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1、 Edgar Allan Poe坡坡(18091849)E.A.Poe(18091849)Poes mother Edgar Allan Poe(18091849)埃德加.爱伦.坡Part I.Life ExperiencePart II Literary PositionPart III.Major Works Part IV.Point of ViewPart V.StylePart VI.AppreciationThis daguerreotype of Poe was taken in 1848 when he was 39,a year before his deathLife Ex

2、perienceA miserable childhood:borninBoston,bothparents died within twoyearsafterhisbirth,takeninto the home of John AllaninVirginia,hadanunhappyrelationshipwithhisfosterfatherAn unhappy youth:at17wenttotheUniversityofVirginiabutdidnotfinish,anappointmenttoWest Point but was dismissed less than a yea

3、rlaterA struggling life:in1833,becameaneditorofSouthern Literary Messenger in Richmond,lostthepositionbecauseofexcessivedrinkingandaninabilitytomeetdeadlines,managedtoregainthejobin1835,at27,marriedhis13year-oldcousin,Virginia Clemm,drifted for several years aseditorsindifferentmagazinesbutremainedp

4、oorallhislifeEdgar Allan Poe(1809-1849)“我经常沉湎杯中物,但喝我经常沉湎杯中物,但喝 酒并没使我感到半点儿乐酒并没使我感到半点儿乐 趣。我不惜生命和名声,趣。我不惜生命和名声,不顾理智,一味喝酒,并不顾理智,一味喝酒,并 非追求乐趣,而是竭力逃非追求乐趣,而是竭力逃 避令人痛苦的回忆,逃避避令人痛苦的回忆,逃避 无法忍受的孤寂,逃避迫无法忍受的孤寂,逃避迫 在眼前的大限。在眼前的大限。”A bitter and mysterious death:in1847,wifediedoftuberculosis,in1849,diedinmysteriousci

5、rcumstances Life Experience a miserable childhoodwas adopted by John Allan an unhappy relationship entered the University but didnt finish went to West Point but was dismissedat 27 he married his 13-year-old cousin her death in 1847 left him a bitterer life died in mysterious circumstances,in 1849 P

6、art II.Poes literary positionForerunner of western decadent literatureForerunner of aesthetic literatureExplorer of abnormal psychologyFather of psychoanalytic criticismPath-breaker of American detective novelFather of modern short storyHis position Poes position in world literature is secure.His in

7、fluence is world-wide in modern literature.His aesthetics and conscious craftsmanship,his attack on“the heresy of the didactic”and his call for“the rhythmical creation of beauty”have influenced French symbolism and the devotees of“art for arts sake”.Poe is father of many things,one of which is psych

8、oanalytic criticism,the other being the detective story.Edgar Allan PoePoes literary contributionAestheticismPrinciple of beautyPrinciple of unity and concentrationCareful choice of diction for desired effect(the musical effect of words themselves)Negligence of so-called truth and social,political a

9、nd moral suggestions“Pure poetry”or“pure art”Unity of effect and atmosphere;content in service of artistic effectComments on PoeEdgar Allan Poe is themost controversial andthemostmisunderstoodliterary figure in thehistoryofAmericanliterature.“我我不不在在乎乎我我的的作作品品是是现现在在被被人人读读还还是是由由子子孙孙后后代代来来读读。我我可可以以花花一一

10、个世纪来等待读者。个世纪来等待读者。”Edgar Allan PoeEmerson dismissed him in three words“the jingle man”(打油诗人),Mark Twain declared his prose to be unreadable.And Whitman was the only famous literary figure present at the Poe Memorial Ceremony in 1875.Not accepted before French symbolists like Charles Pierre Baudelair

11、e (1821-1867)and Mallarm.In AmericaEmerson:“thejingleman”(noisy)Mark Twain:Hisproseisunreadable.Henry James:“anenthusiasm for Poe isthemarkofadecidedlyprimitivestateofdevelopment”Whitman:admitPoesgenius,butit was“its narrow range andunhealthy,luridquality”(terrible)T.S.Eliot:acriticofthefirstrank,bu

12、twith“slipshodwriting”(careless)Reasons for Misunderstanding1)As a perceptive critic,he wrote some scathing criticisms on distinguished literary figures.2)His literary executor sullied his reputation after his death.In EuropeGeorge Bernard Shaw:“the greatestjournalisticcriticofhistime”Hispoetryis“ex

13、quisitelyrefined”.Histalesare“completeworksofart”.Baudelaire:“EdgarPoe,whoisntmuchin America,must become a great man inFrance.”柯柯南南道道尔尔:“一名侦探小说家只能沿这条不宽的主道而行,所以他时时都会发现前方有坡的脚印。如果他偶尔能设法偏离主道,独辟蹊径,那他就可以感到心满意足了。”凡凡尔尔纳纳:“他肯定会有模仿者,有人会试图超越他,有人会试图发展他的风格,但许多自以为已经超过他的人其实永远也不可能与他相提并论。”肖肖伯伯纳纳:“它们不仅仅是一篇篇小说,而完全是一件件

14、艺术品。”Poe enjoyed respect and welcome in EuropeHis reputation was first made in France Today,his works are read with appreciation and understanding.Poes influence was considerable in Spain,Italy,Germany and Russia.Poe was the first American writer whoformulizedthetechniqueoftheshortstory.Inpursuitoft

15、hetotality ofeffect throughcompression,immediacy and finality,Poeinventedthegenreofthedetectivestoryanddeveloped a new fiction of psychologicalanalysis.Poehasthusoftenbeenconsideredasthefatherofthemodernshortstory.Part III.Major Works FamousAmericanpoet,short-storywriter,andliterarycriticMostcontrov

16、ersialandmisunderstoodinAmericaWellreceivedinEurope,England,Spain,esp.inFranceLiteraryoutput:someseventyshortstoriesandadozenpoemsA:PoemsB:ShortstoriesC:literarytheoryD:onefull-lengthnovel:The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym(1838)亚瑟.戈登.皮姆的故事Shaws evaluation of Poes achievementa critic,a poet,a short

17、story writer the greatest journalistic critic of his timehis poetry is“exquisitely refined“(精致优雅精致优雅)his tales are complete works of arta great writer of fiction,a poet of the first rank,and a critic of insight a.A short story writer stories:two kinds Horror Ratiocination(推理)“The Fall of the House o

18、f Usher”“The Black Cat”“The Cask of Amontillado”“Ligeia”(莉盖亚)(莉盖亚)“The Purloined Letter”(被窃的信件)(被窃的信件)fifty poems typically Romantic in both form and content Poes poetictheories Poetry should be short and readable at one sitting,should appeal only to“beauty”(aiming at“an elevating excitement of the

19、soul”)True poetry is“the rhythmical creation of beauty”“The Philosophy of Composition“The Poetic Principle”b.A poetc.A literary critic Poems1The Raven (1844)乌鸦乌鸦2Annabel Lee 安娜贝尔丽安娜贝尔丽3TheSleeper睡美人4ADreamWithinaDream梦中梦5Israfel伊斯拉菲尔6TheBells钟7SonnetToScience十四行诗-致科学8To Helen 献给海伦献给海伦9TheCityintheSe

20、a海中的城市made Poe famous as a poet symbol of his dark doubtsand frustrated longing“Nevermore”永不再Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque 述异集述异集 a collection of short stories talestwo kinds Horror Ratiocination(推理)“The Murders in the Rue Morgue”莫格街谋杀案莫格街谋杀案 “The Gold Bug”金甲虫金甲虫 “The Black Cat”黑猫黑猫“The Cask

21、of Amontillado”(红色死亡假面舞会)(红色死亡假面舞会)“Ligeia”莉盖亚莉盖亚“The Fall of the House of Usher”a story in Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque“The Purloined Letter”被窃的信件被窃的信件“The Mystery of Marie Roget”玛丽罗杰谜案玛丽罗杰谜案Short Stories1.Horror Fiction(死亡恐怖小说)(死亡恐怖小说)TheFalloftheHouseofUsherTheMasqueoftheRedDeathLigeiaThe

22、BlackCatTheCaskofAmontilladoTheTell-TaleHeart2.Detective Novel(推理侦探小说)(推理侦探小说)MurdersintheRueMorgueThePurloinedLetterTheGoldBug3.Science Fiction(科幻小说)(科幻小说)4.Satirical Novel(幽默讽刺小说)(幽默讽刺小说)Short stories1 MS.Found in a Bottle(1833)瓶中手稿2 Tales of the Grotesque and the Arabesque (1839)荒诞奇异的故事3 The Murd

23、ers in the Rue Morgue(1841)毛格街血案毛格街血案4 The Fall of the House of Usher 厄舍古屋的倒塌厄舍古屋的倒塌5 The Cask of Amontillado 一桶白葡萄酒6 Ligeia 丽姬亚7 The Purloined Letter 窃信案8 The Man of the Crowd 人群中的人9 The Tell-Tale Heart 泄密的心10 William Wilson威廉.威尔逊11 Black Cat黑猫12 The Imp of the Perverse变态的小鬼13 The Gold Bug金甲虫14 The

24、 Mystery of Marie Roger 玛丽.罗热疑案15 The Masque of the Red Death 红色死亡的化妆舞会 literary theoryThe Poetic Principle The Philosophy of Composition Review of Twice-Told Tales 评霍桑的His theory for short story-clarity 1.The short story must be of such length as to be read at one sitting(brevity),so as to ensure t

25、he totality of impression.2.The very first sentence ought to help to bring out the“single effect”of the story.3.No word should be used which does not contribute to the“pre-established”design of the work(compression).4.A tale should reveal some logical truth with“the fullest satisfaction”and should e

26、nd with the last sentence,leaving a sense of finality with the reader.(a certain decision 某种结局)Poes theory for short storyShort story should be of brevity,totality,single effect,compression(压缩压缩)and finality.His theory of poetry 1.His poetic theories are remarkable in their clarity.2.The poem should

27、 be short,readable at one sitting(or as long as“The Raven”).3.Its chief aim is beauty,namely,to produce a feeling of beauty in the reader,to pure ones soul.4.Melancholy is the most legitimate of all the poetic tones.5.Poetry does not have to inculcate a moral.6.The artistry of the poem lies not in w

28、hat is being said but in what way it is said.(form is superior to content)7.stresses musical quality of verse and defines true poetry as“rhythmical creation of beauty.”Poes theory for poetry poems short but achieve maximum effectproduce a feeling of beauty in the reader pure“,not to moralizeHe stres

29、ses rhythm insists on an even(规则的规则的)metrical flow 真实能够满足人的理智真实能够满足人的理智,感情能够满足人的心灵感情能够满足人的心灵,而美则能激动人的灵魂而美则能激动人的灵魂Themes 1.death predominant theme2.horror“Poe is not interested in anything alive.Everything in Poes writings is dead.”3.negative thoughts of scienceEdgar Allan PoeLiterary features of Poe

30、Motifs of Poes poems and stories:LoveBeauty(supernatual beauty)Death(often of a woman,a lover)TerrorNeurotic disorderEdgar Allan PoePoes gothicismDecadent contentGrotesque imagesAbnormal psychesMelancholy Supernatural elementsOther gothic elements(deserted castle,old temple,dark and gloomy cellar;st

31、one coffin;dead woman;hero of abnormal psyche)Style 1)He was good at generalizing.2)His style was traditional.3)He insisted on an even metrical flow in versification.Annabel LeeBy Allen PoeSettingThenarrator(persona)writesaboutafictionalkingdomalongtheoceanshore.Itisanidyllic,beautiful,landofenchant



34、rofangelsaroundthethroneofGod.AccordingtotheBible,theyeachhadthreepairsofwings.Inthepoem,theseraphsaresoenviousofthelovebetweenthenarratorandAnnabelLeethattheycauseAnnabelsdeath.RelativeofAnnabelLee:A“highbornkinsman”(Line17,Stanza1)whocarriesawayandentombsherbody.Familiar Motif:Romeo and JulietLike


36、peninglinesofthesecondstanza.)The Real Annabel LeeThemodelforAnnabelLeewasprobablyPoeswife,VirginiaClemm,whomhemarriedwhenshewasonly13.Theirmarriagewasaveryhappyone.Unfortunately,shediedoftuberculosisinJanuary1847whenshewasstillinhertwenties.PoediedtwoyearsandninemonthslateronOctober7,1849.“AnnabelL



39、ndfallofthetides.Healsorepeatskeyphrasessuchasin this kingdom by the seaandmy Annabel Lee(ormy beautiful Annabel Lee)tocreatehauntingrefrains.Inaddition,Poesometimesrepeatswordsorwordpatternswithinasingleline,asin(1)many and many a year ago,(2)we loved with a love that was more than love,and(3)my da

40、rlingmy darling.Poefurtherenhancestherhythmofthepoemwiththerepetitionofconsonantsounds(alliteration).Notice,forexample,therepetitionofthe“w”and“l”soundsinthislineinStanza2:But we loved with a love that was more than love.Poesometimescouplesrepetitionofconsonantsoundswithrepetitionofvowelsounds,asinm

41、any and many,love and be loved,andthose who were older than we.Word Choice:Poecarefullychosethewordsofthepoemtoevokeadreamlandorfairytaleatmosphere.It was many and many a year ago,forexample,echoesthetraditionalfairytaleopeningofonce upon a time.Thewordskingdom,maiden,andchildthenleadthereaderintoth


43、minousconnotation,suggestingfinality.Italsohasamoredeathlyring,likethecavernoustollofafuneralbell.ImageryDarkness and Light:Impliedandexplicitimagesofdarknessandlightoccurthroughoutthepoem.Poeimpliesthatthekingdombytheseaisabright,cheerfulplacewherethesunshinesontwoyounglovers,thenarratorandAnnabelL




47、hemountains;Soletmehaveachancetoexploremy“AlicesWonderland”asa“loneranger”.SometimelaterwhenIcomebacktoyouwithexoticexperiencesandfreshinsights,Imsureyouwilllookatmeinanewlight.Mydearhusband,solongasyouletmehavesuchalittle,littleworld,Illbeverymuchindebtedtoyou.Use of Alliteration:Poe relies heavily

48、 on alliteration in Annabel Lee to create pleasing sound patterns.Following are examples of alliteration in the poem:First StanzaNotice the recurrence of m and n sounds(alliteration).Second StanzaCoveted:envied,resented Third Stanzathis was the reason:the seraphs envy long ago:these words echo many

49、a year ago in Line 1,Stanza 1.a cloud:Using these words instead of the sky infuses foreboding and gloom while symbolizing the dark envy of the seraphs.selpulchre:British spelling of sepulcher.Britain,of course,has always had a monarchy,the type of government that would rule in a kingdom by the sea F

50、ourth stanzaout of a cloud by night:Use of this phrase emphasizes the dark envy of the angels and their sneaky scheme(which unfolds under the cover of night).chilling and killing:an example of internal rhyme Fifth StanzaThe narrator here focuses on three worlds:(1)earth,the realm of humans;(2)heaven

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