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1、第 25 卷 第 4 期2023 年 8 月Vol.25,No.4,August,2023基础外语教育Basic Foreign Language Education66基于翻转课堂和语篇结构的初中英语写作教学广州市花都区秀全外国语学校 吴映莉摘 要:翻转课堂是通过学生课前预习与课堂相关知识,教师在课堂上引导学生分析和应用所学知识,促进学生深度学习的一种创新教学模式。语篇结构包括宏观组织结构和微观组织结构,是提升写作能力的关键。本文以“给新冠肺炎抗疫英雄写一封感谢信”为例,探讨如何从翻转课堂和语篇结构层面进行初中英语写作教学实践,引导学生主动学习,丰富学生的语篇知识,提高写作能力,培养学生的家

2、国情怀,落实立德树人目标。关键词:翻转课堂;语篇结构;初中英语写作;立德树人中图分类号:G623.31 文献标识码:B 文章编号:10092536(2023)04006607一、引言“互联网+教育”作为网络时代下应运而生的新学习空间观和教学模式,强调学习以一种主动的自组形式开展,为学生构建出一个可根据学习需求自由伸缩延展、动态演变、情境化的学习体验空间;学习者可借助计算机、平板电脑、智能手机等工具,自主确定学习进程、选择课程内容、判断学习效果,从而实现个性化、自适应的学习(李爽等,2020)。翻转课堂(即Flipped classroom)是“互联网+教育”中的一种创新教学模式。教师不再占用过


4、搭配、指代关系、句子的信息展开方式等属于语篇的微观组织结构;语篇中段与段之间的关系以及语篇各部分与语篇主题之间的关系、语篇类型、语篇格式等则属于语篇的宏观组织结构(教育部,2018)。语言学习者应该认识到语言、词汇、语法等语言要素是一个整体,相互联系,要明白语言各个要素之间是如何相互联系并根据需要来传达意义的(程晓堂,2005)。学习语篇知识是发展语言运用能力的基础,基于语篇的语言教学途径将是未来语言教学的一个重要发展趋势(程晓堂,2005)。SJ00093191 基础外语教育2023年第4期 3校.indd 66SJ00093191 基础外语教育2023年第4期 3校.indd 662023

5、/9/1 17:21:212023/9/1 17:21:2167二、基于翻转课堂和语篇结构的初中英语写作教学实践(一)优选教学内容,落实立德树人根本任务在英语学科核心素养中,文化意识的培育有助于学生树立正确世界观,增强国家认同感和家国情怀,成长为有文明素养和社会责任感的人(教育部,2018)。教育的本质是培养人,教材选取应紧贴时代热点,落实立德树人的根本任务。本文的教学案例选自沪教牛津版英语九年级下册第二单元的写作任务:给寄宿家庭写thank-you email。考虑到学生实际的生活背景,而新冠疫情又是在当今社会大背景下的一份鲜活素材,教师把本节课写作任务改成:给新冠肺炎抗疫英雄写thank-

6、you letter。通过这节课,学生了解到抗疫英雄的事迹,对抗疫英雄表达由衷感谢,同时,也知道自己身上同样肩负着建设祖国的使命。(二)前置作业的布置,翻转课堂的体现翻转课堂真正实现了以学生为中心,更关注学习者的“学“(张彦青,2015)。其精髓在于学生课前按照自己的节奏学习与课堂教学内容相关的知识,而课堂时间则更多地用于完成教学任务。前置作业作为翻转课堂的重要体现,要与即将学习的内容相适应,能帮助落实教学目标。作业的难度、表达方式等要适合全体学生的心智发展水平,为不同层次的学生提供不同的挑战(李树民等,2014)。1.前置作业的形式以阅读报刊、观看视频和学习微课为主报刊的文章与当今社会时事热


8、考虑到“双减”政策背景,编号1)文章为必读,学生可根据自己的能力和偏好选读编号2)-7)文章。1)“Everyone can do something to help”(621期Page 3,290词)2)“Media workers help us stay informed”(621期Page 6关于传媒工作者的报道,240词)3)“Building hospitals to save many”(621期Page 6关于建筑工人的报道,240词)4)“Soldier and scholar”(621期Page 4关于钟南山的报道,370词)5)“Mourning the first do

9、ctor to give the warning”(621期Page 6关于李文亮的报道,270词)6)“Raising donations and hope”(621期Page 5关于韩红的报道,220词)7)“Surprise volunteer”(621期Page 6关于一名东北小伙志愿者的报道,280词)本节课的课前视频观看任务包括:1)学 习 强 国 平 台:“Women shine in Chinas anti-epidemic campaign”2)中国日报网:“Novel heroes:Airport workers aid fight against coronavirus”

10、3)Y老师主讲的微课:How to write a thank-you letter.微课以一封写给Ms.Black的感谢信为例,信中笔者感谢Ms.Black带她游览纽约并结识朋友。微课内容与沪教牛津版英SJ00093191 基础外语教育2023年第4期 3校.indd 67SJ00093191 基础外语教育2023年第4期 3校.indd 672023/9/1 17:21:212023/9/1 17:21:2168语九年级下册第二单元写作任务“complete a thank-you email to the Hurst family”很吻合,有利于学生进行知识迁移。2.前置作业的内容以知识

11、的归纳和整理为主为了帮助学生巩固看过的内容,教师让学生根据所看的课本知识、视频和微课,积累写作素材并制作英文感谢信的结构思维导图。思维导图能帮助学生增进记忆,加强学生对所学知识的理解,并将所学内容进一步加以深化(裴光钢,2007)。学生以不同形式整理了写作框架的思维导图,以下为其中例子(见图1):(三)语篇结构教学为写作搭建脚手架图 1 学生制作的书信格式思维导图Thank-you letterNameAddressTimeDear ,Body structureYours,Why do you write this letter?Thank you for doingWhat exactly

12、 do you thank for?It is very good of you to You are so kind toExpress your sincere gratitude I hope that I may be able to I believe基于学生在课前已初步学习了英文感谢信的结构,课堂教学要引导学生思考如何从语篇的宏观和微观角度完善这封写给抗疫英雄的感谢信。1.宏观组织结构写作主题是:你所在的学校要征集一封英文感谢信,以致敬参与抗击新冠疫情的英雄们。内容包括三点:(1)Why do you write this letter?(2)What exactly do you

13、 thank for?(3)Express your care/confidence/gratitude.学生必须明确感谢的对象,可以是医护人员、社区工作者等,确保文章各部分要呼应写作主题。全文分为三段,第一段为总起,交代写信目的,可以用句型:Im writing this letter to,Without your help,we来表达。第二段交代为何感谢抗疫英雄,列举具体的事例。第三段总结全文,表达自己对战疫必胜的信心和对抗疫英雄的感谢和关心。(见图2)2.微观组织结构(Date)Dear _,Paragraph 1:Why do you write this letter?Paragr

14、aph 2:What do you exactly thank for?Paragraph 3:Express your care,confidence and gratitude.Yours sincerely,(Your name)图 2 文章宏观组织结构SJ00093191 基础外语教育2023年第4期 3校.indd 68SJ00093191 基础外语教育2023年第4期 3校.indd 682023/9/1 17:21:212023/9/1 17:21:2169(1)转换语言表达,善用语法结构重构素材前置作业中的报刊阅读为学生展现了来自各行各业的抗疫英雄,提供了充足的素材输入。文章第

15、二段What do you exactly thank for?是全文内容核心,在写作中,学生可根据逻辑关系和表达需要用学过的语法结构重构素材,不能抄袭素材。如:学生积累的素材:Workers built Leishenshan Hospital in Wuhan.用定语从句改写素材:You have devoted yourself to building Leishenshan Hospital around the clock,which helps ensure enough hospital beds for patients.用现在分词改写素材:You have devoted y

16、ourself to building Leishenshan Hospital around the clock,helping ensure enough hospital beds for patients.学生还可以把学过的介词结构、形容词句子结构、宾语从句、状语从句等运用到写作中,如:With,wesb.is/are to do sth.It is+adj.(bold/brave/patient/considerate)(+of sb.)to do sth.It is+adj.(+for sb.)to do sth.Although,sb.(2)人称、时态学生可灵活运用所需的人称和时

17、态,但不可错误使用,下表为师生共同总结的各段落人称和时态,学生可根据实际情况进行调整。(见表1)表 1 各段落人称和时态段落人称、时态第一段第一、二人称,一般现在时第二段第一、二人称,一般现在时,现在进行时,一般过去时,现在完成时(可用一般现在时表示已经发生过的动作或存在的状态,增添描写的时效性)第三段第一、二人称,一般现在时,一般将来时(3)词语搭配学生根据实际表达选用单词、短语,描述抗疫英雄的事迹,可参考21世纪学生英文报(初三版)第620和621期中的表达:make great contributions to(为做出巨大贡献)devote yourself to sth.(献身于)he

18、roes in harms way(逆行者)around the clock(夜以继日)spenddoing sth.(花做)help do sth.(帮忙做)help measure sbs temperature(测体温)teach the public about COVID-19(教公众病毒知识)keep the public updated with news and inspiring stories(让公众了解最新的新闻)develop quick test kits(研发试剂)deliver supplies(运送物资)(四)开展多元评价,修改自己的作文写作结束,教师要引导学生

19、进行及时评价,评价方式主要有互评、自评、范文赏析、二次修正和教师批改反馈。其中,互评方式为:根据时间的充裕与否,在班上选取一、两篇学生习作进行展示,让其余学生根据评分标准用英语进行评价。对于毕业班学生来说,评分标准的设计既要从总体上反映SJ00093191 基础外语教育2023年第4期 3校.indd 69SJ00093191 基础外语教育2023年第4期 3校.indd 692023/9/1 17:21:212023/9/1 17:21:2170教师批改作文要求,也要方便学生理解和操作,为学生提供更具体的写作指导。教师为学生提供英语评价的语言框架,学生用英语评价作文,学生可以在此语言框架的基

20、础上有自己的创新。学生评价的过程是运用英语思维进行思考、以及口语产出的过程。互评环节结束后,学生根据评分标准(见表2)给自己的文章打分,自评文章的优势和不足,为二次修正做准备。表 2 评分标准Items(Total:15)Detailed explanationContent(6)内容6分内容fully(完整性)、correctly(正确性)、rich in detail(丰富性)Why do you write this letter?What do you exactly thank for?Express your care/confidence/gratitude.Accuracy(6

21、)准确性6分Grammar,words,sentences:correctly?rich in language?properly?语法、词汇、句型表达的准确性、丰富性与适恰性等。(Pay attention to tense especially.)Fluency(3)流畅性3分Structure,coherence(连贯),cohesion(衔接).短文结构、上下文连贯与衔接(衔接是必要的,且是正确的)。以下是教师为学生准备的英语评价语言框架:In total,I give point(s)to this passage.First,for content,the writing incl

22、udes part(s).(If you need)This sentence not only but also So,I give point(s)for this aspect.Second,for accuracy,(if you need)there is/are spelling/grammar mistake(s)like The tense and voice So I give point(s)for this aspect.Last,for fluency,the writing is(well-organized in structure).The sentence us

23、es(adverbial clause/relative clause),which makes it more logical and fluent.So,I point(s)for this aspect.(Date)Dear Zhong Nanshan,I am a student in Xiu Quan Foreign Language School in Guangzhou.My name is Fan Jiaxin.Im writing this letter to express my heartfelt for you.I heard that when the novel C

24、oronavirus called Covid-19 broke out,you went to most series place Wuhan by train as soon as possible.You worked so hard before and you were so tried that you slept on your seat in the train without comfortable beds.After arrived Wuhan,you asked other medical staff to let you recover the most severe

25、 patients and many patients made rapid recovery because of you,which was amazing.To my surprise,you are 84 years old now,but you never stop working to save more and more lives.I really want to say thank you for you.You are the hero of China and whole wold because you save us.So we should stay strong

26、.Well win the final victory!Best wishes!Yours sincerely,Fan Jiaxin.图 4 范同学的初稿作品(画线处为错误的地方)SJ00093191 基础外语教育2023年第4期 3校.indd 70SJ00093191 基础外语教育2023年第4期 3校.indd 702023/9/1 17:21:212023/9/1 17:21:2171在互评和自评环节结束后,学生赏析范文(见图4)并继续润色自己的作文,为二次修改作文做充分准备。学生可根据自身实际情况请教其他学生或教师,并进行相应的修改。最后,教师为学生的作文批改并反馈。通过多元评价,学

27、生不仅能分析、发现自己写作中存在的不足,而且能发现其他学生的亮点,取长补短,更进一步。图6中,范同学二次修改后的文章更为完整、感人,文章在语言表达的准确性方面有所加强,通过对高级词汇、句型的使用,深入挖掘主题意义,体现人物高贵品格,表达了在前线抗疫英雄的奋战下,全国人民团结一致,取得战疫胜利的信心。In total,I give him 13 points.First,for content,the writing includes all the parts,so I give 6 points.All the key points are mentioned clearly.What Zh

28、ong Nanshan did in the fight against Covid-19 really touches me.Second,for accuracy,I give him 4.5 points,because there are some spelling mistakes here.For example,“in”should be“from”;“series”should be“serious”;“tried”should be“tired”;letter“l”is missing in the word“world”.There are also some gramma

29、r mistakes.For example,verbs after preposition should be in“-ing”form.Therefore,“arrived”should be“arriving in”.And the preposition should be“say thank you to you”.Some expressions can be improved.For example,instead of writing“asked other medical staff to let you recover”,“offer to recover”may be s

30、impler.Third,for fluency,I give 2.5 points.All in all,Fans writing is well-organized and logical.His description of Zhong Nanshans contribution to the fight against COVID-19 is encouraging and inspiring.If he uses more advanced words and sentence patterns,the writing may be better.图 5 徐同学的课堂评价(教师转录)

31、(Date)Dear Zhong Nanshan,I am a student from Xiu Quan Foreign Language School in Guangzhou.My name is Fan Jiaxin.Im writing this letter to express my heartfelt thanks for you.When the COVID-19 first broke out in Wuhan,despite the danger,you rushed on an overnight train to the city to fight the disea

32、se.The latest picture shows you were so tired that you slept in your seat on the train without a comfortable bed.After arriving in Wuhan,you offered to treat the most severe patients and many patients got rapid recovery because of you,which is really encouraging.To my surprise,you are 84 years old n

33、ow,but you never stop saving as many as lives as you can.Sincere thanks for your contributions to the fight against COVID-19.You are the hero of China and the whole world.With some many heroes in harms way on the frontlines like you,Im sure our nation will win the final victory!Best wishes!Your sinc

34、erely,Fan Jiaxin.图 6 范同学二次修改后的作文三、结语学生觉得写作难,最主要的原因是缺乏写作素材的输入和语言脚手架的搭建。翻转课堂的特色在于,学生先在课前按照自己的节奏主动学习与课堂教学内容相关的知识,带着足够的背景知识来上课;学生的自学能力得到一定的提高。在学生已经积累一定背景知识的前提下,教师在课堂上布置写作任SJ00093191 基础外语教育2023年第4期 3校.indd 71SJ00093191 基础外语教育2023年第4期 3校.indd 712023/9/1 17:21:212023/9/1 17:21:2172务。语篇结构为课堂的写作教学提供了重要的参考依据,

35、教师从宏观和微观的角度组织语言素材和框架,引导学生分析、整理所学知识,把知识运用于实践中,助力学生写作能力的提高。相比传统的课堂输入语料,翻转课堂上的课堂时间得到更充分的运用。在课堂上,通过学生再一次接触和运用课前预习的知识,教师从以读促写的角度促进了学生的深度学习,从而更好地增强学生对知识的掌握。翻转课堂和语篇结构相结合的初中英语写作教学实践,有助于提高写作能力和自学能力,如能围绕当时的社会热点话题展开,合理选材,还能培养学生家国情怀,落实立德树人目标。参考文献:程晓堂.2005.基于语篇的语言教学途径 J.国外外语教学,(1):816李树民,赵怡,冯婷.2014.基于“翻转课堂”的地理前置

36、性作业设计策略 J.教育信息技术,(6):7577李爽,鲍婷婷,王双.2020.“互联网+教育”的学习空间观:联通与融合 J.电化教育研究,(2):2531裴光钢.2007.思维导图和外语教学 J.山东外语教学,(2):3840乔纳森伯格曼.2018.翻转课堂与深度学习 M.杨洋,译.北京:中国青年出版社.乔纳森伯格曼,亚伦萨姆斯.2018.翻转课堂与混合式教学 M.韩成财,译.北京:中国青年出版社.张彦青.2015.基于网络资源平台的英语翻转课堂教学模式探讨 J.中国教育学刊,(S1):391392中华人民共和国教育部.2018.普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)S.北京:人民教育出版社.

37、编辑:周小敏SJ00093191 基础外语教育2023年第4期 3校.indd 72SJ00093191 基础外语教育2023年第4期 3校.indd 722023/9/1 17:21:212023/9/1 17:21:21108students with appreciation of beauty and positive mental health.It also explores three ways to achieve the education value,through the teaching practice,including awakening students own

38、 experience,studying the language carefully and developing their cognition in a dynamic way.A Case Study of English Expository Reading Teaching Based on the Theory of Classroom Observation Chen Yingcai,Xie Bing&Jiang Shan.50English reading teaching should be based on the discourse,focusing on macro-

39、analysis of the discourse context,content and structure,and the micro-analysis of discourse cohesive means.Adopting the discourse analysis framework combining macro-analysis and micro-analysis,this article observes and analyzes the expository reading class of three teachers in a heterogeneous activi

40、ty of the same discourse.The results show that these three teachers attached more importance to macro-analysis of the discourse context and content rather than discourse structure.The micro-analysis of the discourse,especially the cohesive means,has got insufficient attention.This article also propo

41、ses relevant suggestions according to the theory of discourse analysis.Instructional Design Strategies for English Theme-Based Review Lesson in Primary Schools Zhang Qi.58Review Lesson is a specific type lesson in English teaching in primary schools.Theme-based review lessons have more obvious teach

42、ing effects,as they can break through the limitations of textbook materials,cover various skills,integrate teaching contents from various units and aim to cultivate the core competence of students.Take one lesson as an example,this paper discusses the strategies of designing review lessons in terms

43、of theme extraction,discourse creation,language knowledge organization,language skill reinforcement,language practice activity design and the integration of assessment in teaching.The purpose of review lessons is to optimize the teaching effect and promote the development of students core competenci

44、es.Junior High English Writing Teaching Based on Flipped Classroom and Discourse Analysis Wu Yingli.66Flipped classroom,a creative teaching mode,improves students deep learning.In this mode,students learn related knowledge by themselves before class,and then teachers guide students to apply the lear

45、ned knowledge to finish tasks in class,so as to help students understand and master SJ00093191 基础外语教育2023年第4期 3校.indd 108SJ00093191 基础外语教育2023年第4期 3校.indd 1082023/9/1 17:21:252023/9/1 17:21:25109the knowledge better.Discourse structures,the key to writing,include micro-structural properties of texts

46、 and macro-structural organization of text.Setting“writing a thank-you letter to heroes in harms way”as an example,this article tries to apply both flipped classroom and discourse structure to junior high English writing.The teacher aims to activate students initiative in learning and encourage deep

47、 learning,increase students discourse knowledge and writing ability,as well as cultivating their good values.Research and Practice on Multi-Dimensional Design of English Homework in Junior Middle School Fu Jing&Liu Xiaojie.73The arrangement and design of homework in junior high school English is one

48、 of the important links in English teaching.It often leads to monotonous content and forms,neglecting of expansion,lack of unit-teaching awareness,and failure to educate students values,affecting students interest and initiative,and reducing the ability of students thinking quality and comprehensive

49、 language ability.Based on English textbooks,this article analyzes the multidimensional strategy of homework design in junior high school English class,and practically explores how to conduct learning and understanding homework,applicable and practical homework,migratory and innovational homework,an

50、d integrated homework.A Practical Study of Project-Based Learning(PBL)Based on Senior High School English Unit Teaching Wang Fujin&Chen Fabao.84This article aims to explore the students ability to analyse as well as solve problems in the real contextual situation and therefore cultivate their Englis

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