezing rain C. hail D. sleet 30. The routing system which aims at reducing the risk of casualties is called as_. A. Traffic Separation Scheme B. Precautionary areas C. Inshore traffic zone D. Recommended tracks31. Which kind of fog is also named as ground fog. A. Advection fog B. Radiation fog C. fro

20、ntal fog D Steam fog 32. The time worked beyond regular hours is expressed in term of _. A. timeover B. timeout C. overtime D. outtime33. Normally the mariners care more about the _ of tide. A. speed B. height C. direction D. course 34._ cargoes in IMSBC code are those that likely to liquefy. A. Gro

21、up A B. GroupB C. GroupC D. GroupD35. which of the following should not be paid attention to as to accommodation for seafarers? A. The size of rooms and other accommodation spaces B. communication C. Heating and ventilation D. Noise and vibration and other ambient factors36. On the pole side of the

22、trade wind belt, there is an area of high pressure with weak pressure gradient and light variable wind. This area is called the _. A. prevailing westerlies B. doldrums C. geostrophic winds D. horse latitude37. Mainly east 3or 4 partly cloudy to overcast occasional rainSlowly south moderate or good.A

23、. spreading B. proceding C. bounding for D. going to38. Regarding the use of GPS, which one of the followings is incorrect? A.GPS is the most accurate global system today.B.Its use is still under the U.S. Department of Defences controlC.DGPS is more accurate than GPS D.GPS can provide a real-time position under any condition

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