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1、四年级英语辨音练习 题号 答案 A B C D 1 ( ) too book look cook 2 ( ) sister her cooker teacher 3 ( ) meet see please idea 4 ( ) white is sister live 5 ( ) what bad sad dad 6 ( ) white which whose where 7 ( ) put study but bus 8 ( ) come brother love go 9 ( ) dress many any lab 10 ( ) bread teacher speak beach 11

2、( ) take make lake have 12 ( ) big bring tiger it 13 ( ) school foot tooth smooth 14 ( ) girl driver turn birthday 15 ( ) music care cut nice 16 ( ) night laugh right firefighter 17 ( ) basket grass cake plant 18 ( ) thank father then that 19 ( ) dog doctor home hot 20 ( ) bicycle try my dry 题号 答案 A

3、 B C D 21 ( ) light window picture in 22 ( ) good look food wood 23 ( ) pen name have like 24 ( ) Saturday Sunday day Friday 25 ( ) thin this month mouth 26 ( ) do photo go ok 27 ( ) be me bike she 28 ( ) shirt girl skirt tired 29 ( ) please seat read great 30 ( ) school China chair teacher 31 ( ) t

4、hin river like with 32 ( ) trousers music his horse 33 ( ) busy under uncle study 34 ( ) thirty twenty many yes 35 ( ) sea clean head meat 36 ( ) mother these those teeth 37 ( ) hear ear near wear 38 ( ) elephant we egg seven 39 ( ) father angry bag fat 40 ( ) garden large park war 41 ( ) what whose how who 题号 答案 A B C D 42 ( ) class glass fast pencilcase 43 ( ) orange notebook lot hot 44 ( ) use hungry computer student 45 ( ) night kite mice fifth 46 ( ) he desk red help 47 ( ) yellow now bowl know 48 ( ) love colour to mother 49 ( ) house mouse rough blouse 50 ( ) cool cook zoo room

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