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1、BOOK7 Module1-3 基础检测单项选择1. _we shall be able to help you when youre in troublePlease trust usAIts doubtful whether BWe doubt whetherCIts no doubt that DTheres no doubt that2. Successful people always make _ preparations for any potential setbacks. A.final B.urgent C.abrupt D.adequate3.The programme

2、is being broadcast _.A.lively B. live C.lovely D. living5. - Im sorry to have you kept waiting. - It doesnt mater. Im quite used to _.A. wait B. waiting C. be waiting D.have waited6. Last month Mr Smith was invited to _ an important medical conference in Shanghai.A. join in B. join C. attend D. take

3、 part in8. Some researchers believe that there is no doubt _ a cure for AIDS will be found.A. which B. what C. that D. whether9. - Michael was late for Mr Smiths oral class this morning.- _? As far as I know, he never came late to class. A. How come B. So what C. Why not D. What for10. In my opion,l

4、ife in the twenty-first century is much easier than _. A. that used to be B. it is used to be C. it was used to be D. it used to be11. My grandfather is always thinking for other. In another word, he is always _. A. modest B. cautious C. considerate D. considerable12. Weve just heard a warning on th

5、e radio that a hurricane is _to come this evening. A. likely B. possible C. probable D. believable 13. The new technology will make _possible to grow food with very little water. A. it B. it is C. that D. that is 15. _caused the accident is still a complete mystery.A. What B. That C. How D .Where16.

6、 _ I am concerned, I think the project should be held off right now. A. As long as B. As far as C. As soon as D. As well as17. -I had a really good weekend at my uncles . -_A. Oh , thats very nice of you . B. Congratulations C. Its a pleasure . D. Oh , Im glad to hear that 18. No sooner had I left t

7、he shop _ a man came to me and asked me if my name was Peter. A. whenB. thenC. asD. than19.He is interested in farming and is _ to know everything about the farm. A. eagerB. anxiousC. worriedD. busy20 Judging from_ large number of the trees planted on the mountain, we know_ large number of students

8、took part in the activity.A a; the B the; a C a; a D the; the 21. Not once in the last month_ for leave because of personal affairs.A did she ask B she asked C has she asked D she has asked22. My father has worked for 20 years in the field of medicine, so he has_ a huge amount of experience. A achie

9、ved B piled C completed D accumulated23. It was only when I reread his poems recently_ I began to appreciate their beauty. A until B that C then D so24. _ about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research.A So curious the couple was B So curious were the couple C

10、How curious the couple were D The couple was such curious25. She is writing a letter to a friend of hers,_ him to attend the party.A inviting B having invited C invite D invited26. I cant quite remember_ you started playing golf.A when it was that B when was it that C that it was when D that was it

11、when27. ._ gone to bed when he began to sonre.A He hardly had B Had he hardly C Hardly he had D Hardly had he28. It was_ late in the evening that her husband arrived home. A after B when C till D not until29. After ten years hard work, Mr. Johnson was manager of the famous company. A. distributed B.

12、 appointed C. dominated D. confirmed30. The local government is expected to take measures to improve air quality. A. competitive B. accessible C. adequate D. slight 31. Is it likely it will rain in the late afternoon? The weatherman said it would.A. that B. what C. whether D. why32. It is only when

13、I read the novel for the second time to understand the complex plot. A. did I begin B. that I began C. then I began D. had I begun33. What surprised me most was they had finished the work so quickly. A. that B. what C. as D. which 34. I really hope I can pass the exam. Oh, well, . A. you are the bes

14、t B. good luck to you C. its out of the question D. thats fantastic35. The headmaster told the boy _ the angry teacher , but he refused to. A. to apologise B. apologise to C. to apologise for D. to apologise to选修七 4-6模块 落实检测I.单项选择1. What do you think about his advice? To be honest,I can see nothing

15、_.Aof any use Bto be use Cto be useful Dto be of use2. I _ the French written papers but failed in the English oral examination.Agot throughBlooked through Cwent through Dlived through3. I admired my classmate Lisa very much._ her prettiness,she was smart and helpful.AExcept for BBut for CApart from

16、 DIn spite of4. What suggestion did Thomson give you?He said he would _ me to Professor Macrae as his postgraduate student.AcommentBselect Ccommand Drecommend5. The story _ me of an experience I once had in the forest.AmentionedBinformed Creminded Drecalled6. Your hard work _ your great progress in

17、English.Acontributed to Bresulted from Cdepended on Dlied in7. _ busy schoolwork,the children also have to take arts,music and sports classes in their free time.I wonder what they will become.ARather thanBOwing to CExcept for DApart from8. Having walked in the desert for several days,they felt exhau

18、sted,but they had to find a pool before the water they had in the bottle _. Aput outBkept outCran out Dused up9. As a teacher you should _ your method to _ the needs of slower students.Aapply;enable Badjust;meet Cincrease;change Dweigh;shape10. He doesnt have _ furniture in his roomjust an old desk.

19、AanyBmany Csome Dmuch11. They hand down the _ from generation to generation to keep their way of life alive.AinterestBhabit Ccustom Daction12. Whats wrong with Jenny? A call from her mother _ an attack of homesickness.Asent outBset out Cset off Dsent off13. The children went home from the grammar sc

20、hool,their lessons _ for the day.AfinishingBfinished Chad finished Dwent finished14. _ you may have,you should gather your courage to face the challenge.AHowever a serious problem BWhat a serious problemCHowever serious a problem DWhat serious a problem15. A completely new situation is likely to _ w

21、hen the school leaving age is changing.AaffectBrise Carouse Darise16. Fully _ to looking after three children at home,she no longer has time to enjoy various activities in the club. AattachedBoccupied Ccontributed Ddevoted17. It is said that the novel Henry had devoted so many years to _ published l

22、ast week.Aget Bgets Cgot Dgetting18. If you let pressure benefit _ upset you,much more can be accomplished than you thought possible.Amore thanBrather than Cother than Dless than19. The art show was _ being a failure;it was a great success.Afar fromBalong with Cnext to Dregardless of20. The teacher

23、recommended that everyone _ this dictionary. A. bought B. buying C. buys D. buy21. At a rough _, the hurricane caused a loss of 2 billion dollars to the area.A. cost B. prediction C. budget D. estimate 22. _ she would listen to what I say, she might be able to sort out this problem. A. If necessary

24、B. If only C. Even if D. As if 23. The couple decided to hold their wedding _ they met for the first time.A. how B. what C. where D. who24. Whats your opinion, Mr. Wang? I suggest the thief _ into prison.A. referred to being put B. referred be put C. referred to be put D. referred should be put25. T

25、he doll is cracked and worn, but its _ to me because it was my mothers.A. precious B. previous C. primitive D. prehistoric26. They have a meeting every Friday, _ there is nothing to discuss.A. if B. since C. unless D. because27. _ you go, you should do your work well.A. WhoeverB. HoweverC. WhereverD

26、. Whatever28. The city of Tokyo has _ population of 13 million and is _ capital city of Japan. A. a; a B. the; a C. a; the D. a; /29. The little boy burst into tears when he saw the fierce dog. He was _ frightened. A. eventually B. gradually C. practically D. apparently30. It was Egyptians who first

27、 used the 365-day calendar, which, with certain changes, is now _ in many countries. A. in use B. in vain C. in danger D. in turn31. Lets hurry, _ its too late to catch the train.A. therefore B. besides C. instead D. otherwise32. Beethoven suffered a complete hearing loss at 46. _, he managed to com

28、pose many masterpieces. A. Even so B. If so C. Therefore D. Meanwhile33. Such a chance is not easy to obtain, why not _ it?A. take charge of B. take advantage of C. take notice of D. take possession of34. She is a _ person. Im afraid she doesnt like such fancy clothes.A. flexible B. modest C. contro

29、versial D. conventional35. She came to the scene _ she heard of the car accident.A. the moment B. so that C. unless D. although36. How I wish every family _ a large house with a beautiful garden.A. has B. had C. will have D. had had 37. It is time that you _ home and Id rather you _ again tomorrow.

30、A. would go; would come B. went ; came C. go; are coming D. are going ;will come 38. _ I accept that he is not perfect, I do actually like the person.A. While B. Since C. Before D. Unless39. Allow child the space to voice their opinions, _ they are different from your own.A. until B. even if C. unle

31、ss D. as though 40. The party will be held outside _ it rains A.only if B. so long as C. whether or not D. in case41. He was about to go to bed _ the doorbell rang. A. while B. as C. before D. when42. No sooner had I arrived home _ it began to rain.A. when B. while C. as D. than43. When I turned to

32、the person _ next to me, I recognized that he was my schoolmate.A. seatingB. being satC. sitD. seated44. Here are some new computer programs _for home buildings. A. designing B. design C. designed D. to design45. The flowers his friend gave him will die unless_ every day.A watered B watering C water

33、 D to waterI.单项选择1-5DDBCB 6-10 CBCAD 11-15CAABA 16-20BDDAB 21-25CDBBA 26-30ADDBC 31-35 ABABD选修七 4-6模块 能力提升答案及部分解析1. 解析:选A。此处用ofn.结构作后置定语。2. 选A。句意:我通过了法语笔试,但是没通过英语口语考试。get through通过。look through浏览;go through经历;live through度过。3. 解析:选C。该题中的her prettiness属于Lisa的优点之一。故用apart from。4. 解析:选D。本题考查动词辨析。答句句意:他

34、说他会向Prof.Macrae推荐我做他的研究生。comment评论;select选择;command指挥;recommend推荐。5. 解析:选C。remind sb.of sth.使某人想起某事。mention提及;inform sb.of sth.通知/告诉某人某事;recall主动回忆起。6. 解析:选A。句意为“你努力工作促使你英语取得了很大进步。”7. 解析:选D。句意为“除了繁重的学业外,孩子们在业余时间里还不得不参加艺体班。”注意后面also这个词的含义。8.解析:选C。句意:在沙漠里已走了好几天了,他们感到精疲力竭了,但是他们不得不在瓶里的水喝完前找到一个水池。run out

35、用完,用光,耗尽。A项,扑灭,伸出;B项,挡住,使进不去;D项,use up sth.用光某物。9. 解析:选B。句意:作为一名老师,你应当调整自己的教学方法以满足理解较慢的学生的需求。第一空要用adjust表示“调节,调整”。apply“申请;应用”;increase“增加”;weigh“称量”。第二空用meet表示“满足”。10. 选D。furniture是一个不可数名词,所以many不正确。否定句中要用any而不是some,所以some不正确。not.any意思为“一点也没有”,与后面的“just an old desk”不符,所以答案为D项。11. 选C。句意:他们一代一代传承着使他们

36、生活具有生气的传统。custom“传统风俗、习俗”,符合语境。12. 选C。句意是:詹尼怎么了?她妈妈打来了电话,引起了她的思乡病。本题用set off表示“引起”。send out发送,派遣,放出;set out出发,陈述,摆列;send off寄出,派遣,解雇,给送行。13. 解析:选B。句意:那天的课程一结束,孩子们纷纷从那所文法学校回到家里。逗号不能连接两个句子,当两句话并列时,需要并列连词,而题干中没有并列连词,故排除C、D两项;由于没有连词可判断逗号后应为独立主格结构作状语,在此结构中逻辑主语lessons与finish之间为被动关系,故排除A项。14. 解析:选C。句意:不论你的

37、问题有多严重,你都应该鼓起勇气,接受挑战。考查状语从句。分析题干可知逗号前是让步状语从句,what不能用来引导状语从句,所以排除B、D两项;howeveradj.a/an单数名词whatevera/anadj.单数名词,故C项正确。15. 解析:选D。affect“影响”;rise“升起,上升”;arouse“唤起”;arise“出现,产生”。根据句子意思结合词语意思得出答案。16. 选D。句意:全身心地在家照料三个孩子,她无睱顾及俱乐部的各种活动。be devoted to表示“投身于,致力于,”故D项符合题意。A项与后面“没有时间”信息不一致;B项后不接to;C项不符合语境。17. 解析:

38、选C。此题注意要克服思维定势,the novel Henry had devoted so many years to为主语部分,got published“出版了”是谓语动词。18. 解析:选B。句意为:如果让压力使你受益而非让你烦扰,那么你所取得的成就可能远比你想像的多。rather than而不是;more than比多;other than除之外,不同于;less than少于。19. 解析:选A。句意是:艺术展览远非失败,而是一次巨大的成功。此句要用far from表示否定意义,意为“远非”。along with与一起;next to靠近;regardless of不顾。20.D 21-25DBCCA 26-30CCCDA 31-35 DABDA 36-40BBABC 41-45 DDDCA4

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