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1、奥瑞教育英语专项练习-情态动词小试牛刀(一)1I am afraid that we _give you an answer today. (can, cant, mustnt)2You_be careful with fire when you have a picnic in the forest. Its too dangerous. (can, need, must)3You_come here so early tomorrow. (darent, shouldnt, neednt)4- May I stand here? - No, you_. (may not, cant,nee

2、dnt)5- Must I clean the room today? - No, you_. (cant,mustnt ,dont have to)6you like to go shopping with me this weekend? (Will, Would,Do)7The weather is so bad. You_stay at home. (used to, had better, would)8Its too cold. _I close the window? (shall, must,dare) 小试牛刀(二)1 - Look! That man looks like

3、John. - It _be John, for he has gone to America. Acant Bmustnt Cmay not Dshouldnt2You_be tired after walking such a long way. Sit down and have a rest. Acan Bmust Cshould Dneed3She_ know the truth, but Im not sure. Amaybe Bmay be Cmay Dmust4Im afraid it_snow this afternoon. Amay be Bmight Ccan DMust

4、5. “_ you like to see a film?”“Yes, Id like _.”A will; to B. Would; to seeC. Would; to D. Will; to see6. “Must he do it?”“No, he _.”A. mustnt B. needntC. doesnt have to D. B or C7. “Need you go now?”“Yes, I _.” “No, I _.”A. need; neednt B. must; needntC. may; mustnt D. can; neednt8.“May I borrow you

5、r bike?”“No, you _.”A. mustnt B. may notC. had better not D. cant9. “I think Helen is at home.”“ No, she _ be at home, for she phoned me from the airport just five minutes ago.” A. mustnt B. neednt C. cant D. darent10. I missed the last bus, so I _ go home on foot.A. must B. have toC. may D. had to1

6、1. He _ get up early when he lived in the countryside.A. would B. used toC. mustnt D. cant12.Night has fallen. We have to go home, _ we?A. dont B. haventC. mustnt D. shouldnt13.“Will you lend me a hand?”“Yes, I _.”A. will B. shallC. can D. may14. Lets clean our room, _?A. will you B. dont weC. shall

7、 we D. do you15. Let us watch TV, _?A. will you B. dont weC. shall we D. do you16. Close the door after you, _ you?A. dont B. doC. shall D. will17.“_ you like to see a film?”“Yes, Id like _.”A will; to B. Would; to seeC. Would; to D. Will; to see18.Neither of them _ the snake.A. dares catch B. dares to catchC. dare catch D. dare catching19. He _ any help.A. neednt B. doesnt needC. need D. do need20. - Where is Mary?- She _ in the library. A. should be B. must be C. can be D. must have been 21. His room is dark. He must _ to bed. A. go B. be going C. have gone D. have been gone

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