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1、专项练习-根据答句写问句班别_ 姓名_1. Jack: _? 电影院Oliver: Yes, there is a cinema near my school.2. Sarah: I want to buy some books. _? 书店 Mike: Its near the park.3. Amy: There is a post office near here. _? 邮局Chen Jie: Go straight and then turn left. You can see it.4. Tom: _ near your school?Wu Yifan: Yes, its near

2、. So I often go to school on foot.5. Jim: Excuse me. _? 机器人 John: Walk straight, and you can see the zoo. Its near the museum.1. Jack: I often go to school by bus._? Jane: My home is far. I usually go to school by subway.2. John: The weekend is coming._?坐小车 Mike: No, I often go to the cinema by bus.

3、3. Amy: The bookstore is far from here. _? Lucy: Take the No.57 bus over there.4. Tom: _? Zoom: The park is next to the hospital.5. Jim: Your parents are doctors. _?骑自行车 Jerry: No, My parents go to work by bus.1. Jack: Mike and John are going to Guangzhou. _? Jane: They are going by train.2. John: T

4、he weekend is coming. _?Mike: Im going to the cinema this Sunday.3. Amy: Sarah is going to the bookstore. _? Lucy: Yes, she is going to buy a dictionary.4. Little boy: You are going to Beijing tomorrow, Dad. _? Dad: Yes, Im going to visit the Great Wall.5. Jim: Hi, Jerry. _next week? Jerry: Im going

5、 to the supermarket with my mom.1. Lucy: My hobby is drawing pictures._?Amy: I like writing stories and dancing.2. Jack: I come to school on foot. _, too?John: No, I come by bike.3. Lily: This is your new pen pal. _?Lucy: Yes, he lives in Sydney.4. Ken: This is a pretty girl._? Ben: she is my new pe

6、n pal.5. Ann: _? Amy: I am going to the cinema.1. _ ? (图片: 汽车)Jim is a taxi driver.2. _ ?((图片: 医院)Yes, she works there.3. _ ?(图片: 自行车)My sister ? Oh, she goes by bike.4. _ ?(图片: 舞蹈鞋)She is going to be a dancer.5. _ ?(图片: 一个商人)No, he is a writer.1. _?The story is about a sad girl.2. _?She is very angry.3. _?Well, you should take a deep breath.4. _?They are happy.5. _?No, she is a cleaner.

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