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1、WORD格式-专业学习资料-可编辑 七年级英语下册第九单元检测卷笔试部分 (95 分 ).单项选择。 (15 分)()21.Whats the _ of the tree?Its 5.3 meters tall.A priceB buildC heightD color()22.Do you know the girl with big _ ?A noseB mouthC faceD eyes()23._ of the students is doing the homework in the classroom.A Every B EachC Everyone DAll()24.Readin

2、g English is a good _ to practice your English.A endB wayC problemD build()25.Betty doesnt _ get up early.So she is _ late for school.A never; alwaysBalways; oftenC always; neverD never; never()26.His brother is very _ and he is 1.90 meters.A tallBhighC short D long()27.You are too _.I think you sho

3、uld do more exercise.A longB curlyC straight D heavy()28. Is David from Australia or Canada ? _.A Yes, he is from CanadaB Yes,he is from AustraliaC He is from Australia and CanadaD He is from Australia()29.What does Tom look like?He is not tall or short.He is of _.()30.What does your father _ ?He li

4、kes sports.( )31.Peter is a(n) _.He sings and plays the piano in a club. A doctor B policeman Cactor D singer )32.Lucy doesnt have curly hair. (Yes, she has _ hair.A blonde B shortC straight D brown()33.My father _ reading books , but my mother _.A doesnt like ; doesntB likes; likeC doesnt like ; do

5、esD likes; does()34.The boy _ black hair _ a blue coat.A has;hasB with ; inC has; wearsD with ; wears()35.Can you _ your new history teacher to me?Sure.Our new history teacher is tall with glasses.-学习资料分享-A bringB describeC takeD talk.完形填空。 (10 分)Tom and Tim are my best friends at school.We _36_ in

6、Class 3.The two boys are twins(双胞胎 ) _37_ some students dont know that _38_ are twins , because there are _39_ differences( 不同之处 ) between them.Tom doesnt _40_ Tim.Tom is short ,but Tim is tall.Tom is thin , but Tim is a little bit( 有点 ) _41_.Tom doesnt wear glasses.But his twin brother is a boy wit

7、h glasses.Tom is a _42_ boy.He doesnt like to talk with others ,but Tim is always _43_.Timlikes to tell stories.And he is very _44_ in our school.We often say to him ,“ Hi, Tim._45_ is the story today ?” Isnt that interesting?()36.A.come Bstudy C spend D read()37.A.So B But C Or D Because()38.A.us B

8、we Cthem D they()39.A.littleB no C many D much()40.A.look likeB look atClook forD looks like()41.A.young B cute C shy D heavy()42.A.busyB quietC friendlyD lazy()43.A.talkB talksCtalkingD to talk()44.A.popularB smartC relaxedD strict()45.A.WhoB WhyC How D What.阅读理解。 (30 分)AThere is a shy girl in our

9、class.She is thirteen years old.She is not tall and she is not short.She is a little heavy.Her face is round , like an apple.She has two big black eyes and a small nose.Her mouth is big , but her ears are small.Her hair is short and black.She likes red best.But today she is wearing a yellow sweater

10、,blue jeans and brown shoes.She doesnt like getting up early ,so she is usually late for school.She likes little animals very much.She has a little black dog.They are good friends.()46.How old is the girl ? She is _.A11B 12C13D 14()47.What does she look like?()48.What color are the girls shoes?A Blu

11、e. B Yellow. C Green. DBrown.()49.What is the girls favorite color?A Red. B Yellow. C Green. DBrown.()50.What does the girl like ? She likes _.A little toysB little animalsC big animalsD her catBI cant find my sister , Kelly! She is only four.She is a little heavy with short blonde hair.She has a lo

12、ng face and big blue eyes.She wears a red dress and white sports shoes.She has a toy in herhands.If you see her ,please call Nancy at 935 3594.Thanks a lot!We are looking for this person.He is short and is of medium build.He has a beard( 胡须 ) His eyes are small and he has a round face.He usually wea

13、rs a yellow shirt and jeans.If you see him ,please call 110.()51.Kelly is _ years old.A4 B 5 C6 D 7()52.Kellys eyes are _ and her hair is _.A black; shortB blue ; yellowC blue ; blondeDblack ;long()53.You can call _ if you see Kelly.A935 3594B 925 3594 C 9352594 D 931 3594()54.The man usually wears

14、_.A a red dressBa yellow shirt and jeansC sports shoesD a white short and jeans()55.We know _ from the passage( 文章 )A someone( 某人 ) is looking for KellyB the man is tallC Kelly is a studentD Nancy is Kellys motherCMr.Wang, dont move( 移动 ) Let me draw a picture for you.First, let me draw your _56_.Th

15、ey are bright and big.They always look at me kindly.I will draw your _57_ now.Do you remember what color it was(是 ) when I first met(遇见 ) you ?It was black and long.A. 但是现在你的头发全部都白了。I draw and draw ,but I cant do well.Now ,I know why.B.If( 如果 )_I_can_be_a_teacher_one_day , then_I_can_draw_your_pictu

16、re_well.根据短文内容,完成下列任务。任务一:文中有两处描写老师的外貌,请根据短文内容,分别填入相应的名词。56 _57._任务二:选择括号中的单词完成句子。58 We know the teacher may be _(young , old) now.任务三:将画线部分A 的句子翻译成英语。59 _任务四:将画线部分B 的句子翻译成汉语。60 _.从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。有两项为多余选项。(10 分 )W:What are you doing?M: Im reading a letter from my pen pal.W:61._M: A girl.W:What count

17、ry does she come from?M: 62._W:What does she look like?M: 63._W:Is she tall?M: 64._Look at her photo , please!W:Oh, shes beautiful.65._M: Only a little.A She has curly hair and is of medium build.B Can she speak Chinese?C Is your pen pal a boy or a girl?D Shes from America.E Whats your pen pals name

18、?F No, she isnt.GShe is a student.根据汉语意思完成英语句子。(5 分 )66别等我。我会在五分钟后到达电影院。Dont wait for me.I will get to the _ five minutes _67那两个男演员都很英俊。The two _ are both _68你能描述一下那个人长什么样子吗?Can you _ _ that _ looks like?69最后,警察们抓住了真正的罪犯。_ _ _, the police caught the _ _ 70不要把脏衣服放在床上。Dont _ the _ clothes _ the bed.阅读

19、短文,根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。(10 分 )Joe Brown is a police artist.Do you k_71_ him ? And what does he l_72_ like? Let med_73_ him.He is of m_74_ height.But he is a l_75_ heavy.He has short c_76_ brownhair.He always wears a pair of g_77_ And he has a r_78_ face.He has a big n_79_He alsohas a big m_80_ Can you remember?71 _72._73._74._75 _76._77._78._79 _80._.书面表达。 (15分)请根据下面的提示,用英语写一则寻人启事。60 词左右。Mike ,男孩, 7 岁,中等个子,短黑头发,小圆脸,眼睛不大,戴着一副眼镜。身穿白色T恤、蓝色牛仔裤,脚穿黑色运动鞋,于10 月 11日在大街上走失,有知情者请与Mr.Smith联系。电话: 685 8596。提示词: if 如果_

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