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1、(完整word)大学英语三级A真题2018年06月 有答案大学英语三级(A)真题2018年06月Part Listening ComprehensionDirections: This part is to test your listening ability。 It consists of 4 sections.Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues。 There are 5 recorded dialogues in it。 After each dia

2、logue, there is a recorded question。 Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper。 Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a

3、 single line through the center。1、 A. A training course。 B。 A work plan. C。 Computer skills。 D. Business management.2、 A. He attended a summer school. B。 He worked as a volunteer。 C。 He travelled around the country。 D. He made a survey in a local hospital.3、 A。 He has been writing a paper。 B. He has

4、 been studying all night。 C. He has been playing games all night. D。 He has been working on the night shift.4、 A。 Very clear. B。 Too simple。 C。 Too long。 D。 Very good.5、 A. He is having a meeting. B. He is in his office now. C. He is available next week. D。 He is on sick leave.Section BDirections: T

5、his section is to test your ability to understand short conversations。 There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions。 Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answe

6、r from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper。 Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.6、 A。 He broke his leg. B. He has caught a cold. C. He has a stomach ache。 D。 He has a toothache。7、 A。 At 2 oclock this afternoo

7、n. B. At 3 oclock this afternoon。 C. At 10 oclock this morning。 D. At 10 oclock tomorrow morning。8、 A. A construction company. B。 An engineering company。 C. A clothing making company。 D。 A website design company。9、 A。 In the suburbs. B。 Near the airport。 C. In the downtown area。 D。 In a small town。1

8、0、 A. On foot。 B。 By bus. C。 By car。 D. By subway.Section CDirections: In this section you will hear a recorded short passage。 The passage is printed in the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read two times. You are required to put the missing words or phrases on

9、 the Answer Sheet in order of the numbered blanks according to what you hear.Good Evening Everyone! Thank you for this wonderful farewell party for me. When Im leaving, nothing is 11 than to learn that I am so special。 I want everyone here to know that this is the place where I have become the perso

10、n I am today。 I have learned everything that I needed to learn, and more, from this 12 job. I want to thank this organization, particularly my director, Mr。 Anderson, for giving me the space 13 , for allowing me to make my own decisions, and then learning from my own 14 。 As I move on to a world wit

11、h 15 , I can only say ”Thank you, my dear friends, and I will always cherish everything this company has given to me.Section DDirections: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages。 You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions。 Both the passage and

12、 the questions will be read two times. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase (in no more than 3 words)。 The questions and incomplete answers are printed in your test paper。 You should write your answers on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.16、 Wh

13、at ceremony is the speaker addressing? The _ ceremony of the International Arts Contest.17、 What opportunity does the contest provide for young people? A good opportunity to _ their creativity。18、 How many countries and regions participate in the contest now? _。19、 What is the theme of the contest f

14、or this year? The theme is _。20、 In what way are the photographic works submitted? Through the _ from overseas。Part StructureDirections: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections。21、 He stayed patient and answered every single question,

15、 _ obvious the answer was。 A。 no matter when B。 no matter whether C。 no matter what D. no matter how22、 Generally speaking, you should arrive at the airport with plenty of time _。 A. sparing B. to spare C. spare D。 spared23、 In most cases, panel interviews were _ than those held by single interviewe

16、rs. A。 more reliable B. reliable C. most reliable D. least reliable24、 They opened a new store in our city, but not until last week _ it。 A。 we visited B。 we would visit C. did we visit D。 have we visited25、 If I were you, I _ job-hunting by visiting the websites of these companies。 A. will start B。

17、 had started C. start D. would start26、 Each worker puts in nearly 2,200 hours a year, _ average, and contributes about $30 to GDP per hour. A. with B. in C. on D。 under27、 If you have difficulty _ your bills, tell your utility company as soon as possible. A. pay B。 paid C。 to pay D. paying28、 _ mos

18、t students own a smartphone, the school does not allow them to use it in the classroom。 A。 Even though B. In case C. Now that D. If only29、 The airport is usually your first stop before _ on your vacation or trip。 A. leave B. leaving C. left D。 to leave30、 It was at yesterdays meeting _ I misunderst

19、ood what you had said. A。 that B. where C. which D。 whoSection B31、 Training new staff should (conduct) _ as soon as possible after they are hired.32、 Thank you very much in advance for (consider) _ my application and I look forward to hearing from you soon。33、 I would be willing to attend an interv

20、iew at any time (suit) _ for you.34、 I do believe that you can be a good manager by (slight) _ adapting your behaviors。35、 Today working for an established company is no longer a guarantee of lifetime (employ) _。Part Reading ComprehensionTask 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you wil

21、l find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 to 40. For each question or statement, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center。Now you and your family are eligibl

22、e for ABSOLUTELY FREE pharmacy saving cards. Never pay full price at the pharmacy again. Your EasyCare cards are ready to use immediately。 They entitle youand every member of your familyto savings on every FDA-approved Prescription Medication (处方药) sold. EasyCare has secured preferred rates on medic

23、ations by partnering with the largest pharmacy chains in the United States。 EasyCare passes those savings along to you for FREE-and we will continue to work with our pharmacy retail partners to bring more affordable healthcare to you. With these cards you can save up to 75 off all prescriptions (an

24、average of $150 annually per card user), regardless of your medical history. Every time you fill a prescription, simply bring your card to one of EasyCares partner pharmacies and save up to 75 on more than 50,000 prescription medications。 See a list of participating pharmacies in the right column on

25、 the reverse side of your card. These cards are not insurance. There areno monthly fees-no deductibles (自付额)-no eligibility requirements。 EasyCare can be used by anyone。 No one is excluded from this program for any reason. If your friends want to request their own card, they can visit us at .36、 Wit

26、h an EasyCare card, people can _. A。 buy valuable medicines at half price B. enjoy free medical care all over the country C。 make an appointment with a well-known doctor D. pay less for all FDAapproved Prescription Medications37、 EasyCare can enjoy preferred rates on medications by _. A。 working clo

27、sely with the local pharmacy retailers B. being a partner with the largest pharmacy chains C。 passing its profits to customers D. obtaining approval from FDA38、 Where can you find a participating pharmacy in your EasyCare card? A. In its left column。 B. At its bottom. C. On its back. D. At its top。3

28、9、 By saying No one is excluded from this program for any reason”, the writer means _。 A. you may be denied for no reason at all B. anyone can be an EasyCare card holder C. you dont have to pay to join the program D。 EasyCare is designed to serve professionals40、 The main purpose of this passage is

29、to _。 A. ask people to apply for EasyCare cards B. tell when EasyCare was approved by FDA C。 explain why EasyCare operates efficiently D. inform people of the cost of EasyCare cardsTask 2Directions: This task is the same as Task 1。 The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 to 45.Worki

30、ng to a clear plan during an emergency will help to ensure that you are effectively prioritizing (优先选择) many demands upon your attention. Do not allow yourself to become distracted by nonvital activities。 Always bear in mind the main steps of emergency actionAssess, Make Safe, Give Emergency Aid, an

31、d Get Help. Your approach should be brisk (轻快的), but calm and controlled, so that you can quickly take in as much information as possible. Your priorities are to identify any risks to yourself, to the casualty (伤亡人员), and to any other people around, then to access the resources available to you and

32、the kind of help you may need。 State that you have first-aid skills when offering your help. If there are no doctors, nurses, or more experienced people present, calmly take charge. First ask yourself these questions: Is there any continuing danger? Is anyones life in immediate danger? Are there any

33、 other people who can help? Do I need specialist help? The conditions that caused the accident may still present further danger。 Remember that you must put your own safety first. You cant help others if you become a casualty yourself。 Often, very simple measures, such as turning off an electric swit

34、ch, are enough to make the area safe。 Sometimes more complicated procedures are required。 Never put yourself and the casualty at further risk by attempting to do too much; be aware of your limitations.41、 In order to act effectively during an emergency, you are advised to _。 A。 ask for help from a h

35、ospital B. seek an experts advice C. turn to police for help D. follow a clear plan42、 To obtain the greatest amount of information in an emergency, you should _。 A. identify whether you yourself are safe or not B。 take a quick, calm and controlled approach C。 get to the emergency spot immediately D

36、. possess some first-aid skills43、 When offering your help in an emergency, you should tell others that you _. A。 teach in a medical school B. are a medical student C. have firstaid skills D。 work in a hospital44、 What does the writer ask you to keep in mind when offering help to others? A。 Putting

37、your own safety first。 B. Turning off all electric devices。 C。 Giving as much help as you can。 D. Adopting simple measures if possible。45、 The passage is mainly about _. A. whom to turn to during an emergency B. how to act properly in an emergency C。 where to get emergency help D. when to offer firs

38、t-aid helpTask 3Directions: Read the following passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline below it (No. 46 to No。 50). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than three words) on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.After months of intense training and preparation, ou

39、r WorldSkills competitors are ready to make their presence on the worlds stage. In the coming October, Singapore will be sending 21 competitors to the 44th WorldSkills Competition, in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates。 This competition, also known as the Olympics of Skills, will be held from Oct 15 to

40、 18. Some 77 countries or regions will compete in 51 skill areas. Of the 21 competitors from Singapore, 11 of them are NYP students。 They conquered (征服) the Singapore version of the competition in July 2016, and have been training since for their nine skills areas which include robotics, IT, healthc

41、are, graphic design and visual merchandising (推销). NYP has traditionally done well in the global WorldSkill competition。 Since first participating in 1997, weve obtained two Albert Vidal Awards (given to the competitor with the overall highest score), 11 Golds, one Silver, five Bronzes and 22 Medal

42、(奖章) for Excellence。 NYPs WorldSkills Competitors Participation: the 44th WorldSkills Competition (also known as the 46 ) Time: from Oct. 15 to 18 Place: 47 , United Arab Emirates Number of countries or regions participating: about 48 Number of skill areas competed: 51 Singapore competitors: Total n

43、umber: 21 Number of NYP students: 49 Skill areas being trained: robotics, IT, healthcare, 50 and visual merchandising, etc。Task 4Aaccident prevention B-personal protective equipment Chealth and safety risk D-corrective actions E-dangerous goods Fjob safety analysis G-safety strategy Hjob stress I-un

44、safe acts Jemergency response plan K-workers compensation Lqualified person M-first aid Ncertified safety professional Omedical treatment Pcancer screening Qemployee health survey51、 _工作压力 _非安全行为52、 _事故预防 _癌症筛查53、 _员工健康普查 _危险物品54、 _健康与安全风险 _急救55、 _工作安全分析 _个人防护设备Task 5Directions: Read the following passage。 After reading it, you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No. 56 to No. 60) that follow。 T

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