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1、(外研版)小学四年级英语下册第三模块测试题一、将下列单词填入对应括号内:(20分)星期日( ) 星期一( ) 星期二( ) 星期三( )星期四( ) 星期五( ) 星期六( ) 星期( )今天( ) 明天( )Tuesday Monday Sunday Thursday tomorrow Friday today Saterday Wednesday week二、选择填空:(20分)( )1、Why not ? tomorrow is Friday . A .So B .Because C .And( )2、 take your kite tomorrow ? A .Will you B .Y

2、ou will C .Are you( )3、Ill go swimming Tuesday. A .at B .in C.on( )4、Today is Sunday and tomorrow is . A .Saturday B .Tuesday C .Monday( )5、On Saturday we have a picnic . A .are going to B .is going to C .am going to( )6、Will you take your ball ? A .Yes ,I wont B .No ,I wont C .No ,I will( )7、What w

3、ill Shanshan do on Monday ?She help her mother. A .wills B .is willing C.will( )8、On Sunday she is going to her homework. A .do B .does C .did( )9、Lingling will her grandmother next week . A .visits B .is going to visit C .visit( )10、I will on Wednesday . A .go the park B .go to park C .go to the pa

4、rk三、用所给单词填空:(20分) a do take so have with1、Were going to a picnic on Sunday . 2、Will you your kite for a picnic tomorrow ?3、My favourite toy is a computer game , I will play computer games on Sunday . 4、On Friday afternoon I will play football my friends 5、Next week is holiday . and of see on read ab

5、out6、There are many boats the river . 7、Today is Monday tomorrow is Tuesday .8、Ill my books at home on Sunday. 9、London is the capital England .10、This is a book China .四、根据Amy的下周计划请说五句话:(20分)MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayread her booksplay footballgo swimmingwatch tvHelp her mother On Monday Amy will

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