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上传人:快乐****生活 文档编号:2340621 上传时间:2024-05-28 格式:PPT 页数:18 大小:3.10MB
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1、A Lets talk1精选ppt课件I can wear my sweater.Its warm and windy.Lets guessspring2精选ppt课件Lets guessI can wear my coat.I can play with snow.winter3精选ppt课件I can wear my shorts.I can eat ice-cream and watermelon.Lets guesssummer4精选ppt课件Its windy and cool.I can eat many fruits.Lets guessfall5精选ppt课件Whats you

2、r favourite season?springsummerfallwinter6精选ppt课件Whats your favourite season?favourite=like bestWhich season do you like best?I like best.springsummerfallwinter7精选ppt课件Seasonweather(天气)springsummerfallwinterwindy and warmsunny and hotwindy and coolwindy and coldIts always.in _.8精选ppt课件Lets talk Whic

3、h season do Mike and Zhang Peng like best?Zhang:Zhang:Which season do you like best?Which season do you like best?Mike:Mike:_.Its always _ and _._.Its always _ and _.Which season do you like best?Which season do you like best?Zhang:Zhang:_.I can play with snow._.I can play with snow.Mike:Mike:I dont

4、 like _.Its too _.I dont like _.Its too _.Fall sunny cool coldwinter Winter 9精选ppt课件Well,in Canada I like fall best.The sky is very blue.The leaves are colourful.10精选ppt课件I like winter best.we go up north.We play in the snow.11精选ppt课件Winter is beautiful,but it s too cold for me.I like summer best.I

5、like to swim in the sea.12精选ppt课件Summer is good,but fall is my favourite season.13精选ppt课件The duck says:I like summer.Because I can swim in the river.I can swim like this Zip says:I like fall,Because I can go hiking and fly kites.and plant trees.14精选ppt课件make a Snowman skateThen the Zoom says:I like

6、winter,Because I can make a snowman and skate,Its so funny!15精选ppt课件Which season do you like best?I like summer.I can swim.swimfly kitesskatemake a snowman plant trees 16精选ppt课件SeasonActivities(活动)springsummerfallwinterfly kites,go hiking,climb mountainsswim,eat ice-creamplay with snowI can in _.fly kites,go hiking,climb mountains17精选ppt课件此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!

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