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1、(完整版)西南大学在职研究生英语作业Text 1导语:从教数载,你一定收到过无数的请假条,请假的理由五花八门:自个儿生病;父母亲生病;爷爷奶奶生病;小狗生病;小猫生病;跌倒摔倒;闹钟未响;车船晚点等等等等。当然,这些理由真真假假。要当面揭穿孩子们的谎话还真不是件容易的事.等等!干嘛一定要当面揭穿?这不,Ralph Mckee Vocational School的写作课老师Frank灵机一动:与其当面让孩子难堪,何不将计就计?一堂创意写作课由此而生.其实,教学也需要创意,你说呢?让我们都跟本文的作者Frank学学吧!TextExcuses, Excuses1Frank McCourt2My st

2、udents forge (编造)the notes。 I turned them into a lesson plan。 1 I was in my third year of teaching creative writing at Ralph Mckee Vocational School in Staten Island, New York, when one of my students, 16yearold Mikey, gave me a note from his mother。 It explained his absence from class the day befor

3、e. 2 “Dear Mr。 McCourt, Mikeys grandmother who is eighty years of age fell down the stairs from too much coffee3 and I kept Mikey at home to take care of her and his baby sister so I could go to my job at the ferry(渡轮) terminal(航空站). Please excuse Mikey and hell do his best in the future。 disguise:

4、disaiz v. 伪装;假装forge: f:d v. 伪造genuine: denjuin adj。 真实的lunatic: lju:ntik adj. 疯狂的;愚蠢的epiphany: ipifni n. 顿悟anthology: nldi n。 选集P.S。 His grandmother is ok。 I had seen Mikey writing the note at his desk, using his left hand to disguise(伪装) his handwriting。 I said nothing。 3 Most parentalexcuse notes

5、 I received back in those days were penned by my students。 Theyd been forging(编造) excuse notes since they learned to write, and if I were to confront(面对) each forger Id be busy 24 hours a day.4 I threw Mikeys note into a desk drawer along with dozens of(很多) other notes。 While my classes took a test,

6、 I decided to read all the notes Id only glanced at(看了) before。 I made two piles, one for the genuine(真实的) ones written by mothers, the other for forgeries. The second was the larger pile, with writing that ranged from imaginative(想象地,虚假的) to lunatic(愚蠢的).5 I was having an epiphany(顿悟)。6 Isnt it rem

7、arkable(非凡的), I thought, how the students whined (发牢骚)and said it was hard putting 200 words together on any subject? But when they forged excuse notes, they were brilliant。 The notes I had could be turned into an anthology(选集) of Great American Excuses. They were samples of talent never mentioned(提

8、到) in song, story or study。7 Here was American high school writing at its best -raw(未加工的), real, urgent(紧急的), lucid(清晰的), brief, and lying。 I read: 8 The stove(炉灶) caught fire and the wallpaper went up and the fire department kept us out of vulgar: vl adj。 粗俗的;通俗的choke: tuk v。 呛;使窒息sheriff: erif n。

9、州长;郡治安官the house all night.9 Arnold was getting off the train and the door closed on his school bag and the train took it away, He yelled to the conductor who said very vulgar(粗俗的) things as the train drove away。10 His sisters dog ate his homework and I hope it chokes him.11 We were evicted(赶出) from

10、 our apartment and the mean sheriff(州长) said if my son kept yelling for his notebook hed have us all arrested.12 The writers of these notes didnt realize that honest excuse notes were usually dull: “Peter was late because the alarm clock didnt go off.13 One day I type out a dozen excuse notes and di

11、stributed(分布) them to my senior classes。 The students read them silently, intently(专心). “Mr. Mccourt, who wrote these? asked one boy.14 “You did,” I said. “I omitted(省略) names to protect the guilty(内疚的)。 Theyre supposed to be written by parents, but you and I know the real authors. Yes, Mikey?” 15 “

12、So what are we supposed to do?” 16 “This is the first class to study the art of the excuse note-the first class, ever, to practice writing them。 Youre so lucky to have your best writing and turned it into a subject worthy of study。” 17 Everyone smiled as I went on. “You didnt settle for(满足于) the old

13、 alarm clock story。 You used devilment: devlmnt n。 恶作剧;坏事immerse: im:s vt. 沉浸;使陷入seduction: sidkn n. 诱惑;魅力plight: plait n. 困境your imaginations。 One day you might be writing excuses for your own children when theyre late or absent or up to some devilment(坏事)。 So try it now。 Imagine you have a 15yearo

14、ld who needs an excuse for falling behind in English。 Let it rip(let us begin)4.” 18 The students produced a variety of excuses, ranging from a 16wheeler crashing into a house to a severe case of food poisoning(中毒) blamed on the school cafeteria。 They said, “More, more。 Can we do more?” 19 So I said

15、, “Id like you to write-”And I finished, “An Excuse Note from Adam 5 to God or An Excuse Note from Eve 6 to God。 Heads went down. Pens raced across paper。 20 Before long the bell rang。 For the first time ever I saw students so immersed(沉浸) in their writing they had to be urged to go lunch by their f

16、riends: “Yo, Lenny。 Come on。 Finish it later.” 21 Next day everyone had excuse notes, not only from Adam and Eve but from God and Lucifer. One girl defended (辩护)the seduction (魅力)of Adam on the grounds that Eve was tired of lying around Paradise(仙境) 7 doing nothing, day in and day out(日复一日)。 She was

17、 also tired of God sticking his nose into their business。 22 Heated discussions followed about the relative guilt and sinfulness of Adam and Eve. No one said anything negative(消极的) about God, though there were hints。 He could have been more understanding of the plight of (的困境)the first man and woman

18、, said someone.treason: tri:zn n. 法 叛国罪;不忠superintendent: ,sju:printendnt n. 监督人;负责人reckoning: rekni n。 计算;清算;算帐attest: test vt. 证明;证实 23 I asked the class to think about anyone in history who could use a good excuse note. I wrote suggestions on the board: Eva Braun, Hitlers girlfriend。 Julius and E

19、thel Rosenberg8, executed for treason(判处叛国罪). Judas。 Attila the Hun, Lee Harvey Oswald. Al Capone。 24 “Yo, Mr。 McCourt, could you put teachers up there?” said a student。 25 And then I heard, “Mr。 McCourt, the principal(主要的) is at the door。” 26 My heart sank as the principal entered, along with the s

20、uperintendent(负责人) of schools。 Neither acknowledged me. They walked up and down, peering at papers(看报纸). The superintendent picked one up, showed it to the principal。 27 The superintendent frowned(皱了皱眉头). The principal pursed his lips 9。 On their way out, the principal said the superintendent would

21、like to see me. 28 Here it comes, I thought. The reckoning. The principal was sitting at his desk; the superintendent was standing。 “Come in,” said the superintendent。 “I just want to tell you that that lesson, that project, whatever the hell you were doing, was topnotch(最高质量的)10. Those kids were wr

22、iting on the college level.” 29 He turned to the principal and said, “That kid writing an excuse note for Judas。 Brilliant。 I just want to shake your hand,” he said, turning back to me. “There might be a letter in your file attesting(证明) to your energetic and imaginative teaching. Thank you.” 30 God

23、 in heaven。 High praise from an important person. Should I dance down the hallway, or lift and fly? Next day in class, I just started singing。 31 The kids laughed。 They said, “Man, school should be like this every day, us writing excuse notes and teachers singing all of a sudden(突然地)。” Sooner or lat

24、er(早晚有一天), I figured, everyone needed an excuse。 Also, if we sang today we could sing tomorrow, and why not? You dont need an excuse for singing。Notes1. This text is excerpted from Teacher Man, 2005 memoir written by Frank McCourt which describes and reflects on his teaching experiences in New York

25、high schools and colleges。2. Frank McCourt, born in 1930 in Brooklyn, New York, began a process of selfeducation and improvement that led, eventually, to a career as a high-school teacher。3. too much coffee: she drank too much coffee。4. Let it rip: let us begin。5. Adam: Adam was the first man in the

26、 world according to Bible.亚当6. Eve: Eve was the first woman who lived with Adam in the garden of Eden。 夏娃7. Paradise:Paradise is a place where good people will live in happiness。 天堂8. Judas. 犹大,叛徒.Lucifer: 魔鬼,撒旦9. pursed his lips: 撮起嘴唇10. topnotch: excellentPhrases and Expressions be evicted fromto

27、be forced to leave somewhere驱逐,赶走glance atto give a quick short look一瞥turn intoto change into进入, (使)变成be worthy of deserving respect, admiration or support:值得的Reading ComprehensionChoose the best for each of the following.1。 According to the passage, the teacher _。A。 is angry with his studentsB. doe

28、s not like his students forging excuse notesC。 blames the parentsD. teaches a successful writing class2. Mikey missed school_。A。 because his grandmother fell down from the stairsB。 because he did not like his teacherC. because his parents wanted him to be homeD。 because he did not want to go to scho

29、ol3. When the students forged the excuse notes, they were _。A. very smart and imaginative B。 boredC. indifferentD。 excited4. The principal of the school _.A。 blamed the teacher for what he had done in classB. praised the teacher for what he had done in classC. was disappointed with the teacherD. fir

30、ed the teacher5. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A。 The students enjoyed the teachers writing class very much.B. The students were very creative in forging excuse notes。C. The teacher enjoyed teaching writing.D. The students did not enjoy the teachers writing class.VocabularyIChoose th

31、e answer that best completes each sentence.1。 A number of _D_works of art have been sold as genuine.作为真正的A. falseB。 beautifulC。 famousD. forged2。 To _B_ ones power is to commit a crime and eventually end up in jail.A。 accuse指责B。 abuse虐待;辱骂C。 deduce推断D. excuse借口3。 Seeing the speeding car, the policem

32、an _B_the driver to pull up at the curb。A。 reckoned估计B. beckoned示意C。 softenedD. stiffened4。 Unfortunately, he hit a traffic jam and missed the train_B_ a few minutes。A. withB. byC. beforeD。 for5. She gave a clear and _A_ account of her plans for the companys future。A. lucidB。 dullC. unclearD. ambigu

33、ous6. Isnt it rather _C_ to talk about how much money you earn?A。 politeB. boringC。 vulgar庸俗的D。 pleasant7。 The books will be _D_ free to local schools.A. contributed贡献B. tribute颂辞;证明C. attributed把归于D。 distributed8. The editor required him to _A_ some details各种细节 of the article。A. omit省略B. permit许可证C

34、。 summit最高级的;政府首脑的D. illuminate 阐明9。 Few of us can be unmoved by the _C_ of the Romanian orphans罗马尼亚孤儿.A。 lightB。 mightC。 plight困境D。 moonlight 10. I have to _B_ my reputation.名声A. detect发现B. protectC. intact完好无缺D. prevent阻碍IIFill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below。 Change the form w

35、here necessary。evictedchokedisguise隐瞒forgegemimaginationlucidomitworthyexcuse 1. I know why this happened。 You dont have to find any _excuse_.2. He was _evicted_ from the pub for drunken and violent behavior。3. This emperor is said to have paid many personal visits to various counties _disguise_ as

36、an ordinary citizen。4. Every year she makes a large donation to a _worthy_ cause。5. Children often have very vivid _imagination_。TranslationPut the following paragraphs into Chinese.Reading is a pleasure of the mind, which means that it is a little like a sport: your eagerness(渴望) and knowledge and

37、quickness(迅速地) make you a good reader. Reading is fun, not because the writer is telling you something, but because it makes your mind work. Your own imagination works along with the authors or even goes beyond his. Your experience, compared with his, brings you to the same or different conclusions, and your ideas develop as you understand his。阅读是心智的乐事,颇有点儿像从事一项运动:需要热情、知识、敏捷三者具备才能做好。读书之所以有趣,不是由于作者告诉了你什么,而是由于书本促使你思考。你的想象与作者的想象一道展开,甚至超过作者的想象你的体验与作者的体验进行对照,使你得出与作者相同或不同的结论,而你在了解作者思想的同时便形成了自己的思想。

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