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上传人:快乐****生活 文档编号:2344923 上传时间:2024-05-28 格式:DOC 页数:2 大小:13.80KB
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1、五年级英语(上)连词成句1. not singing Froggy good is at (.) 2. wants plane to Froggy a fly (.) 3. be do want you to lifeguard a(?) 4. falls a chick lake into the(.) 5. you what to do want be(?) 6. want help I to people (.) 7. teach a want in English I to school(.) 8. cook I to food want nice(.) 9. jumps A the

2、lifeguard lake into(.) 10. want a lifeguard do you be to(?) 11. Green lives Ms Guo on Street. 12. walks Tom to day school every(.) 13. do to you how school come(?) 14. at I train Park off the Station get(.) 15. we school near live our(.) 16. come by school I to bus(.) 17. and Alice walk school to I

3、together(.) 18. is station an there near Ms home underground Guos(.) 19. our far I from live school(.) 20. walks her then she school to(.) 21. birthday welcome my to party(.) 22. you orange what do things have(?) 23. an for have orange I you card(.) 24. some lets fun have(.) 25. interesting that sounds(.) 26. can party you my come to birthday(?) 27. does begin what the time party(?) 28. bring things can party to you some orange the(?) 29. favourite is colour orange my(.) 30.some things for here are orange you(.)

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