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1、(完整版)译林版5A Unit3 have和has用法讲和练【5AUnit3语法】have、has的用法1、肯定句:have用于第一人称(I,we),第二人称(you)以及第三人称复数(they)或复数名词;has用于第三人称单数(he,she,it)或单数名词。主语为第三人称单数(三单)时用has,其余人称都用have. 例题:一、用have, has填空。1。 A dog(狗) four legs。 A bird(鸟) two legs.2. Our (我们的)school a library(图书馆)。3. We 37 chairs(椅子) in our classroom(教室).4。

2、 It many (许多) books in it.5. My sister a nice toy car.6. I a friend.7. He and she some(一些) apples.8。 Look, the boy some apples。9。 They a happy(幸福的)family.10。 The students many books。11。 The student two English books.12. Jane two big eyes。13. Tom a red pen。14. Their(他们的) teacher some nice books.15。 Y

3、our teachers a football(足球)。16。 Jenny and Danny _two pens。17. You a good teacher。 18。 Li Mings mother(妈妈) _two big eyes。2、否定句公式:主语+dont(doesnt)+have+例:Wedonthaveanywaterhere。我们这儿没有水.Jane doesnt have long hair。 简没有长发。句子中有have的,在have前直接加dont;句子中有has的,在has前加doesnt, 然后把has变为have;练习一:(1)I have big eyes.(

4、否定句) (2)Linda has a red ruler. (否定句) I dont have big eyes. Linda doesnt have a red ruler.练习二: 把下列句子改为否定句。 1. I have many friends。 2. Her father has two brothers。 3. He has a computer. 4. My cousin has a good friend. 5. He has three pens。 6. Tom has a kite。 7。 My teachers have nice pictures. 8。 His f

5、ather has a green car。 9。 Jim has a happy family. 10。 Jenny has a wide mouth. 练习三:填写下列句子正确的否定形式(dont/doesnt)。 1。I _ have a cat。2.He _ have friends。3.She _ have long hair.4。We _ have a big house(房子).5。They _ have a happy family.6。It _ have a short tail。7.You _ have a good teacher.8。Elva _ have a big

6、nose。9.Tom _ have a red pen.10。 Lily _ have a toy。3、一般疑问句:句型公式:Do (Does)+主语+have+?肯定回答:Yes, 主语+do (does)。否定回答:No, 主语+dont (doesnt). 用什么提问就用什么回答!!句子中有have的,在句首加Do;句子中有has的,在句首加Does,然后把has变为have;回答一般疑问句时,主语一定要用人称代词(it, I, we, she, he, they)回答 。否定回答中dont或doesnt 不分开写。 练习一:把下列句子改为一般疑问句,并作出肯定、否定回答。 1。 The

7、y have apples。 2。 The school has many trees。 3. She has lovely dogs. 4。 Jenny has a brother。 5。 They have two bananas. 6。 The girl has a big hat。 7。 The woman has two babies. 8. Kates mother has a pair of glasses。 9。 We have a nice model plane。 10。 Tom and Jim have red shirts. 练习二:把下列句子的句首加上Do / Doe

8、s。1。 I have a nice car? 2. he have a good friend? 3。 they have any masks? 4。 you have any flowers? 5. she have a duck? 6。 your dad have a new car? 7. her mom have long hair? 8。 your teacher have an English book?9. your teachers have a basketball? 10. her friends have any blankets? 11。 Nancy have many skirts?12. David have a jacket? 13。 my friends have a football?14。 his brother have a basketball?15。 her sister have a nice toy? 16。 Miss Li have an English book?第 3 页 共 3 页

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